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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11531351 No.11531351 [Reply] [Original]

How do cook rice so that it's not a mushy mess?

>> No.11531355

use less water and cook it less

>> No.11531357

Rinse it til the water is mostly clear

>> No.11531367

So, 1 part rice to 1.5 parts water?

>> No.11531369

Follow this method exactly to the word. It’s effortless and perfect every time. I’ve been using it for years and have 100% success rate.


>> No.11531398

instead of simmering it covered, boil it half covered for 15 minutes on Hi flame

>> No.11531418

This guide is pretty much perfect. The thing people have the most tendency to fail is NOT fucking with the rice while it cooks. They always want to take the lid off and stir it. That fucks everything up and your rice will be shit.

>> No.11531427

less, try 1 part rice to 1 part water

>> No.11531447

literally keep trying new methods until you get a feel for it and essentially you'll have created your own method that will be unhelpful to the next generation of rice cookers who have to repeat the process.

>> No.11531521

Use a rice cooker and read the instructions

>> No.11532269

I thought this was a meme but the rice is much better. I never had the issues these morons seem to have but still its an improvement

>> No.11532274


>> No.11532281

Actually this.
Rice is cheap. Go nuts.

>> No.11532312

>How do cook rice so that it's not a mushy mess?
pilaf style. rinse rice in a mesh strainer until water runs clear. start a pot on medium heat and add some butter. here you can optionally add some minced shallot or onion, your choice, and sweat that down. put the rice in and stir around and let the rice get nice and coated, and keep cooking until it starts getting translucent and smelling really good. add water and some salt and pepper and bring to boil, then reduce heat and simmer covered. cook until all the water is gone. uncover, remove from heat, place a towel over the pot, and put the lid back on and let it sit for little longer. remove lid, towel, and fluff with fork.

>> No.11532350

rice cooker, $20, perfect every time.

>> No.11532554

>Don't rinse
>Use mom's shitty old dented aluminum caldero
>Saute a whole clove of garlic in a little bit of olive oil until it starts to brown
>Throw in 2 cups of rice and stir until it's coated with the oil
>Add 3 cups water, crank up to high heat
>Reduce to medium heat once it's boiling
>When the water level is even with the rice, add a pinch of salt and stir, then cover the pot and reduce heat to the lowest setting
>Let it simmer for 20 minutes, DO NOT uncover until it's done
Comes out perfect every single time.

>> No.11532567

Take rice

Take water

Put in rice cooker


>> No.11532800

Sorry I can't read braille

>> No.11532966

This is what I do and I find it much better

>> No.11532984

Spend 200 dollars on rice cooker.

>> No.11532993
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Buy a rice cooker and use the instructions that come with it. There is a reason why rice cookers are so popular in Asia, and that is because they are easy to use and they make it more or less impossible to fuck rice up.

>> No.11533003

You accidentally typed an extra 0.

>> No.11533013

>Level the rice in the pot and place your index finger so that it just touches the surface of the rice. Add water until the level comes just up to the crease at the backside of the top of the first knuckle on your index finger.
This is fucking stupid, the ratio you'll get is totally dependent on how much rice you're making and how big the pan is.
How would this possibly work?

>> No.11533064


I think its some stupid 'old wives' wisdom which basically means 'cover rice by about an inch or so' of water but of course they didn't have such measurements back then and suggesting that much water usually worked so it stuck as instructions being passed down..

>> No.11533066

It doesn’t matter idiot. You’re boiling the water away until it’s below surface. At which point you’re just steaming it. Unless you’re using some ludicrous rhombus shaped pot you’ll be fine.

>> No.11533069
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Buy long grain rice, rinse excess starch off before cooking, don't overcook it.

>> No.11533579

>buy the best rice (jasmin rice)
>wash it down a few times with cold water
>If you measured a cup of rice, put a cup of water in
>highest heat until it boils
>immediately put the stove to 1 (or the lowest)
>wait 15-20min
Perfect every time

>> No.11533593

You should rinse rice before you cook it

>> No.11533601

get white rice. don't have to rinse it off.
2 cups cool/room temperature water per 1 cup rice
brief stir, bring to boil. once it boils, lower heat and put on lid. water should be absorbed within 15 minutes

>> No.11533608

It depends on the type of rice. Some absorb more water than others and cook in different amounts of time. Just google your specific rice type and how much water and cooking time it needs. I was able to nail it the first time doing that and I'm usually retarded when it comes to cooking

>> No.11533648

How to make rice sticky as possible?

>> No.11533706

>rice on the stove
as a chink, i still don't understand why you would do this

>> No.11533712

>buy the best rice (jasmin rice)

>> No.11533751
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Cook it like pasta, boiling and trying it until the bite is just right, then drain it
No worrying about ratios, fluffing or any other bullshit

>> No.11533853

rice cooker.
>muh unitasker
fuck off Alton, an appliance that you use every day is worth buying, unitasker or not

>> No.11533868

Dumb logic. Might as well just eat TV dinners. Why cook food when you could just microwave a single plate every meal right? People that own rice cookers are fools.

>> No.11533934

get one of those rice cookers you can bake a cake in

>> No.11533940

cook it persian style

>> No.11533955

Steamed rice.. opinions?

>> No.11533975

eating white rice is worse than chugging coca cola. You morons just think diabetes is a western thing for whatever reason

>> No.11534189

pressure cookers make better rice imo

>> No.11534192


>> No.11534268


>> No.11534430

use glutinous rice

>> No.11534433
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(no u)

>> No.11534484

>the absolute state of morbidly obese ketofags