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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11531126 No.11531126 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /ck/ pleb filters? pic related

>> No.11531138

people asking for pleb filters

>> No.11531145


>> No.11531156

on what basis?

>> No.11531161

>that anon who's never stepped foot in a professional kitchen but thinks eating out is a sham because he can do better at home because he learned everything he knows from youtube

>> No.11531170

>professional kitchen
You work at fucking Arbys, nigger

>> No.11531174

That wasn't even meant to be bait, yet you still somehow fell for it, pleb.

>> No.11531176

you gotta learn from somewhere. what's wrong with youtube?

>> No.11531196

Absolutely nothing. But thinking that you cook better food than industry anons who make more meals on a Friday night than you do in a year is laughable. There's nothing wrong with being a home cook and learning from the internet - and I love OC, even from complete beginners; I often give constructive criticism in those threads - but there's a general attitude with a lot of people on /ck/ that recreating some Chef John goulash or whatever will always be superior than going out to a good restaurant, and that's just kind of silly and close minded.

>> No.11531383

someone’s jealous!!! Did someone prefer a meal cooked by a UTube recipe over your slop you learned in your expensive cuisine school?
It’s ok, there there.

>> No.11531408


>> No.11531424

>volume = quality
Look, no doubt a professional line cook can sling more food out and be more consistent, but a knowledgeable homecook experimenting can come up with better dishes than your following robotic assembly line instructions. Face it, you're a cog in the machine who thinks his "skill at combining ingredients rapidly according to fixed instructions" somehow equates to a good cook. Now go take a few hits of fetanyl, meth, speed or whatever and kick Jose the 15 yo illegal dishwasher's ass in your frustration at your life, ok?

>> No.11531465

>skill at combining ingredients rapidly according to fixed instructions
I wasn't talking about fast food. In a real restaurant the chef will say shit like, "we have [x] ingredient, make a special/soup out of it". Or just, "make a bbq sauce/make a balsamic vinaigrette/make pesto/etc..." and you're expected to just do it without asking questions or having to look up a specific recipe (if you pull out measuring spoons instead of just seasoning to taste you'll get laughed at).

Even if we're just talking about basic skills like making a batter and deep frying something or cooking a steak to temp, quantity absolutely equals quality, because cooking is a craft and you learn from repetition. That said, when you work in a kitchen you're surrounded with a bunch of other anons who've been doing it longer than you, in all sorts of restaurants, surrounded by anons who've been doing it longer than them. You learn something knew every day working in a real kitchen; it's can seem like it's just working on an assembly line sometimes, but it really isn't. You're always tasting things and trying different combinations of ingredients.

I'm not trying to act like I'm superior to anyone because I'm a line cook, but it's just really stupid to think that any home cook has anything on anyone who's been in the industry for a few years.

>> No.11531467

eating a dish without hot sauce

>> No.11531473
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>> No.11532866

You're right. The haters wouldn't take their sick kids to the neighbor who watches youtube medical videos - they'd go to a legit MD with proper training and experience.

>> No.11532874

it's cheaper and much more rewarding (in my opinion) to cook for yourself at home. but I do agree that there are some things that people can do better. i am one of those that would rather learn to get something right than to depend on someone elses skills to enjoy something.

>> No.11532893

Redpill me on olives