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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 720x477, brussels-sprouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11526447 No.11526447 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11526448

nothing. greens are rabbit food

>> No.11526449

probably the best vegetable in existence, debate me

>> No.11526467
File: 23 KB, 400x244, 600885d8-a586-4f39-aa8f-aaf7b2ef781c-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to be poverty food, but then the bugmen decided it was more "sustainable" than meat, so now balding, open-mouthed, androgynous baristas with $100k in student debt will line up to be seen buying these nasty, bitter, slimy vegetables at Trader Joe's and other luxury grocery stores, because if you don't jump off the cliff like all the lemmings, you're a big mean SEXIST. Don't you even believe in equality? Then pay over $2 for something that tastes terrible and probably gives you liquid volcano shits.

>> No.11526488

I fucking hate brussel sprouts...wouldn't touch them with a 10' pole desu...
My wife brought some home once and cooked them up, as she brought the pot over to the table to start doling them out I asked if I could do it for her and she gave me the pot...which I took to the back door and threw it into the back yard...
I wouldn't let my kids eat that utter crap...vile shit...

>> No.11526506

fills you up and is cheap. though i live in the netherlands and have always eaten brussel sprouts so your milage may vary

>> No.11526510

It's a vegetable the appeal is that it's food

>> No.11526512

With... all those... ellipses, I'm... inclined to think... you're the woman... in the relationship.

>> No.11526516

They're good. Steam or boil them and eat with black pepper and vinegar. Alternatively, pan fry them with some butter.

>> No.11526520

You're trying too hard.
Slice them in half. Fry them up in a pan with a bit of olive oil and butter. Put a lid on your pan so the tops steam through. Takes about 10 minutes for a few servings. Remove the lid. Salt and pepper then top with a little parm cheese or however you want to do it. Good shit. The bottoms crisp up very nicely.

>> No.11526521
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 61VenvYHTQL._SS500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy who made the other brussels sprouts thread with the misspelled MS Paint image is gonna be pissed.

>> No.11526523

The appeal is they’re delicious. Bake with butter.

>> No.11526537

>hey guys veggies are delicious if you lather them with butter and cheeses

>> No.11526541

B'scuse me?

>> No.11526547


>> No.11526548

I usually toss them with olive oil, salt and pepper and roast them. Top tier vegetable.

>> No.11526549

>Trader Joe’s
>home of the two buck chuck

>> No.11526551

>implying this is unique to vegetables
>implying it takes much
I guess I'd be mad too if I were a constipated little bitch like you. Sorry your mum fed you nothing but kraft singles and hot dogs. It's not too late to learn to eat your veggies kid.

>> No.11526552

Cut them in half and roast them on high heat until they're crispy. I put on a little oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, thyme, oregano, and maybe some balsamic vinegar.

>> No.11526664

>Have to put one ton of ingredient to hide the shit taste
>its good

>> No.11526671

Can people not eat what they like without you being a little bitch about it? The majority of your posts here are the same thing over and over.

>> No.11526684

One of the symptoms of ASD is repetition.

>> No.11526688

Roughage. Even fucking carnivores eat green things occasionally. I agree that they suck though, and I only eat them to please the person who served them to me.
Imagine being this fucking one-track. Fuck this post sucks.

>> No.11526719

Obligate carnivores get their green things by digesting the intestinal tract of the animals they eat.

>> No.11526736
File: 1.85 MB, 500x376, 1528532585551.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oil, salt, pepper, and pieces of pancetta pan roasted
Absolute God tier.

>> No.11526743

>Even fucking carnivores eat green things occasionally
then they're not god damn carnivores, are they?
god everybody born later than i was is stupid

>> No.11526791

I love brussels sprouts.
Olive oil, salt, pepper. Roast in the oven.
Fuckers are tasty.

>> No.11526798

And your're a fag...like I care?

>> No.11526841

temp and time?

>> No.11526898

I dunno, it's appealingly substantial and tastes good to me. I mean, I've steamed 'em and ate 'em with nothing on 'em and that was still tasty. Apparently there's a gene that means you don't taste the bitterness in greens so I assume I have that.

>> No.11526935
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Just cut them in half and sautee them in a pan with butter and garlic for ten minutes if you like them slightly crunchy still like i do, add salt and pepper to taste

>> No.11526946

I usually dice up some pepperoni and add it in, bro tier

>> No.11526952

I like to eat these and broccoli because it makes me feel I'm getting a ton of nutrition

>> No.11526989

ah was thinking about an oven roast

>> No.11527099

There's no way a grown man wrote this childish shit

>> No.11528022

They smell like fucking shit but they taste really good with balsamic and honey if done right.

>> No.11528038

My uncle made some candied Brussels sprouts they were great

>> No.11528070
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The sulfur smell just doesn't bug me for some reason, and they taste fairly sweet for a green. Halved some, added salt, lightly coated in bacon grease, roasted at 450F. Most delicious thing I've ever eaten to be honest.

>> No.11528246


I love roasting them in the oven for a good hour so that they're practically liquid in the middle. Especially when they're seasoned with red pepper and garlic powder.

>> No.11528256

absolutely mouth watering

>> No.11528262

Roast them tossed in olive oil/salt/pepper with chopped bacon then toss in a balsamic reduction or vinaigrette, it’s pretty tasty. Though I can just eat them boil and sprinkled with salt.

>> No.11528777

what temp would that be? also, you dont half them in this way right?

>> No.11528787

this thread inspired me to get some brussels first thing tomorrow, thanks guys

>> No.11528789

>Steam or boil

fuck off Nigel stop ruining innocent brassicas

>> No.11529287

That wasn't me. Frozen I do at 375 Fahrenheit for like 25 minutes (I put them in while preheating) and flip them half way through. Refrigerated I throw in at 400 for like 15 minutes after preheat and don't bother flipping. The two come out differently but they're both tasty.

Ovens may vary. Try one out a few minutes before my recommended times to taste, my man.

>> No.11529296

btw I'm talking about whole brussels, not halved. Obviously for halved you cut down the times a little. And halved brussels kinda come out crispier and tastier, depending. But I like whole frozens 'cause they kind of dissolve in the middle.

>> No.11529307

they start to taste sweet when they're steamed, try it

>> No.11529446
File: 462 KB, 917x681, 6286F7D1-0E15-4C2E-B637-B5EF854DEABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quickly panfried with garlic, bacon, red onion and bit of lemon.

>> No.11529562

One time at a popular local restaurant I was having fried chicken and fries, and the dish always includes a seasonal veggie. Well that time around, brussel sprouts was the veggie. I gave them a try, they were like little cabbages to me as far as I could tell flavor-wise. They were tasty.

>> No.11529564

I ate them yesterday, boiled (not too long they should not get mushy) with some ground nutmeg on top. Some boiled potatoes and Calf sausage on the side. It was good.