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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11525425 No.11525425 [Reply] [Original]

Could you do it, /ck/?

>> No.11525470

You mean like every generation that has come before us? Of course I could, you soft spoiled manchild.

>> No.11525479

You're acting like I've not done it before.

>> No.11525493

Yeah. I think more people should, or at least watch videos of it being done, because a lot of people completely disassociate eating meat with having to kill an animal for it which makes them not have any respect for it, overeat, and have no problem with wasting it.

Would be nice if lab-grown meat is available soon and it's no longer an issue anymore though.

>> No.11525500

It's more traumatic with lamb.

>> No.11525548

i don't know, but the way he drags the chicken up into the picture and it goes BAWK?! has splattered my sides to the walls.

>> No.11525711

We just hack their heads off with an axe around here.

>> No.11525720

but it was already dead when he cut its throat right? it looked like he killed it off camera

>> No.11525740

A lot of animal will notice a wound but won't notice blood loss.

>> No.11525745

Whats the sauce actually made of? I don't understand

>> No.11525763

Why not cutting the head off altogether? Putting it in the plate was also really distasteful desu

>> No.11525893

Obviously, I'm not a fucking faggot

>> No.11525934


>> No.11525949

Honestly I wish they just sold live-livestock like that here in my country. Especially fish. The stuff that's sitting in plastic on sanitary pads is fucking gross.

I've never killed or gutted a land animal, but I've done as much with fish I've caught and that wasn't a big deal.

>> No.11525978

What, you see it as a sex object?

>> No.11525983

>not eating the crest

>> No.11526060

nah, it's screams just evoke more empathy from me
same thing with pigs

>> No.11526120
File: 177 KB, 1024x768, Achorn-Farm-Chicken-Plucker-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plucking by hand fucking sucks. Either get/make a plucker drum or just skin them.

>cement mortar and pestle


>Could you do it

No, I don't chop up the bones like that. It leads to bone splinters occasionally. I remove all the meat from the bone and make stock with the bones, skin, etc. In fact, I'm canning turkey stock right now from the Thanksgiving turkey. It's been simmering for days.

>> No.11526148

Everything about this post tells me you don't know the beauty of Asian cuisines

>> No.11526172

Could I? Yes, but I don't really want to

>> No.11526175

t. sheltered amerishart who thinks hes meat magically appears in his supermarket

>> No.11526183

please don't bully them
the average american can't even handle transferring raw chicken meat into the pan without using gloves

>> No.11526187

I can't stand Asian food. American-Asian is okay, but full on Asian is terrible for the most part. It is like some retard decided to make food.

>> No.11526250

He looks like he eats cocks

>> No.11526265

It's your loss. It's sad that you can't appreciate kou shui ji, ramen, kimchi fried rice, laksa, char kuay teow, suckling pig, Beijing duck, roast three layered pork, dim sum, sushi, tempura etc. The list goes on.

>> No.11526266

Kill a chicken? Sure. Boil the thing whole with the head on and hack up the bones and serve with an absurd amount of strong sauce? Would you even taste the chicken past the garlic, ginger, and chili? No thanks.

>> No.11526310

>I want so little spice that the mild flavor of chicken is still prominent
white people everybody

>> No.11526314
File: 41 KB, 613x531, 8fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11526402

>that fucking GAWK noise it's done when he lifts it up
Hahaha I'm dying!

>> No.11526451

Yeah I would have just hacked off the head in one go, no need to let it slowly bleed out like some muslim barbarian.

Also then you can see it run around without head LOL!

>> No.11526499


>> No.11526536

Halal and kosher slaughter is objectively results in a cleaner meat. Slicing the carotid and jugulars results in a quick death due to immediate hypoxia of the brain. Because the spine is left intact as well the vagus nerve, the heart continues pumping for a short while, thus allowing a greater amount of blood to leave the body.

If you were to chop the head off completely, the would be more blood left over.

I've seen plenty of slaughters throughout my life, the muslims and jews did get one thing right at least. The animals were far less stressed out compared to some third world places (Looking at you, China).

>> No.11526555

It's true. When I lived in peru they actually slaughtered animals the "halal" way just because it made the animal easier to clean

>> No.11526632

literally all lies. Nice try Abdul.

>> No.11526645

yeah this guy is correct despite butthurt /pol/tards who patrol these threads for reason to yell about things they don't like

>> No.11526654

man chinks are crazy
also oil isnt a sauce

>> No.11526659

what exactly is "crazy" about that video?

>> No.11527220

Captive bolt guns will knock an animal unconscious faster than cutting its throat. Captive bolt guns also don't stop the heart from beating, so an animal can still be bled after using one. There really isn't any good reason to slaughter an animal without using one first, and not using one just lets the animal feed more discomfort.

>> No.11527289

heh, Wang Gang

>> No.11527320

except not everyone has access to a captive bolt gun

>> No.11527353

Man isn't that a bit too much sauce?
口水鸡 more like sauce鸡 lmao

>> No.11527355

Yeah, throat cutting is the best way to do it if a knife is really all you have available. I was mainly talking about the people who can use one but choose not to.

>> No.11527380

the best way to slaughter a chicken is to cut its head off with shears

>> No.11527794


>>sheltered amerishart who thinks hes meat magically appears in his supermarket>>11526175

>> No.11527806
File: 450 KB, 1920x1080, east asian bullfrog with pickled chili pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Pepe

>> No.11527817

Post more international (non English) cooking channels please.

>> No.11527881
File: 41 KB, 629x488, 1542343799542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11527890

everybody should do it once.

>> No.11528016

I'd prefer not to, but a mans gotta eat

>> No.11528041

I've butchered about 9 chicken thus far and only messed up gutting one.

>> No.11528101

Pigs are bastards so I feel no sympathy for them.I use to keep them until old enough to go to the slaughterhouse. Made good money too

>raise pigs until old enough to slaughter
>baby pigs are adorable
>running around making cute noises
> get a little older
>act like puppies
>pigs turn into adults
>go to feed them like normal
>pigs not moving
>not making noise
>just standing and staring
>one pig rushes forward
>grabs shirt through fence
>30 minute struggle ensues
>only ends after I spill food in its eyes
>run 20 feet away and scream "fuck you bacon bound cunts"

Make no mistake if you fall a pig will eat you alive

>> No.11528212

Fried pork ribs using medium heat for 3 minutes, then high heat for 10 seconds.
Is the pork ribs undercooked?


>> No.11528239

I'm guessing in his country, it's normal or even a fanciful touch to put the head in there. Maybe it's to let the patron decide if they want to eat it or not. I know here in the US, people don't usually get cooked fish with the head still on, but I tried a whole fish once and found the head was pretty good. Maybe there's an up to eating chicken head that we just aren't aware of.

I appreciate videos like this for reminding us of the significance of eating other living things. Many societies around the world recognize and respect this essential balance between man and nature. We would all be wiser, I feel, to consider it more often in our daily lives as omnivores.

>> No.11528260

I don't think I will ever go for eating bullfrog, just such gross slimy fucks