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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11524937 No.11524937 [Reply] [Original]

>go anywhere but Canada and USA

>organ meat everywhere

What the fuck rest of world. Gross. I wish gout was lethal.

>> No.11524956
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11525007

Liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world

>> No.11525013

Good, stay 2 yo forever so the prices of offal don't quadruple like you caused to happen with flank and skirt steak, faggot.

>> No.11525017

Ah yeah I remember personally increasing the prices of those. Good times

>> No.11525045

You know why organ meat tastes like shit, because we're eating animals that are sick af eating unnatural diets and the meat often isn't fresh and preserved with chemicals

>> No.11525054
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>> No.11525698

>not eating the gizzard

>> No.11525737

the organs meats are the more nutrient dense part of the animal, in many cultures the muscle meat is considered to be low quality and the organs are prized. liver is great for you and tastes great too.

>> No.11525753

here in the civilized world we eat what tastes good. we're not forced to pick and choose what portion has the most nutrients to ensure our continued survival.

>> No.11525772

But mommmmmyyyy that stuff is gwossssss!!! I want tendies and choccie milkie!!!
Thank God stupid retards like you exist who eat the worst part, the meat

>> No.11525777

Are you an invalid? You post like one

>> No.11525782
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>here in the civilized world we eat what tastes good. we're not forced to pick and choose what portion has the most nutrients to ensure our continued survival.

>> No.11525783

I only eat tusks, bone matter and fur.

>> No.11525800

You're not helping your case. You're a poor fuck who has to eat organ meat.

>> No.11525809

>he doesn't eat organ meats
fucking philistine
although i gotta be grateful, if you plebs actually acquired some taste, organ meat prices would skyrocket and boy do i not want this to happen

>> No.11525814

>Eating muscle because it's expensive where you live
>Organs are the most expensive part(because they taste better) everywhere else
Imagine being this ignorant
If your Walmart overlords asked for 100$/lb for the eyelids you would eat them because they're expensive
Nice buzzword loser

>> No.11526101

Blah blah blah I'm poor. You didn't even deny it by the way.

>> No.11526634


>> No.11526695

>organs are poor people food

They why do rich people like foie gras so much and why is it so expensive?

>> No.11526727

the civilized world is also full of cancer, fat asses, cavities and faggots so I wonder what the cause is...

>> No.11526856
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>American tourist in a nutshell

>> No.11526868
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>> No.11526943
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>this tastes disgusting
ok tastelet

>> No.11526945

But America and Canada do in fact have organ meat readily available.

>> No.11526955
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>grow up in Jamaican household in Florida
>Jamaican style ox tail (not offal but still originally considered the "trash" part of the meat) was consumed semi-often
>price suddenly shoots up thanks to hipsters discovering how good it is

>> No.11526960

Could easily be Canadian.

>> No.11527411

Canada is just a more mellow and contented version of the US.

>> No.11527424

>Formerly chusse's

>> No.11527572

We eat offal in the south and midwest all the time. I doubt you've ever left your home state

>> No.11527586

one-off meme.

>> No.11527627

Don't let them get to you, OP. Internal organs are where the body stores heavy metals and toxins.

>> No.11527631

i bet you eat hot dogs

>> No.11527704

>says the amerinigger who eats mcdicks and tubs of mayo and lard

>> No.11527754

canadians have a much broader protein variety than their southern neighbors. On any night in Montreal, you can find rabbit, sweat breads, duck; you won't find that without looking hard in NYC.

>> No.11527777

Op here

Liver I get, because every culture eats liver

But tripe hearts lungs eyes lungs Jesus you lower mammals will eat whatever keeps you poor and stealing for another caloric cycle

>> No.11527790

Heart is really good. Tripe isn't completely awful. idk if I have the strength of will for lungs or eyes.

>> No.11527792

Rabbit and duck aren't hard to find in most places in the states.

>> No.11527793

>and why is it so expensive
Because it costs more money to fatten the fuck out of the birds.
>Then why do rich people like foie gras so much
Because they named it something in another language none of them understand instead of calling it 'force fed birb liver".

>> No.11527796

nice digits loser

>> No.11527798

>you won't find that without looking hard in NYC.
If you mean it's hard to find duck in the rest of NYC because china town took them all, then sure.
Overall it's a silly statement. NYC is probably the place with the most variety of food you can easily find in the world.

>> No.11527801

Do americans eat horse? Can you find that easy in the states?

>> No.11527813

Civilized world has longer life expectancy even with those things mentioned, retard.

>> No.11527815

Shit in New Haven they sell buckets of pig intestine in the chain grocery stores

>> No.11527822

Nope, but thats because of the stupid fucking horse lovers here, they want to re-shut down the horse slaughter houses

>> No.11527830

the battle of wolf. If the french had won, everyone would be speaking french. In England you didn't eat horse by royal decree. The Belgians eat it, the french, and the germans (turks as well no memes). Only anglos don't eat it. The amount of proteins served in a montreal restaurant is leaps and bounds over NYC. Where are you going to find liver, sweat breads, or deer? You only eat three proteins in the US. Can you find deer neck? kidneys medium rare? deer heart tartar? rare pork liver? You don't eat anything out of the holy trinity in the US.

>> No.11527847

Sweetbreads retard, and I have no interest in eating various glands, same as I don't eat the pork brain when I go to hot pot restaurants

>> No.11527855

yep, this is what im saying, Americans just dont have any protein variety. You can find *places* if you look, in heavily immigrant areas of heavily diverse cities. All this stuff kids eat without a second thought up north.

>> No.11527898

Suck a dick leaf, no one wants to eat that shit, the offal is tossed

>> No.11529173

The areas of Europe were horse is eaten have to due with migrations into the area during the late Roman period.
Only certain parts of France regularly consume horse meat.
If you check the areas were hirse is commonly eaten, the areas are usually were nomadic horse tribes, such as the Burgundians, Sarmatians, and Alans settled.
In Eastern Europe consumption of horse meat tends to be in areas that were also settled by peoples from Asia.
The main objection to horse meat other than from people who like horses, has to due with the fact that most horse meat comes from slaughtered race horses, and most race horses now are doped to the ying yang with everything from steroids or pain killers.

>> No.11529185

Heart is just stupid cheap, and tasty so fuck off

>> No.11529192

Chicken liver pate with cream cheese on toast is pretty good.

>> No.11529196 [DELETED] 

ITT: Slaves to Jewish garbohydrate barons who think they're "civilized"

>> No.11529290

Stop buying cheap ass meat every day and get decent meat once a week.

>> No.11529297

>Here in the civilized world
I would rather take 10 nuggets for a dollar then taking this bait.

>> No.11529302



>> No.11529312

Ah, now your comment makes sense. Wait, it doesn't.

>> No.11529313 [DELETED] 

It's GARBOhydrate. As in GARBAGE UNFIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. This meme ain't gonna force its damn self. 'Preciate the (you).

>> No.11529319 [DELETED] 

based and meatpilled

kikes false flagging

>> No.11529335

quit posting like you're talking in real life or reddit

>> No.11529338

Beef heart chili is one of the best recipes I've ever made. Absolutely delicious.

>> No.11529469

Beef and chicken liver is pretty normal in the US/Canada (dunno why nobody eats pork liver).

>> No.11529581

I suspect it mostly gets bought up by the chinese and other east asians like what happens with chicken feet

>> No.11529977

It also tastes like eating bone marrow out of a dead Hobo's urethra

>> No.11529988

Trips of truth

>> No.11529994

Its good and healthy. I wish they had more here in America

>> No.11530006 [DELETED] 

Why don't you quit making low effort posts? I'm different than you trend-following NPC plebs. This is my board culture now. Welcome to my meatspace.

>> No.11530011

Some people do eat organs regularly in the USA depending on certain areas.

>> No.11530016

I'm pretty sure foie gras is native French, not "another language" in France, where foie gras is from.
It literally means fat liver.

The problem is that Americans didn't find a word of their own for it, France has nothing to do with how you guys call foie gras. The Académie Française doesn't work on American English language.

>deer heart tartar
Now you raised my curiosity. I never had deer heart, is it as gamier to beef heart that deer muscle is gamier than beef muscle?

No it doesn't, your butcher sucks.

>> No.11530032
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>not liking liverwurst

>> No.11531304
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>go to france
>piano meat everywhere

>> No.11531307

That shit is fucking vile.

>> No.11532645

Don’t you get some kind of brain disease from eating organ meat

>> No.11532709

No but I'll gladly use that excuse.

>> No.11532880
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>Where are you going to find liver, sweat breads, or deer? You only eat three proteins in the US.

You are deeply ignorant of America. I can walk three blocks down the road and buy beef liver or venison right now.

>> No.11532926 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1000x667, PottedMeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its good, but have you had potted meat?

>> No.11534386


Good for you

I can go to Chinatown in nyc and buy a big bag of duck vaginas

What’s your point you savage

>> No.11534413

Europe has a strong mining tradition, and many of the same communities I mentioned ate their beasts of burden, belgians especially.

>> No.11534427

as a belgian and a grandson of a specialized horse butcher, i concur

>> No.11534432

>You are deeply ignorant of America
Europeans saying Americans this and Americans that are typically the same brand of retard as Americans that think of Europe as a massive country instead of a collection of countries.

As soon as you leave the suburbs the meats available opens up considerably. Urban areas have small butchers that adhere to whatever shithole they came from and rural areas have a ton of farms and hunters that just want to get every cent out of their livestock or dont care what you want with the pile of organs they were throwing away anyways.

>> No.11534445

I actually love pan fried cow heart, and brains, although I've only had it in tacos before.

I don't particularly like liver, but I've only ever eaten it the way my mother prepares it.

>> No.11534643

Ox liver is BASED but smells fucking awful before and especially after you cook it
chicken liver is less rich and smells about half as bad, it's a bit more expensive but i recommend it highly

also haggis is GOD TIER

>> No.11534682

Love organ meats.

Steak and Kidney Pie. Faggots made with liver, lung and heart. Haggis. Chicken liver pate.

>> No.11534701

Native NYer and the local grocery store had ox tail, offal, rabbit, and probably duck. Though yeah you may as well just go to china town for duck.

>> No.11534715

I used to eat deer and other exotic meats once a year at the closest pow wow. Bison is now commonly sold even in Walmart and Aldis. Also New York has deer, bear, waterfowl, small mammal, etc, hunting seasons. You have a point that the US in heneral prefers skeletal meat of like three species but its not exactly across the board.

>> No.11534729

I love liver pate, I don't understand how or why people are grossed out by it.

>> No.11534755

The people in this thread aren't Eskimos they eat offal because they want to not because they wouldn't survive without them.

>> No.11534765

Did your grandpa diddel you ever with a horse cock he butchered?
You know being Belgian and all.

>> No.11534780

Cow tongue is delicious, you fags are just weak in the tumtum.

>> No.11534821

And honeycomb tripe. Never seen it below $5-6

>> No.11534881

it happens to anything that hipster americans get their sausage fingered hands on
>yerba mate
fucking locust civilization

>> No.11534916

She probably overcooks it like most moms. Liver can't be cooked over medium or it becomes unpalateable. Most hunters say their favorite parts of a fresh killed deer are the backstraps and tenderloins but mine are the liver, heart and tongue.

>> No.11534927

>not knowing the joys of scrapple fries

sucks to be you.

>> No.11534934

If you're buying hunted venison in the US the seller is in violation of the law because you cannot sell hunted game and farmed venison is extremely rare and generally only sold to higher end restaurants.