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File: 11 KB, 307x307, flying_ham_bone_postcard-rdb67bc8b88274c619865677a3422eb36_vgbaq_8byvr_307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11523420 No.11523420 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone happen to know the terminal velocity of a spiral ham?

Asking for a friend

>> No.11523492


>> No.11523496

What do you mean? A European or African spiral ham?

>> No.11523505

approximately 20.2141 m/s

>> No.11523508

Is the wind going with the spiral or against it?

>> No.11523510

Maple glazed

>> No.11523681

About three fiddy

>> No.11523716

Real answers, no meme posting turds please.

>> No.11523723
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>> No.11523742


>> No.11523749
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>> No.11523775
File: 2 KB, 188x99, terminal velocity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plugging in this formula, with
m = 4.98952 kg (or 11lbs) (mass of an average spiral sliced ham) https://www.smithfieldmarketplace.com/product/whole-ham-spiral-sliced/party-foods
g = 9.8 m/s^2 (force of gravity (assuming the face of the ham is pointing downwards))
C = .82 (constant for something shaped like a cylinder) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_coefficient
p = 1.225 kg/m^3 (density of air at sea level at 15 degrees Celsius) https://www.thoughtco.com/density-of-air-at-stp-607546
A = .03141592 m^2 (area of the large round side of the ham, assuming that is the side the air is hitting against the ham) (I couldn't find a source of this one so i just guesstimated with a spiral ham leftovers i had to get about a 20 cm diameter (10 cm radius) and plugged that into pi r^2 (this is also assuming the face of the ham is a perfect circle))

I end up with an answer of 55.6682 m/s

If any improvements could be made to this please inform me

>> No.11523807

Awesome! That asshole's car doesn't stand a chance!!

>> No.11523857
File: 763 KB, 430x248, EachAgonizingHamadryad-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A spiral ham vs a car?
>be me
>driving down street
>fucking spiral ham out of fucking no where!
>11lbs of maple glazed pork traveling at roughly 124 mph crashes through windscreen
>sprayed by ensuing ham explosion
>entire car totaled
>mfw i smell like ham for a week
>mfw insurance doesn't cover ham missiles
>mfw ham is haram

>> No.11523865

Far too based for this McChicken posting e-zine.

>> No.11523914

*Also asking for a friend*
From what height would a spiral ham have to be dropped to be lethal to the average person

>> No.11523925

20 feet should do the job if you throw it down

>> No.11525160

I don't know that!

>> No.11525162

drag coefficient should be higher

>> No.11525668
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honestly, when i was doing the calculations, it seemed like if anything it should be lower

I honestly thought it looked something like a streamlined body but that had a much much lower coefficient than a long cylinder, so i decided to low ball rather than high ball

why do u think it should be higher?