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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11495548 No.11495548 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people love coffee so fucking much? They act like it's the greatest thing ever.
>Tastes like burnt water unless you load it with sugar
>Hurts your tummy and makes you shit
>Just makes you feel more tired unless you keep drinking more of it
>Pain in the ass to prepare
>Expensive if you want decent stuff
>Can only be drank during cold months

>> No.11495564

its called an addiction

>> No.11495574

Because caffeine. Also making you shit isn't a negative if you have constipation problems. And nobody honestly believes you can only drink coffee during cold months, where did you even get that idea from?

>> No.11495583

>Drinking hot drinks when it's hot outside
I'm laughing at you rn

>> No.11495588


lamo @ you

>> No.11495597

Everyone who drinks coffee does it year round you absolute autist. You'll learn this when you're old enough to work your first office job.

>> No.11495600

It gives you energy which in turn makes you more effective at your job (and possibly other things). This in turn improves your life. Is it worth it given that it makes you jittery and is addictive? I don't know, but there is a lot of evidence that drinking coffee is associated with longer lifespans.

>> No.11495603

All that says is that hot drinks make you sweat more. That's like wearing a coat in Summer because you'll sweat more.

>> No.11495608

I am in complete agreement with you, OP.

>> No.11495611

Is it true non-Americans don't have air conditioning? Like you guys just let yourselves get hot in the summer instead of making it cool with modern technology?

>> No.11495613

See >>11495564

>> No.11495624

Dude, you just don't have a taste for it. I love the flavour. It's bitter, toasty, and complex.

Another part of the appeal is the "daily ritual" element and the aesthetic (not aesthetic in terms of how other people see you but how you see the experience.
There is honestly nothing like waking up early, having a slow start to the morning, grinding and preparing a fresh cup of joe and enjoying it on the couch, listening to some chill tunes and thinking on the day ahead of me.

Just fucking perfect.

>> No.11495628

I remember some asshole on /ck/ telling me that coffee isn't bitter if you make it right

that's not how coffee works, stupid

>> No.11495654

Because it tastes better once you're over the age of 18 and don't have a child's palate. You'll find out in a few years.

>> No.11495666

This guy gets it.
Nothing better than waking up on a day off, getting a cuppa and sitting around for a comfy morning reading the news and shitposting while I enjoy a pastry with my coffee.

>> No.11495670

Only Satan would enjoy coffee

>> No.11495679
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He has good taste.

>> No.11495691

>Why do people love coffee so fucking much?
You mean women, not people in general

>> No.11495702

I'll tell you why I like coffee
>tastes good
>smells good
>makes me feel good
>helps me poop
>suppresses appetite
>can be prepared and enjoyed in countless ways

>Hurts your tummy
I'll give you that one.

>> No.11496034

I disagree with you, OP.

>Why do people love coffee so fucking much? They act like it's the greatest thing ever.
That's usually people that are so devoid of any personality that they define themselves by what they consume. Most people I know just shut up about it because it's really not that big of a deal.

>Tastes like burnt water unless you load it with sugar
I like my coffee black, actually. Maybe you just had a really strong one?

>Hurts your tummy and makes you shit
Never noticed the tummy thing. Also, taking a big morning dump is pretty satisfying.

>Just makes you feel more tired unless you keep drinking more of it
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. That's the only downside in my book. However, there's still decaffeinated coffee.

>Pain in the ass to prepare
Depends on your method of preparation. Drip coffee doesn't take longer than a tea or a hot chocolate.

>Expensive if you want decent stuff
Can't judge that.

>Can only be drank during cold months
Most people drink it all year, where did you get that one from?

>> No.11496052

>tastes like roasted dark chocolate
>is best with just a splash of cold water on top
>0 kcal
>I take a regular, timely shit every morning to start my day and shower after
>I was never able to focus without it and my grades improved in school after I picked up the habit

Gift of God, OP.

>> No.11496559

>Tastes like burnt water unless you load it with sugar
A little milk will also 'improve' the taste. Some people prefer it unimproved though.

>Hurts your tummy and makes you shit
>Just makes you feel more tired unless you keep drinking more of it
I think you might be making it incorrectly if it does these things to you.

>Pain in the ass to prepare
My coffee machine is trivial to use and I enjoy the ritual but you could always drink instant if it's an issue.

>Expensive if you want decent stuff
A good coffee machine can be but decent coffee isn't that expensive, you don't need hand ground, single origin beans just for a decent cuppa. That's for gourmets.

>Can only be drank during cold months
You can literally drink it any time. Vietnamese don't even have cold months and it's insanely popular there. Most coffee growing countries are hot places and enjoy it.

>> No.11496579

Fuck off, incel.

>> No.11496589

here are some tips
>fuck starbucks
>stop loading with sugar, you have probably never even tasted straight coffee
>if you want better flavor, use cream
i know you're probably deficient because of the frog posting, but milk is a base so it cancels out a bit of the acidity in normal coffee

>> No.11496592
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>recently started getting into coffee
>would only drink a cup or two a week
>find a flavor I enjoy
>start drinking more
>one day I have a debilitating headache
>start vomiting
>go to the doctor
>find out I had a migraine and it was related to coffee

I miss it bros. I want to go back but the pain was too much.

>> No.11496594

>grown man who posts anime pics
>can't even handle coffee

>> No.11496618


They don't have screens on their windows abd doors,either, so they can't even have them open in fear of bugs.
Combine that with their brick houses and they practically cook

>> No.11497238

Did you try decaf? Look into Swiss Water method, people say that chemically and taste-wise it's exactly the same as regular coffee but with no caffeine.

>> No.11497250

I already don't sleep so good, I don't need any coffee.

>> No.11497281

Houses in the UK don't have air conditioning because it never gets hot enough to need it. The average high where I live in July/August is 65 and the record is 90.

>> No.11497288

>"daily ritual"

say it with me


>> No.11497311

>Never been able to drink coffee
>Tastes like battery acid
>A friend introduce me to ethiopian coffee
>Practically no acid
It's pretty good, and since I don't guzzle down eight cups a day, I can actually enjoy the quick energy boost.

>> No.11497316
File: 34 KB, 434x341, 33C409D9-3F62-40D8-B541-01F0A2CC2EB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhhhh! No talkie until coffee.

>> No.11497324

Oh fuck I think I might be addicted to sleep then. I always do it every night shitttt.

>> No.11497508

>Tastes like burnt water unless you load it with sugar
you've either not gotten used to the taste of it or have some really cheap shit, then again the cheap shit usually tastes like dirt instead of burnt water so idk
>Hurts your tummy and makes you shit
coffee's probably not for you if it doesn't react well with your gut bacteria
>Just makes you feel more tired unless you keep drinking more of it
no, it returns you to whatever tiredness you were at before you drunk it.
>Pain in the ass to prepare
>Expensive if you want decent stuff
fair enough
>Can only be drank during cold months
hot beverages hydrate you better in hot wether than cold beverages.

>> No.11498257

Retard, sweat evaporating off your skin cools you off. Obviously if you wear a coat you're just insulating yourself.

>> No.11498337

Because now that I get caffeine headaches I can’t stop

>> No.11498345

>no, it returns you to whatever tiredness you were at before you drunk it.
That's not really true. If you've become accustomed to the caffeine then you'll feel tired without it, and its energizing effects have a comedown period after that can also make you feel more tired than you were before having it.

>> No.11498346

They'll go away in a couple days if you completely stop intake or you can slowly taper off to minimize the headache

>> No.11498366

after drinking coffee a while I did get a lot tireder than usual. when usually I just wake up ready to go without it.

>> No.11498373

Not sure if I've been conditioned to like it or have just grown to like it. Either way I enjoy it.

>> No.11498436

assuming coffee is drank exclusively hot

>> No.11498452

The image is a fucking ironic depiction of a moron thinking about a question.
Why the fuck are you guys replying?

>> No.11498459

I like the taste

>> No.11498534

I feel u OP coffee tastes like shit to me unless it has all kinds of added shit in it like cream or chocolate. Seems like it just gets you addicted to caffeine

>> No.11498542

You're reading way too much into the picture. I use that same one all the time when I start threads with a sincere question. It's just a funny looking helper frog you autistic retard.

>> No.11498554

what queers lol

>> No.11498573

Fuck I’m addicted to going to work on weekdays

>> No.11498580

>makes you shit
that's why i drink it

>> No.11498698

can't believe I had to scroll this far for this post

>> No.11498908
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>> No.11499179

>hate coffee because it makes me anxious and keeps me up.
>it’s the only thing that allows me to poop.
Life is suffering.

>> No.11499181

Hello, welcome to 4channel.

>> No.11499242
File: 647 KB, 2160x3840, oZQd7uu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot chocolate is the patricians choice every decent coffee is just trying to emulate it's little big brother

>> No.11499251

>liquid pseudo-cocaine
they're fucking addicted to that shit like it's crack.
And it is.
They just pretend it's not. It's the same for nicotine, you just get used to the side effects, work a tolerance and you have a low amount of stimulation going.
You could chuggachugga 1g of caffeine see how speeded you get, fuck the jitters get 3g's of l-theanine, vape some 18mg/ml vaperino, you're speeding, you're mother. fucking. speeding. actually kind of goofballing with the theanine on top. People just like to pretend like they're not fucking junkies.

>> No.11499259

i have asthmatic allergies and coffee is one of two non-pharmaceutical treatments that i've found work for me
the other is natural adrenaline from being reckless

>> No.11499262

>hurts his tummy
>taste gross ewww!
>UGH its soooo hard to prepare it
>cant get $8 bucks for a months supply

What a fucking pussy beta

>> No.11499271

Coffee makes you thinner and slows aging, only uggos hate it.

>> No.11499290


I think that people don't agree on what "bitter" actually means. Some people basically just think it means "bad tasting" or at least "bad tasting in an astringent sort of way".

>> No.11499305

>manga is anime

yikes and cringe

>> No.11499347

>Find a substance so enjoyable you end up wanting to use it several times every day
>It doesn't leave you destitute / homeless
>It has about as many mild decreases in statistical chance for health problems associated with its use as it does mild increases in statistical chance for health problems e.g. coffee drinkers are less likely to get Parkinson's disease or liver cancer but more likely to get bone fractures (if you're a woman) or urinary tract cancer
>This is somehow a problem
What is it with you idiots and the word "addiction?" It's like you look for anything that makes people want to use it and automatically conclude "thing am bad!" It's absolutely possible for a substance:
A) To make you want to use it
B) To not be particularly harmful to your health and
C) To have beneficial effects like mild stimulation, pleasant taste, bowel regulation, etc.

>> No.11499406

>Tastes like burnt water unless you load it with sugar

you made it wrong

>Hurts your tummy and makes you shit


>Just makes you feel more tired unless you keep drinking more of it

you were tired to begin with

>Pain in the ass to prepare

add boiling water. just like ramen.

>Expensive if you want decent stuff


>Can only be drank during cold months


are you really this ignorant?

>> No.11499450

Chocolate is superior and you have shit taste. Fight me.

>> No.11499482

>Can only be drank during cold months
Do you weirdos only smoke cigarettes during cold months? And only take hot showers during cold months? And why are you outside and not in an air conditioned home or office? This raises so many questions.

>> No.11499845

jewish conspiracy tbqh. Now tea, THATS a drink.

>> No.11499855

literally everyone who works in an office is an aspie you stupid autist

>> No.11500024

No, office work is as normalfag as it gets.

>> No.11500246
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>> No.11501923

Sometimes coffee gives me an insane boost in confidence and creativity, not always though, only when I'm already in a good mood. If I drink it too much I get really bad anxiety though. I don't know how people can drink it every day, just a few days in a row and I'm a nervous wreck. I'm normally not easily excitable and very centered so it's was a weird experience to feel that way. Now I know how people with a nervous personality feel, it's fucking horrible, the poor fuckers.

>> No.11502054

>>manga is anime
>Being this much of a weeb

Yikes, and cringe.

>> No.11502059

None of it belongs on this board anyway.