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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11495285 No.11495285 [Reply] [Original]

Halp me /ck/. A girl is coming over for dinner in a few days. I don't know shit about cooking. What's something easy/respectable that I can make? Something preferably that doesn't require a bunch of fancy ingredients, or fancy cooking were. I only have basic pots and pans and spatulas.

>> No.11495298


Fetacinni Alfredo

>> No.11495301

Grilled cheese and tomato soup

>> No.11495302

Spaghetti and red sauce. Hope she(male) enjoys it.

>> No.11495304

This makes me fucking furious as a /r9k/-tier NEET incel loser

>> No.11495308


>> No.11495309

>A girl
normie tell me your ways

>> No.11495310

Filet mignon, haricot verts, and microwave mashed potatoes.Sorbet or gelato with fancy cookie for dessert.

>> No.11495312


This. Just throw some mushrooms in there. Side of steamed broccoli

>> No.11495463

Chicken prepared literally any way.

>> No.11495573

Chicken parmesan and a simple tossed salad. Some french bread.

Some boxed red wine.

Whores love that shit.

>> No.11496008

Dip your dick in water and then flop it around on some sugar

>> No.11496186


>> No.11496206

do this OP and those greens aren't going to be the only salad getting tossed

>> No.11496444

Anything braised. Incredibly hard to overcook, and you can have it fully done ahead of time and just heat it back up/glaze it and finish whatever you're serving it with, which lets you spend more time hanging out and also ensures there are no issues, since you can have already dealt with them before your date even shows up. They're also fucking delicious if done right and can be really impressive to a lot of people.

My advice: go buy some beef short ribs at the butcher, braise them down, and make either polenta or some kind of rich, neutral puree (potato, cauliflower, parsnip...) to serve under them. Finish it with a quick herb salad on top to cut the richness, if you want.

>> No.11497240

just grill some burgers

>> No.11497258

If you don't usually cook, just order something. Your gonna be bad just starting out.

>> No.11497353

everyone else can fuck off. I'll actually give you a good recipe that tastes like you went to culinary school. My only request is if I get you laid, you pay it forward and help some other cretin loser less fortunate than yourself with this magical recipe.

>ingredient list:
>4 duck legs
>baby red potatoes.
Spice list:
>coarse salt
>black pepper grinder
>paprika or dried rosemary.

cooking equipment list:
>any oven safe cooking vessel with high sides like a glass lasagna pan or a dutch oven.
>a skillet
>aluminum foil
>a corsage pin, or something sharp and pointy

Time requirements
>prep time: 15/20 mins tops
>passive cook time: about 4 hours
>active cook time: about a half hour

Bro, this is as foolproof as it is easy. And for real, it tastes like you know what you're doing.

Step one: bring the duck legs to room temp and pat them dry with a paper towel. Look at the duck leg, theres a skin side and then kind of a bottom side where the meat is exposed. Spread the skin out and put the duck leg on a cutting board. Get a corsage pin and poke a million holes in the skin. Try not to go to deep into the meat, just the skin. A hole every 1/4 inch (or half cm if you're uropoor) will do it. Do this to all four legs.
Step 2: put a lot of salt on the skin side of the duck legs that you just poked holes in. kinda rub it in. You can't possibly use enough salt. use a lot and really cake it on. (this is not really for flavoring, this is to draw the fat and moisture out as you cook the duck. the fat will turn to liquid and come out the little holes and wash the salt off as it cooks, and it will make delicious crispy skin)
Step 3: Preheat your oven to 200 degrees F or 95 C. Yes, thats not very hot. its ok dont worry. While it's preheating, arrange the duck legs in the high-sided cooking vessel skin side up, meat side down. get them as close together as you can without overlapping a lot. Spread the skin flaps out as best you can. (1 of 2)

>> No.11497376

(part 2)
Step 3: pop the legs in the 200 F/95C oven and leave them in or about 3.5 hours. it will smell really good but resist the temptation to open the oven.
Step 4: prep the potatoes and the carrots. Peel the carrots and cut the potatoes (they shoudl be the size of golf balls) in half. then go play fortnight or take a shower and clean up the pizza boxes. and change your fucking sheets because his meal will get you laid. maybe put your MLP collection away.
Step 5. it's been 4 hours. Open the oven. Let the amazing smell hit your face. Try a piece of the duck skin - should be nice and crispy. There should also be a shit ton of magical golden liquid at the bottom of the pan. that is duck fat and its worth its weight in gold. take the duck legs out and pour enough duck fat in the skillet to coat the bottom. Throw the duck legs back in the oven.
Step 6: put the potatoes and your peeled carrots and slosh them around the duck fat. get them all coated in duck fat. Season the potatoes with a couple shakes of paprika OR rosemary (prob not both, but whatever) and put them in the skillet, cut side down, crank the heat and seat the cut edge. should take about 3 or 4 minutes. While thats happening, grind some pepper on the fuck-fatty carrots. after the potato edges are seared, throw the carrots in and put the WHOLE PAN in the oven. Bring the oven heat up from 200 to 350 and come back in a half hour.

thank me later.