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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 625x926, Sous-Vide-Mushrooms-Anova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11492688 No.11492688 [Reply] [Original]

It's only $90 should I do it?

>> No.11492739

>heated coil
>"oh boy what a steal!"

this does not bode well for humanity.

>> No.11492744

If you're gay, definitely.

>> No.11492748

Listen man, I cant help it that you are still working part time at Payless shoes. Some of us have accumulated some disposable income and like to use it.

>> No.11492778

Anon, if you think spending $90 is impressive and worth bragging about, it's you that is poor.

>> No.11492783

>hey, man... some of us LOVE being ripped off and played for fools! It's why we do what we do!
>now here's a hundred dollars. Give me that battery-powered drinking straw with Swallow Assist™

>> No.11492789

>It's only $90
>if you think spending $90 is impressive

Can we just stop pretending to be retarded for a moment and have a discussion?

>> No.11492806

If you like heating your food in plastic, sure. This is the modern version of the microwave, when the novelty wears off it will be considered a trashfood tool for trash people
How's that economic anxiety working out?

>> No.11492807

you are really dumb.

>> No.11492808

Gladly. Once you leave I'm sure we can do exactly that.

>> No.11492834

My work cooks roasts like this.

They're so trash.
Why do people use this method of cooking? What am I not getting?

>> No.11492863

Sous vide is well reviewed everywhere, great results in YouTube tests. Used in high end restaurants. Ck shits on it because it can't make a McChicken sandwich.

>> No.11492917
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t. caveperson living under a rock

Al-Bhooli has been closed for 10 years. WD40 went the way of the dodo. SV is now standard equipment in neighborhood poke bowl shops and flyover tier "fine dining" like Alinea, whose owner will probably suicide like Homero Simpson

>> No.11492960

It’s not the end-all-be-all method of cooking that people pretended it was a few years ago. It’s a good tool for certain applications. Fun to play around with for sure, primarily with meats. If you have any doubt in your ability to afford it, I would steer clear. If $90 bucks (plus all the other shit you will buy) is not an issue for your budget, go for it.

>> No.11493221

Yes, but using it for mushrooms and stuff is retarded and a meme. Great for making steaks, chicken, fish, and things like tempering chocolate, super easy.

>> No.11493234

I love seeing threads like this because it shows just how many drooling retards are on this board at any one time.

>inb4 hurr no skill
>inb4 just use an oven or a pan

It's a great tool is you enjoy cruise control meats, wants to cook your marinade all throughout your food, or want to eat but only have a pot, water, and a ziplock bag. Also niche shit like chocolate and whatnot. Id check ebay first to see anything cheaper.

>> No.11493283

>SV is now standard equipment in neighborhood poke bowl shops

Conflating memes doesn't work when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.11493292

what's stopping you from just using the stovetop on low heat?

>> No.11493314

Nothing. But then you have to constantly monitor it to ensure that it stays within range and adjust it. Then after you put the food in you have to adjust it again to compensate for the temperature difference. Then you have to monitor it again to ensure it stays in range. Then you have to check back regularly to ensure evaporation hasn’t disrupted the balance.

The machine does all that for you and frees you to do other stuff.

>> No.11493317

The water isnt boiling.

>> No.11493326

I've been meaning to try doing more marinated stuff via sous vide. What if I were to chop up some porkchop or such into cubes, toss it into a bag with spices and oj and such to make carnitas, and then strain and toss it into a pan to brown up.

Sounds good.

>> No.11493327

t. looked up poke on wikipedia because it hasn't arrived in Jesustown IA yet


>> No.11493331

>I love seeing threads like this because it shows just how many drooling retards are on this board
Says the windowlicker that can't form a coherent sentence

>> No.11493333

Fuck off namefag bitch. I hate sous vide but I hate you way more.

>> No.11493338


And this is what happens when tech nerd kids have money but zero taste.

>> No.11493339
File: 12 KB, 210x240, char_35847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hate kitchen appliance

>> No.11494063

>Can we just stop pretending to be retarded for a moment and have a discussion?

where do you think you are?

>> No.11494074
File: 5 KB, 232x162, 1542133259178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse snobbery sure is something.

>> No.11494079

>it's another "omg you're heating food in plastic" episode

>> No.11494311

It actually bodes quite well for the humans that profit from the sales of the heated coil.

>> No.11494793

>if I had money people would marvel at my understated aristocratic taste
Maybe. But I doubt it

>> No.11494946

The fuck is wrong with everyone? My wife got one of these for me, last year, and it's fucking amazing. I like to get high-end, two-to-three inch thick, bone in ribeyes and this is the best way to cook them. On a grill or cast iron, I have to overcook the outside to get the middle of the steak to medium rare and, if it's on the grill, so much juice drips out of the meat.

Now, I just salt and pepper the steak, pack it in the bag (the water doesn't boil and the bag never produced off-flavors) with some sliced garlic cloves and/or any other herbs or spices I might want, vacuum seal it, and throw it in at 125F. Because it's sealed, it can't dry out and it just spends the entire time marinating in it's own juice, becoming completely permeated with salt, pepper, and garlic. Also, the water temperature is constantly monitored, so it can cook past the 130F that I set it to, so, when I take it out, there's no gradation in doneness (that is, it's on the low-end of medium-rare, all the way through; there's no rare-on-the-inside-but-well-done-on-the-outside-with-medium-between). I get a cast iron smoking hot, sear the steak, quickly, put it on a plate with a pad of butter, alongside a baked potato or roasted Brussels sprouts and a glass of Jefferson's Reserve Very Old Bourbon. No other method of cooking can produce a steak (especially a thick cut steak) so perfectly done.

$90? Get it. Pick up some sous vide acceptable bags and prepare yourself for top end beef.

>> No.11494982
File: 41 KB, 396x382, f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitschy "internet of things" gadget, check. Increases your exposure to xenoestrogens by cooking food for long periods of time in plastic, check. Sous vide cookers are literally r*ddit incarnate.

>> No.11494987

It's extremely overrated, don't let bugmen tell you otherwise.

>> No.11494993

>His world view is framed in memetics
It's ironic because that's about as reddit as you can get.

>> No.11495240

Sure, if you want your food tasting like generic garbage. Dunno what it is but everything cooked with those things is underwhelming compared to traditional methods

>> No.11495384
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>> No.11495421

Please fuck off back to 8th grade.

>> No.11495781
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>> No.11495804

I actually kind of like these guys despite most of their videos being pretty much identical.

>> No.11495809

do it
I have one and I love it
It's good for a lot of things. I use it once or twice a month to make something specific, so I get more use out of it than my blender.
Steaks are just the tip of the iceberg. Use it on firmer fleshed fish, ribs, starchy vegetables, or to make custard.

>> No.11495827

I get the sous vide tempature I want (130F) by just keeping the gas burning on the lowest possible setting

>> No.11495855

basically this. its a time saver.

>> No.11495857

based thumbnailposter

>> No.11495869

If you bought the Juicero, then yes.


>> No.11495870
File: 28 KB, 554x554, images (52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11495884

your life must suck

>> No.11496240

Wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday and do it then.
Most people use them for meat, but where Sous Vide sticks really shine are eggs, doughs, custards, and chocolate. The precision and ability to operate at a very low temperature is difficult to replicate with a lot of other cooking appliances.

>> No.11497680

do these stick type sous vide heaters work as well as a closed system?
i kind of want to get into sous vide to make better food out of cheaper cuts and "odd bits" of meat to save money

>> No.11497710

People say joules will last longer. I got a mellow, no regrets.

>> No.11497738
File: 48 KB, 570x448, 6307735f83510a2a439d30633144ebb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
