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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 402 KB, 1000x662, Cheese_wheel_(sliced)_detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11490089 No.11490089 [Reply] [Original]

Let's cut the shit.

What's the best cheese and why?

>> No.11490120

Casu marzu. Fight me.

>> No.11490124

Swiss because nutty flavor. Next question!

>> No.11490252

Fuuuu what game is this cheese model from? It's nostalgic for some reason

>> No.11490361

aged cheddar cant beat that shit

>> No.11490402


>> No.11490421

American because I'm not some pretentious numale cuck that sucks dick with my faggy hipster friends

>> No.11490426


>> No.11490549
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For me it's the Fromage d'Affinios.
Beemster XO is probably second.
St. Agur is up there too.
Fleur d'Aunis "flower of anus" or any nice washed rind is love.
I like American cheese too. Perfect for a burger and I like to melt it on a Hebe Nat too, with mayo and spicy mustard of course.

>> No.11490605
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>> No.11490655

aged tomme for mashed potatoes.

>> No.11490802
File: 44 KB, 303x307, 4075666604_a1c130e1b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coon mate. It's Australia's tastiest cheese.

>> No.11490823

i will eat a wheel of ghouda in one sitting and no one will stop me

>> No.11490827


>> No.11490834

Aged smoked gouda. All the umami.

>> No.11490973

Aged Famunda.

>> No.11491515


>> No.11491544

Manchego cheese. Anything else is fucking wrong

>> No.11491586

Prima Donna


>> No.11491693

Vintage Somerset Cheddar, the OG whipcracker

>> No.11491700

>best cheese
Anon that's your opinion. Depending on some anonymous stranger on the internet to form your "elite taste" can damage your ego and make you dependent on even people you don't know.

It's mozzarella

>> No.11491726
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Better question, best cheese for some Welsh rabbit?

>> No.11491745

well cheddar of course

>> No.11491769
File: 206 KB, 900x672, tumblr_mny78iACpY1qmankdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and why
I missed that part.
d'Affinois has the unctuous guilty goodness of a double cream brie without that sometimes off-putting cat piss after taste.
Beemster XO is fucking cheese candy. The salt crunch and the butterscotch flavor is dopamine.
St. Agur is a double cream blue cheese. What else needs to be said.
Washed rinds, the ones I like, have that stink and a bit of salt crunch with creamy spreadable attribute that I like in uh cheese.

>> No.11491776


>> No.11491780

it was actually called 'rabbit' before it became known as 'rarebit'
read more.

>> No.11491827

the real patricians choice

>> No.11491859

>thread didn't immediately become a thinly-veiled nostalgic runescape discussion

I hate this place

>> No.11491882

crumbly mature cheddar cheese

>> No.11491883

i really like stilton

>> No.11491888
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Cottage cheese. It's so strength giving.

>> No.11491980

At 2004 total level on osrs. Plus I got a maxed 75 attack 1 def pure.

Y’all cowards don’t even smoke crack.

>> No.11492150
File: 60 KB, 589x393, 244_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what? Parenica is great for plain eating.


>> No.11492152

why were old people so fucking weird

>> No.11493362

It's not, you never probably had it.

>> No.11493451

The best cheese if we have to choose just one is a 2 year old white cheddar.

Anyone who disagrees is literally retarded.

>> No.11493483

>white cheddar
shart detected. all cheddar is white unless it's shitty meme 'cheddar'.
36 months is required for a real vintage as well.
somerset is the best, but great cheddar is made across the UK. not in the US at all.

>> No.11493515

and now it's called rarebit you pretentious cunt

>> No.11493535

fuck your mother

>> No.11493592
File: 1.45 MB, 3456x2304, Fourme d'Ambert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's fourme d'Ambert

>> No.11493600

Aged sharp cheddar.

>> No.11493616

>aged sharp
it's called 'mature' or 'vintage' you dumb shart

>> No.11493637
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this with a orval

>> No.11493644

I had it fried on a wooden stick once in a Dijon restaurant

>> No.11493648

how do i learn to eat blue cheese lads, the shit looks atrocious to me and smells like shit but there has to be a reason people love it

>> No.11493661

First of all understand blue cheeses all taste very different from each others, it's a whole category of cheeses, so there's probably one out there that would suit you
Then idk just man up

Roquefort is unironically the best but prolly too strong if you are already reluctant to eat blue

>> No.11493675

Or maybe try it as a sauce first
Blue cheeses based sauces are really easy to make and go very well with red meat or just pastas

>> No.11493677

i remember a friend of mine made a roquefort sauce once for steak, i had a little taste with my nose pinched and almost threw up

>> No.11493699

Maybe it's just not for you
Although thinking about the mold and how Roquefort is supposedly disgusting may have prevented you from enjoying it, sometimes tasting something new while not know what it is is better than forcing yourself with something you already think is weird

>> No.11493761
File: 20 KB, 398x425, herve-affine-biere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it's because I live in France and always ate a lot of cheese but I find it weird to be disgusted by how some cheeses look or smell. it's the taste that matters

>> No.11493776

Yeah same
Have morbier and pungent goat cheese in the fridge right now
I know some fellow French who can't eat anything past a babybel though. Fucking disgrace but who am I to judge

>> No.11493792

Herve cheese is belgian tho, my frogbro

>> No.11493813

I know, I live right next to the border, but it's pretty similar to maroilles, or munster in some way.
most french people don't know about belgian cheeses though, they don't export a lot and we have more than enough on our side.
Doré de Lathuy is great too

>> No.11493833

I'd say french and belgian cheeses are some of the best around.

>> No.11493849

start with cambozola,
or maybe try a little gorgonzola on a pizza

>> No.11493853

Second for Stilton. The blue kind. England's only significant culinary contribution.

>> No.11493890

Is Chimay cheese good or just a meme to sell more beers

>> No.11493914

I personally really like them, but they aren't like the most sophisticated. Still really good imo

>> No.11493919

Alri then
Will taste if I ever find some
I'm French but my closest border is Spain so we don't get much Belgian food products except good old beers
Lots of good Spanish cheese tho

>> No.11493928

Stropshire blue. Because its patrician

>> No.11493938


>> No.11493944

I wouldnt go out of my way to find some, since you guys already have some of the best cheese.
Do the spanish make any good cheeses? I'm not really familiar with those

>> No.11493947

Gruyere is the thinking man's cheese.

>> No.11493949

great choice, blacksticks blue is better imo

>> No.11493956

Mature cheddar and blue stilton are pretty dope.

>> No.11493965

Cream cheese, it goes with fucking anything.

>> No.11493974


>> No.11493978

orval is the only one worth your time
abbaye cheeses are a lot like chaussée aux moines

>> No.11493995

Uh I didn't know Orval made some too
Chaussé aux moines is decent, but yeah nothing to die for

Yeah they make good cheeses, like the Italians and the French I think charcuterie + cheese is deeply rooted in their food culture
I've mostly had manchego which is fairly famous, and lots of Basque cheeses which names I can't remember
They were basically the same as French Basque cheeses, and those are excellent

>> No.11495255


>> No.11495267

Either Brie or Camembert

>> No.11495438

Just got a selection of Spanish cheeses including Manchego, on a lark. I was disappointed. There just wasn't a lot of flavor. I'm an American and not a cheese buff, so I guess my taste buds aren't properly cultivated to appreciate it. I think that's probably true of most foods. I'm used to flavors that are ridiculously heavy-handed--very spicy, very sweet, very sour, etc. If it doesn't hit me over the head with a frying pan of flavor, I can't taste it. Anyone else here suffer from this?

>> No.11495458

>t. puts buffalo sauce on everything
this is why sharts can't into cheese

>> No.11495465
File: 57 KB, 474x358, gamle_ole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gamle Ole" Danbo.

Danbo is a Danish cheese that is like cheddar but softer and nuttier. "Gamle Ole" is a kind of Danbo that has been aged a long time, and is really strong. And I say that as someone who loves strong cheese and has eaten all the cheeses that are said to be really strong. But Gamle Ole is different, it has a powerful nutty aroma and is the only cheese that made me feel sick (but in a good way).

In Danmark they serve the milder variety as smorrebrod, usually with butter and lettuce.

>> No.11495466

is that runescape cheese?

>> No.11495490

Hey, I admitted it up front. No need to make-a-the-fun, Eurofag.

>> No.11495743


>> No.11497118

never got nordic cheeses
I'd like to try that moose one once in my life if I can

>> No.11497122

are you a smoker?

>> No.11497129

Stilton, obviously.

>> No.11497138

For me it's comte

>> No.11497365

Shitposting aside, what's a good, inexpensive cheese for a beginner to try? I picked up some blue cheese yesterday and it's kinda has a "bite" to it

>> No.11497737

Parmesan reggiano because it has a ton of flavor without overpowering other flavors.

>> No.11497776

what are some other good cheeses in the vein of parmesan, pecorino, manchego etc.?
I don't like blue cheese but I love those nutty sweet semi/hard cheeses

>> No.11497780

blue cheese might not be the best choice for a beginner.
try a 1-2 year mature cheddar for something savoury (fuck mild cheddar), or maybe try something like a brie.

>> No.11497786

vintage cheddar, and also gouda can easily compare with those cheeses in terms of strong, salty-sharp flavour.

>> No.11497788

You should try Gouda. It's fairly inexpensive but it can be good enough for you to start understanding the complexities of it.

>> No.11497798

this. good quality gouda, although mild, is a really tasty cheese. the vintage kind is nice and strong too.
beemster is even better if you can get it.

>> No.11497946

old amsterdam

>> No.11498072

Best cheese is such a dumb question because it's all about what you pair the cheese with that makes it so good.

>> No.11498073

love a good cured meats and hard cheeses board with a good red wine