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11490016 No.11490016 [Reply] [Original]

To make a pie.

Had half a roasted pumpkin left over from making a soup so I've decided to try make a pumpkin pie.
Never made a desert pie before so not sure what I'm in for

>> No.11490022
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Here was the pumpkin, I already scooped it out and mashed the shit out of it into the pot.
It has rosemary that I had on it when I roasted it but I'm hoping it won't ruin the pie

>> No.11490029

I made pumpkin thai curry before, it turned out great.

>> No.11490033

Looks good, a picture of it sliced would be cool too to show the inside.

>> No.11490053
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I'm just going to bash the biscuits with a spoon.
I was going to put them in a sandwich bag and hit it but I can't find one.
Also that's the cake tin, just a springform. It's all I got and I assume it'll be fine

A little late for that sorry

>> No.11490060
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I don't expect the "crust" to be very good.

My grammies recipe is a 2:1 pastry flour to shortening ratio, by weight, and some salt like half a teaspoon for a large pie crust.

Sift flour, cut cold shortening into chunks into flour (i know shortening, you could use cold butter to if you're afraid) then chop up the shortening into tiny rice grain sized bits of flour and shortening(i use three knives elasticed together) then I add ice water by the tablespooful and press it all together, but if you are a retard and mix it too much your crust is going to be hard and not as flakey. Anyway if you dont fuck this up and you combine it into two balls you can roll it out (use pastry flour to avoid sticking) I roll it out onto wax paper glued to my counter by some water. Then when its rolled out you can use the paper to help lift it off and onto your rolling pin. put it into your pie plate, add fillings etc, then do the top crust. glue two crusts together with water and finger pressure, then cut some cool shit in the top crust to let the steam out and show off your autism.

>> No.11490086
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Spoon too slow
Swapped out for bottle of vodka
Really unsure how much I crush this but I think just a little more

>> No.11490105

This is a good crust recipe, literally never fails. Your grams was retarded.


>> No.11490119

>Maple (((flavored))) Syrup

it can't even legally be labeled this in america

>> No.11490146
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Seems ground enough
Adding some butter, no idea how much I'll need, guess I'll keep going until it holds consistency...
Seems like a lot of butter

>> No.11490153

I was going to get cream for garnish but I didn't want to buy an egg beater
and real maple syrup is $10+ for a small bottle
This stuff is really just treacle with a little maple flavouring

>> No.11490188
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MORE butter
seems to be clumping nicely now but that took almost 150g of butter
I might call this cake "The Heart Attack Surprise"

>> No.11490217
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Not sure how high up the walls I need to go until I add the filling but I can't make it too high anyway or it won't cook properly
That's almost 3 inches tall as it is.

Time to mix up the filling:
Half a pumpkin (pre-roasted)
3 eggs
1.5tsp cinnamon
0.5tsp ginger
1tsp nutmeg
0.5tsp salt
1 can sweetened condensed milk

>> No.11490243
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Looking erotic so far

>> No.11490268
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A lot runnier than I expected
Fit nicely into the crust, seems the walls were just the right height
Sticking it in the preheated 220'c oven for 15

>> No.11490312

Actually looks good. Thumbs up lad.

>> No.11490322

this is exactly why i stopped making desserts. no one else eats them and im stuck with a concoction of loaded sugar and oil/butters

>> No.11490339
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Thanks mate
Yea I planned on taking this one to a BBQ

WTF my flatmates left some shit in the bottom of the oven that's started smoking A LOT
I don't know wtf to do now, if I close the door it will flavour the pie
I'm going to take the pie out and try and clear the shit and put the pie back when it's done

>> No.11490351

Wait for thing to cool down then use cleaning chemicals to get it off then rinse the chems off so it doesn't make the oven smell when heating.

It shant be bad. Extra time for the pie filling flavors to seep into the crust and making it not taste like plain crust.

>> No.11490358
File: 1.06 MB, 2080x1560, P81118-153238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to get it with a BBQ spatula but it's just a tiny bit of liquid in the corner
I got most of what was there out so I've just left the oven on to burn it out
Got the door ajar and fan-bake on... fingers crossed

>> No.11490366

Have baking soda ready. Edges of pie crust look nice and browned so far from that little bit of time.

>> No.11490385

Yea recipe says 15mins on 200'c (which I did)
Then turn down to 180'c for 45mins
I guess it's to crisp it up a bit before a deeper cook

>> No.11490391

Did you burn down the kitchen yet? Also how the pie.

>> No.11490407

Oven isn't producing any more smoke and it smells like nothing so I've put the pie back in
Will keep checking on it periodically for smoke/smells but I'm optimistic

>> No.11490509

Bump, cant have this archived by the time the pie is done.

>> No.11490553


It started smoking a tiny bit again but petered out quite quickly
Carrying on with the cooking and hopeful it doesn't taste bad

>> No.11490567
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Can't wait to see it when its done.

>> No.11490573


>> No.11490585
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Done my dishes
just sorting out some spices

>> No.11490606
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I don't know how to tell when it's done
I assume it might begin to show some brown on top and I can pull it out then?
Recipe said 30-45mins, it's been 45 but I did 1.5x recipe because of the size of the pumpkin

>> No.11490612
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I certainly don't want to pull a "Jack special"

>> No.11490621

Tooth pick or fork. If it's still liquid-is on the inside and it's starting to brown on top put aluminum foil on the top to cover.

>> No.11490622

It's getting a lot of dark spots showing on top now so I've turned the oven off but I've left it in with the door closed to let the inside keep going
I'll let it sit in there for another 5-10 minutes I think

>> No.11490628

25 good boy points

>> No.11490629

Ah right good idea, lets do that
It's starting to take me 30s to solve captcha

>> No.11490642
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Toothpick is pretty clean, not wet
Thanks for that

>> No.11490650

My pleasure. Now get that shit plated and be prepared for me to track you down for that pie slice.

>> No.11490653

I just made a pumpkin cheesecake in a water bath @ 325 an I let it bake for 3 hours 10 minues. Custard-filled pies can often take a good bit longer than the recipe says. Trick is cooking until there's just a bit of jiggle left in the filling.

Also, I would prebake ur crust for about 15 minutes at 325 or so so it won't get soggy from the filling.

>> No.11490654

That thumb nail (not thumbnail) is pretty hot.

>> No.11490658

The top is gonna get really dark in a custard pie if you don't cover it with foil. Doesn't really ruin the taste tho.

looks slightly underdone

>> No.11490664
File: 1.21 MB, 2080x1560, P81118-164808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, we have a pie!

It looks a little dark but it did that in 30s, I'm confident that's not burned
It's still sizzling so I'll let it sit to cool.
I am wondering how I will take a slice of it, or remove it from the cake tin.
The bottom tray of the tin has a really small lip around it to fit the springform, and since I used the biscuits for a crust it could be crumbly
I don't have a cake slice spatula thing and I also don't really want to wreck the non-stick on the tin
I might try toss it in the air and catch it on a flat tray

>> No.11490680


>> No.11490686

Why dont you have a seat over there?

>> No.11490687

I'll pin a medal on you myself if that crust stays together.

>> No.11490698

That was a lot of butter, he didn't pre bake the crust so it might be moist and it sticks together

>> No.11490728
File: 1.17 MB, 2080x1560, P81118-170851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far so good...

>> No.11490733

Shit that looks great.

>> No.11490743

You should head over for a slice, maybe a few beers and whatever happens, happens.

>> No.11490753

Ah I wish man, I wish.

As of right now I'm watching "To catch a predator"

>> No.11490761

>using all purpose flour for a pie crust
>wanting the crust to be hard like a Costco pie...

There’s a reason she went to prison.

>> No.11490764

I've seen the first predator movie a few times.
Dylan, you son of a bitch lol

>> No.11490766
File: 1.24 MB, 2080x1560, P81118-171450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've done it lads!
It's off!

Now to take a slice and see if it pours liquid out the middle
oi cheeky

>> No.11490776
File: 15 KB, 90x90, Steaktacular!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your medal, you earned this.

>> No.11490777

P i e t i m e

>> No.11490782
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Dubs checked.
Why do you keep trying to meet kids at McDonald's?

>> No.11490790

As I saw that photo, i saw this guy on the video

>> No.11490794
File: 1.03 MB, 2080x1560, P81118-172058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fuckin worked!

The base is too crumbly, either bash the biscuits more or use something else, was a bitch to cut, used a breadknife lol

>> No.11490797

I wish this series was still filmed today, in full HD.

>> No.11490799

This was fun and all, but now to break into your house to steal that pie.

>> No.11490836

I take back everything bad I said about the crust.
Yea it's a little brittle, just needed a little more crushing but the fact they were Malt biscuits gives it a real deep molasses under-flavour.
Tastes really sweet without having added any sugar at all, certainly can't put any of that Maple "flavoured" syrup on it, it would be overpowering to the Pumpkin.
That roasted pumpkin comes in really well.
Pretty happy with this overall 7/10
Next time I'll clean the oven and make a better base

>> No.11490842
File: 1.01 MB, 2080x1560, P81118-172816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit forgot the picture
Now to do the minute long recaptcha again

>> No.11490848

Thanks for sharing, bub

>> No.11490850

Cheers my friend. Another day, another post, another pie.

>> No.11490976

That looks really good dude!
How's it taste?

>> No.11491007
File: 8 KB, 320x239, 1541202030675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the hand holding the fork like that?


>> No.11491887

>Why is the hand holding the fork like that?
Because its team won and its opponents had less than 60% of its team's score after score the win was at least 50.

>> No.11491999

How'd you get it out?

>> No.11492027

Not op but its a pan thats just a circle of metal no top or bottom

>> No.11492031

Springform pan - the side unlocks and separates from the bottom