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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11487276 No.11487276 [Reply] [Original]

honest thoughts on european food?

>> No.11487295
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>> No.11487299

vegetarians btfo

meat is for white people

>> No.11487306

I'm not even checking but I know that pic was posted on reddit.

>> No.11487307

whats the stuff in the ceramic dish?

>> No.11487308

looks like artichoke

>> No.11487314

I thought it was a pot of colcannon, but that really doesn't fit in with the rest of the theme

>> No.11487333

I can get that all at publix.

>> No.11487334

artichoke spinach dip

>> No.11487386

>pitted olives just scattered around for "decoration"
>bread looks like it came from the supermarket parbaked garbage loaf section
>rind on the cheese appears to have been subjected to abuse by a plastic bag for an extended period of time
>some kind of "hotdish" made of canned soup and powdered mystery chemicals
>cheese is probably 100% pasteurized
>fake prosciutto with the fat autistically removed for some reason known only to flyovers
>possibly speck but some grubby fat fuck's hands played with it to turn it into special tube shapes for reasons only known to flyovers
>hand written hobo sign next to everything, and lukewarm half drunk beer in a dirty glass
Hard pass

>> No.11487396


depends on where you go

There's alot of good, weird and very bad stuff all over the place

>> No.11487405

Well, life expectancy is way higher in Europe compared to 'Murrica.

Do you think their food may have something to do?

>> No.11487420

Europe tends to subsidize fresh produce and small to mid size artisanal producers, flooding their markets with a wide variety of high quality food. America does the same but for Dow, ADM, and Cargill, flooding world markets with GMO soy beans and high fructose corn syrup.

Also, Europe subsidizes preventive care - shots, screening, checkups, birth control. America considers that "entitlememes for obamaphone welfare queens" so those same welfare queens just go to the ER when their untreated sniffles become full blown aerial super gonnorhea AIDS. Then they walk out and taxpayers foot the bill anyway. Or they just hang out in front of starbucks coughing on everyone because conservatives think vaccines and not incest caused their child to be born with a malfunctioning brain. So a €25 "investment" saves the people €25.000 in acute care costs. Here in USA #1 we would rather simply wait until it's an emergency because the basic features of a developed modern economy are considered to be a USSR soviet plot to trick people into not being John Galt. Downvote if you agree.

>> No.11487465

I’d love to chow down on that at a picnic with my lover and a nice wine.

>> No.11487466

I'm gay btw

>> No.11487650

This guy gets it.

>> No.11487683

Do more research on US healthcare policies and you'll find that the entire field is heavily sibsidized, especially the four you mentioned. All of those are offered and provided for free or extremely reduced cost for those without insurance and/or those dealing with poverty. Not to mention that the US subsidizes and pays for the lions share of rx drug and treatment development as well as pharma R&D that the rest of the world is entitled to without really contributing. Don't listen to Michael Moore on the topic of US healthcare (for obvious reasons) or any of those characters. They make their money peddling medical fear to the masses. The US system is indeed overly beauticratic and somewhat chaotic but no one can be turned away from a hospital due to finances and hospitals cannot make you homeless for not paying your bills.
t. 15 years working in medicine in various hospital systems and independent practice

>> No.11487882

You're a liar. The ER must stabilize an individual regardless of ability to pay, but that's it. They do not treat the underlying disease. You will not be treated for medical conditions w/o first paying a deposit and if you cannot pay the bills you will be forced into bankruptcy and many states permit your house to be sold off to cover the debt. They do offer discounts for self pay, but even then it can quickly mount into 5 -6 digits, out of reach for almost everyone. If your nonsense were true, literally no one would buy insurance. Not to worry, single payer, if not the superior socialized model of most of the 1st world, is coming and it can't come soon enough. Perhaps then our 37th ranked medical system in the world will catch up with the rest of the 1st world.

>> No.11488069

like any country some good, some bad.

>> No.11488080

Not every european country has good food, pffft

Only France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece and Portugal have top notch cooking

>> No.11488091

Bulgarian detected

>> No.11488197

Balkan good is top tier,Dutch food is shit and I'm from Holland

>> No.11488202

Italian food is shit tier

>> No.11488207

I like the whole charcuterie thing but I don't know what's supposed to pair with what, and I'd just end up eating meat and cheese in a corner

>> No.11488209

there's a wide variety of choices - ingredients, seasonings, general style or feel of the food.

I enjoy most of it.

>> No.11488214

>I don't know what's supposed to pair with what
Bread is usually it.

>> No.11488221

>Dutch food is shit
Dan doe je het verkeerd

>> No.11488223

if it's out there on a board, don't be a complete barbarian, but have at 'er. It's meant to be enjoyed.

>> No.11488231

>Valkan dood is gop bier. Nederland doop doop doop ik kom uit Nederland

>> No.11488420

Ik ook

>> No.11488429

Wat heeft Nederland bijgedraagt aan de culinaire wereld

>> No.11488573


>> No.11488632
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the bread and dip seem pretty american but still looks good

>> No.11488641

haven't really tried much of european foods. as for the picture, i'll just take what's in the silver tray and leave everything else alone.

>> No.11488681
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>> No.11488690

Dutch sounds like a monolingual German trying to do a comic impression of what he thinks English sounds like, while drunk

>> No.11488695

The olives scattered around the tray make me irrationally angry. There's a FUCKING DISH OF THEM RIGHT THERE. Just put them in the dish.

>> No.11488700


>> No.11488701

Well i guess i eat american bread then.
t. belgian

>> No.11488702

agree with everything except for the rolled tubes

>> No.11488748

Fucking eurotrash they might as well go for soylent green wafers and merkel commandments.

>> No.11488753

Those eurotrash love the rolled tubes, right up their buttholes.

>> No.11488789

That makes no sense.

>> No.11489486

Ok so I think you're probably "trolling" now. In every hospital I've worked for we've not only stabilized impoverished patients but also performed treatments up to and including full liver transplants. Thats well over $1 million USD alone. Can you provide an example of the deposit you mentioned? I've only ever beard of that in the EU where I did some training post med school. Norhing like that exists in the states afaik. What I posted isnt nonsense, as you said, it's reality based on knowledge gleaned from working in the belly of the inefficent beast that is US healthcare. Why havent you addressed my points about R&D of rx drugs, surgical treatments, and various other therapies funded by the US taxpayer and provided to the world for free?

>> No.11489674

>Not to mention that the US subsidizes and pays for the lions share of rx drug and treatment development as well as pharma R&D that the rest of the world is entitled to without really contributing.

It's probably best you don't mention straight up falsehoods either

>> No.11489970

Whats false about my statement? Is medical research bad? Its almost completely funded by the tax payers

>> No.11490018

>bread looks like it came from the supermarket parbaked garbage loaf section
as a Frenchfag, I confirm: the crust looks soft, and the white part is probably chalky and bland
the big white cheese looks ok tho

>> No.11490026

But it's not at all mainly funded by American taxpayers. There's huge European pharma companies and firms like Johnson & Johnson got a large part of their patents from buying foreign companies. Recent advances like single-domain antibodies or fucking CRISPR-cas9 were pioneered by researchers with European grants, not to mention Japs and the increasing Chinese investments

>> No.11490210

Ok, now you're really showing you're fos and probably just an insurance company shill or some medfag who read and fell in love with babby's first hack /pol/ philosopher, Ayn Rand. Liver transplants for indigents? There's no one stupid enough to believe that, not even your average mouthbreathing F(au)x News patron. There are hospitals like Le Bonheur and St. Jude that will treat children of indigents, but adults? No fucking way and your nonsense isn't fooling anyone. Go back to writing whimsical fantasy articles for Breitfart.

>> No.11490238

>rind on the cheese appears to have been subjected to abuse by a plastic bag for an extended period of time
Funny that an American would shit-talk cheese in plastic when their cheese LITERALLY comes in single slice plastic sleeves

>> No.11491969

It's 50% because of food and 50% because of lifestyle
Americans are too sedentary and use their cars too much

>> No.11491973

I just want to take this opportunity to mention that I don't own a car, or a microwave.

>> No.11492044

You chop ?

>> No.11492677

He a bad liar

>> No.11492954

>nothing is cooked
What did he mean by this

>> No.11492986

vegetarianism is Aryan, meat-eating for the people of darkness (or in the past out of necessity)

>> No.11492989

well this may be the dumbest thing I have ever read here

>> No.11493062
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