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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11486008 No.11486008 [Reply] [Original]

while i respect all my fellow femanons on /ck/
anyone have any shit experiences with female kitchen or general managers?

>> No.11486017

Show us your pussy bitch

>> No.11486020

Yes, she made me gratify her sexually and she looked like Amy Schumer

>> No.11486025

The new assistant at my work is a fat goblin bitch who thinks disagreement is disrespect and I wish she would just fuck off. I'm a shift manager under her and she is pissing off my good team members by fucking with our closing procedure and making them want to quit. They walked out on her last week one day and were this close to quitting on the spot because she freaked out and started yelling at one of them for no real reason. She has it out for one kid in particular because he gets off the line to wash his hands and change his gloves too often for her taste.

>> No.11486041

women have no place in a professional kitchen and we'd drum them out pretty fast if one came along. they simply don't have the equipment it takes.

>> No.11486048

i work in catering at a university and one of our dining halls has turnover worse than fast food restaurants
turns out the manager is some menopausal bitch that follows certain student workers around and harasses them. one of those managers that finds small things to complain about or “fixes” something and has to let someone know they messed up
never seen this nagging trait from a man

>> No.11486184

Femanon here. I have had other female managers/supervisors. I really love my manager right now, she’s great. But I’ve also seen a great many female managers that too often carry awful heavily female traits such as:

1. Cattiness
2. Gossip (about all other levels)
3. Laziness
4. Bitchiness
5. Higher expectations along with an expectation that you will know or understand something about a job without being explicitly told/instructed.
6. Bringing their emotional baggage to work.
7. Higher cell phone/texting use than male coworkers generally
8. Overly talkative (including ironically complaining about others not working)

Come to think of it, it’s sad that I’ve had almost ONLY female managers. Starting from my first job ever, I’ve worked at different jobs under about 10 female managers and/or leads/supervisors, 2 gay males, and I think only 4 total straight males. I’m only counting direct reports at any given time. Kind of sad, really.

>> No.11486195

Post feet

>> No.11486298

You don’t want to see my feet, sorry. Unless you’re a masochist.

>> No.11486322

Once I worked at Longhorn Steakhouse and the kitchen manager showed me her titty unprovoked.
I'm a straight female and I'm not attractive. It was in the parking lot.

>> No.11486327

Post feet

>> No.11486339

Sounds good so far.

>> No.11486341

Worked in commercial kitchens for about a decade, and worked with 2 femanon line cooks in that time. They were both pretty solid, honestly. One was the best cook I’ve ever worked with, and the other fell somewhere in the middle.

>> No.11486368


>> No.11486377

So, you like looking at disgusting feet? What if you couldn’t tell the difference between my feet and dude’s feet? My feet aren’t cute or delicate. They’re rough and gnarly.

>> No.11486380

Post feet

>> No.11486404

Post feet you cum guzzling fucking roastie

>> No.11486432

Gossip and laziness are the main attributes I've experienced in female managers (well, one) and supes. My main complaint was that she always would go to the back room doing her shift and do fuck all, sometimes inviting other women back literally just to gossip with her. That said, she was otherwise a decent manager and great with guests. But holy fuck did that piss me off.

>> No.11486455

Someday a real rain will come and cleanse this board of degenerate /tv/ niggers

>> No.11486461
File: 17 KB, 600x390, suck dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking feet is exclusive to /tv/

Newfag please go

>> No.11486476

Seriously, even if you got off on that I don’t think other visitors to this board would appreciate it.

How have you decidedly determined my level of promiscuity by my foot description?

>> No.11486501

I want to see your chef feet

>> No.11486530

I wear size 12w shoes. Why do you want to see my feet? Also, not a chef but that’s sweet.

>> No.11486574

No, but my male managers have been such dumbass fucking power trippers. One of them wound up killing an entire franchise location through sheer incompetence - he thought making three bucks more an hour than the kitchen staff meant that he didn’t have to show up to the store.

>> No.11486579

You’ll always be a chef to me. <3

>> No.11486623

it's always angry ugly fat bitches. ALWAYS.

>> No.11486646

Not true. I’ve had several female managers that were thin or average build and very pretty.

>> No.11486699

fucking white male here. I work in technology and 90% of my managers have been female, and all of them have been outstanding managers, so either I'm very lucky or these are traits of the service industry.

>> No.11486729

Yeah it’s definitely not to say that all female managers are bad and in fact, I’ve liked a number of my managers. But the ones that aren’t so good - and in general female coworkers - seem to carry similar not-good characteristics.

>> No.11486796


Oh, Jesus, you must work for Google. I can't imagine there's another tech company that would require monitoring software on your home computer, or that would allow you to browse 4chan on company time. Be strong, friend, I'm sure they'll collapse sooner or later.

>> No.11486847

unironically a cuckold

>> No.11486900


not with management no.
but at work theres two young women cooks, and the younger one was cought banging some dude in the parking structure by the older one, the older one told fucking everyone including the chefs, and for some reason all the guys had to take sensitivity training because we were all "spreading malicious rumors"

>> No.11486923

What, do you rub your balls all over the food or something?

>> No.11486932

I honestly prefer a female GM over a male 9 out of 10 times. Haven't really had too many bad experiences with female line cooks, as long as they don't try to get me to carry something heavy for them or reach something high, which usually isn't the case if they've worked in a kitchen before.

>> No.11486934


>> No.11487027

Honestly the best cooks I worked alongside were female. The worst gossips were unironically the male manager and assistant managers of the kitchen. I worked in a hipster restaurant, and here are some of the experiences I had there.

>Head chef employs a hot potato line cook who is known throughout the cities industry for being a huge alcoholic because they worked together before

>Bob here really liked to party and also had some emotional problems, would constantly walk off the line if anyone slightly pissed him off

>Bob, as mentioned before, liked to drink, to the point where HE TOOK A SWIG OF A BOTTLE OF RUM THAT HAD BEEN SITTING NEAR THE DEEP FRYER FOR ALMOST 12 HOURS and almost went to the ER because we thought he surely seared the fuck out of his esophagus but he was fine after laying down

>Bob got fired finally for starting a fist fight with the front of house's bar manager who got tired of Bob drinking a bunch of whisky on Bob's 12 hour shifts when we are actually only allowed one end-of-shift drink

Bob was a legend but Bob caused more problems than I'd seen at any job. He's now a prepper and house husband.

>> No.11487117


>> No.11487401

post feets gdi

>> No.11487698

Women are made to run the kitchens in their homes, but they have no place in the workforce

>> No.11487705

GTFO you larping tranny. Female feet are always cute, you sound like a fags in drags who can't cope with his disgusting XY feet.

>> No.11487715

Is it really that bad in the food sector?
I'm an accountant and the field is like 70% female. There are some slackers but most are pretty competent. Also a competent women is better at dealing with customers than any man imo.

>> No.11487788

I worked at a super busy independant deli in San Diego when I was younger and all the other employees were women. They were kickass to work woth though, it was just a good group. The manager was an absolute hard-ass and could be a real cunt most of the time but damn she could run a kitchen. Had nothing but respect for her.
Yeah it was just a deli but it had only 5 employees total and we served over 700 people a day.

>> No.11487844
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Worked at McDurdles in high school. All managers were female high school dropouts in their 40s. They were constantly trying to get me to fuck their friends who were just as fat and trashy. When the Monopoly promotion came around once a year they would take cases of cups and fry containers and sit in the break room trying to get free cheeseburger coupons. Bitches were so dumb that they didn't realise they could just make a cheeseburger rather than waste 100 cups to get a coupon

>> No.11487854


>> No.11487878


>> No.11487888

>better at dealing with customers
For the average encounter, I'd agree with you. Women seem hardwired to at least attempt to make a good first impression on people and be outwardly pleasant whereas men are such a mixed bag on this. However this completely turns on its head whenever customers have an issue, a job that puts you face to face often with customer complaints, or just even rude customers in general. Most women start to shut down and only industry vets or women who've worked for a very long time can deal with those situations. I've routinely had to attempt to train my female staff to calm down when dealing with upset customers or customers with issues. It never works if the girl or woman in question hasnt already worked at least 12 years or so. And even then by that point you either have calm levelheaded workers or workers set in their ways about not giving a shit. In restaurants they need to be front of house, shift leaders, or bartenders. Anything where theres little chance that their failure at something clusters them, and maximizing that first impression factor. They organize far better than my male staff ever has. Of course there are exceptions with everything - my bar manager, best waiter, and one of my best line cook's are female. But the overall trend is against this.

>> No.11488094

I like when women cry at work to get their way

>> No.11488123


"The state of being equipped" you smooth-brained dipshit

>> No.11488137

>hot potato line cook
Kek'd, that's a new phrase I'll use
Bob what a legend

>> No.11488171

I’m not a tranny. Just an unfortunately-footed female. Either you have incredibly low standards for what female feet should look like, I have higher standards for what female feet should look like, or both. I don’t go for regular pedicures and all that shit which adds to it.

>> No.11488187

Show us the feet of a hardworking woman. If anything we will be impressed.
Hee Hee

>> No.11488191

Are you actually white or ((white))?

>> No.11488216

work in retirement home kitchen

Most of the girls work hard and are agreeable and have some sense of responsibility and shame.

Most of the dudes are stressed out losers who just leave the area when they fuck anything up like they're all still teenagers. Doesn't matter if dude in question is 18 or 50+. Just WHOOPS WORK SUCKS BYE. Most random and fake callouts too, most health code and cleanliness fuck ups. There are a few decent men and a few lazy women, it's not absolute.

I get the sad feeling too many of the women in the kitchen have to clean up after 3-4 similar men in their lives.

>> No.11488311

That's probably more to due with the fact that retirement homes and hospital kitchens are notorious in the industry for where you go when you can't hack it at an actual kitchen. They are soul-less places that pay decent and the only thing you really need any possible kind of skill for is dietary restrictions but they are the same ones everyday so even that is pretty routine I can easily see normal women applying as it is just a job, the guys your talent pool are bottom of the barrel that can't get work anywhere else because everyone who knows them doesn't want to work with them again and after a few years your reputation precedes you in this business

>> No.11488394

>i respect all my fellow femanons on /ck/
yeah, you better say that.

>> No.11488402


>> No.11488404

femoids are shit, you sound like a liberal so obviously you'd never say anything bad about theml

>> No.11488477

My old boss-lady would make me do all the work while she went and talked with like 3-4 other girls all shift.

I made it a fact to call her boss-lady and respond with 'yes sir masta sir' everytime she made a request of me or bow before her with my arms outstretched like a good slave.

Thankfully she stepped down.

>> No.11488480

you know you can just say "no", right?

>> No.11488512

I'm sexist as fuck but I gotta admit there are some decent women I worked with.
Most of them just work for a few years and then slip into part time once they sprouted. I was trained by a woman and she was a damn good teacher while being quite strict.
Then again they have 0 clue about how to get into the digital age.

>> No.11488518

Yeah you sound like fag bud, I hear reddit is welcoming to your kind.

>> No.11488532

ok incel

>> No.11488540

You do know everyone here is a fag right?

>> No.11488564
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here, shut up footfaggots

>> No.11488816

it worked lmao

>> No.11489012
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>> No.11489035

of course, at home they can micromanage to their hearts delight

>> No.11489112

Yeah, I know but I’m a woman and I over explain things as such. Plus I like the undeserved attention. But also if I actually posted pics it would destroy the secretly-cute-dainty-feet image people have cooked up in their minds. At a minimum, if I keep talking about it, it bumps the thread, so there’s that.

>> No.11489115

That’s so disgusting. I hope she boiled her feet before posing for this photo.

>> No.11489135

Do you lotion your feet?

>> No.11489224

Do you have corns? Those are pretty sexy desu.

>> No.11489387

worked in the same kitchen for a few years
had four managers. three guys and a female. the female was absolutely horrible. getting all bossy and pissed over the slightest thing.

but then again one of the guys was just as horrible, acting up even more than the female when shit hit the fan. so I guess it isnt a gender thing, just some people really suck ass

>> No.11489532

Hey fuck you small-dick I"M A FEMALE!

>> No.11489614

Show boebfteets

>> No.11489651

yeah whatever roastie

>> No.11489719

Worked a grocery store for over a year with almost all female coworkers. Dudes were bros, all young 20s like me. Females were middle aged lazy cunts. Boss was a fat boomer cunt who was the laziest. No one could do anything about how lazy these women were, but at least one of women were cool and hard working. One more female came in and she was younger than me and worked as hard as I did.

>> No.11489782
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>> No.11490006

Sorry, no matter how much you beta orbit whitenight for some wenches at the shithole job you'all have, you're not getting laid. They're waiting for someone to sweep them off their feet and it won't be you, Mr. Shelf Stocker, lol!

>> No.11490014

Out of all the posts actually white knighting, you single out that one wtf

>> No.11491252

female line cooks are the best because they think everyone is constantly talking shit about them since they're so insecure. either makes them work hard or be sluts.

>> No.11491918

>toe ring

>> No.11492001

Both of my sisters can't cook for shit. Though, my eldest is much better than my youngest. Every once in a while I come over and show that. I'm a monster in the kitchen.

I'd make a macaroni and cheese that would blow your fucking mind. I heard from my father, how much he enjoyed a british pub macaroni when he was over there. At first I tried to recreate it, and then I decided to improve upon it with Italian recipe designs. Now, I would rank mine against anyone. You'd fucking die for a taste.

>> No.11492049

Some fucker was an ex-con in my kitchen that wouldn't stop going out for a cigarette. The female manager wouldn't fire the fucker. She herself was fired and when we got a male manager, he was gone on the first day.

Assertive behavior just isn't common with women, If she had just told me that she needed me to fire him, I'd have done it in a second. I think she was afraid that he was going to stab her or something.

Fuck you faggot, I'm the one with the knives.

>> No.11492053

Were you born male?

>> No.11492085

Sorry for calling you a tranny. And I'm sure your feet aren't as ugly as you make them sound like

>> No.11492091

>she wouldn't fire the ex con
She wasn't afraid, she wanted the dick.

>> No.11492100

You don't get promoted to manager at Longhorn Steakhouse without flashing a titty here and there

>> No.11492125

I worked at McDonald's too back in the day
Graveyard shift. 10 pm till 6 am.
We had a 3 person crew
1 guy taking/cashing out orders
1 guy cooking the food
1 guy bagging/sending food and drinks

I only had two managers. Both were males less than 22 years old and complete stoners. We'd all go out into the parking lot and smoke weed and then go inside and eat all the free food we wanted. Nothing was forbidden. We'd hook our friends up too. I gave out 100 chicken nuggets to a friend just for the hell of it. Nobody gave a fuck. I was making like $9 bucks an hour but the free food and chill atmosphere made it somewhat bearable. Ultimately found a better paying job and just quit without a proper notice. I just stopped showing up to work.

>> No.11492128

I was going to state that but she spent so goddamn much time at the casino across the street that I wouldn't fucking know anyways. Our front of house basically ran the fucking place. The manager was a silver-spoon fuckhead that clearly didn't need the money. When the owner realized that we were laughing our asses off.


>> No.11492186

When I was in the industry I worked with hundreds of women in the kitchen, and most of my GMs were female.

Honestly, no different than male ones, a bit less drama and back stabbing than males tho. Most male GMs just chase the younger front of house staff around in hopes the 18 year old skank will blow him. But then you get female GMs who are useless and snap at the smallest amount of stress and think they are gods at cooking, hop on the line and fuck everything up.

The industry as a whole is fucked, unless you own or work in a well run establishment where the chef runs the whole restaurant and is good at it, then it's shit. Why I left. Although, my last gig was at a solid place, just didn't enjoy the hours anymore and sandwich / breakfast spots are shit pay.

>> No.11492243

The chef should run every restaurant, if they're a good chef. A decent owner knows this. You make the fucking money stupid, now let me do what I was trained to do, and what I know to do.

>> No.11492295

This is where a lot of places don't work. The owners or the GMs clash with the chef all the time. Seen it happen many times.

>> No.11492314


>> No.11492478

happened to my father when the owner started bringing his family in as management. biggest red flag.

>> No.11493123

A lot of hotel restaurant setups already do this. Most of your F&B guys out there are just chefs with a different title.

>> No.11493136
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>(including ironically complaining about others not working)

My coworkers do this so much to me I can barely tell if it's ironic. I bust my ass every day but they still joke.

>> No.11493257

tradie now

back at old pizza shop
>assist manager
>spends entire nights running one register with high schoolers
>constantly gives away free shit and makes pizzas for her friends
>watches kitchen staff like a hawk so she can write you up if you ever do
>ruins entire batches of dough not rolling it into the walk in
>brings her bfs by at the end of the night and lets them troll around the kitchen when you're alone trying to get the last orders in/clean up/delivery drive
>full on intermittent bitch because she's hitting the wall early from eating pizza all the time and no good habits

the gm was a sweetie with milkers but 110% bible cult

>> No.11493328

testing against this >>11486184

check 1-4
5. idk They were the type that would decide that specific numbers of topping needs to be on each slice.

Surely that's what's driving business down, not the fact that large pies run $25 and they never have any specials

6 super check, 7 strong check 8 check

That being said, toxic females suck. But, I think their lashing out is a product of self destruction or simply for their own entertainment.

Toxic male employees will power trip and take every chance possible to try to get you fired or fuck you over any way they can.