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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 134 KB, 960x640, thaiHot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11485630 No.11485630 [Reply] [Original]

If you're white and you order "Thai Hot" you're getting "Mild". They never give white people the real Thai Hot.

Also MOST Chinese restaurants have secret menus for native speakers

>> No.11485638

how do we stop this discrimination?

>> No.11485654
File: 836 KB, 687x922, white ppl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do it, not because of discrimination but because they don't want to hurt anyone and have them think negatively about their too-spicy food.

>> No.11485704

Why would anyone care about this?

>> No.11485732

I feel for the ameritards.
It must be terrible coming from a country with absolutely no culinary history.
While most people in most countries would eat their national cuisine 99% of the times, Americans have to wonder "What am I ordering today, Chinese jizz or Korean cum. hmmmm, the possibilities!!"

>> No.11485781

It's spicy enough when your stomachs starts to ache. Cleans the piping out, kinda like drain cleaner.

>> No.11485792

Does this matter? You can always ask for more spice autist.

>> No.11485809

It’s true you have to go to the same place multiple times to prove your worth until they give you the real hot shit

>> No.11485815

they refuse. i’ve asked places to make a dish as spicy as can be and they just bring out more sauce, not hotter spice

>> No.11485827

then I'll have to go to one of the other over 9000 chinks places in town?

>> No.11485832

>over 9000 chinks places in town?
Coastie detected

>> No.11485865

America is only a couple hundred years old and we have done more in food sciences and culinary arts than pretty much all of Europe has in thousands of years

>> No.11485872

jesus you gotta go back to /pol/

>> No.11485875

I was truing new curry place with family. I ordered 9/10 spice because, i like spice. Get food and am hugely disappointed. Waiter tells me he got me a 4/10 because he didn't think,i could handle it.
Also local padthai place tried something similar. She looked disappointed when i finished the plate without breaking a sweat

>> No.11485883

>muh tradition
American tradition is to settle for nothing but the best. If I want something I'll have it. Peasant.

>> No.11485893

yeah I've had a lot of thai places tell me "the heat depends on how the chef is feeling". Thai places are weird about their thai hot for non-thai people.

>> No.11485897

all rook same/same, but me numba 1

>> No.11485909

No they don't you mook. There are very obvious differences between a Thai and a Chinese person.
I'm not arguing with your edgy nonsense. Just because this is a site full of degenerates doesn't mean you gotta act like one. Be an adult

>> No.11485920

>culinary arts
Dazzle me. What have the USA done in the matter of culinary arts?

>> No.11485929

they all have tiny little rice dicks though.

>> No.11486138

You've been to shitty restaurants. They will always cater to a point. If you're asking for ridiculousness then that is on you though. Obviously they aren't going to add spice levels to the waiver signing level.

>> No.11486176

too shay

>> No.11486201

um, ok, thanks

>> No.11486773

Can spicy food actually cause any damage other than psychological?

>> No.11486794

fine with me, i love thai food where the spice complements what im eating instead of overpowering it. you can keep your meme spice levels to yourself and make fun of me in the kitchen.

>> No.11486810

actual chink here
no they don't

>> No.11486837

you know, i've worked a bunch of restaurants and absolutely none of them serve you the good stuff unless you know to ask for it

you can't even get domino's to shake the crap they put on cheese bread over the top of their pizza, and in-n-out has an entire ~secret menu~. the local diner here sells so much shit on a shingle there's a button for it on the pos, but it isn't on the menu. every teenaged girl knows how to get whatever pumpkin AND caramel abortion at starbucks, and every subway in the country can and will make you a french bread pizza if you're smart enough to ask for meatball sauce, pepperoni, and cheese toasted.

plebs have bad taste and get fed what they deserve. op is just mad that people realize he's a pleb.

>> No.11486841

I've known two types of white people with spice. The people who think siracha is hot and the people who do hot wing challenges for "fun"

>> No.11486843

Post micropenis for proof

>> No.11487202

Whatever it does to my insides cannot be good. I have a really high tolerance for heat going in, but unfortunately that means I tend to overdo it and I spent the next day with massive cramps and horrible shits which are probably giving me haemorrhoids

>> No.11487203

and still zero culture about traditional home cooking

>> No.11487210

Kek af

>> No.11487223
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, biscuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hot do y'all think Laina likes her curry?

>> No.11487369

It's not discrimination. The owner learned quickly that when wh*teoids demanded to have their dish prepared with typical thai spice levels they threw a fit, accused the owner of fucking with them for making it inedibly hot and refused to pay. Just practical business sense to politely nod yes then fix it with drastically reduced spice levels.

>> No.11487442

>it’s not discrimination if it’s practical

>> No.11487458

Wh*teoids who get profiled get really butthurt over it. Shockingly, people don't like it when their appearance leads to being treated in a way other than how they'd like to be treated. But it's beyond skin, it's the overall package. I know a wh*teoid who's bald, stocky, and dresses in dad jeans and looks basically like he'd shoot up a mosque in the name of MAGA, but he's actually a pretty decent guy and appreciates good food from a variety of different gastronomic traditions. Unfortunately for him he always gets the wh*teoid treatment at good restaurants. On the other hand another wh*teoid I know looks like an insufferable "enlightened" backpacker hobo you might find on Khao San Road, and yet no one questions his orders, despite being actually a picky tendies manchild who gets scared at the sight of a vegetable or shrimp with the head still attached.

People are weird.

>> No.11487459

In Australia if I ignore the warning I just get laughed at for crying as I eat.
What kind of cunt complains after being warned? Take the risk if you're okay with the consequences.
Insisting I can't have it or low key toning it town is equally cuntish though.

>> No.11487473

I know how she takes her creampie

>> No.11487489

Haven't you ever seen Diners, Drive-ins and Dives?

>> No.11487604


>> No.11487607

They won the last fancy French competition

>> No.11487611

Is there a special trick I can use to get something actually spicy? I buy and use those ridiculously hot hot sauces, the kind that make you tear up, and make my pee burn in the morning if I've had too much. I just want to try some of their fancy spicy Thai pepper flavor, I don't want to keep using my stupid hot sauce bottles to make something spicy

>> No.11487615

Thats a meme stores use to make you think its more legitimate.

>> No.11487633


Just ask for it? In my experience restaurant owners will give you what ever food you are willing to pay for. You may get a few like OP knows which make 'hot' food not very spicy and you may get some who make it stupidly hot to fuck with you, but the majority will cook it however you want, they don't give a shit.

The problem you are most likely experiencing is that ethnic foods are not really that 'hot'. sure they are hot compared to European style chicken, potatoes and gravy but they are not hot compared to the extremely spicy food that Western spice heads are used to. People in Mexico and India don't eat naga peppers for fun. A traditional dish will seem mild to you if you are used to extreme heat.

>> No.11487664

If you're white just fuck the shit out of the owner's daughters that are most likely working there. Asian women love white cock