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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11484071 No.11484071 [Reply] [Original]

traveling fucking blows
but at least you get free cookies and tea

>> No.11484074

your in a hotel not a plane

>> No.11484076

Not gonna lie, pretty jealous right now

>> No.11484096

yea, I like buying plane tickets for the free cookies and drinks you get

>> No.11484097

how anyone gets on a plane mystifies me. just the thought of being stuck in a tube and breathing the reused air of the dregs of society gives me a panic attack.

>> No.11484118

>he eats cookies
are you 5

>> No.11484126

All air is reused and you're a part of "the dregs of society". Just admit you have a fear of flying and fuck right off.

>> No.11484129

Because there's a whole wide world out there.

>> No.11484131

not my air. I'm inna woods
so what?

>> No.11484134
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>how anyone gets on a plane mystifies me

>> No.11484145

lrn2 use appropriate memes, pls.

>> No.11484170

stay mad inbred flyover ameritard

>> No.11484182

Oh, I thought my point was obvious. Some people don't have closed minds and don't want to be surrounded their whole life by the same people and experiences. So we get on a boat or a plane and go out and get shit done instead of being a crybaby faggot like you, whining about your anxiety and tender feefees.

>> No.11484200

You're still breathing in some of the same air that Hitler breathed every day.

>> No.11484208

I can - and do - all of that on the internet. Planes and boats are relics of an unenlightened past. A past you and your open mind desperately cling to.

>> No.11484211

Mask and sanitary wipes, don’t talk to anyone, don’t eat or drink anything, and touch as little things as possible. Not even kidding. Flying really does fucking suck but sometimes it just can’t be avoided.

>> No.11484217
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>Planes and boats are relics of an unenlightened past.
>The future is my mom's basement

>> No.11484224

For me it is pretzels and Bloody Mary mix.

>> No.11484255
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It ain't great. The shit plane ride itself isn't even the worst part of flying. The airports themselves are awful. Then when you finally make it to your gate 2 hours after walking through the door and being forced to get naked and have fists put up your ass, you have to sit in these seats that face the slobs you're going to be flying with. You just sit there staring at each other awkwardly waiting to be corralled into the transport tube. All for the low, non refundable under any circumstance price of $800.

>> No.11484267
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>> No.11484279

*opens jpeg of St, Maarten in browser window*
*plays beach noises on youtube*
Ahhh that's better. When will the travelfags learn?

>> No.11484282

>All for the low, non refundable under any circumstance price of $800.
where the fuck are you flying to, Bangkok?

>> No.11484293

I used to fly a few times a year up until 8-9 years ago. It just became such an unpleasant experience that I just said fuck it; if I really need to be somewhere I'll drive all day, or for multiple days and stay in shitty roadside motels. It's not fun, but fuck airplanes and airports these days.

>> No.11484298
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>deal with the hassles of traveling to sit around with a bunch of fat tourists while being served over-priced garbage by island Negroes
>I made the big time, ma!

>> No.11484336

Two words: Game Boy

>> No.11484338

Sound's like you've never had to deal with absolutely anything in life.

>> No.11484344


>> No.11484345

>if I really need to be somewhere I'll drive all day, or for multiple days and stay in shitty roadside motels
I do the same thing now if I have the choice. It's really relaxing and a good experience, getting to see all the changing landscapes and cultures over long distances. Just you and the GPS lady voice cruising and listening to podcasts/radio shows then you camp in the back seat at night to sleep. Much less stressful than flying and cheaper too.

>> No.11484425

>t. poorfag that can't afford refundable tickets

>> No.11484434

>have a decent job with benefits
>have tsa pre-check so i dont have to deal with security lines and cavity checks
>usually pay the extra dosh for first class or comfort+ or premium or whatever the nice seats are called
>have a travel agent whos a nice old lady that has been doing her job for a long time and sets up the flights so i can comfortably get between layovers without having to rush or wait too long
>relax on the plane with a book or game, noise canceling headphones
>dont have to deal with crying children and annoying weirdos that sit in the main cabin and economy seats
>the food is still trash

>> No.11484447

Airports used to be a popular place to find a good restaurant. There's still some good stuff in the bigger places

>> No.11484564

Based, UNITEDfags are constantly on suicidewatch

>> No.11484571

O'Hare has a Frontera. Genuinely good stuff there

>> No.11484575
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>> No.11484577

hilton garden inns have a bretty decent breakfast
i've never stayed at a marriot

>> No.11484592

Breakfast at my usual Marriott is $14. Glad my company pays for it. I was at a Radisson before that and their breakfast was $9. Do hotels just not do free continental breakfasts anymore?

>> No.11484605

holiday inn has continental. hilton has full buffet. real scrambled eggs...not the powdered eggs. bacon, sausage, ham, country potatoes along with waffles, oats, cereal, fruit etc. it's included in the cost of the suite.

>> No.11484620

What the fuck is a cookie?

>> No.11484627
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>Planes and boats are relics of an unenlightened past

>> No.11484859

full breakfast is a scam. have that and you'll be too full for lunch

>> No.11484873

their breakfast is served from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. eat at 6 a.m. do your normal thing...return at 10:45 for breakfast for lunch. think smart, anon.

>> No.11484892

it's ok, I know it's tough having autism

>> No.11484907



fucking shill

>> No.11484911

flying delta and staying in marriotts makes you a billionaire?

>> No.11484921
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Like the drink you’re drinking right now didn’t pass through a lifeform before...

>> No.11484923



Fucking shill

>> No.11484926

The shining achievement of mankind is inventing a way to grant this flightless species access to the wonders of flying and then making it the most cancerous experience in your life.

>> No.11484936

Reflections of the gombeen man.

>> No.11484943
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>he's never flown business class before

>> No.11484944

This. I travel often for work and if possible I just drive. Load up the phone with podcasts and cruise 14-16hrs at a time. Once did 25hrs straight.

>> No.11484951

you breath the same air as the folk back in coach, dum dum

>> No.11484954

gave me a genuine chuckle there. thanks anon

>> No.11486787

is it worth traveling just for the free cookies and tea?

>> No.11486791

>free cookies and drinks
lmao they charge you.

>> No.11486832

oh yea spending $5000 and 2 months to travel by train is much more appealing

>> No.11486842

Is grits actually good? I’m a yuropoor and the first and only time I had them was on a flight from America. I’ll chalk it up to being airplane food but they tasted fucking horrible.

>> No.11486850

what the fuck nigger you don't need to be on planes for that long don't be silly.

>> No.11486862


They're sustenance, and that's largely why we regard them as a breakfast food. There are more calorie-dense foodstuffs, but grits are mostly a tradition upheld by the elderly these days. That said, I like them because they're cheap due to the lack of demand.

>> No.11486867

Strange, I just had a look at some online and it looks like they have the consistency of a loose porridge? The ones I had were almost like soup. I guess it was just down to being cheap and microwaved.

>> No.11486881


Realistically, there's no official or correct consistency to grits. It comes down to the preference of the person making it, or the person who's going to be eating it, if they're not one and the same. I like mine to be barely thick enough to hold a shape, and there are some heretics who seem to think that corn-flavored water with a few scant clumps of corn dust is an acceptable thing to do in civilized society.

I'd recommend picking some up and trying a few different styles for yourself. The worst that can happen is that you realize that Americans did weird things during the Dust Bowl era of our history, and our cooking still reflects that.-

>> No.11486885

Looks like Quaker do some over here. Thanks for the info, I’ll give them a go.

>> No.11486898
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If you find yourself with some cheese to spare and extra grits after your experiments, consider making cheese grits. You'll probably be sick of straight corn grits before you run out of them, so it'll shake things up just enough to keep you from hating them forever.

Best of luck!

>> No.11486920

If you are on a trash airline.

Almost every airline gives you a small cookie and a drink apart of you ticket. Anything more costs you.

>> No.11486950

lmao no they charge you.

>> No.11486961

>My children won't believe me when i tell them complimentary peanuts were an airplane staple.

>> No.11487058

Read a fucking book you uncultured swine.

>> No.11487086

Looks like someone is in denial of having an anxiety disorder

>> No.11487154

I'm sorry to hear that you had such a bad first experience with grits because yes, when made properly they are wonderful.

>> No.11487279

The Hilton at O'Hare will hook you up with some great food

>> No.11487290

>on plane last week
>british family sitting beside me with spoiled obnoxious children
>girl comes around
>"any cookies for you?"
>british kid says "no but ill have a biscuit"
>"we sont have bis-"
>"biscuits are cookies!"
>flight attendants laugh and start mocking there accents "heres your biscuits ol boy, the propa way innit"
I lost my shit it was hilarious

>> No.11487331
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post good airplane food

jalfrezi on an etihad flight, simple, lots of flavour, but the sides were lacking

>> No.11487346

>reused air
They pump fresh air in from the outside.

>> No.11487349

I remember after the recession started, American was no longer giving out snacks. Maybe they do now though.

>> No.11487391

>All for the low, non refundable under any circumstance price of $800.
Yea, you obviously don't fly...ever.
I went to Chicago for St. Patrick's Day, roundrip $80, $110/night for 5 star hotel, and wined and dined my way through the city for the weekend..just for fun.
I like Icelandair, just so I can intentionally stop in Blue Lagoon to/from USA and Europe. $80 and a layover of a few hours just for a massage, mud mask, and arctic air hitting my face, as I keep my shoulders under the water.
December in Manhattan, one 4-day weekend a year, every year. Enjoy 1 show, and trying the new restaurants, and filled up an empty suitcase with finds, just in case good shopping. Last year did the delights of K-Town, this year, who knows?

>> No.11487404

>all city pairs are the same
New York-London, New York-Paris, New York-Chicago, yeah, cheap cheap cheap, it's not the distance it's the number of flights and the amount of competition in that market. That's why even working class New Yorkers casually mention their weekend in some "faraway" city that has 30 nonstops a day on 10 different airlines

Good luck getting a round trip between Oaxaca and Cincinnati for anywhere near the price of your bargain basement Iceland Air specials.

>> No.11487436

>Took a flight to Singapore
>2 flights totalling 36 hours altogether
>mfw I started getting motion sickness before the second hour kicked in
>mfw fiance wants to go back

God damn me to hell if I ever stand near a plane again, what a miserable experience. I was sick for 3 days straight. On the bright side, the Japanese flight I was on had pretty good food. I don't remember much about it other than it was a sweet relief from the monotony of staring directly in front of me and trying to not puke

>> No.11488297

Economy class passenger detected.

>> No.11488482


>> No.11488499

Clearly you haven't tried Lufthansa airline ravioli. And unlike amerimutt planes food and drink and snacc is free.

>> No.11489337
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Talking about flying on airplanes, not being launched from a catapult.

>> No.11489350
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>going to shitcago for vacation
literally why

>> No.11489374

I exclusively fly Alaskan airlines. Maybe everyone else really is shit.

>> No.11490703

here's a simple solution: stop being a flyover

>> No.11491411


To be fair, if you're not a fan of traveling for no reason, living in the so-called flyover states isn't that bad. Your dollar goes further there, and you don't have to deal with coastal weirdos unless you turn on your TV and watch it for more than a few minutes at a time.

>> No.11491418

Don't you mean teas and biscuit you brexitard

>> No.11491718

These are domestic American flights, right?
>tfw non-Clapistani and used to meal service and free flow alcohol on economy flights

>> No.11491723

But it has been sterilised. The air on a plane comes directly from the man with halitosis next to you

>> No.11491754

*biscuit and a spot of tea, may God save the Queen and our dear Theresa May

>> No.11491820

>food and drink and snacc is free
unless someone else buys you the plain ticket, you pay for all that, it's included in the price of the plain ticket, nothing is free

>> No.11492039
File: 433 KB, 780x439, 180809185029-foreclosures-fort-myers-florida-780x439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't mind living with a bunch of ignorant inbreds, spending your entire life inside a car, never seeing food that didn't come out of cardboard box, having to be heavily armed just to go out and buy groceries, not being able to buy alcohol without a license from the local megachurch, and living in constant fear of being murdered for not being a "regular normal guy", living in the so-called flyover states isn't that bad

Wow, where do I sign up?

>> No.11492087
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>he plays games in public like a manchild

>> No.11492093
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>he plays games

>> No.11492112
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Can't spend your entire life afraid of the center parts of the continental US.

>> No.11492132

>no arguments
>just stereotypes learned from lefty sites like Huffpost and Vice

What's it like being a NPC with no original thoughts of your own?

>> No.11492211

What third world are you from? The drinks are free with exception of alcoholic beverages that are extra billed. Even on short 1 hour flights there are complimentary drinks and snacks here

>> No.11492218

Unless you're talking about water, they aren't.

>> No.11492219

ITT: I went on an airplane once, and now I'm an expert

>> No.11492231

midwest fur fest of course

>> No.11492239

>complimentary drinks and snacks here
You don't think the cost of those is included in the price of your ticket?

>> No.11492271

where can I buy those fucking cookies

>> No.11492299

>post good airplane food
you first