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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 239 KB, 632x347, CE5ADDCE-29E5-4B2C-920F-7012240780BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11480731 No.11480731 [Reply] [Original]

Is our favourite fast food about to be banned?
If this Australian icon gets the chop, I will be devistated.
Should we ban the onions, or have a fine for people who don’t put their onions on the bottom?

>> No.11480754

how does this manage to pass as news? is australia some sort of utopia where the biggest problem is positioning onions wrongly on what seems to be a hotdog?

>> No.11480764


>> No.11480773

what is this food item called?

>> No.11480776

i really meant no offense, sorry. If it means anything americas news is just as bad, if not worse.

>> No.11480798

Australian news is a genuine fucking joke. We have an extremely robust news network without the population to support it, so literally 95% of articles deemed newsworthy are sponsored or just pure fluff.

>> No.11480808

Well yeah that is sort of about right, the news covers anything related to threats against our cultural memes. Don't think about moving to our party island either.

>> No.11480812

Australian news is all trivial because nothing notable happens here. Melbourne government recently spent actual money on making some traffic light symbols female to combat discrimination.

>> No.11480816


>> No.11480834
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A major health risk to the unwitting.

>> No.11480992

What a fuckin dumb cunt, how the actual fuck did he slip on a sliver of cooked onion, I step on fuckin cooked onions in shoes with no tread at bunnings and I'm not falling on my ass but this muppet wearing fuckin proper boots slips on a piece of fuckin onion? what the fuck

>> No.11481003

If you're the type of cunt that goes to bunnings I really want nothing to do with you, whatever they sell is for peasants, if I need something done I will pay one of these cretins to do it

Fuck em

>> No.11481008

Now he has ptsd and has to look for onions constantly.
These weekend sausage sizzles are always for charity or to support youth sports. This guy however feels his wallet is more important and got Bunnings to settle out of court.
I hope someday soon he chokes on some onion.

>> No.11481029

you lying quadriplegic

>> No.11481036

It’s probably best you don’t post here anon. Tough guys like you will scare the rest of us away.

>> No.11481047

fukn got me there m8, I got no arms or legs, still though, what a fuckin pussy cunt that guy is

He's probably the kind of cunt that doesn't eat onions cause "they're icky"

>> No.11481058
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>aussies cant handle onions

>> No.11481074
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How do they get out without slipping on all the onions?

>> No.11481083

That's the aussie word for based. No worries

>> No.11481088

aren't you guys basically being colonized by china
should have let the emus fucking kill you all, at least you receive a noble end

>> No.11481097
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Jesus any worse and they’d be swimming in those slippery fucks.

>> No.11481113

Yeah the government wants easy Gibbs me dat and does lots of closed door handshakes, essentially letting them buy up as much real estate as they can afford.
Fuck me, the majority are really rude cunts, too.

>> No.11481197

>That's the aussie word for based
It's funny because it's true.

>> No.11481303


>> No.11481305

Shut the FUCK up and drink your Fosters, boomerang man

>> No.11481432

This is what passes for news in countries that don’t have mass shootings every week.

>> No.11481514

It's sad, really.

>> No.11481534


>> No.11481603


>> No.11481702
File: 42 KB, 678x452, F6A1FD83-3FF1-4767-80FC-23AC4CD900BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags sure do make up some dumb words.
This is now a real hotdog thread.

>> No.11481740
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>The absolute state of Aussies

>> No.11481962
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>Be Aussie
>buy goonbag
>Kinda smells funny
>make national news

>Be American
>designated theater shooter kills 40
>just another day

>> No.11481970

The news can't cover all the stabbings because it is racist.

>> No.11482090

Last night a fucking pedo joined a team looking for a 12 year old found her and sexually assaulted her, then a guy went to rescue the girl and got stabbed in the neck for his trouble.
The pedo got detained by other citizens and before the police came he got a beat down and is now in hospital.
In Straya no less :(

>> No.11482132

If only the retards of our country would huff gas all day instead of shoot people

>> No.11482135

I haven't had a TV for at least half a decade and fuck knows the last time I watched the news. SBS used to be okay and my mum works for ABC so it was always on when I lived at home.
I get all my world news from wikipedia and 4chan (if something big goes down I'll probably here about it here before most other people around.)
On the otherhand I honestly can't even remember who the current PM is though. I stopped paying attention when we went through like 4 in as many years.
I quite enjoy how unpolitical our cunt is at the moment. I guess because most of the faggots I interact with at work are bloody foreigners. I also think a lot of people are realizing that nothing really changes whoever is in charge.

>> No.11482142
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>> No.11482463

someone asked the prime minister about it lol

>> No.11482583

>What a fuckin dumb cunt, how the actual fuck did he slip on a sliver of cooked onion, I step on fuckin cooked onions in shoes with no tread at bunnings and I'm not falling on my ass but this muppet wearing fuckin proper boots slips on a piece of fuckin onion? what the fuck
jesus christ Australians on 4chan are cringy
People like you who start throwing in as much slang as they can into their posts the moment they enter a thread where they can identify as an Australian to impress the Big Strong Americans even though you NEVER use those words in daily conversation since you're a shut-in NEET and not a north Queensland tradie are what's wrong with Australian culture

>> No.11482676

which is weird because the australian press used to be very well respected, they broke the east timor story years before anyone else

>> No.11482805
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Yeah, I'm not a north queensland tradie, I'm a victorian butcher, faggot

>> No.11482818

has there ever been a snag on top of faerie bread?

>> No.11482843

Fuck off, just because you are so autistic you talk like an RP accented text to speech device doesn't mean the rest of us are the same. On 4chan I wouldn't use a third of the Australianisms I do IRL but you urbanite poofs still get triggered from time to time and accuse me of hamming it up.

>> No.11482995

Wholly shit looks awesome. Jealous the cuts you would get to take home on the reg.
Lol’d af ‘poof’
Fuck we gotta bring that back more.

>> No.11483031

Serious business these onions. Now causing panic attacks.

>> No.11483049

This is the best argument for gun proliferation that I've ever heard.

>> No.11483055

Aussies are too fucking dumb to use guns anyway. They literally (as in not figuratively) went to war with a machine gun and still lost said war to a bunch of literal birds.

>> No.11483081

You know there were far more than the bullets they carried so they just said f-this and turned around, right?

It’s kinda like when USA went to war with Vietnam, except Australia lost zero casualties.

>> No.11483429

>how does this manage to pass as news?
I've been saying the same shit all my life....

>> No.11483434

just found out turnbull isn't pm anymore
not sure why i should give a fuck about any of this shit

>> No.11483461
File: 126 KB, 995x802, australian cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Australian gun buyback was triggered by the Port Arthur shooting. Look up the hit/miss stats on that and remind yourself that the guy who did it was literally retarded and had no training.
They definitely know how to use guns.

They'd never ban the Bunning's snag. That would cause civil war.
There's talk about putting the onions under the sausage instead of on top of it, though, which might still result in some nasty rioting.

>> No.11483462

>You know there were far more than the bullets they carried
You know they stopped because they eventually realized how insanely fucking stupid it was to use a crew served weapon to do what a simple rifle with iron sights can do, right?

Can't expect much from a prison colony, though.

>> No.11483467

>Australian gun buyback was triggered by...
Pussies, and the communist scum leftists intent on using them to gain power.

Just like every other "buyback".

>> No.11483473

>They literally (as in not figuratively) went to war with a machine gun and still lost said war to a bunch of literal birds.
haha memes am i right friend

>> No.11483487

I don't disagree with that at all. Just pointing to the one example they used to make it happen.
That retard could shoot.

>> No.11484712

It was a false flag, used as a device to disarm us. It worked a treat, too.

>> No.11484919

yeh, get some pretty amazing steaks sometimes, good pork and lamb too.

>> No.11484956

Wow, that's something else. Did they get all the people in the team? Or just the guy that stabbed the other?

there's some evidence that shows that one of those shootings, I believe the one that happened during that batman movie was staged.

>> No.11485019
File: 143 KB, 960x720, vlcsnap-2016-01-12-02h33m20s912-Danger_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danger 5 is real.

>> No.11485028

t. Alex Jones

>> No.11485058


>> No.11485467

Niiice mate. Love pork and lamb just as much desu.

>> No.11485479

Did you really think ANYONE here didn't already know about the Emu War?
Why don't you actually read the page you linked before you post again?

>> No.11486015

The guy who sexually assaulted the girl was the only pedo. The rest beat him up.
He joined the search party to ‘help’ look for the girl.
He ended up just helping himself. Wish they’d have killed him.

>> No.11486204
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They don't call it "Brisvegas" for no reason. It's known for excitement.

>> No.11487277


It's a report from a morning infotainment show. All they do is report the most inane shit.

>> No.11487304

"sausage sanga" or if ur a poofter "sausage in bread"

>> No.11487312

You'd have a lot of stories involving rape, child grooming, and stabbings if you faggots didn't consider it cultural enrichment.

>> No.11487399

??? name a country that doesnt have rape, child grooming, and stabbings, dickhead

>> No.11487437

It’s just bait anon. Don’t feed the troll.

>> No.11487449

I always find it funny that Australians use a piece of shit processed white bread slice as a 'bun'.

>> No.11487455

I find it especially funny anon.
Not as funny as how Americans accept that they are forced to eat breat loaded with sugar.

>> No.11487877


This is just to help get you started. If you really want to see what i'm talking about take a bit more time looking in to this event. There is also symbolic meanings behind the numbers.

Or, you know, just ignore all of it and call me crazy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.11487891

Thanks for clarifying, it's still bad but I thought a group of pedos went out on a hunt or something. Either way, still unfortunate that the guy had to get stabbed.

in all honesty australia looks like a beautiful place to visit

that puts the whole thing into better perspective

>> No.11487953

As I recall this happened right before the sandyhook and parkland shootings as well.
News reports and headlines were published ahead of schedule, one of them a full 8 hours before it had happened.

>> No.11488208

I’m seems hard to believe that all of these news sources would have the story early, report on said story, and then not think to report on the far more important story, which is that they got the og story well before it happened.
Also these news outlets would be all over the phone to the police stations and news companies in the area to find out more, so police and the news vans would have been all at the school prior to the event thinking something big must be about to happen.
I just don’t buy that narrative sorry.

>> No.11488232

10 hours in MS Paint

>> No.11488495
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>making some traffic light symbols female to combat discrimination
Are you guys in the commonwealth okay?

>> No.11488506

Britain is the laughing stock of the commonwealth.
I like to see them take a nuke.