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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 1502x1002, Crispy-Crab-Rangoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11478021 No.11478021 [Reply] [Original]

ONLY ONE!!!!!!

>> No.11478032

Lobster bisque.

>> No.11478036

Baingan bharta

>> No.11478037


>> No.11478039

tempura vegetables

>> No.11478041

Fried Chicken

>> No.11478044
File: 29 KB, 306x439, 0033D49400000258-0-image-m-3_1521582851966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandwich. Haha bitch, now I can eat ANYTHING. Anything can arguably be a sandwich. Gamed your gay little scenario.

>> No.11478045
File: 27 KB, 410x410, 14936453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy. It's the perfect health food. Memes aside, read about it. It has perfect nutrient densities, is a complete protein, fights cancer, heart disease, diabetes and a slew of other diseases, and it triggers the alt-right crazies. Win across the board.

>> No.11478053

based and sandpilled

>> No.11478055

>t. numale

>> No.11478059

Peanut budder

>> No.11478061

>lookit me
>i have taken the "Red Pill"
>how wonderful it is to be as as intelligent as me

>> No.11478062


>> No.11478086

>t. antiscience flatearth antivaxxing /pol/cuck

>> No.11478098


>> No.11478119


>> No.11478122

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

>> No.11478124

Put a hot dog between two pieces of bread. Now hotdog sandwich.

>> No.11478127
File: 25 KB, 400x400, fc7eac523e1801d86279ee27e2f93c48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cereal w/o milk

>> No.11478134

based /v/irgin

>> No.11478152

based based poster

>> No.11478165

redpilled post

>> No.11478472

redpilled and based reply

>> No.11478476
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>> No.11478485
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>> No.11479032

easy, beef

>> No.11479039

Corned beef hash

>> No.11479045

Prairie Chicken for me.

>> No.11479047

No. Aa sandwich is ingredients put between two pieces of bread. A hot-dog bun is just one piece of bread.

>> No.11479056

eggs, They are so fucking versatile.

>> No.11479059

Spaghetti with meat sauce

>> No.11479067

Oh yeah? Don't bother clenching your butthole bitch, it won't help:


That's right. On your knees. I can eat literally anything, any time I want. Gamed, setted, and matched that scenario, motherfucker. You can tell I am a cool and badass individual and a great friend to hang out and play games with.

>> No.11479077

Pepperoni pizza. The Patrician choice.

>> No.11479078

It's a form of taco

>> No.11479080

vegetarian bolognese with cream

>> No.11479089

Pizza no contest

>> No.11479096


anyone who picks something made of a few ingredients or something that cannot include more ingredients (or an idiot who picks one ingredient) will surely die

>> No.11479109

spirulina or bee pollen

>> No.11479112

What if you separate the two sides?

>> No.11479114

I'd make u fuck urself wit ur own dick NO RUBBER

>> No.11479117


>> No.11479152
File: 459 KB, 974x531, sandtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11479337

Pizza sticks with marinara sauce
And if I cant have both, then just pepperoni pizza.

>> No.11479357

Burrito. With shredded chicken.

>> No.11479381


a submarine sandwich only has one piece of bread

>> No.11479395

peas, as long as i can put salt and pepper on em

>> No.11479400

actually, i don't even need the seasoning, canned peas or apples

>> No.11479743
File: 347 KB, 2500x1407, fav candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11479746


>> No.11479979

Yes, as a sandwich is any assembled handheld meal consisting of a food (or foods) supported or contained by an edible structural element, such that you can eat it without the use of utensils or outside containers.
You're an uneducated buffoon.
A taco is also a sandwich.
This is a sandwich, you can still hold it like you would a regular bagel and eat it as you would any other sandwich. It's somewhat more likely to get messy, but not if prepared carefully.

>> No.11479990

you couldn't hold it like a bagel because it would fall apart unless you held it with two hands like a weak president lifting up a glass of water

>> No.11480003

I think "you have to eat it with both hands" is a weak criteria for disqualifying something as a sandwich. A large, overstuffed sandwich of meat and cheese between bread would require you to hold it with two hands, but would still definitely be a sandwich.
Is that retarded bagel shit a GOOD or SMART way to make a sandwich? No. But it's still a sandwich.
Also kill yourself, retard, he's got 6 more years.

>> No.11480091

For me, it would be the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

>> No.11480220

We're all going to die, anon.

>> No.11480236

Chicken thigh

>> No.11480260

>triggers the alt-right
No it's the faggots with tiny dicks and cuckold fetishes that bang on about "soy/coconut water/almond milk..." that gets men's backs up.

>> No.11480267
File: 222 KB, 773x1030, cobb_salad_recipe-773x1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cobb salad

>> No.11480270

Lol, you mad!

>> No.11480277

Why would I be mad?

>> No.11480489
File: 7 KB, 275x183, meat pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sandwich is any assembled handheld meal consisting of a food (or foods) supported or contained by an edible structural element, such that you can eat it without the use of utensils or outside containers

Is a pie a sandwich?

>> No.11480591

>Man tits
>Marries a 30+ worn out bag with kids

Well memed, upboat.

>> No.11480592

Pine nut alfredo pasta.

>> No.11480602


>> No.11481067

Salad. A sandwich with lettuce? A salad. Pizza with spinach? More like a salad. Burger with a single tomato and a slice on onion on it? Definitely a salad.

>> No.11481136

breadbowls filled with beer

>> No.11481192

>gets triggered

>> No.11481762


>> No.11481779
File: 192 KB, 1200x825, sandwich alignment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11481790

Like for life?
Probably some sort of nutritionally diverse survival rations or some shit.

>> No.11481799
File: 143 KB, 559x623, 1500568831608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruhs I fucking wish ;_;

>> No.11481817
File: 76 KB, 1160x537, resources_ce58b6e9-2a16-425a-b805-e2bd78306bf2-cropped-10262242_632949093439775_4584968281730960695_n[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even have to think about it.

>> No.11481832

No, the key word assembled is in the description to indicate that a sandwich must be put together from prepared ingredients. you must be able to eat the sandwich directly after assembling it, without having cooked it.
As a pie is inedible before you cook it, it is not a sandwich.

>> No.11481901
File: 54 KB, 600x600, Tower_Beef_Patties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these are sandwiches?

>> No.11481949


>> No.11482063


>> No.11482068

I agree

>> No.11482070
File: 177 KB, 1124x1024, i09FJm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could eat blini and only blini for eternity if I had to. Smetana, sgushyonka, or some other sweet shit would only be a benefit. I'd look as smug as this kot while doing it too.

>> No.11482177

only based post in the entire thread

>> No.11482183
File: 206 KB, 1000x663, A16BD66D-6486-40EC-BCF8-8933F5805029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cassoulet, it is nutritionally complete and delicious. It’s the national dish of the Occitan region.

>> No.11482222

Pizza. Ultimate versatility

>> No.11482240


>> No.11482279

this nigga eatin peas

>> No.11482299


>> No.11483829

Flesh of the dead.