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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 383 KB, 1809x1288, 20181114_190914-1809x1288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11476055 No.11476055 [Reply] [Original]

What are some choice morsels or indulgences that only the real /ck/onnoisseurs know about?

I'll start with the best bite of the ham steak. A few crystals of finishing salt really takes it to a different level

>> No.11476065
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And of course there is the Parsons nose, the most succulent nugget from the fowl

>> No.11476073

The boot shaped chicken nugget is the best one.

Fight me.

>> No.11476091
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>> No.11476092
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Only a true cu/ck/ knows that you always slurp the spinal cord directly from the (smoked) turkey neck. A naturally encased tube of healthy fats, collagen, and enriched minerals, the spinal cord is a nutritional powerhouse that everyone should include in a well-balanced diet

>> No.11476102
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Hummingbird torsos grilled over a bed of hot coals

>> No.11476122

Fish bladder roasted with a lighter. It's crunchy and has lots of fat and nice taste

>> No.11476174

Is that the little bit on the end of the thigh? Love that part

>> No.11476280
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Yes it's the "tail" if you will, directly above the anus

Pic related is the essence of Long John Silvers. A hush puppy, dipped in tartar, dipped in batter crumbs. Only the real experts can appreciate this one

>> No.11476312

Room temperature milk is supreme

>> No.11476316
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The ribeye cap, or spinalis

>> No.11476373

turkey oysters

>> No.11476416

seconding this

>> No.11476458

why are you holding it over a toilet?

>> No.11476459

awww yeeaaa, dat bone marrow

>> No.11476661

Fuckin yuck

>> No.11476667


>> No.11476843

No sorry, I am not your ching chong chink acquaintance

>> No.11476848
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>Secret Delicacies
For me, it's Uma Delicia

>> No.11476855

Roasted beef bone marrow spread over small pieces of bread lightly browned in olive oil

>> No.11477226

The bone marrow from popeyes chicken.

>> No.11477262

This is the only time I’ve ever seen someone here talk about ham marrow. It really is unbelievably good food.

>> No.11477386

How did you catch these? I tried a fly swatter but they tend to get all smashed and pulpy in the process.

>> No.11477508

Why not? It's really not weird dude.

>> No.11477513
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Lay out a resin trap bud, it resembles their natural food (nectar).

>> No.11477734

>dies from pryon disease a week later

>> No.11478200

Fuck off Nazi!

>> No.11478215


I also love to dig out the kidney in roast chicken

>> No.11478244

This guy gets it. My grandfather taught my father and they both taught me.
They’re small so you need to get the women on the house to pluck and debone but what’s left is a delightful night, or cooked in a pie with rhubarb and some pine nuts.
Oh lawd that’s to die for.

>> No.11478602

this actually sounds pretty good. i imagine they are quite delicate in terms of flavor and texture? would try it, but hummingbirds don't live in this climate. maybe next time im in california i'll bring some traps with me.

>> No.11478614

Heh, I always give it to my dog

>> No.11478618

why do u cunts eat hummingbird

>> No.11478621

nobody likes the marrow from the ham steak so I always get it. i save it for last

>> No.11478660

Maybe if you're eating humans you stupid faggot.

>> No.11478664

>have birds all over the fucking place
>birds are delicious
>some anon who lives in a different part of the world goes 'omg why'
Because they taste good you son of a bitch.
Porcupine is considered a delicacy where I live.

>> No.11478667

>prion disease
thanks for inadvertently making me fear death and send a shiver down my spine
im too young to think about this shit

>> No.11478669

>im too young
wait until you see how fast life goes. death is nearer than you think

>> No.11478679

That is from ingesting HUMAN spine. As in cannibalism.

>> No.11478681

can you not
ive more than 60 years ahead of me
you sure? sauce please

>> No.11478690

idc about the ethics of it and porcupine seems sick
hummingbirds just kinda wack
how common are hummingbirds?

>> No.11478698


Hummingbird gastronomy is easily the most underrated game category that given the local availability can provide exquisite and sustainable delicacies. Acquisition should be focused on late spring to mid summer; this is when the populations will be the most fertile and with appropriate weather conditions flush with resources. Their gestation period is relatively short, so with proper supplemental feedings you can produce additional nesting cycles, but it is prudent to use selective culling so that the female to male ratio remains high.

To catch them, set up a basic cage structure, but with a cohesive, but malleable one way netting. The stress of being caught in the netting will asphyxiate the vast majority of them, but any that manage to actually reach the bait should be allowed to gorge themselves. Any that survive more than a few days should be drowned in cognac, but brandy is a suitable supplement.

>> No.11478705

didn't know we had turkeys posting on this board

>> No.11478723

>dont care about the ethics of it
>fine with porcupine but not hummingbird
And they're very common in the north east of america during the summer for sure.

>> No.11478785

seems like you can get it from contaminated instruments during surgery as well as eating cows that have mad cow disease

>> No.11478814

sry i didnt mean anything bad by calling u a cunt im just australian
im not super familiar with american fauna i guess, id always thought hummingbirds were a pretty exotic thing
also i looked up some more and all hummingbird species weigh less than 10 grams wtf how much meat do u even get from one

>> No.11478839

Yes you can get prion DISEASES(pural, it's not 'prion disease') in many places but it is guaranteed when cannibalizing brain matter or spinal bits.
>weight less than 10 grams
>how much meat do you even get
Did you not see the picture? >>11476102

>> No.11478874
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Smoked goldeye.

>> No.11478895

criminally underrated post

>> No.11478904

Those are most definitely not hummingbirds. A dressed hummingbird would barely be 1/4 of that size. Iow, hummingbird would dress out to the size of a chicken heart. You idiots who fell for this were trolled big time and killing a hummingbird would be a federal felony under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. You better believe if I saw evidence of someone doing it, they'll be busted.

>> No.11478922


Am I getting trolled right now? I can't find a single page on Google of anybody cooking and eating hummingbirds

>> No.11478958

romans used to regard hummingbird tongues as a delicacy; in some places people eat everything from squirrels to frogs to snails so yes, in some places it is just more normal than others.
I prefer rabbit or porcupine myself.

>> No.11478986

medfag here, it's PRYON DISEASE you absolute retard.

>> No.11478992
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You'll pass eventually anon. Don't give up.

>> No.11479006

its chicken hearts you retards

>> No.11479008

mad cow says otherwise

>> No.11479011

Sure, better believe laymen who don't have an IDEA of what the fuck they are talking about, who have the shame to write articles instead of believing EXPERTS like myself and many others who have dedicated our entire lives for the betterment of HUMANITY.

>> No.11479025

Just read the damn wiki article. Go, read it, we'll wait.

>> No.11479037
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now what?

>> No.11479068

Notice there isn't any conclusive proof anywhere, and "is believed to" does not mean "does result from". Even if you think that's enough, that means you shouldn't be eating any beef because "highest risk" means there's actual risk on the rest of the non-brain matter. "Any tissue may be involved" and you're trying to be safe here, yes?

If you read anywhere beyond that one screenshot you'll also see the disease can take up to 20+ years to manifest, and the biggest cattle outbreak was back on the 90's, so we should be seeing a ton of cases about now, and guess what? We're not. There's only a couple isolated cases every year, as far as news can take me.

>> No.11479083
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coping this hard, it's all the same disease you brainlet. Here's an actual medical site if you still don't believe me.

>> No.11479084

Same as no singles policy in cinemas. It's a joke.

>> No.11479088
File: 96 KB, 1330x302, 1535494740831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11479125

I figured as much, but wild poultry isn't exactly far fetched of a concept, so it might have just been some weird thing.

>> No.11479136

you must be from across the pond, it's Prion here
t. also medfag

>> No.11479144

Even so, you should still not be eating any beef at all, because we don't know if brain-marrow etc related matter is the sole culprit or if the way meat is handled contaminates the muscle anyway or if the muscle does transmit it in the first place.

Or, you shouldn't worry about it because it's "unlikely to be cause of further cases due to containment of epidemic in cattle" and you're safe both if you're only eating thin, well done steaks or slurping bone marrow.

>> No.11479145

How much did you PAY for your degree?

>> No.11479146

>when cannibalizing brain and spinal matter
Good thing I'm not a bird you dumb turkey.

>> No.11479164
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>EXPERTS such as myself
Obviously not... What did you say your field of study was exactly?

Also I don't know who that other anon that took over the discussion is
.... Who the fuck said you would get it from 'cannibalizing' a bird, you moron. Try to keep with the conversation.

>> No.11479171

This whole thing started from turkey necks, remember?

>> No.11479189

I was a hummingbird consuming anon; for me the conversation started when someone warned of getting prion from consuming other animals which frankly is outlandish.

>> No.11479216
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you fucking autist

>> No.11479233
File: 249 KB, 790x1164, we just dont know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, that was a good shitpost, almost got me.

Well, humans have got a variation of the disease the cows did. Humans eat cows. Did they get it from the cows? Probably, where else from, if they weren't cannibals? Were all identified cases meat eaters? Most likely, based on the usual diet of the regions they lived in.

That's it, that's what we know.

>> No.11479448

It's not profitable, but it doesn't mean that there isn't a prolific credenza of history based around the relationship between obscurity of availability and taste. Edible morels, uncured almonds (don't even get me started about activation vs not) , fugu, morality of veal, etc are enough proof.

>> No.11479474

History aside it's plain illegal in the US. Some species are plentiful and some are endangered, most countries just group them with the endangered species, from what I could find.

>> No.11479507

>History aside it's plain illegal in the US.

As >>11478698 is correctly assessing
>given the local availability
>when the populations will be the most fertile and with appropriate weather conditions flush
>[with] proper supplemental feedings you can produce additional nesting cycles, but it is prudent to use selective culling so that the female to male ratio remains high

You can maintain a viable local stock, especially if it is for small personal consumption and does not lead to a threat to the local population. Obviously anything that is endangered or at risk is illegal, but common species are not unlawful nor or they at risk. Positive metrics such as harboring native wildflowers, feed reserves to encourage native wildlife (squirrels, chipmunks, larger birds) as well as nectar-stimulating devices (feeders) all can stimulate positive population growth, while encouraging healthy trapping.

>> No.11479529

I understand and agree but it doesn't matter, if your neighbors notice they will report you and they will be in the right because it's still illegal. As far as I could find, all species are grouped together under laws that forbid their capture in any way, simply because it's easier from a law-making standpoint, I suspect. If there's a list of specific hummingbird species detailing if they're protected or not, I haven't found it yet.

>> No.11479548

No it isn't. It's from eating something that's old and already starting to develop prion diseases, specifically the brain part.

>> No.11480225
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Steak fat (not gristle) can be a real treat in small doses if cooked properly, with a few crystals of finishing salt of course

>> No.11480266

Almond flour instead of regular ap flour for frying things. Sometimes when eating almonds you get the faint taste of fast food.

>> No.11480268

You post this picture a lot.

>> No.11480307

The Migratory Bird Act does not permit your fantasy of "farming" them and whether they're endangered or not has nothing to do with it. You'll be charged with a federal felony (no parole btw) and be confined in a cell with Tyrone all for a portion of meat less than the size of a chicken heart and probably less flavorful. You're the kind of faggot who thinks it's cool to spotlight deer 'cause no one's lookin'. I can't wait until Jamal skewers your ass in federal prison.

>> No.11480340

Third time

>> No.11480357
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There are two little pockets of dark meat on a chicken and I have no idea what the fuck they're called, or what that part o the chicken is called. All I know is that it's not like the white meat, and it's not like the dark meat.

>> No.11480383
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lol, fookin' found it
these bitches are the golden nuggets of a chicken, and i'm guessing other fowl?

>> No.11480408
File: 299 KB, 1024x768, americansthinkthisisbadforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, this pan is pretty greasy, better get the extra-strength Ajax for this one, Anon


>> No.11480446

>that pile of jizz tissues in the corner

>> No.11480451


>> No.11480453

looks too dense to be hummingbird

>> No.11480578

There's something about this that tastes foul to me. I always cut it off and discard it, but I save the carcass and all the bones for stock.

Is that the little dark nugget on the bottom of the chicken thigh that you have to scrape out with a finger? I fucking love that if so.

Disgusting. Way too greasy, that tastes like old canola oil. A little ketchup on a hush puppy is surprisingly pretty good and far more simple.

Spinalis dorsi + salt is the epitome of umami. I'm not sure if it can be topped.

Holy shit nice, I didn't know what those were called. They're delicious. Thank you anon.

>> No.11480608

that’s badass, i’ve never heard of that before.

>> No.11480866

>tastes like old canola oil
lol yep, that's Long John Silvers. their fried "lobster" is based af though
and the hush puppies stand alone. say what you will.

>> No.11480907

>Parson's nose

Looks disgusting faggot. You need to cut away the seceretory gland at the top or you'll get bitter taste all over the chicken.

>> No.11480982

I always thought it was weird that I could just eat the skin of turkey or chicken and avoid the actual meat. My dad fucking hated it as well.
Now I personally find eating the "tail" to be weird. I even cut the damn thing off when I'm making chicken no matter what. It's just annoying.

>> No.11481132

Ive always known it as a popes nose. No idea why tho..

>> No.11481201

based bird lover

>> No.11481309
File: 197 KB, 1512x1134, Resized_20181114_205012_8857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are eating the spines in your 'deenz, right?

>> No.11482902
File: 408 KB, 1809x1017, 20181114_191303-1809x1017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get a nugget of wagyu in your chuck eye steak

>> No.11482906
File: 487 KB, 1809x1134, 20181114_191206-1809x1134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that

>> No.11482913

>Parsons nose

Terrible, a garbage product. On tier with frying in reclaimed oil.

>> No.11482939

You can catch certain prion diseases from eating the CNS of other species. "Mad cow" being the obvious example.
But even that one is very rare and while I can't say for sure it has never happened I myself have never heard of a person catching a prion illness from birds.

We have some jive ones here.

>> No.11483056
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Chicken oysters. They're called "the fool leaves it there" in french. It usually goes to the one who carves the chicken so a lot of people don't know it exists.

>> No.11483105
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Lamb sweetbreads and intenstines.

>> No.11483122

here in argentina everyone considers it the best part, its known as "caracu" here

>> No.11483129

Here in America we don't give a shit about what your shit hole country thinks

>> No.11483136

Argentina may be a shithole country but they know their beef.

>> No.11483137


>> No.11483140

Man we would fight over them in my household growing up, basically the first one to finish got to the carcass first to start the clear up, there are some delightful little nibble bits on a chicken carcass

>> No.11484798

>embedded in a shit tier chuck steak

How dumb are you? That's probably diseased meat from an unhealthy cow

>> No.11484828

did this guy ever follow up what happened when he gifted it to his "lucky" pal?

>> No.11484833

Raw beef liver, sliced thinly on top of raisin bread with butter and a little salt.

>> No.11486771

I've never really thought about it before, but personally I don't really like the idea of trapping my food, though I like hunting in general.

>> No.11486774


what does this grow into?

>> No.11486776

One time when my grandmother was frying whole fish, she fried up the fins as well. They were really good.

>> No.11486782


>> No.11487010

according to c. gajdusek (one of the discoverers of Kuru), birds fed prion proteins from animal byproduct (e.g. BSE prions) simply shit them out
you wouldn't get a prion disease from a bird

>> No.11487097

Yes you're being trolled, those are chicken hearts. They're still amazingly underrated though.

>> No.11487352

Yeah, my dog loves this shit

>> No.11487395

The people in this thread are more degenerate than vegans.


>> No.11487415
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>Making lobster newburg for dad's birthday
>Finish lobers in pan, get sauce mixture and side dishes ready
>Come back to stove
>Pan is gone
>Ask mom where pan went
>"I cleaned it for you anon :)"

>> No.11487445

Terrible idea to eat in a bathroom.
Even if heavily cleaned daily, there are always a significant number of ppm fecal floating molecules near toilets.
Think about it, you dont clean the air ever, do you?
That ribeye cap in anons pic is literally seasoned with poop floaters.

>> No.11487659

Bone marrow, black pudding and blue cheese are all pleb filters.

>> No.11489182
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The ears cooked correctly are the best part of the pig I braise mine and dust in seasoned cornstarch then fry them

>> No.11489225
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>> No.11489309
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>There's this pathetic same fag pretensing to be a bunch of people discussing eating humming bird

>> No.11489384

It's been awhile, but yeah I agree their lobster bites are good. Every few months I get the craving for a deep fried twinkie or a root beer float.

The deenz I get never have those, or else I just don't notice and eat them anyway.

>> No.11489743

I usually take the time to open them up and extract the spine. I just don't like the texture.

>> No.11489767

just make a stock