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File: 95 KB, 800x592, us-food-society-mcdonalds_18634179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11475372 No.11475372 [Reply] [Original]

Just had this for the first time ever.
Tastes like hot garbage.

>> No.11475379

i just had one for the first time in 10 years. i remember why i stopped eating them.

>> No.11475385

well what is it?

>> No.11475394

You shut your whore mouth!

>> No.11475397

I was looking to grab one up for lunch and they did not have McRib

>> No.11475399

Pretty much tv dinner quality meat swilled in oniony brown ketchup. The bread was the best part.

>> No.11475404

You ever try a mcchicken?

>> No.11475437

I always associate the McRib with the Flintstones movie because that's pretty much the one memory I have of ever eating it, as they were really pushing a movie tie-in. I remember liking it, but I remember liking most fast food I ate as a child and have been disappointed by everything I've tried recently.

>> No.11475441

are you blind, stupid, or just a really really really shitty troll?

>> No.11475444


>> No.11475452
File: 770 KB, 1176x644, op is a massive faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the big mac

>> No.11475457

you mean the big fish?

>> No.11475459

A little from A, B, and C...

>> No.11475467

There's this cute latina that works at the McD near me. That's the only reason why I go.

>> No.11475475
File: 183 KB, 1600x1067, quarter pounder with cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. if i meant mcfish, i would've posted bic related

>> No.11475493

How does mcdonalds manage to make one giant pork nugget slathered in bbq sauce just sooooo fucking bad!?!?

>> No.11475767

I have tried it and it's great
but lately if I'm feeling cheap, I get a nugget happy meal and a mcdouble.
It's to bad they don't offer a mcchicken happy meal

>> No.11475795

you zoomers have literally no taste, I bet if it had a unicorn emoji on it you'd gobble it up

>> No.11475816

Don't eat it for lunch it unless you have nothing to do for the rest of the day. The McRib is a dinner or late night snack item. Always puts me down for the count. Then again, I usually get the buy one get one for $1 deal, and I slam them both with a large fries, unsweet iced tea and a side sandwich or two.

>> No.11475825

you guys gotta get a DOUBLE McRib, it's fucking fire. Just ask for 2 mcrib patties.

>> No.11476119

Say something to her. A beautiful latina girlie that steals your heart is worth chasing after. Hopefully she's going to college though and working on a degree that isn't in liberal arts and only working McD as a side job.

>> No.11476190
File: 301 KB, 700x480, Quarter_Pounder_Double_hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its a Double Quarter Pounder

>> No.11476208
File: 222 KB, 926x806, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno why people flip their shit over these. You can get the same thing all year round at the grocery store. Rinse the gravy off, reheat with BBQ sauce and slap it on a bun with a few slices of red onion.

>> No.11476221

The sauce on those is generally shit.

>> No.11476223

That's why I said to rinse it off and reheat it with BBQ sauce.

>> No.11476261

Don’t get the appeal other than if you’re already at McDonald’s or don’t have another option. Fuck it why not goto Rudy’s or Clem’s or any bbq place and get a pork sandwich??

>> No.11476266


Who are the flint stones?

>> No.11476289
File: 316 KB, 610x456, ribwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just way too rubbery. Not to mention the horrific sauce it swims in.

>> No.11476299

The fat prepper dude from that Cloverflield movie with MEW, or Roseanne's TV husband, if that's more your speed.

>> No.11476409
File: 572 KB, 1500x1000, DSC05923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just make my own, but I add bacon.

>> No.11476432

I hope you get your ass McSued off, funny boy

>> No.11476523


>> No.11476538

i needs it brotendos

>> No.11476643
File: 583 KB, 1877x1225, 20180901_201055-1877x1225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this. Only with white onion, not red. McDonald's uses white and "white is right", so I use white. I also don't rinse off the sauce

It's great drunk food but doesn't satisfy the craving for a McRib. You can't replicate the taste

>> No.11476762

Dat's a full half pound of meat, boy-o. Definitely a sandwich made for men.

>> No.11476764

It even looks like shit in the promotions

>> No.11476782
File: 125 KB, 550x490, Double-Down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of ridiculous gimmicky "sandwiches", anybody remember the the Double Down?

>> No.11476786

looks good

>> No.11476787

wouldn’t that just be a half pounder?

>> No.11476791

Based huhposter!

>> No.11476809

They are gross and were always gross. Overrated garbage that fatties who wouldn't even notice if they ate the packaging as well praise. It's no surprise that McDicks won't keep it on their menu for very long. They only bring it back because the fatties whine and complain but then get rid of it because literally nobody else buys them.

t. 1986 boomer

>> No.11476823

Literally just a healthier chicken sandwich.