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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11475259 No.11475259 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else have a problem with people interrupting you while your eating?
This happens to me all the time.
It's like, can I just be alone & eat my dinner in silence thank you.
Like, I'll be sitting there enjoying my meal when all of a sudden someone approaches & says.

>Hey anon, can you take out rubbish please?

>Hey anon, can you mop the floor please?

>Hey anon, can you do 79 summersalts across the english channel please?

Just leave me the fuck alone!


I just want to eat in peace. ヽ༼°ل͜°༽ノ

>> No.11475262

Really cool blog post, anon. Move out of your parents basement or shut the fuck up.

>> No.11475266


No. I'm adult who doesn't live with other people I'm not fucking or didn't create while fucking. Move out of your parents house if you don't want to do chores you sperg.

>> No.11475267

Yeah but I just let em know how I feel by turning up the death metal or Eminem music

>> No.11475291

dumb phoneposter