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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 1038x779, Grubhub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11474168 No.11474168 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you ordering from Grubhub, /ck/???

>> No.11474180

because im an adult with a car, and can spend 5 minutes of my time driving to and from the restaurant getting takeout, rather than paying out the ass for delivery """"""""""service""""""""""""

>> No.11474186

because I am gay. Please pray for me anons every day of existence is a torment for me..

>> No.11474195

my legs still work. there is still a means of various transportation methods I can use.

>> No.11474198

$22 total click to checkout

>> No.11474209

Because you just know these guys steal fries and shit.

>> No.11474231
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Because it's SJW bullshit

>> No.11474236

because I'm not a millennial (thank god)

>> No.11474237

some of those places ask for a delivery fee + tip. not worth

>> No.11474253

Oh, I know how to cook and take enjoyment from it.

>> No.11474267

These are the two reasons.
I don't fancy paying a delivery fee AND a service fee, taxes on those, plus tack on a tip just to have some fat unwashed nigger/immigrant/neckbeard rifle through my food while I watch him drive in circles on the app GPS.

>> No.11474301

Stop being poor.

>> No.11474307

I'd rather just buy groceries and make my own meal. This goes beyond having my own legs and actually stems from finding joy in cooking my own meals.

>> No.11474312

based massreply poster

>> No.11474316

Mcdonalds seals their delivery bag for exactly this reason.

>> No.11474319
File: 39 KB, 700x535, Its+moments+like+these+i+wonder+if+fry+is+actually+_8fd9f9433f5f5f0a4e014339e61aed46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use doordash

>> No.11474333
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>order from ubereats and grubhub cuz antisocial neet
>ordered local mom n pop pizza
>car pulls up
>two black girls and their kid in back
>they smile and hand me their items
>notice wings and soda are missing
>'hey they didnt give you any other items?'
>ohhh noo, sorry
>smile at them
>'thats ok no big deal. thanks!'
>'okay byeeee!!'
>take down their plate and report vehicle as stolen while eating pizza

>> No.11474346

based and redpilled

>> No.11474394

then what did you order

>> No.11474395

How much should you tip your delivery person

>> No.11474399

choose cash then slam the door as soon as you get your food before he can put his hand out and switch to another delivery service for awhile

>> No.11474415

americans ahve to tip for delivery lmao

>> No.11474417


>> No.11474459

oh no he dint

>> No.11474504
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>$5 per order ass eater.

>> No.11474597

I order from them over doordash because for some retarded reason the Taco 12 pack from Taco Bell isn't offered on Doordash but is available on GrubHub. Fucking infuriating.

>> No.11474600

companies pay other companies to favor their company over other companies.

>> No.11474611

The service here in Boston is terrible. it takes 60-90 mins for cold food that has been flipped over to get delivered by some nigger who smells like weed. I miss foodler, they only partnered with restaurants who had their own delivery guys.

>> No.11474614

>spend an extra 8 bucks to wait 2 hours
Yeah, why not?

>> No.11474676

Because I'm not a dumb ass

>> No.11474685

I can aquire my own food without pointlessly overpaying for it like some worthless neet zoomer.

>> No.11474816

because the ceo fired employees for voting for trump

>> No.11474824

I'm poor

>> No.11474825

>order dinner with grub hub
>file a dispute through amex
>company was more focused on their diversity cuckold department to hire a finance department
>get money back no questions asked

>> No.11474967


>> No.11474972

>because the ceo fired employees for voting for trump

It's scary how much corporations can control you, even down to your vote.

>> No.11474984

I've never had an issue with Grubhub. Uber eats is terrible though, I've had multiple drivers flat out refuse to deliver to the door, or were too retarded to find my address, and some didn't even speak english.

>> No.11474989

[non-rightwing nutjob citation needed]

>> No.11474991

>because the ceo fired employees for voting for trump

Shit like this reminds me of when WeWork decided they will only pay for corporate meals that are Vegan.

Seems like ultra-liberal companies really hate diversity and want you all to be the same group-thinking drones.

>> No.11475095

I use doordash every now and then when I'm feeling lazy or drunk
But they've really gone downhill since they started, they jacked up their fees and shit so much its really ridiculous
They also have several pizza places on there which doesnt make a lot of sense to me because the pizza joints have their own delivery service

>> No.11475108


You would hate working for google then. Anyone who dares think anything different here will be ostracized. Everyone's constantly walking on eggshells...

>> No.11475113

"while eating pizza "
Do you even read

>> No.11475120

i remember seeing pictures of the google office and it looked like a giant colorful playground were everyone was always having fun.

I also remember when people were throwing rocks at google shuttles that picked up workers. There was something happening that pissed people off towards google

>> No.11475171

They don’t do deliveries themselves. At least not here in jew york. They just let you place orders for restaurants. It’s more of a tool to let places offer delivery for electronic pay.

I don’t use it much since there’s a bit of a fee, but for a chinese place near me that doesn’t take cards, it’s pretty nice.

>> No.11475190

Who the hell uses this shit past the free delivery period? After the free month of free delivery there's no point to using this shit.

>> No.11475241

He didn't fire anyone. Here's part of his e-mail.
>While demeaning, insulting and ridiculing minorities, immigrants and the physically/mentally disabled worked for Mr. Trump, I want to be clear that this behavior - and these views, have no place at Grubhub. Had he worked here, many of his comments would have resulted in his immediate termination.

>We have worked for years cultivating a culture of support and inclusiveness. I firmly believe that we must bring together different perspectives to continue innovating - including all genders, races, ethnicities and sexual, cultural or ideological preferences. We are better, faster and stronger together.

>Further I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can. As we all try to understand what this vote means to us, I want to affirm to anyone on our team that is scared or feels personally exposed, that I and everyone else here at Grubhub will fight for your dignity and your right to make a better life for yourself and your family here in the United States.

>If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here. We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team.

Stop getting panty flustered about the fact he called trump out for hate speech. You're on the wrong side of history.

>> No.11475258

Oh, look, another advertisement on /ck/....imagine that.

FUCK YOU and whatever the fuck you're shilling, OP faggot, I'll never buy it exactly because of this stupid fucking ad.

>> No.11475322

Stop viraling here, faggot.

>> No.11475383

Because if I want a drink I don't want a smelly somali man handling it for any amount of time

>> No.11475428

Paying for convenience items like food delivery is completely a poor person mentality, retard. That's why poor people stay poor even working two jobs. Rich people would be poor if they spent their money frivolously like that.

>> No.11475472

>You're on the wrong side of history.
But history is written by the winners, and Trump won

>> No.11475482

t. can't afford a car

>> No.11475577

Lmao, this.

>> No.11475635

This is more a sign of Amex being great than Grub Hub being retarded. Amex will actually eat a lot of chargebacks to keep it's cardmembers happy.
And I'll admit the new $10 per month dining credit that works on Grub Hub is nice.

>> No.11475646

And Nazis were winning until they weren't

>> No.11475657

10000 IQ post

>> No.11475661

we are going to replace you liberal cucks with beautiful white europeans

>> No.11475664

I resent paying $25 for a $10 meal.

>> No.11475672

I don't think I've ever paid more than a $5.00 delivery fee.

>> No.11475680

Why would europeans want to downgrade their life by moving to america? LOL

>> No.11475714

My fat friend does stuff like this. It's okay if you are really too lazy to go anywhere but I am not that lazy and fat

>> No.11475755

>demeaning, insulting and ridiculing minorities, immigrants and the physically/mentally disabled

Why is it that the white American majority is always excluded in the "how dare you insult the..." leftist mantra?

That clearly demonstrates that they see the white American majority as an enemy to be destroyed.

>> No.11475792


Stop pretending you're wealthy.


>> No.11475801

It says physically and mentally disabled right there

>> No.11475813
File: 2.00 MB, 304x181, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol.it'll be a "white genocide" lol

>"white pride"

>> No.11475853
File: 102 KB, 800x400, mmmm dirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being a self-loathing shitskin and having to make snide remarks about your betters on an alien toejam gardening site
Somebody take your dirt cookie again?

>> No.11475874

>Why is it that the white American majority is always excluded
Because that particular segment is about what Trump said and he didn't insult the white American majority. Retard, learn to think.

>> No.11475934

Start being good with money

>> No.11475936
File: 54 KB, 787x597, 1497722909573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a politically obsessed faggot

Enjoy virginity

>> No.11475942

You think rich people got rich by spending all their money on bullshit like delivery?

>> No.11475949

>$5 delivery fee
>$3 tip
>$3 (((processing fee)))
tack on an extra $11 to your already expensive fast food order.
third party delivery services are the biggest scam in history.

>> No.11475955

>I'll just pretend the other part of the post doesn't exist
This is why we make fun of you.

>> No.11475964

I don't see a processing fee.

>> No.11475978

>whiteknighting for leftist faggots
>making virginity references as if everybody on 4chan is still going to junior high school like you
Really, anon?

>> No.11476005

>Enjoy virginity

Why are you virgin-shaming? That's as bad as slut-shaming

>> No.11476006

>caring about left or right when bankers rule the world and plant whatever leader they want when it's most convenient for their interests
>also STILL being a virgin 2017+1

You ain't gonna make it kid.

>> No.11476025


>> No.11476672

a patrician choice

>> No.11476678

Sex is extremely overrated and in my experience boring.

>> No.11476685

You have no experience

>> No.11476690

are you implying i'm a virgin or that it was boring becau

>> No.11476694

*because I didn't really know what I was doing?

I'll let you in on a little secret.

I only tried it because I didn't want to be the only one in the group that was still a virgin. I have no desire for sex anymore, I am asexual and I love it.

>> No.11476702

>t. incel

>> No.11476719

It's funny because I used to be so desperate to be in a relationship when I was fat and insecure. Now I lost so much weight and put in the effort to exercise and I don't care for sex or relationships anymore. I tend to catch women checking me out but I don't really care about that stuff anymore.

>> No.11476722

based gay anon!

>> No.11476726

I'm the happiest I've ever been right now, now that I think about it. It feels like freedom. God is great.

>> No.11476829
File: 7 KB, 143x178, gloating-businessman-gloating-middle-aged-businessman-smiling-and-looking-down-the-barrel-stock-photos_csp1562263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order pizza through doordash because my shitty town doesnt have normal delivery pizza
>driver gets here, hands me box
>thanks, bye! :)
>open up box
>literally a fucking slice missing
Fucking shameless.

>> No.11476842

Because I'm not a lazy fuck

>> No.11476938

The pizza places are listed because the pizza places want to get every chance possible to recieve an order. If your restaurant isn’t listed on Grubhib or other apps routinely used in your local, people who only use those apps will not see your restaurant and no your food is a possibility.
This is like back in the day, when businesses paid for BOLD type in the White Pages, paid for a larger Listing in the Yellow Pages, and also paid for a larger ad in the Donnelly Directory, in addition to paying to have flyers distributed on doorsteps locally, and putting ads in the local newspapers, and possibly paying to put an ad or banner ip at the local playground.

>> No.11476978

>reported vehicle as stolen when it's not, thinking you got them good
>as opposed to reporting them to uber eats and then calling the restaurant, claiming they forgot your food, and then receive food

>> No.11477063

I feel bad ordering for one.

>> No.11477106

thats cuz it never happened

>> No.11477127

yeah dude, you know that really good place? instead of going there and eating it hot and fresh lets just get it slopped into a foil container so it can steam and sweat in the backseat of some guy's guys car for 20 minutes and make everything soggy and disgusting, fuck yeah!

>> No.11477159

You should instead order from a place like mcdonalds where its not worth it and pay about three extra dollars.

>> No.11477326

Always been curious to try it but can't imagine the food being fresh by the time some fag drives it to me

>> No.11477976

It's as fresh as any delivery.

>> No.11477980

is it as fresh as this?

>> No.11477982
File: 36 KB, 432x341, 1525884324447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477986
File: 10 KB, 462x219, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477989

Who said I reported anything?

>> No.11477991

I work on a restaurant that uses it. All the drivers are either dirty jews or arab phenotype or slavshit. Not only do I not trust them with my food, I know they steal shit and blame it on us.
Here's a list of reasons it also sucks shit:
>delivery fee + app fee + tip + tax
>prices of each item are 10% higher
>up to an hour waiting time
>food is no longer fresh or hot
>dirty minorities see who tips the least and so take forever or not take orders until a better tip arrives
>any capable adult can make a meal with delivery time
>they could even pick it up themselves

>> No.11477992

too late now pal, you're going to JAIL

>> No.11478173
File: 80 KB, 890x960, pre-cracked egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Goldpilled

Debased and Povertypilled.

>> No.11478180

Their delivery people are so fucking bad at the job.Order form any place that has delivery and get your food in 30 minutes or order from grubhub and get cold and ruined food in 90-120 mins.

>> No.11478181

The best way to stop being poor is to stop being wasteful with your money.

>> No.11478760

>get free delivery coupon
>get $4 off coupon (min. order $8)
>pay $4 for a 600g kebab + fries + soda
Delivery services can be cheaper than cooking if you do it correctly.
Install like 5 different delivery apps and wait for special offers. Investors are blowing billions for some market share, and you can abuse that.

>> No.11478767

based jew

>> No.11478854

Loads of tech offices look like that. Never worked in one but it seems like a good time, lots of interesting landmarks and done to a high standard you notice new things in the environment every day.

People in San Francisco are mad about the distinct split between regular long time residents and the tech company employees. A lot of folks are getting priced out and they see the corporate buses as a symbol of the tech giants trying to push them out by creating a parallel city and letting the original city wither away. See also the fight over corporate cafeterias and the impact those may or may not have on local restaurants.