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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11471354 No.11471354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Donuts in the break room!

>> No.11471368

my fat fucking boss gets a hot dog from the food truck every morning.

>> No.11471379

And you’re the one slaving away for him :)

>> No.11471382


Time to reheat my fish dish!

>> No.11471392

I wish someone brought donuts every day, and free food is such a cheap effective way to generate goodwill amongst workers too

>> No.11471437

his boss is probably some middle management fuck stuck under the thumb of another boss, who has to suck up to the ACTUAL boss

>> No.11471443

I would fuck fat stacies if I wasn't already engaged.

>> No.11471461
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1511908630799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fat joyless cunts who side eye and trash talk you for not partaking in company provided snacks or lunch, as if passing up communal food is the type of antisocial behavior only seen in serial killers.

Sorry bitch, but when you actually do work while on the clock instead of gossiping all day you don't want to be slowed down by a belly full of bullshit. Some of us like keeping an accurate count of the calories we consume daily too, I'd recommend it for yourself but you'd probably get a headache from trying it!

>> No.11471484

Fuck off, you are obviously a fucking weirdo in your workplace to feel as such

>> No.11471489

Just eat in the toilet like I do

>> No.11471495

>Some of us like keeping an accurate count of the calories we consume daily too,
Sounds like being a literal autist

>> No.11471530

The fat women in my office always give me shit when I don't eat the donuts and other pastries n shit.

Pretty sure they're just mad because I went from being fat like them to in shape in a year while they struggle to even lose 5lbs even though they totally "work out"

>> No.11471575
File: 219 KB, 914x889, sad pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every friday a customer drops off a dozen donuts and my fat coworkers bully me for not eating them

>> No.11471613
File: 13 KB, 657x527, 1511929927462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. fat fucks

Yall get it. You're not alone. Stay strong.

>> No.11471704

dude, if you lead just a moderately active lifestyle you can handle to eat a fucking donut, and they are pretty good tasting. The idea that only, or even primarily fat people eat donuts when they are freely given to them is absurd

>> No.11471723

t. fatty ding dongs
Office workers do not lead a remotely active lifestyle. They're blobs.

>> No.11471755

Ohboyohboyohboyohboy someone brought 35 cents worth of sugar to me!

I was with you for a minute until you started bragging about how much work you're doing. But yeah, fuck people who get all excited about the tiniest piece of junk food. I don't know how they live.

Same here. Nothing like watching a chick complain about how she can't lose weight and suffer through a lunch of a microwaved Lean Cuisine at her desk when she "just can't stop" eating chocolate or chips all day.

I absolutely can't fucking stand most of office food culture. It's by far the worst part of my job.

>> No.11471760

Dude, even office workers routinely walk around. A fucking donut is not going to make or break you. The mocha cappuccino latte you consumed driving to work is what's hurting you, if anything.

>> No.11471764

There's nothing wrong with rewarding yourself every now and then. Eating donuts and sugary coffee every other day while you sit on your ass for 8 hours, five days a week is not healthy.

>> No.11471785

Maybe that's what you're missing. The people who get all jazzed about one fucking donut in the break room are normally the people who stopped off at Starbucks in the morning for their breakfast milkshake, need a mid-morning snack or "something to munch on" while they work before lunch, eat a full meal at lunch, and make their biggest moves heading to the copier.

All that while telling each other about the newest fad diets that they can't even keep up with, like keto/Atkins, totally missing the point that if they drop out of ketosis for a "cheat day," now they're just eating fat inducing foods. These people are ridiculous.

>> No.11471797

best reply in here

>> No.11471803

No one said you should eat donuts every day if you don't exercise, but if you refuse the occasional donut that someone else bought you at work because you are counting calories and afraid of gaining more weight, thats autism

>> No.11471806

>The people who get all jazzed about one fucking donut in the break room are normally the people who stopped off at Starbucks in the morning
Disagree, only women stop for sugary coffee on the way to work, generally its the men excited about the occasional donut

>> No.11471808

If you dont allow yourself to eat donuts its because you dont workout hard enough or something is wrong with your macro nutrient balance. You only have yourself to blame. You can achieve your goals and have a donut every once in a while.

>> No.11471819

you really do a bad job at perceiving the people around you

>> No.11471820

...and us real men drink our coffee black. WOW A WHOLE 5 CALORIES.

>> No.11471845

You should only eat what you want to eat, but also it's good to say no in a gracious way.

Sure, there are some assholes that will object if you don't do what everyone else does. But also, you will make things easier if you decline politely and don't make a show about it.

E.g. you can hang out and chat without eating, or get a tea or coffee. Or if you don't attend, say no in a polite way. If you say "no" in an overly curt way that can be rude since they person went to the trouble of inviting you. Just say no and give a reason, either the true reason or an excuse if your actual reason is inherently offensive.

>> No.11471853

no, real men don't drink much coffee at all, probably just a glass of the free stuff at work occasionally, they definitely don't stop at starbucks on their way to work

>> No.11471854

I have a couple genetic health disorders, so I normally just say that I have to watch what I eat because of them, and everyone shows sympathy and tends to remember to not shove donuts, cookies, cake, or pizza in my face. It's nice.

>> No.11471876
File: 171 KB, 624x511, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll just have a donut, what's the big deal?
>I'll just have a cookie, what's the big deal?
>I'll just have a candy bar, what's the big deal?
>How'd I get so fat?
Why the hell would I waste 300+ calories on a crappy sugar filled piece of processed garbage that will either:
1) Force me to do an extra 30-60 minutes of cardio
2) Force me to not eat something more nutritious and tastes better
3) Add calories to my day, resulting in weight gain

That's pretty damn stupid.

>> No.11471881

Future mass shooter right here

>the killer was motivated by hatred towards free food and family reveals he had severe autism

>> No.11471884

Sorry the workplace only accepts two types of fish, goldfish and swedish fish.

>> No.11471887

I love doughnuts but I never let them put me over 2000kc a day.
I just ate three, and now I'm going to eat only 1200 more calories today.
Its as simple as that.

>> No.11471894

Shit I meant to quote the autist, not you

>> No.11471895

Not in my world. It's always the women or inordinate amount of chubby gay dudes (not that there's anything wrong with that) who flip their shit over sugary treats. The straight guys in my office react like that when a vendor drops off free booze. I mean, it's whatever, go enjoy your donut, but I don't see guys cutting them in half and then going back for seconds while bitching about weight gain.

OP's pic of a chubby woman pretty much shows the kind of person whose day is made by donuts in the break room.

Please tell me how.

I do too, but if you're flipping shit over donuts, odds are you're a fat guy.

>> No.11471896

jesus christ man, life isn't that hard

>> No.11471899

Is chubby gay dude even a workplace stereotype? I don't think I have ever worked with such a person

>> No.11471905

>but I don't see guys cutting them in half
No, a guy would never cut a donut in half, they will just eat it whole like a fucking adult

>> No.11471906

So instead of having 800kcal of something like chicken breast (16oz), chicken thigh (12oz), or salmon (14oz) you had 7oz of pure sugar that made you feel good for a little bit and then you probably crashed a few hours later.

Still seems pretty stupid.
It's not hard because I don't eat garbage food. Unless you are literally starving to death, there's no reason to eat a garbage food like donuts when there are much tastier and more nutritious foods readily available.

>> No.11471920

I'm not that poster, but people who get absolutely fucking THRILLED about a free small sandwich with some chips from Panera, that leaves them skipping their lunch break, are sad to watch. Or the donut. Or whatever.

I dunno, maybe if you're making $10 an hour, it makes sense. But as someone salaried that's making good money, I'd rather peace out for lunch and get out of the building.

>> No.11471924

Most people can manage to eat a delicious donut and not think twice about it, stop putting yourself through hell with this absurd vanity

>> No.11471935

What do donuts have to do with skipping lunch breaks?

>> No.11471938
File: 101 KB, 640x521, no pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya know what's weird, why do coworkers get fuckin weirded out when you so no thanks. they always ask "why not?" why the fuck do you even have to answer that.

>> No.11471945
File: 24 KB, 350x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are also overweight or obese, so that is a pretty stupid argument to make.

>> No.11471952

the fuck does overweight even mean in that context? Those are probably the same people saying we are alcoholic binge drinkers if we ever have more than 3 beers in a night (2 for a lady)

>> No.11471955
File: 52 KB, 720x721, 1504691269523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donuts taste like shit and have the added benefit of making my stomach hurt. I don't understand why people like them.

>> No.11471978

how fucking weak is your stomach, and what the fuck kind of donuts are you eating that taste like shit?

>> No.11471986

To stay under calories for the day, I'm assuming.
People love free shit, even if it's garbage
>the fuck does overweight even mean in that context
Either troll or retarded. I can't tell anymore.
The gay dudes in my industry are usually skinny as fuck twinks who I'm guessing have eating disorders because they drink like fish on top of all the garbage food they eat.
I should use this. I had a stomach bug a few weeks back and one of my coworkers was harassing me to eat a donut. She literally said it wouldn't kill me. She looked pretty horrified when I told her about the bug, but it remains to be seen if it'll be any better when we get the donuts this Friday.
All the old guys I know (mostly vets) drink a lot of coffee, but it's usually black with (maybe) a couple sugars.
It's like fast food. If you stop eating it long enough, you'll get sick from all the added shit if you go back and have a big meal. But you can get acclimated to it fairly quickly.

People love the sugar rush and then chain it together with coffees and snacking throughout the day to ward off the crash.

>> No.11472003

You're saying it's not worth your time, which they take personally since it's clearly worth theirs
>But donuts are just sugar bread occasionally with less jam than a slice of toast requires
I know dude, they're trash but fatties, just talk about going to the gym around them and they'll leave you a lone eventually

>> No.11472008

Literally any donut I eat tastes saccharine as fuck. I eat Mad Dog357 hot sauce or Hellhound Ghost Pepper sauce in most of my stir-frys with zero issue, so it's not my stomach that's weak.

>> No.11472029

I was originally replying to a guy who was complaining that people aren't at their desks doing work. By extension, I was bitching about the people that get excited about donuts being the kinds of people that sit in the break room/desk with their microwaved meal, so they can make sure they get back to their desk to do more work.

It might be a stretch for some, but it's what I always see.

People who love free shit just because it's free are garbage. Can't explain the large amount of chubby effeminate gay men, but it happens.

>> No.11472038

I'm very thin and I think the saturated fats do me good.

>> No.11472066

>coworkers stand outside my cubicle and eat while they watch me work
>always throwing their wrappers and paper plates into my cubicle
>heard them in the parking lot refer to me as "retard bear"
Go on, keep poking me see what fucking happens

>> No.11472073

>wageslaves willingly consuming biological garbohydrate WMDs
lmaoing at the jewish CAFO you call "society"

>> No.11472120

are you saying that chick brings the donuts, or is excited there are donuts in the break room?

>> No.11472127

>no, real men don't drink much coffee at all, probably just a glass of the free stuff at work occasionally, they definitely don't stop at starbucks on their way to work
you're disagreeing with me for no reason.

>> No.11472133

Oh, I get it. You're some kind of skinnyfat faggot or a woman.

>> No.11472144

>personal attacks for using logic
faggot or woman detected

>> No.11472244

>actually putting forth any effort in a cubicle farm