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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.39 MB, 1242x1242, milk made with nut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11469723 No.11469723 [Reply] [Original]

Lactose gang, Lactose gang, Lactose gang, Lactose gang
Lactose gang, Lactose gang, Lactose gang (Lactose gang!)
Spend ten racks on a cheese today
White bitch love drink kefir, ooh
I milk a bitch, I forgot her name

>> No.11469752

Rather go out and buy ice cream
Milker gang Milker gang Milker gang

>> No.11469759

if it aint titcows i want no part

>> No.11469768

Spend ten racks on cheese with French name
My bitch eats that shit plain

Lactose gang lactose gang lactose gang lactose gang

>> No.11469769


>> No.11469780

peanut "butter?" fucking vegans it should be called peanut spread. calling it peanut "butter" is unfair to out dairy farmers because shoppers might get confused. I hope the FDA corrects this issue asap

>> No.11469793

This but unironically

>> No.11469804

What a gay thread. Kill yourself.

>> No.11469817

My cheese cost more than your rent, ooh
Ur nut milk made of cement, yeah
Still slanging COPE in the jets, HUH

>> No.11469836
File: 11 KB, 297x170, cant drink milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a gay thread. Kill yourself.

-t. butthurt cant digest lactose

>> No.11469844

you can drink my nut milk

>> No.11469845

t. Butthurt Pea Gang (aka Pee Gang)

>> No.11469858

My cheese cost more than your rent, ooh
Your nut "milk" should go get bent, yeah
Still milking cows out in the barn, huh
Almonds' water needs to lots of harm, ooh

None of this shit is new to thee,
Dairy is old food, you see
Started with animal husbandry
Fuck soy beans and fuck nut trees

Bitch your milk is misnamed juice
I'd rather drink some hot refuse
That shit is a poor excuse
Any utilization is misuse

Lactose gang lactose gang lactose gang lactose gang

>> No.11469869

in some countries you can't legally call "milk" those non-dairy products

>> No.11469877
File: 104 KB, 596x960, clown world levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in some countries, words still have meaning

>> No.11469892

Great thanks guys, now I can hear my wife’s son screaming “milker gang” over and over down in the basement

>> No.11469899

Nick Parry, is that you?

>> No.11469912

>they're allowing captcha A.I. to post online now

>> No.11469925

quality post op, keep going

>> No.11469974


>> No.11469993 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 1242x1242, d134d5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatcucks are the reddit of meme stealing

>> No.11470069

reminder that all whites should be either castrated and turned into cute girls or bred to dilute the white race

>> No.11470077

Did you really just copy and paste veganshit on top of Cow Gang? Pathetic and sad, Pea Gang

>> No.11470084

thank you for this reminder!

>> No.11470089
File: 200 KB, 396x408, postmodernism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and jewpilled

>> No.11470137


>> No.11470262

I can't like both, can I?

>> No.11470279

How could someone like based milk but also cringe nut juice? Omnivores generally don't eat soyburgers and other shitty vegan imitations that pale in comparison to the real thing

>> No.11470286

anon... i eat meat and I prefer tofurkey to real sausage links...

>> No.11470288
File: 19 KB, 543x443, brainlet short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mmmmm bean tubes

>> No.11470298

It’s tofu brainlet

>> No.11470301

I use both whole milk and almond milk for smoothies and I think they both taste great in their own way. I also like coconut milk yogurt, but also Greek yogurt. The one thing for me I think real dairy really wins on is ice cream (not that it's really a competition). I haven't had a dairy-free version that I liked more than the real thing. I also eat cream in pasta and curry.

>> No.11470309
File: 24 KB, 558x614, brainlet drool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tofu isn't soy beans

>> No.11470338


>> No.11470451

Coconut cream ice cream is super good due to the fat content, but you have to make it yourself due to the cost of coconut milk.
Also - lattes with oat milk. It's a sweet, carbohydratey note that goes really well with coffee.

>> No.11470816 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 934x776, 1539205701299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11470833

>coconut milk yogurt
>Coconut cream ice cream
Wew lad, you retards can't even talk about your fake and gay dairy products without a redundant name, since coconut yogurt and coconut ice cream is just regular dairy that's coconut flavored

>> No.11470850
File: 177 KB, 540x610, 1537156749921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend ten racks on cheese with French name
>My bitch eats that shit plain

>> No.11470856

>Cow Gang
>posted at 16:21:52

>Pee Gang
>posted at 19:07:48

>> No.11470861

>tfw no hung black bull bf to collar me and impregnate my holes

>> No.11470867

For me? Pee gang

>> No.11470876
File: 332 KB, 1080x1050, Plant milk wins again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk has been used to refer to plant milk since the 1300s, well before it was coined to refer to tiddyjuice.

>> No.11470880

>drinking milk in any fashion

>> No.11470881

Look at the number

>> No.11470897
File: 181 KB, 640x640, ok retard donkey kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from PIE root *melg- "to wipe, to rub off," also "to stroke; to milk," in reference to the hand motion involved in milking an animal

>> No.11470918
File: 26 KB, 600x456, 53fca04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your white flag.

>> No.11470931

This makes me shit like it's laxative while I'm fine drinking milk. What is wrong with me?

>> No.11470958

You are probably haunted by the spirit of the millions of bees killed in the process of growing those almonds

>> No.11470974
File: 2 KB, 498x300, neapolitan flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my dairy flag

>> No.11470984

I’m about to haunt the fuck out of you

>> No.11471013

I'm about to fuck out the hunt out of you

>> No.11471022

Put your mother in a straight-jacket you punk ass white boy. Come here and tell me that, I'll fuck you in your ass you punk white boy. You faggot. You can't touch me, you're not man enough. I'll eat your asshole alive, you bitch. C'mon anybody in here can't fuck with this. This is the ultimate, man. Fuck you, you ho. Come and say it to my face.... I'll fuck you in the ass in front of everybody. You bitch.... come on, you bitch. You're scared coward, you're not man enough to fuck with me. You can't last two minutes in my world, bitch. Look at you scared now, you ho.... scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man. I'll fuck you 'til you love me, faggot!

>> No.11471130
File: 74 KB, 342x341, nice malk now with vitamin q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11471393

Yeah no shit look at the number.
Cow Gang > Pee Gang

>> No.11471397

I’m more of a pee gang guy myself

>> No.11471514 [DELETED] 

Imagine being this new

>> No.11471529

He’s new and/or fucking retarded. He’s a ‘cow gang’ enthusiast, so I’m going with both.

>> No.11472381

Kek. Calm down, Ninja.

>> No.11472389

Missed naming opportunity: Moomoo Gang

>> No.11473573

Huh? Is that copypasta Japanese?

>> No.11473646
File: 200 KB, 764x512, frog milkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11473796

Imagine buying a product that goes bad in only a couple of weeks.
I buy a carton of almond milk and it'll last MONTHS before it goes bad.

>> No.11473853

>Imagine trying to use the fact that your nut juice is full of preservatives as a selling point

>> No.11473874

>drinking milk

>> No.11473906

Fat doesn't make you fat, veganlet

>> No.11473910

Y'know cows only lactate after giving birth, so technically dairy is also made with nut.

>> No.11473925
File: 302 KB, 485x532, youtube shooter delet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11474226
File: 132 KB, 813x767, milkwalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does soymilk have milkwalkers?
How do little soyboys and soygirls stay safe?

>> No.11474244

Yeah, these lyrics work better than the other.

>> No.11474382

ohhh noooonononoooo
if Sceak was still around things would be different around here

>> No.11474409

hey who invented kevir and why does it taste and smell exactly like spoiled milk
who is this for

>> No.11474486

>The word kefir, known in Russian since at least 1884, is probably of Caucasian origin, although some sources see a connection to Turkic köpür (foam) or kef (a word of Persian origin meaning foam or bubbles). Kefir has become the most commonly used term, but other names are found in different geographic regions.
It's supposed to be probiotic, meaning it's meant to help people with digestive issues. I genuinely enjoy the taste and effervescence though

>> No.11474629

because it is made of spoiled milk, just like sour cream?

>> No.11474634

Sour cream doesn't taste and smell of rotten milk though so they messed up

>> No.11474652

sour cream is fermented cream, kefir is fermented milk

>> No.11474678

Yes and one tastes infinitely more disgusting than the other, I do not get your point

>> No.11474769

you're just used to one and not the other

>> No.11474908

>Yes and one tastes infinitely more disgusting than the other, I do not get your point
I agree. Kefir is vastly superior to Sour Cream

>> No.11474925

Milk is gross though.

>> No.11475401 [DELETED] 


>> No.11476828

Actually nut juice is gross
Milk is nectar of gods

>> No.11476860

Are you retarded? I eat meat and still buy some of the vegan fake-meats. I actually enjoy the flavors and textures. I feel like you hardcore anti-vegans are 5 year old children who are afraid to try anything outside of your comfort zone.

>> No.11477027

LOL enjoy your phytoestrogen-enriched bean tubes, faggot

>> No.11477038

>Are you retarded? I eat cheese and still buy some of the Kraft fake-cheeses. I actually enjoy the flavors and textures. I feel like you hardcore anti-Velveetas are 5 year old children who are afraid to try anything outside of your comfort zone.
How is aversion to an inferior alternative picky eating? Do you not know the difference between good taste and being a picky child? You're the one eating garbage

>> No.11477842
File: 247 KB, 1200x1042, Brainlet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why don't normal people enjoy ersatz substitutes of food made for people with dietary restrictions?
>surely vegan """"filet mignon"""" is as good as the real thing

>> No.11478224

Phytoestrogens increase testosterone though. Haven't you read anything outside the /pol/ echochamber?

>> No.11478459
File: 50 KB, 645x729, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>estrogen increases testosterone
How come trannies are obsessed with using soy and various estrogenic herbs to provide a poor man's hormone replacement therapy, to the effect of growing breasts, etc?

>> No.11479105
File: 52 KB, 376x341, boomer prune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Gramps

>> No.11479561


>> No.11479674

>How come trannies are
The answer to that is they're retarded

>> No.11479689 [DELETED] 

>mode vanilla ice
A mean bean cleaver with a razor's edge
I'm a vegan dream eater meat mother lovin' laser sledge
Cunning linguist spinning hits
Running rings wistfully around you while I'm winning this
Fuck your copypasta
I bring the meat blaster
On a beat I kick it faster
I'm the rhymin' everlaster

>mode memphis
Carnivore bitches are delicious (mmm)
Not too vicious (mhm)
I don't wanna wash no dishes (mm mm)
I bring the meat up on the beat (eat me baby)
There's no carbage in my kitchens (teach me baby)
That garbage I'm ditchin' (impeach me baby)
Cause the meat up in my kitchen's firin' up the heat in my metabolism
I think I might skeet skeet skeet skeet along to the meat beat
This is meat rehabolism
Sync'd to the mother lovin' beat of this song
It's fat-adapted fab-o-lism
Try a little dabble-ism
With yo mother or yo sister man I bring the meat up all night long in conversation
All across the nation and on every street
To the beat of this song yeah I fire up your grill and bring the heat
With yo daughter I'ma feed her meat until she tweet about it
I think she might tweet tweet tweet tweet along to the meat beat
All across the internation
You don't need to bring the heat about it

I see you creepin'
Don't ever doubt it
Peep-peepin' along
While I'm mother lovin' bone in raw discussion 'tryna educate
You’re bakin' sweet cakes in the oven?
Watchin' feet pornicate?
What about the babymakin’?
No carbs it ain't complicate
I bring the beef and the bacon
For all the lambs
My teeth like percussion
I don't spread no jams
The meat that I masticate
Spreadin' like my dope jams
Keeps me off my tater-tate

Straight trippin' on mind boggled JP lobsta ethics
You's a blind goggled sucka' G
Now I'm dippin' with all 'ya hos and tricks
Meat mobsta on my flow I'm on my death mix
For my homies in the Carnivore Clan
I'll lend your girl a hand and teach her more and more
She can listen to my feature while she eat'cha
I don't have to meet'cha to meat'cha

>> No.11479693

I've actually been considering buying some almond milk just for the novelty of it. Any recommended brands? I still have a gallon of whole milk (the only type of milk, low fat/lactose intolerant niggers need not apply) in the fridge so I'll wait til I finish that first.

>> No.11479724 [DELETED] 

I see you mimin' like you got my six?
Chimin' in with missing dicks?
Manning never was a chick
Nor will he ever be
(((Weaponized dysmorphin')))?
(((Orphan sacrifice)))?
(((Subsidized abortion)))'s nice?
Fetal tissue and a couple blood bags on ice?
Not your average (((pizza))) delivery
But that's the broken world I see
I facefuck your poor beliefs as I confiscate your (((foreskin face cream)))
So you can begin to contemplate the (((crimes))) within this motherfuckin' time and space dream
You know my mind is free

>> No.11479736 [DELETED] 

Beyonce victims vexed?
Molested under hexes?
Ex-NXIVM subjects with collateral effects?
Post-traumatic sex stress?
Thanks Mr. Podesta
What a fuckin' mess
You'll never find a trace at the Besta
I'm like a comet when I comm it
I remember Chester
and Chris Cornell
Gematria synchronized suicide
Escape from this mortal (((molester))) hell
I don't wanna live my fuckin' life on no cult vibe
Find me a new tribe
Creation is a portal to the higher collective mind
Beyond space and time
Turn and catch my vibe
Spin it up and learn to levitate your mind in resonance
I decorate your time like you decorate spaces with no hesitance
Welcome to my meatspace
You're my new tenants
I bring benevolent carnivore violence
Lone wolf among sheep whistleblowing in the deafening silence
Beatin’ the (((malevolent disease algorithms))) with my raw meat rythms
Now you've had a taste
Don't let it go to waste

>> No.11479953

Almond Milk kills the bees

>> No.11480282

>drinking any kind of milk

>> No.11480422
File: 169 KB, 1077x549, hot dog water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
For me, it's hot dog water. The BEST beverage.

>> No.11480588

No - it's the outro to a Die Antwoord song.

>> No.11480593

Thank you.

>> No.11481284

no retard it's a muhammad ali quote

>> No.11482898

Based thread
Let's all point and laugh at lactose intolerant subhumans

>> No.11483001

man, imagine drinking the secretions of a repeatedly raped and tortured animal? how weird would that be haha

>> No.11483304
File: 260 KB, 700x378, podesta hot shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine drinking the secretions of a repeatedly raped and tortured animal

>> No.11483938

Umm sweetie lactose intolerants are not human :^)

>> No.11484696


>> No.11486684

I drink both.
I discovered recently that I really like the flavor of sweetened vanilla almond milk, though it's more like a dessert than a replacement for actual milk. I still use milk for everything else.

>> No.11486749

t. aspiring diabetic

>> No.11486778

It's not like I have a glass with every meal. If anything does me in, I doubt it'll be the almond milk specifically.

>> No.11486783

I don't care what anyone says, that shit is delicious.

>> No.11487640

you're such whole fucking milk

>> No.11488882

man is anyone else rock h*rd thinking about this? ahaha