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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11466492 No.11466492 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on mouses in restaurants. I saw one below my feet in an Indian place today, should I be scared to eat the food I picked up?

>> No.11466500

No, at least you know the meat is free range fresh.

>> No.11466503
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Well played.

>> No.11467000

Vermin really aren't so unhygienic as people think, but in a restaurant it's a bad sign because it means food isn't being stored correctly.

Incorrectly stored food makes people sick.
So vermin are a good sign a restaurant isn't safe to eat in - but it could just be storing food waste clumsily.

>> No.11467008
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Did you tip your fedora and say "my compliments to the chef"

>> No.11467012

not true. if vermin are on the premises that can lead to food contamination. example, dropping food on the floor with mice feces and urine or handling equipment that mice have contaminated. if you see vermin on the premises, it's just better to leave than take any chances.

>> No.11467019


>> No.11467039

If you live in a major city its guaranteed almost every restaurant you've eaten in has had rodents in it at some point. They live every fucking where and you think they won't go to the place with a dumpster full of food in the back?>>11467000 and no I'm sorry I don't care how well you store your food they're animals evolutionarily evolved to scavenge off of us and there's no way they're going to let a purveyor of food fly under their little scavenger radar.

On a related note the kitchen staff has sweated in all of your dishes. Get over it. Life isn't clean.

>> No.11467042

don't know what country you live in but where I live we have inspections on vermin infestations. any rat, mice, cockroach feces are searched for and if found the business is shut down until it's fixed and reinspected.

>> No.11467056

also, if any pest infestations are found, it's noted on a public website where people are review. so i'll know if there has ever been a pest infestation at that restaurant.

>> No.11467072

Inspections are once a quarter nor everyday and inspectors are 9-5 ers who don't work most Fridays, weekend's, and definitely not holidays. Just because an inspector doesn't find them doesn't mean it doesn't happen. In fact, its pretty much gross negligence if an inspector finds it as most kitchens are cleaned to start and finish the day, but you're actively deluding yourself if you don't think mice have a little sneak peek of anywhere they want.

>> No.11467081

vermin feces do not disappear in a quarter year. you think the kitchen staff cleans the bottom of stoves and the nooks and crannies every quarter year? you have got to be shitting me.

just because your neck of the woods tolerates eating vermin shit, doesn't mean the rest of us does.

>> No.11467097

Yeah the staff cleans the fuck out of the kitchen. At least the good ones do. Do you honestly think a pencil pushing health inspector moves that equipment lol?

>> No.11467101

I wouldn't worry about it. Mice aren't really a food safety issue unless the infestation is so intense that they're scampering across the food-prep areas while the cooks are working.

You're more likely to get diarrhea from raw meat being insufficiently refrigerated or cutting boards being used for both raw meat and uncooked greens.

>> No.11467111

your typical restaurant does not remove equipment to clean the undersides every fucking half year, you'd have to work at a michelin starred restaurant to be cleaned top to bottom every fucking day.

most restaurants in my city are inspected quarterly to ensure compliance with vermin infestations. any found or suspected are immediately shut down and publicly noted. if you find vermin in a restaurant, fucking leave. it's disgusting that they aren't taking the most basic pest control procedures and are susceptible to cross contamination of feces and urine.

>> No.11467131

So you trust places that don't clean thoroughly but by sheer luck manage to not have rodents? Its a strange little position you've carved out for yourself for the sake of winning an argument on 4chan.

>> No.11467136

i trust places that are inspected quarterly every year and have not had a pest infestation in 4 years and ongoing. adding to personal observation that there isn't a pest infestation.

versus you who thinks that eating vermin shit is part of the restaurant experience.

>> No.11467173

Strange way to describe the history of our discourse but its clear to me that you "winning" this engagement is very important to you so ill go ahead and stop posting after this and you're free to have the last word if it makes you feel better.

>> No.11467177

? it's not about winning. it's about your attitude and willingness to eat vermin shit as a part of your restaurant experience.

>>If you live in a major city its guaranteed almost every restaurant you've eaten in has had rodents in it at some point

i'm saying if you find vermin in a restaurant, fucking leave. it's not worth your time.

>> No.11467180


its called MICE. M-I-C-E

>> No.11467195

The irony is that there's more bioavailable nutrition in the mouse than in the vegetables served in the restaurant. I'd rather eat the mouse and maintain my efficient carnivorous keto/gluconeogenic metabolism than eat indian "food" and be stinking and sweating and shitting for weeks. Plant foods for the low castes. Beef for the kings. Vermin in a pinch.

>> No.11467197

If you're eating food off the floor their's a good chance you'll get sick anyway.

>> No.11467736


>> No.11467751

Sometimes mice just run into the damn building from outside.
>be new orleansfag
>used to work in french quarter
>mice in french quarter
>one ran in the front door when a customer opened the door
>had to comp like half the fucking tables

>> No.11467765

corporate restaurants clean that shit every single night, at least the good ones do
beware the independent restaurants though...

>> No.11467770
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Food is kept in sealed containers in fridges, coolers, and freezers until it is time to prep it.
No mouse shit got in your food newfag
If you're eating the crumbs off the floor they missed sweeping last night, then maybe, otherwise fuck off.

>> No.11467780

>defend eating rat shit on 4chan
>someone confronts him on this
>rat shit brain of his cant handle it so resort to saying the other guy just wants to win an argument and then runs away

>> No.11468060

Mice and rats linger around accessable food, hard to say they haven't nibbled on any yet but you should be fine. If a restaurant is plagued then they should be quick to call some company to fix it.
This may be just a mouse looking for dropped food, they appear in normal homes as well. For my work i install refrigerators, built in ones sometimes and it happens a lot that built in devices have drops on them.

>> No.11468110

I still want my money back there was a mouse and I saw one. I want my money or I'll be giving you a scathing review on Yelp and I'll be contacting the local news station.

>> No.11468150

I used to work fast food, I never saw a mouse at the Taco Bell I worked at in two years ive been there. Every night we swept, mopped the floors and cleaned the tables. After close every thing was in the freezer or in the hot cabinet.

I can see places open 24/7 or carpeted restaurants having mice at some point though since thats harder to keep food out of but honestly if taco bell is cleaner they are doing something wrong.

>> No.11468380

I don't know about rats but any fucking restaurant in a big city is 100% going to have cockroaches in it. The question is how much and whether it's managed.
Managed in the sense that there isn't enough of them in your restaurant that they will brave day light and fuck around whilst you are cooking.
I don't know about Michelin places but in high end restaurants, some ppl who cone in before dawn to prep has to turn the light on first and let the cockroaches scurry away before they start. This is despite cleaning and fumigating, because you can only clean so much and fumigate so often and the fucking restaurant next to you might not be as diligent.

>> No.11468987

>Indian restaurant

You probably have the plague now

>> No.11469035

Id be more concerned about human feces in my food

>> No.11469042

That's a hurtful stereotype, Indians now utilize designated shitting streets and wash their hands at least once a week.

>> No.11469055

I worked at a restaurant right beside a bulk food store. And it backed into a massive field. We had the odd mouse come in from time to time. And the place stored all its food correctly. They just got lost I guess. However, the bulk food store must have had the little guys all over the place.