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11465737 No.11465737[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s opinion on alcoholics anonymous?

>> No.11465745

Works for a lot of people. No reason to not give it a shot

>> No.11465752

It's a silly cult for weak-minded people who don't believe in God, yet God is it's very foundation.
SMART recovery is where it's at.

>> No.11465763

why are Christfags like this

>> No.11465767

It is a great place to share drinking stories.

>> No.11465772

Religion fags are the worst
You can only lose your addiction

>> No.11465775


>> No.11465784

don't really care for it. but some meetings have free coffee. sometimes pastries

>> No.11465785

I was asked to go with my friend because she thinks I have a drinking problem when I told her I drink alone and watch anime. I don't think I do, I just like wine and my waifu. I guess I'll go but I don't think I need help

I heard about the religious aspect and I don't understand why I need to devote myself to a higher power to not drink

Mine are all about drunk masturbating

And my weekend sippy sips

>> No.11465793

Has its benefits.

I got off whiskey recently without any programs or AA. Took some doing and it was rough. Had to go on some anti-anxiety meds but didn't divulge that I was drinking heavily.

Down to just 1-2 beers a night now. Want to stop all together soon, maybe only have a few beers on the weekend here and there going forward--no weekday drinking.

After two-ish years of daily whiskey drinking, I still don't believe I'm an alcoholic. I simply had to relearn moderation and self-control. That's all it really boiled down to.

>> No.11465795

>I don't understand why I need to devote myself to a higher power to not drink
you don't. check out SMART, u dumb

>> No.11465798

Everyone keeps telling me to go (my mom even went to a meeting to see what it was like), and I unironically just keep saying, no, no, no.

>> No.11465802

No, it's not. /ck/ is a great place to share drinking stories.

>> No.11465803

Don't call me dumb! Bullying is not allowed!

>> No.11465831

ymmv but getting off anti-axiety meds (benzo) was much worse than quitting drinking. Sick for half a year even after a slow taper. Good now though, just sucked for a while.

>> No.11465841

Have you seen a doctor or gotten a full check up at all in that time?

I'm on the same path of basically getting wasted on whiskey every night, and am paranoid about random pain I feel in the area where my liver is.

>> No.11465868


I'm not on benzos, didnt want them. I'm on Buspar, which is a type of anti-anxiety medication but doesnt give you that 'high' feeling. Stopped my attacks 100% without side effects. It's good stuff.


I got some blood work done during my taper. Liver and kidney panels looked good. They couldn't find anything wrong with me physically. Didn't make the weening process any easier, but with a little will power anyone can do it. Just don't do it cold turkey, because that's asking for bad news.

If you have liver pain, get checked out. No harm in it. Could just be some alcohol induced hepatitis which is common for binge drinkers. It subsides on its own after time and less drinking.

>> No.11465871

That's not 'random' pain, m8
That's your cue to start paying attention.

>> No.11465899


It saved my life and gave me new purpose. If you live in a metropolitan area outside the flyover states, you'll meet a ton of interesting people, majority of whom are atheist/agnostic/not going to shove christianity down your throat. It's a spiritual program, not a religious one.

>> No.11465905

>I don't understand why I need to devote myself to a higher power to not drink
Alcoholics need a higher power because they are not able to stop drinking on their own. Anything can be a higher power; friends, family, love, AA, even your gay-ass waifu.

>> No.11465920

>Scientists baffled as man cites pleasing fictitious anime character as reason he was able to quit drinking

>> No.11465932

>because they are not able to stop drinking on their own
I know that's what they like to teach you, but

>> No.11465933


>> No.11465941

>I know that's what they like to teach you
wrong. It's what I learned myself over a decade of trying to quit drugs on my own.

>> No.11465949

unless you are possessed by something, everyone who quits, quits on their own.

>> No.11465957

it must be true for everyone if it's true for you

>> No.11465980

on your own, but not without the help of others.
it is true for everyone who is truly an alcoholic/addict. it is literally the definition. if you are able to permanently quit on your own, you are not addicted.

>> No.11466020
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Do it for her!

>> No.11466024
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>if you are able to permanently quit on your own, you are not addicted
Someone said something similar to this in a meeting once and it really turned me off. Something to the effect of "if you're not in AA, you're not a true alcoholic". I understand the whole "dry drunk" theory, but different things work for different people. The fact that he would demean someone else's struggle and sobriety to make himself feel better about his club really rubbed me the wrong way.

>> No.11466036

I went to a few meetings
It's a fucking joke
I literally bought 2 black steel reserves after every meeting to get over how shit it was

>> No.11466038

what the hell do you know? I bet he drank way more than you too and loved to brag about it.

>> No.11466053

A meta study of CBT, AA, and the other one found that there is no difference in sucess between the different treatments. Quite frankly if it works for you then it works. AA has the advantage of being free. religious people seem to take to it the best

>> No.11466054

>it is literally the definition.
maybe if you don't finish reading it

>> No.11466060

On the subject of addiction, I just went back to smoking after 6 years because I still had addictions and I finally caved in. Has anything similar happened to anyone else?

>> No.11466075

>what the hell do you know?
Well, I know I would never ever, ever dismiss anyone's method for staying sober. Unless they were like eating plastic or killing poeple

>> No.11466145

I used to smoke weed daily for 4 years, multiple times a day, until I had to quit for DUI probation. Last month I went back to smoking daily after quitting for 3 years and my life has gone downhill a little but I feel so happy

>> No.11466149


>> No.11466155

I quit smoking in June and I want one now more than ever. Nothing particularly stressful is happening, a cigarette just sounds really good

>> No.11466239

But he was just wrong. One of the strongest foundations of AA is you're responsible for your drinking - not your wife, your parents, your kids, your gf, your boss, your friends, trump, obama, etc., no one but you is responsible.

And the whole, "oh it's a religious cult" is the same kind of worn out excuse every alcoholic can come up with when presented with a way out when they don't want to take it. Most alcoholics already know mythical sky pilots are bunk, and choose the group as their higher power because they know some of those guys will work you through the rough patches.

Don't want to quit? No one in AA gives a shit, but don't diss a program that works for some people, faggot.

>> No.11466260

nah, AA preaches that it isn't your fault. After all, you're an alcoholic.

>> No.11466282

>but don't diss a program that works for some people, faggot.
That's exactly what my complaint was about that guy... No one should dismiss what works for others.

>> No.11466293 [DELETED] 

Yea, I think that's step one

>Step One. “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol

>> No.11466302

Yea, I think that's step one

>Step One. “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol

>> No.11466316

I'm a "functional" alcoholic, and AA has never done me any good. All of the meetings are full of people who are forced to be there, people who have problems far outside of booze, con artists, and well meaning people who bash you over the head with the "THIS IS THE ONLY WAY" cult of personality shit.

I could stand to stop drinking at home alone because it's making me gain weight and I use it to cope with emotions. However, I never guzzled down three handles of generic brand vodka, went driving, and killed a family of four.

Also, their "falling off the wagon" thing is ridiculous. Having one beer out with friends one night shouldn't be considered just as bad as drinking three bottles of wine. It leads to the horrible slippery slope where an alcoholic will say "well I had one, so I may as well have 15."

>> No.11466337

It's not an excuse when those people are insanely religious to the program itself, and jam it in your face as the only solution at all times.

My old doctor went to AA for a while (and has since relapsed). He was CONSTANTLY telling people they were "dry drunks" and that all of their behavioral problems were on account of alcohol, and that they needed AA. And I'm not talking patients, I'm talking about a dinner with friends where someone ordered a bottle of wine. And you run into these people at every meeting, who are overbearing and preachy.

>> No.11466375

AA and by extension NA is a bunch of bullshit. Read up:

>> No.11466460

i'm at the point where i've been getting blasted every night for months and am starting to really feel it physically with the sweating and the anxiety and the shakes. I don't think the AA thing is right for me because i really really don't want to be the guy who refuses to have 1 beer when it is socially expected. No disrespect to those who do that though if that is the only thing that works though.

I'm planning to do a nice slow taper till i'm at the point where i can spend the holidays with my family without waking up twice every night and running out in the hall to defend my life against the shadow people. Then will take a solid 30 days sober to reset and then will just try and drink socially like a normal person will self respect for the rest of my life and avoid drunkenness and never ever get back to the point where i need it for medicine so that i'm not a wreck. thank you for reading my blog

>> No.11466481

it can be done if that's what you really want. I made the decision to never have alcohol again but a little weed here and there never killed anyone either.

>> No.11466509
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>i really really don't want to be the guy who refuses to have 1 beer when it is socially expected
>Then will take a solid 30 days sober to reset and then will just try and drink socially like a normal person will self respect for the rest of my life and avoid drunkenness and never ever get back to the point where i need it for medicine so that i'm not a wreck
This is the story of every alcoholic. Hope it works out for you, though. If not, you'll have to come to terms with being sober and to be honest, it's bretty great.

>> No.11466532

I'm not him, but being sober is the number one death of my social life, and the reason I can't hold onto it. One of the other major reasons that AA didn't work for me outside of religion is the fact that there was no one to talk to with any idea about what you do with your social life after booze.

Most of them were married, shut-ins, or obsessed with the gym, driving home that if I stop drinking, my life is over. I've stopped for months at a time, and the only way to keep it up is to stay away from my friends, coworkers, and anyone else normal, because single people in their 30s go out to drink if they're socializing, and there's not much else.

>> No.11466533
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I used to tell myself that I couldn't quit because I wouldn't ever be able to toast at my daughter's wedding.

I don't even have kids yet

>> No.11466550

i asked a guy on a date if he would rather be happy or right. he told me that AA says you get to choose and implies heavily that choosing happiness is better. I think that's bullshit

>> No.11466786

is that in your list of dumb questions to ask when on a date? What was the correct answer on your silly question answer key?

>> No.11466930

kind of a lot more like bored housewives and people who need an excuse for being flaky anonymous
around here anyway

>> No.11466966


>> No.11466976

This. SMART is the best system. AA is basically a pity party of people going "woe is me my life is so hard"

>> No.11467022

i tried tapering and pacing and taking breaks and all of it lead to relapse for me. the only thing that has truly helped me is a firm belief that i will never be able to have the relationship with alcohol that i want, ever again. and ever since i realized that my life has become much, much, much better

>> No.11467265

It's not like you have to worship a christian god. Just a belief in any higher figure would do. Much like masonry, it requires some kind of anchor that you believe holds you in this world.

That being said, AA is fucking retarded and it only reinforces you into believing your situation isn't so bad when you hear the issues of others.

>> No.11467300

>Any higher power than human agency
AA sounds terrible

>> No.11467305


Thank you all.

>> No.11468513

>devote myself to a higher power to not drink
I don't get why true alkies would be triggered by that. They are already devoted to a higher power: alcohol. Wouldn't another one be better?

>> No.11468537
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Go on.

>> No.11468547

>>a drug is the same thing as a higher power

>> No.11468556

>something that's stronger than you
>not a higher power

>> No.11468557

You mean al/ck/ threads? I miss them.

>> No.11468560

Successrate isn't better than other methods and AA is a straight up cult.

>> No.11468571

>>Inanimate objects have "strength"

Just because someone is addicted to something doesn't mean it has any kind of power. Your brain appears to be malfunctioning.

>> No.11468586

I fard a pop

>> No.11468587

The meetings are ridiculous and far too ceremonial, the literature is for the most part solid and the concept of a sponsor is actually a pretty good idea, that kind of accountability seems to make a big difference
my half-brother seems to have made out really well working the AA thing, but he also has professional help (psychotherapy/psychiatry) so i cant vouch for it as exclusive means of recovery, probably works best when combined with other methods/treatments

>> No.11468593

The alkies kept in one thread and didn't hassle anyone. Once in a while I'd skim through the thread because it made me feel a little more grateful for my own life and occasionally I could offer some basic advice like "take a vitamin B supplement" or whatever.
I'd be fine with having them back and getting rid of the 12 goddamn McChicken threads
I think I'll go dig up some actual cooking posts and reply to them now. Bitching won't improve the board after all.

>> No.11468604

What of I am not an alcoholic, I could stop drinking right now if I wanted to

>> No.11468620

>AA is a straight up cult
You obviously no nothing of cult behavior. Cults vigorously attempt to convert people into their cult. AA is the opposite. They don't give a single shit if people drink, even to excess. However, if an alc genuinely wants to quit, they offer a method and support to achieve that goal for free. That's another difference, cults attempt to extort money from you, AA does not. Also you can work the steps or not, it's up to you, although statistically, those who work the steps have a higher success rate than those who just passively attend meetings.

Success rates aren't particularly good for any method, but that's just a symptom of how brutal addiction can be. It's certainly better than on your own and it's free. Don't forget, by the time many alcs seek help they've literally hit rock bottom and have nowhere else to turn.

>> No.11468646

they want donations to the coffee fund, and sell books. AA sucks, but is a good place to find sluts looking for replacement thrills.

>> No.11468670

They pass a basket around but there's literally 0 pressure. My group gives all the books out for free on your first visit when you introduce yourself and acknowledge you're an alcoholic.

>> No.11468767

I just want my al/ck/ threads back lads

>> No.11468780

So I can get my dick sucked at AA?