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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11465642 No.11465642 [Reply] [Original]

could the autism surge in modern society be connected with the food we eat? i mean, what if it's the food, and not the vaccines?

>> No.11465658

Yes, kids need to be on strict keto, paleo, vegan diets so they can be healthy and strong

>> No.11465669

what food is doing it though?

>> No.11465671

corn. trust me, it's corn.

>> No.11465673

As we learn more about a disease, the easier it becomes to recognize
Which means that autism rates aren't increasing, autism diagnoses are
Especially on 4chan

>> No.11465674

It's a combination of everything

>> No.11465675

The increase of Autism is directly related to limited beatings for being an autistic sperg and the inability to dump your autistic child in the forest for the wolves.

Atuism didn't get as far because we don't cull kids we don't like.

>> No.11465683

sooo why were there no autism outbreaks during the last few thousands of year in the some hundreds of societies that subsisted on 80-90 percent grain (wheat)?

>> No.11465690

It's literally the internet, and everyone having smart phones in their back pockets.

>> No.11465691
File: 3 KB, 207x243, 1537771379889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grass fed chicken

>> No.11465762

Because they were culled or died on their own.

>> No.11465922

I caught my kid with a scooby doo bandaid and I don't fucking have that shit so I knew she must of got it from a doctor. Little vaccinating whore. I dragged her back to the hospital at night when they're closed and I inject her with all the vaccines they had in the whole building since she likes vaccines so much.

>> No.11465971

They should just develop a vaccine for autism.

Wa la.

>> No.11465991

all vaccines are for autism

>> No.11466225

Sugar is the cause of autism.
Do yanks really put ads on their plasters ?

>> No.11466258

There is a demonstrated link between autism and gut flora. So yes.

>> No.11466312

That explains why the Aztecs were so retarded

>> No.11466453

That and the fact more children survive as compared to the past.

>> No.11466473
File: 189 KB, 1280x800, 1517305347461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antivaxxers should be fucking sterilized. Or killed. Killed works too.

>> No.11466553

The fuck is a "plaster?" Can you bongs speak english for once instead of nursery babble?

>> No.11466567

Stop fucking larping for once, they sell bandages with characters on them in Europe too.

>> No.11466725

It should've ended here.

>> No.11467062

Autism surge is because of better diagnosis, not any actual increase of incidence. Vast majority of autistic kids used to be diagnosed as mentally retarded and put into tard daycare, but now they're diagnosed autistic and schools try to find something they can still learn and teach them. The percentage of students in special education has held constant over the years, it's just that it used to be mostly (classified) retarded with a few (classified) autistic but now it's almost all (classified) autistic with few (classified) retarded.

>> No.11467079

A band-aid. I dont know why bongs call them "plasters" when they contain no plaster whatsoever. Maybe because you "plaster them on"?

>> No.11467228

>apex predator carnivores get brainwashed to consume plant "products" in agri-cult-ural society
>apex predator carnivores forget to eat meat
>children fed toxic fruit pastes and "formulas" instead of breastmilk and prechewed meat
>people wonder where autism comes from

>> No.11467243

makes me laff

>> No.11467278

it's from Latin "emplastrum", meaning bandage.
And band-aid is a brand name, so you're in no position to argue.

>> No.11467383


>> No.11468158

What if autism is caused when a developing child in the womb is exposed to only monotonous sounds such as a quiet office or home. When out in nature a child would be listening to many different sounds?

>> No.11468161

>injecting kids with mercury and putting fluorine in the water is fine

>> No.11468164


miss me with that e*ro shit

>> No.11468233

No but I'm pretty sure your existence might have something to do with it

>> No.11468260
File: 45 KB, 460x230, 138e2d22-bf76-456a-9fe1-3f4a56606d56-460x230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the gluten. Gotta be the gluten.

>> No.11468296

>dissing the alphabet he writes in
Imagine being this uneducated.

>> No.11468535

>demonstrated link
Like the one between ice cream sales and shark attacks

>> No.11468770

Given that the autism rise is happening in countries where the govt. permits saturating the food supply with GMO's that's the likely culprit. Whether it's the shitload of virulent chemicals they dump on them or the GMO itself is unknown, but it's one of the two.

>> No.11468989

There's a study that links autism to zinc deficiency. I havent read too much into it so i dont know how valid it is.

>> No.11469025

why are newer generations so much taller
like, 6 foot is the new average height among them