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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 300x225, gas-oven-range-cooktop-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11462124 No.11462124 [Reply] [Original]

Gas or electric?

>> No.11462126
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Gas for me homie


>> No.11462136


I feel bad for the people using electric.

>> No.11462139

Is this really your first day on /ck/, or are you really just that impoverished that you've never had a gas range?

>> No.11462164

Induction 100 times over

>> No.11462165

Gas all day.
Literally nobody would ever prefer electric over gas.

>> No.11462178

wood fired stove

>> No.11462180

gas. nothing beats actual flame.

>> No.11462195

Electric so my fucking house doesn’t explode by accident.

>> No.11462261

Gas is the poor people stove though
t. poor person with an old gas stove

I was pretty amazed when I went to college and used an electric stove for the first time. At the same time it was annoying to get used to, they heat up real slow compared to a gas.

>> No.11462276

that's gas you idiot

>> No.11462364

>gas is the poor people stove
What in the actual fuck are you talking about? This isn't even trolling; it just seems like your'e an actual poorfag and are just throwing shit out there because you've never had nice things.

>> No.11462370

Gas because electric takes forever, even with an even distribution. I takes too long too turn on, to turn off, to change temperature. It makes me burn a lot of stuff if I'm not careful.

>> No.11462375

gas stove, electric oven.


>> No.11462377

I am an actual poorfag with a gas stove. That was literally my point.

>> No.11462410

So you just don't know how to cook? What kind of 3rd world shithole did you crawl out of to think that gas is actually some kind of a downgrade from electric?

>> No.11462414

weak electric for slow stews and stocks only
gas for everything else

>> No.11462422

I was raised on gas so I'd rather not have to switch. I tried electric once and totally botched the meal.

>> No.11462423

I never said I thought it was a downgrade
Not everything used by poor people is worse.

>> No.11462426

Why are you getting so defensive about gas ranges on 4chan lmao

>> No.11462431

My first post was calling this a troll thread, and you just confirmed that I was right.

>> No.11462433

>I was raised on gas
are you jewish friend

>> No.11462447

Inconclusive. We'll find out if I depart by gas.

>> No.11462453

For me it's induction and therefore electric

>> No.11462455

Come again? I was asking why you are going full manchild in a casual internet discussion on 4chan about cooking. Did I accidentally troll you epic style, fag?

>> No.11462516


>> No.11462810


>> No.11462817

gas for cooking, electric for baking

>> No.11462822

gas feels more engaging

>> No.11462824

>electric for baking
How do you figure?

>> No.11462841
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soul crushing

>> No.11463043

You niggers need to differentiate between normal electric (hot coils or glass ceramic) and induction. Induction is more responsive and way more powerful than any normal consumer gas range.

>> No.11463065

Parents always had electric and I feel blessed to have gas now. I've used both a shitty and nice gas stove though so to some degree I understand the hate for gas. There's literally no control if you have a shitty gas stove. The viking model I have now is excellent and responsive. If I'm using a thinner pan that doesn't retain heat well, the sizzling will cease very quickly. Biggest complaint is probably that even the viking low temperatures are still pretty hot, not idea for simmering. Electric does seem to have the edge there (and literally only there)

>> No.11463072

If it's good enough for my man Big H, it's good enough for me. Gas.

>> No.11463081

I'm not that anon, but I'll take electric for ovens too. The reason is that the heat is more stable. An electric heating element can be switched on for very short lengths of time. A gas flame has a longer duty cycle so the temperature of a gas oven is less consistent.

>> No.11463083

if gordon used induction to make scrambled eggs:

on the heat
off the heat
on the heat
off the heat
on the heat
off the heat

>> No.11463085

Induction has an efficiency advantage but it has a lot of disadvantages too:
-it only works with certain kinds of cookware
-it annoyingly shuts itself off when you move pans or pick them up to toss food
-it has trouble maintaining an even low simmer

Gas kicks the crap out of it.

>> No.11463088


>> No.11463092

The only correct answer.

>> No.11463112

>Induction is more responsive and way more powerful than any normal consumer gas range.

no its exceeding infuriating to use with all thne beeping and auto shutting off and turns simple tasks into a game of 'manage the numbers' because just a few seconds too long when you just wanted a sear is enough to burn the food

>> No.11463126


>> No.11463136

>Honestly induction is amazing! Ha-ha, just l-look at this! SEE, IT'S GREAT! GREAT!

I detect a desperate attempt to convince yourself that you don't have huge buyers remorse.

>> No.11463197
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When I have gas and it's a stinker, I always blame the dog.

>> No.11463213

Induction because i want to get shit done and on top of that i don't want a bunch of drunkards to accidentally burn my house down.

>> No.11463231

Why do you let them in your house in the first place?

>> No.11463246
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>> No.11463251

I'm not saying it will happen but i won't gamble on the risk. It takes just one hungry guy distracted by alcohol to perform a life destroying act.

>> No.11463253

Why wouldn't those drunkards bash the induction stove and break that, you make you sense. I suspect you're running a crack den.

>> No.11463258

This one...

>> No.11463260

* no sense

>> No.11463266

Because a induction stove is a lot more affordable than a fucking standalone house.

>> No.11463272

Gas doesn't randomly blow up, to make something happen you'd have leave the spigots (?) open for a while and it's always spiked to smell like rotten eggs, so someone would notice.

>> No.11463274

You could leave a window cracked. Do also believe that lizard people from flying saucers are controlling you?

>> No.11463279

Do also learn english before trying to shitpost on a english imageboard.

>> No.11463294

What are you doing to let drunkards in your home? You didn't answer that. Is it a crack den or a meth lab? You can tell us, this is all anon.

>> No.11463301

> invite friends over
> friends get tipsy / drunk
> friends = drunkards at this point

There, solved the riddle.

>> No.11463309

Seems like you need better friends, the type that respect the property of others.

>> No.11463323

>muh drunkards
i hope they do blow your house up and kill you so we don't have to keep listening to your retarded nonsense

>> No.11463326

if you'd read my posts then you should know that i was talking about accidents, not burglars who are breaking into my home. Stop being so damn oblivious anon.

>> No.11463340

Lmao are you drunk?

>> No.11463348

Why would you be worried about a gas fire but not an electrical one? I find it confusing that your worries extend to "drunkards break my gas stove and start a fire" but not "drunkards break my TV/computer/PS4/whatever and start a fire"

>> No.11463365


to be honest, i've only ever used 2 different gas stoves. but i live in an area that pretty much only has glass-top electric stoves, and they have always heated my cast iron pan much more evenly (and quickly...) than the gas burners i've tried.

my portable induction stovetop heats quickly and seems good, but i think my pan is just a little too big for it because the center gets a lot hotter than the outer areas.

glass-top electric / induction > gas > electric coils

i would assume a nice expensive gas burner would BTFO everything else i've used, but of course more money = better experience.

>> No.11463379

Gas is usually cheaper than induction, especially for high end models.

>> No.11463383

yeah and i'm busting into your house and gonna cook some shit so you better watch out! Fucking retard.

>> No.11463394
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Oh boy

>> No.11463400
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A challenger approaches

>> No.11463402

To clarify his statement: no one with a lick of common sense and isn't a fucking retard. So I guess that excludes you.

>> No.11463449


Gas is expensive where I live and environmentally unfriendly. My city is powered by a hydroelectric dam.

>> No.11463463

electric takes far to long to heat up

>> No.11463500

gas because it has the off chance of killing you in a massive explosion if it doesnt light properly

>> No.11463507

Please don't cook up trouble, it's very nasty.

>> No.11463529

Because the chances of getting a house fire by someone flying into your tv ( which ain't gonna happen in my sight) is a lot less likely. My kitchen is a bit out of the "party zone" as well and if left unchecked it's a lot more dangerous.

>> No.11463557

>is a lot less likely
You're a special kind of retard.

>> No.11463594

Takes one to know one.

>> No.11464047

This. There are some high end ranges that have a gas stove and electric oven.