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File: 192 KB, 955x1270, Kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11461624 No.11461624 [Reply] [Original]

Had more than enough of this over my weekend, thoughts?

>> No.11461659

Good with diet coke. Bad on its own.

>> No.11461685

Anything that's better with diet coke isn't good.

>> No.11461703

I drank it one time and dont remember anything about the taste. I guess it was so average. the bottle was pretty bitchin. I always saw the hip college seniors drinking it since it was better than natty light, and never saw anyone drink it after graduation.

>> No.11461716

I enjoy this, mixed and on its own. I have not exposed my self to a lot of rum yet, but this is the best dark rum I have had so far. I normally go for a spiced rum like George Ocean.

>> No.11461758
File: 33 KB, 175x350, DR_PEPPER_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very reasonable for the price. Plays well with colas.

>> No.11461803


>> No.11461820

I bought a big ass bottle of this on a whim because I liked how it looked. I'm not really into rum and coke but it wasn't bad. It mixes well with more citrusey drinks. It tastes really good with lemonade, mango soda, pineapple juice. But it tastes like ass by itself.

>> No.11461893
File: 15 KB, 246x344, IMG_1468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the Caribbean generally does not impart the same sort of production standards on its alcohol that say, you might expect from American bourbon, Scotch whisky, or Mexican tequila.

Generally, anything can be added to rum to make it marketable. These meme rums like OP's are usually pumped with an insane amount of sweetener to appeal to idiotic college kids. Also, as you probably know, meme spices and other flavorings are commonplace. Artificial coloring is also fair game.

>inb4 muh sugar distillate

That's just it, it's been DISTILLED. Some of that sugar sweetness comes through, sure, but not to the point of being like OP's pic-related. By drinking this stuff, you are rotting your gut faster than usual. Based spickos could give a shit how crappy the rums they export are as long as there's some idiot waiting overseas to swill it down with cola. If you want the quintessential rum experience, you have to aim for the top shelf (for mixing or drinking neat). Pic-related is a great sipper, for example, without too much bullshit put in it. Hate that they recently changed the bottle design though.

>> No.11462130

Dark rum is a good mixer

>> No.11462145

Overall, ok. For the price point, very good.

>> No.11462166

Unleash the Kraken

>> No.11462188

Mt gay xo is superior and cheaper

>> No.11462193
File: 52 KB, 612x816, Smith_Cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally a meme rum for fucking normies.

>> No.11462205

Unkrack the Leashin

>> No.11462235
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, bayou-spiced-rum-70cl_temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get this stuff for around the same price and it's much better. Kraken does have that neat bottle though.

>> No.11463711

I fucking love kraken

Try mixing it with orange juice it tastes a bit like an orange julius. All my friends think I'm weird for drinking it though since it has an odd color.

>> No.11463729


>> No.11463732

It's fine. Might as well spend the extra 5 bucks and get Sailor Jerry's though.

>> No.11463762

or 25 bucks less and get admiral nelson. It is mixer booze.

>> No.11463879

loved it younger, too sweet for me now. plus...how did it's abv get lower?

>> No.11464633

Fair point.

>> No.11464691
File: 31 KB, 518x1000, rumbullion-spiced-rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favourite spiced rum. Not for everyone though - its bordering on liqueur sweetness. The Navy Strength is also really good if you like a bit more heat. Even at 57%, its good neat.

>> No.11465541

congratulations, you hear that?

hear it?

that's the bell they ring when someone has made the most pretentious post on 4chan. and you just made it ring.

>> No.11465560

One of the first things i started drinking in college, so i have terrible experiences with it. It's pretty gross desu

>> No.11465601

>Even at 57%
>Bottle clearly says 42.6%
Hmmm looks like your a lil bitch anon

>> No.11465629
File: 1.43 MB, 3119x2872, Kracken_v_Ship-11034643_262c-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Release the Kracken. This is not a request, it's a command.

>> No.11465644
File: 6 KB, 200x300, PerseusCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perseus will persevere as always. When he wins there will be no repurcussions, that is also a command.

>> No.11465663

>the Navy Strength is ALSO really good.

The inclusion of the word also suggests i'm referring to a separate product. Are you that fucking stupid?

>> No.11465676

Honestly it appears to be that I am. Shit.

>> No.11465684

I think that has to do with the fact that the British Navy used to give daily rations of rum to it's sailors. That was abolished some years ago.

>> No.11465688

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

>> No.11465689

Sugary garbage for manchildren. Tastes like liquid candy

>> No.11465717

Navy Strength refers to the strength the British Navy used to demand. The test was to mix some with gunpowder, and if the gunpowder could still be lit, the alcohol content was high enough. It had to be 57%+ to be able to still light the gunpowder.

>> No.11465779

I had that at a party when I was 20. My friend drove home drunk in a monsoon and I fucked a girl from work.

>> No.11465799

why are you guys drinking alcohol
that shit is bad for you
also if you drink too much you get sick

>> No.11465857

Ahh. So separate from proofing and the color of the flame, that was secondary to it lighting powder?

>> No.11465863

Go back to fucking a camel while wearing a diaper on your head.

>> No.11465935

Can't be beat. Half gallon for 20 bucks is a steal.

>> No.11465962

Nice to mix with for its price but a nasty straight shot.

>> No.11466042
File: 144 KB, 900x1200, diplomaticoreservaexclusiva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u deserve better, anon

>> No.11466055

That is some good stuff

>> No.11466123

I used to drink a lot of Kraken with ice and enjoyed the taste

>> No.11466163

It's shitty straight and it's shitty mixed with coke and it's overpriced.

Cool bottle though. I can't get drunk off rum since I drank a 40 of captains spiced straight to my dome at a highschool party ,blacked out, and went out driving

>> No.11466180

no smith and cross

>> No.11466722

makes cola taste better

>> No.11467009

Every 20 year old alcohol expert in college:
>"I am too good for that trash Captain Morgan. I now drink Kraken. It's the best! So smooth. Just look at that bottle. Anyone have some coke I can mix this with? "
Bud, you're paying like $10 more for a stupid bottle. Just buy the plastic handle cheapo shit. You're just trying to get black out drunk, it doesn't matter what's in your cup.

>> No.11467224

If your only goal is to get drunk of hard liquor, then of course it does not matter what you get. You are still going to get a hangover, no matter how many fluids you inject or how much food you get.

>> No.11467784

Buy it once to get the cool bottle, and then spend the rest of your life drinking better rums.

>> No.11467806

pretty gross, but I don't like rum especially not dark spiced rum. Makes my chest hurt for some reason.

>> No.11467886

Gets you shithoused fast and tastes like vanilla extract.

>> No.11467979
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1502426630491s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a bottle of it about ten years ago. it remains the worst rum i've ever tasted. worse than tattoo, even.

>> No.11469082

What is good on its own?
I get my Gran a bottle of Kraken for her birthdays & Christmas, she knocks a shot or two back before bed most nights.
>inb4 something really expensive or completely different to dark rum

>> No.11469267

A man of culture I see

>> No.11469283

I don't really like it that much, rum in general is too sweet for me, if I can get a non dark variant I will.

>> No.11469293

Just got the holiday gift pack. Comes with two color changing glasses for the same price as a bottle on its own.

>> No.11469307
File: 100 KB, 640x853, 2363830974738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best midshelf coming through.

>> No.11469402
File: 1.11 MB, 255x255, 1474053581337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraken rum is made in Indiana at a huge corporate distillery. It's ok for what it is

>> No.11469427

Everything is better with diet Coke, faggot.

>> No.11469439

Shit for the price, even Sailor Jerry's is better

>> No.11469465

I want that tiki glass

>> No.11469707

Good but overpriced desu

>> No.11469714

It’s really good in store bough egg nog.

>> No.11470968

This post is very similar to my experience with Kraken.
Not too great on it's own, good for a rum & coke.
I bought it once (as it was literally the first bottle of rum to catch my eye on the shelf, no other factor) to get wasted at a party.
It did it's service.

>> No.11470998
File: 378 KB, 878x647, futurama_eyebrow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jamaican rum
>"pure pot still"

>> No.11471352

Last time I drank one, I remembered cracking open the bottle and then the next thing I remember is waking up in my bed with my girlfriend; I was sore all over, covered in brusies and scratches, and my chair was broken. I vaguely remember throwing up chinese food in my bathtub.

Would recommend.

>> No.11471423

Its okay I prefer Myers over it

>> No.11472712

someone bought me this & some cran the other night; normally a tequila/soda drinker so it was pleasant

>> No.11472965

Rum is love. Rum is life.

>> No.11472992

>alcohol "gourmet"
you drink this shit to get hammered, no need to buy expensive meme bottles

>> No.11474246

Overpriced meme rum. You could probably make it yourself with the right spices and shitty black rum

>> No.11474255

Zoomer detected

>> No.11474324

Not bad at all. I've been drinking it for a couple years now, mostly in rum and coke but it mixes with just about everything.