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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11457715 No.11457715 [Reply] [Original]

>Have nothing but a pack of plain bologna and eggnog for breakfast
>Realize afterwards I accidentally ate 2600 calories
How do skinny-fags manage to eat so little every day? Is it all just metabolism and genetics?

>> No.11457721

they don't have bologna and eggnog for breakfast

>> No.11457722

they don't eat a package of bologna and eggnog for breakfast

>> No.11457725

I didn't even put anything on it though, it was the bare minimum of eating food straight out the package. What do skinny people eat for breakfast?

>> No.11457729

black coffee

>> No.11457735

fat, worthless piece of shit

>> No.11457737

Parents cook nothing but chicken cutlets and pasta. I don't know what to make for myself and fast food doesnt taste good

>> No.11457747

>I don't know what to make for myself
Open a cookbook

>> No.11457752

He's saying this is why he's skinny though. Why are you trying to make him fat?

>> No.11457757

I'd have to get everything which costs money I don't have, and takes too long since I'm hungry now.

>> No.11457763

black coffee

>> No.11457798

you must be new here

>> No.11457833

Puck up smoking cigarettes. Whenever you're hungry, smoke a cig.

>> No.11457841

This but instead of cigs make it cigars, that way you're also broke and can't afford food.

>> No.11458075

I'm naturally anorexic. I can litterally be starving for days because I don't what I have available and feel fine. Longest I've gone was 5 days with less than 500 Cal's per day.

I don't choose this. It's just life.

>> No.11458174

ECA (ephedrine [you can buy bronkaid otc], caffeine, aspirin) and workout.

>> No.11458223

Black coffee

>> No.11458235

breakfast is for single moms and unemployed ""people"", real niggas just have their morning cig and coffee

>> No.11458269

I actually want to ask fatties how they manage to eat more than 1500 calories. It's baffling. That's a whole big fucking bowl of whatever shit you put in there.

>> No.11458304


Since starting lexapro I probably eat 3500 calories or more a day. I went from 130lbs (5'11) to 150lbs in 8 months. Feels good finally gaining some weight, but the amount of food I have to eat to do so would be absolutely disgusting if I didn't have endless hunger from the pillz.

>> No.11458323

It's fucking effort to eat, let alone cook. I want to gain weight but every time I look at how much I'd need to eat to get 2k calories I just go "yeah nevermind".

>> No.11458332

Fatty, can answer this. We don't eat it all in one sitting, obviously, we just have a lot of little snacks throughout the day we convince ourselves "aren't that much", but they all add up.

>> No.11458371

Do you have any idea how calorie dense cheese and oils are? That's how, if I want something cheesey it's all I eat that day
You can easily hit over 1500 by eating eggs and chicken every day too like /fit/ does, as people are under the guise healthy means low calories

>> No.11458444

Use the same Internet you're using right now you tool. Just Google 'easy [random cheap ingredient] recipes' and just follow the instructions.

>> No.11458458

A lot of those calories are liquid empty. Most lard asses drink shitloads of soda daily and that can easily tack on 500-1000 calories on top of whatever excesses you're eating as well.

>> No.11459601

I am an ex hamplanet and I was pretty much getting my daily kcal to maintain weight in breakfast, then ate this for lunch and dinner as well. Snacking is a thing, but packing 1800 to 2500kcal in a sitting was always easy for me. Gained 3 belt loops after lunch.

>> No.11459727

A pack of bologna? Like this?

Also, egg nog is a thicc as fuck dessert. It should be no surprise that it's as caloric as ice cream.

Eat a bologna sandwich with some tomatos and spinach on it. Vegetables help you feel fuller. No mayo, but you can put mustard or hot sauce or garam masala on it to more stimulate your mouth.

>> No.11459744
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forgot picture

Instead of eating a big volume of one or two things, you should be eating a high variety of things, mostly plants.

>> No.11459778

Or do put mayo on it. Honestly if a knife of mayo keeps you from eating 10 bologna slices at once then it's positive.

>> No.11459840

black coffee and 3 slices of toast with butter

and i also exercise

>> No.11459896

>healthy means low calories
That's true for you fat fucks

>> No.11459899

>more than 1500 calories
>That's a whole big fucking bowl of whatever shit you put in there.
No it isn't. Do you see this?:
That's 16 oz. There are around 90 calories per ounce / slice. 1440 calories total, and it's not a resealable container so it's likely you'll eat it all in one sitting. They also have a smaller 12 oz one, which would be even easier to eat in one sitting and would still get you 1080 calories. And one quart of regular Borden eggnog would be 1600 calories for a total of 2680 calories from a single, smaller sized pack of bologna slices and a single drink.

>> No.11459938

Actually I was wrong about the not being resealable part according to the label, although I wouldn't trust resealing those things, it's not like a ziploc or something where they actually close, it just sticks together slightly.

>> No.11459945

I've used those packs. They don't have a zip seal but they do close shut if you don't rip the entire back off. Eat 2 slices at a time on a sandwich or cut up and thrown into rice or some shit. Bologna isn't meant to be satisfying on its own, you will NOT feel satisfied with a proper amount (2 slices of bologna) without also having something else.

>drinking 1 quart of anything at a time
Beer comes in pints. Your drinking 2 beers of liquid dessert. That is not 1 drink. That is a punishment you are inflicting on your body.

>> No.11460300

2 eggs and 2 pieces of toast with black coffee or tea, max 2 teaspoons of sugar.

>> No.11460359

>Not drinking diet eggnog for breakfast with a shot of whisky to get your metabolism started.
No wonder your fat.

>> No.11460394

Real answer: why do you think eating entire packages of food is healthy, just because it comes out of the package? Try a sandwich. One or two slices of bologna with a cheese and two slices of bread. Not super healthy, but its sane. Also you gotta realize egg nog is heavy cream, you had like a pint, didnt you?

>> No.11460498
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>> No.11460589

>Is it all just metabolism and genetics?
No, it's habit and willpower. You are used to overeating, both physiologically and psychologically. You have adapted to not feel overfull after eating 2600 calories. When I started losing weight, I was hungry all the time. Now I'm used to being hungry, and don't crave food when I'm already full. Keep counting calories and following your diet plan, whatever it is. For most people losing weight a 500 calorie deficit is best.

>> No.11460746

>it's likely you'll eat it all in one sitting
It's not at all likely that a normal person is going to eat a pound of bologna in one sitting.

>> No.11460775
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>and it's not a resealable container so it's likely you'll eat it all in one sitting.
I'll put the rest in a fucking sandwich bag before I eat an entire package of plain bologna, jesus

>> No.11460792

or cling wrap, I use that on everything.

>> No.11460820

>eggnog and bologna
>for breakfast
>2600 calories

Anon, I’m a fat fuck myself but please go get some professional help. I’m not trying to be mean but you do need professional intervention in your life. You must weight 400 lbs.

>> No.11460881
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I'm not fat I'm bulking

>> No.11460897

Get a job lol

>> No.11460922

Hahaha holy jesus christ - you think a package of bologna is intended for a single serve to crack open and chow down on before work? You think a glass of egg nog is a normal breakfast drink?

A glass of orange juice, which is a much more normal breakfast drink, is 39 calories. An egg is 78 calories. You could have two eggs and a glass of orange juice and not break 300 calories. Or just skip breakfast like a normal human that doesn't work on a farm, you faggot.

>> No.11460940

I lift and switched to sugar free energy drinks. I also only usually eat two meals a day and a snack such as a fruit.

I have put on 5 lbs since Nog season began though, but I can lose it easy.