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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11453962 No.11453962 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/. I need to cook dinner for my Jewish gf and her mother. My gf doesn't keep wholly kosher (basically only avoids pork and shellfish, but the latter is really just because she doesn't like it), but her mother does. What can I make to impress her? The mother seems to like me a little bit so I have some leeway

>> No.11453993 [DELETED] 

Fuck off kikefucker

>> No.11454001

You need to cook leberkloesse, i hear they love that.

>> No.11454015

Just get some bagels and cream cheese.

>> No.11454024

Palestinian children au Phosphorus
Or some roast with Mediterranean spices, some rice and such. Israel is not very well known for their cuisine so anything will make them go “Oh (vey), you remembered it”

>> No.11454033
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Jews have no original cuisine. They simply rename, and make Kosher, favorite foods in Nations them or their ancestors were/are from. Most notably: Knödelsuppe, transformed into Matzo Ball Soup. Pic related, German food.

>> No.11454976

Oyster platter

>> No.11454995

ashkenazi (eastern European) or sephardic (spanish/middle eastern) jews?

>> No.11455006

also remember jews love asian food.

>> No.11455012

Cyanide. Finish what Hitler started.

>> No.11455031

Get some halal shit in they will love it. Trust me.

>> No.11455114

Order takeout chinese, and make a big deal about it, how you specifically went out of your way to order it because they were coming and would have made a homecooked meal instead.

>> No.11455274
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Good luck buns.

>> No.11455301
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i heard they like this...

>> No.11455354
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>> No.11455390
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Cook food from this book. Israel took all the good Palestinian recipes and pretend they invented them themselves. The author got death threats from zionists for mentioning the fact that many Israeli staple dishes are actually of Palestinian origin although they have been introduced to the west as Jewish food.

There's an EPUB floating around somewhere.

>> No.11455395
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>> No.11455400
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Roast a leg of lamb with some garlic and rosemary in it.
Serve with potatoes, carrots, green beans, roasted onions, mint sauce.
If she's truly hardcore kosher you want to avoid milk in the sauce. That's easy enough, though.

You can substitute in some other vegetables if I want I guess.

I'm thinking this should be both kosher and kinda sorta close enough to Israeli food without looking like you just made a really stereotypical Jew dish to appease her. That might offend her you see. You know how those people are.

>> No.11456210
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capable of making sandwiches for leftovers

>> No.11456216

Add ricin to whatever you make, you'd be doing the world a favor by removing a few of their parasitic kind

>> No.11456222


>Create fictional story
>Post about it on /ck/
>wait for edgy results

/pol/ is a containment board and yet here you are.

>> No.11456236

matzo ball soup
Make a fish dish too

>> No.11456272
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Jew here make Stuffed cabbage rolls.

>> No.11456288

Get some kosher wine

>> No.11456296

>reddit spacing
Fuck off, faggot

>> No.11456307

Cook your GF and her mother.

>> No.11456312
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My wifes kike dad used to make Matzo ball soup all the time. In the store look for products with a "U" or "K" in a circle, it means its heeb food. The food they eat is pretty gross. Good luck with whatever you choose. You gotta also consider that if you make it kosher, its gotta be prepaired on a certain surface. My inlaw wont even eat off plates that has had unkosher food on it. Best of luck

>> No.11456321

just serve her the traditional dish of goyim foreskins

>> No.11456330

Cook everything with lard and tell her afterwards

>> No.11456335

That’s mean. Do you even know any Jewish people?

>> No.11456347

An aggressively zionist dude who married an alleged kike convert once spoke at my church. He was asked to stop before he was done.

>> No.11456348

>Fuck off, faggot
No u.

>> No.11456359

>What can I make to impress her?

>> No.11456367

we've been doing that for years, you're 2011 at the earliest you tourist

>> No.11456375

Nice try, 9gagger

>> No.11456376

Chicken liver pate, my jewish mother in law makes it for every jew she meets.

>> No.11456411

I have a Smoker so I would smoke a Beef Brisket.

If you dont have a smoker you can make Corned Beef brisket.

>> No.11458625

blood matzos