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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11453255 No.11453255 [Reply] [Original]

What do you faggots drink in the name of >America?

>> No.11453256

Mostly I drink Scotch whisky and my own tears as I pray for natural death or to hang out with a Finn.

>> No.11453257

i drink fluoride

>> No.11453258
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>> No.11453259

McDonald's burger grease

>> No.11453260


>> No.11453261
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>> No.11453262

Mostly fluoride
Because the jews tell me it's good for my teeth, even though I'm drinking it

>> No.11453263

Dr pepper

>> No.11453264

Monster Zero Ultra Energy (c)

>> No.11453265
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drinking the sugar syrup jew

>> No.11453266
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The right answer is Coca-Cola and it isn't even close to being in question. Coca-Cola is basically the insignia of our unofficial imperialization of the rest of the modern world.

>> No.11453267
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everyone in this thread loves circumcised rabbi cock

>> No.11453268
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>> No.11453269


Based. Get yourselves a filter

>> No.11453270

There's a couple here but I feel like A&W's root beer has to be the most american one, it's pretty good after all.
We used to have mountain dew but it got pushed away for some reason, I miss it.

>> No.11453271

Every flavor and soda at the Burger King soda fountain

>> No.11453272
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>> No.11453273

Bourbon, beer, water, milk or coffee

>> No.11453274

Irn bru lmfao

>> No.11453275

Corn based alcohol mixed with high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavorings.

>> No.11453276

Coffee. I wake up, drink it, work 12-14hrs a day, and then daydream about running over welfare lines with a steamroller

>> No.11453277

Stimulants and adrenochrome.

>> No.11453278

Milk, because I’m white

>> No.11453279

I've stopped booze and drink nothing but Diet Coke. Trump diet plan, he's in his 70s and out of his mind with energy,

>> No.11453280

Ah a man of culture

>> No.11453281

No Koskenkorva?

Americans are so uncultured. :/

>> No.11453282
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>> No.11453283

I have to drive 13 hours, one way, to buy kossu anymore. They stopped selling it in my state because I was the only Yankee in this state buying it. I have to drive to SWEDISH territory to get it. PERKELE.

I can't even get fucking Finlandia at my local bar.

>> No.11453284
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This Anon's got the right idea

>> No.11453285

Barq's is far superior

>> No.11453286

Man, the situation over there sounds cucked even though I don't drink.

If you've heard of Fazer, don't touch any of their products anymore, they have joined the politically correct mob on the left.

>> No.11453287
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>pic related

>> No.11453288

Nigger semen

>> No.11453289

jew tears hello anyone???

>> No.11453290


it's obviously Bang's, you bozo

>> No.11453291

>Fazer, don't touch any of their products anymore, they have joined the politically correct mob on the left.
Saatana. I always liked Apteekin brand salmiakki better, anyways.

>> No.11453292
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>> No.11453293
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Good taste anon
God bless PA

>> No.11453294

Drinking a tea right now.

>> No.11453295

Based Moxie.

>> No.11453296

At least 2 cokes a day, usually many more.

>> No.11453297

everybody answering op is a confirmed faggot

>> No.11453298

I can smell the dead skin dust and oils in your fat folds from here.

>> No.11453299

Came here to post this.

>> No.11453300

Mountain Dew is a Appalachia thing.

Please do not attempt to appropriaye our culture of Mountain Dew, rebels and corn whiskey.

It is safe to say appalachias are their own nation with a unique white culture, same as the Mormons, Amish or Mennonite enclaves in the states.

The rest of the country has talked shut about us for 50 years for being backwoods hillbillies, but that has what kept us fully redpilled and white.

From the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourselves.

>> No.11453301


In my defense I am only here so people do not lump us in with the rest of the Jewnited States

>> No.11453302


>> No.11453303

Coca cola is shit and always has been
It's just as bad if not worse than Nestle
Pepsi is far closer to an American representation even though Dr Pepper is the true answer

>> No.11453305

/ck/ is nothing but Jews and faggots and the occasional nigger

>> No.11453315

That doesn't make any sense. Are you just talking about your own preference in how these sodas taste? Coca-Cola is the obvious stereotypical brand associated with American hegemony and they outsell those other sodas by massive amounts.

>> No.11453324

There's nothing more Jewmerican then Pepsi. It's flavored with the ground up foreskins of the goyim in a Jewish satanic blood sacrifice ritual.

>> No.11453325

t. incel

>> No.11453328

t. cooks with vaginal discharge

>> No.11453329


Glacial melt from my underground aquifer. Mountain Dew contains BVO, an ingredient most commonly used in fire extinguishers. Absolute poison.

>> No.11453330

or bourbon. Bourbon is found the world over too.

>> No.11453361

Wtf is this bullshit.


>> No.11453367

That's completely wrong. Pepsi was the soda all the Arab nations drank back when they were boycotting Coca-Cola for doing business with Israel. Elderly people to this day see Pepsi as the anti-jew soda e.g. this one old lady at my office once randomly started criticizing Pepsi for supporting Arab terrorists when I ran into her nearby a soda machine (and she wasn't even a jew herself, that's how much this issue was a big deal years prior).

>> No.11453374

nice anecdote faggot jew-lover

>> No.11453399

Ignore the anecdote part then. The fact still remains you're an idiot who mistakenly thought the arab preferred soda was the jew soda.

>> No.11453404

shut up kike nobody cares about your ayrab vs. fake jew drama

>> No.11453411

>Pepsi did not sell soft drinks in Israel until 1991. Many Israelis and some American Jewish organizations attributed Pepsi's previous reluctance to do battle with the Arab boycott. Pepsi, which has a large and lucrative business in the Arab world, denied that, saying that economic, rather than political, reasons kept it out of Israel.
Sounds like you're the kike.

>> No.11453414

Sounds like you're obsessed with Jews and mad I called you out on your satanic child sexual molestation rituals.

>> No.11453415

Coca cola

>> No.11453422

OK, rabbi. Let's just agree you're wrong and Coca-Cola's the right answer for this thread.

>> No.11453425

The coca cola company is one of the biggest and most powerful Jewluminati companies on the planet. Go take your Jew vs. Jew divide and conquer the goyim tactics somewhere else. If you drink either one you deserve to be poisoned to death

>> No.11453431

>The coca cola company is one of the biggest and most powerful Jewluminati companies on the planet.
That's the point you idiot. Are you high or something?

>> No.11453437

t. must pay my jewish masters to die

>> No.11453450

Learn to read. You're somehow interpreting Coke being the right answer here as a positive thing for Coke. That's not the case. You idiot.

>> No.11453458

go pilpul somewhere else you fucking kike we know your kind

>> No.11453464

>durr I can't read so you must be tricking me
Not sure if you're a jew doing some sort of double reverse shilling on me here or just actually this stupid.

>> No.11453468

what exactly is to read here, your fucking babylonian talmud?

>> No.11453488
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>what exactly is to read here, your fucking babylonian talmud?
The thread?

>> No.11453500

>Most American drink
The salty tears of non-Americans.

>> No.11453501
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pic related is you

the extent of your cooking knowledge is how 6 million could get gassed in the ovens

>> No.11453709

Coffee, water, coca-cola. Mostly just water. Coffee's in the mornings. I drink jugs of water though.

>> No.11453750

What the hell goes on in ol Scotland?

>> No.11453753

What time of the day do you drink nigger cum?

>> No.11453762

whenever he eats out your wife.

>> No.11453786

Oh, I usually put it in those little jello shot cups and stack them up in the freezer door so I can take them out and microwave them while I'm taking my morning piss. You can drink some whenever you want.

>> No.11453841

Irn Bru. It's an awful drink, but go ahead and order some from Amazon if you want to see firsthand. It's orange colored but tastes more like bubblegum. And they use that retarded sunset yellow food dye that's banned in a lot of other countries. I tried it years ago when I was looking to restock on soda through Amazon and they were out of my usual preferred soda. And I'm pretty flexible on soda, I wasn't expecting it to be that bad between the taste and the food dye induced diarrhea (wasn't just a one-off stomach flu or anything either because I tried drinking it again later that week and it fucked up my stomach same as last time).

>> No.11453880

lol you're a nigger!

>> No.11453902

It's true. I just pee in the shower because my enormous BBC is hard as a rock in the morning and there's no way I can get it to go in the toilet without leaning against the wall with one hand.

After I'm done drinking my nigger cum in the morning I just run the shower to rinse it out anyway because it takes a few moments for the hot water to run around the pipes.

>> No.11453924


>> No.11454050

I for sure thought Peru would be Inca Kola

>> No.11454062

I drink coffee and filtered water.

Occasionally I'll enjoy some Dr. Pepper with my double double.

>> No.11454083


>> No.11455338

Why a finn?

>> No.11455363


>> No.11455372
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>> No.11455377

Underrated by hipsters who call everything that isn't brewed with cat whiskers and dingleberries "Overrated"

>> No.11455650

all the people itt are niggers who love nothing more than to eat the cream out of circumcised nigger dick after jacking it off and sucking on it for half an hour

*ding* timer's done!

>> No.11456439

West Virginian here and this post is based and redpilled.

>> No.11456450

>rust soda is literally the only competitor in the world to beat Coca-Cola products

>> No.11456454


>> No.11456458

It is pretty severely overrated in states that don't get it. I remember the first time I tried Yuengling I was expected one of the best beers I ever tasted when really it was just very good for a domestic.