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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11442517 No.11442517 [Reply] [Original]

Coastie and proud.
Fuck you, you inbred fly-over scumbags

>> No.11442525


>> No.11442543


>> No.11442549

absolutely based Huh? poster

>> No.11442556

are you both holding huh's dick

>> No.11442557

Ruining this country on a daily basis

>> No.11442570

Of all the food trucks you could post it HAD to be the fucking Muslim one
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11442573


>> No.11442575

As a coastie I have great respect for new Englanders and Southerners, great cultural and culinary traditions. The Midwest is worthless garbage though. Fuck flyovers. What a cultural wasteland.

>> No.11442578

Good, stay out.

>> No.11442579

he's very proud of muslims treatment of women and gays.

>> No.11442582

Man flyovers are pathetic. Fuck off faggot, it goes without saying we don't wanna go to your Walmart based towns.

>> No.11442584

TFW you remember gas chambers were a good idea

>> No.11442585

why do coasties get so assblasted when you don't take them seriously?

>> No.11442601

Why wouldn't a king get annoyed when an unwashed peasant doesn't realize he's speaking to royalty?

>> No.11442604

Good, then we're in agreement.

>> No.11442609

You didn't answer the question

>> No.11442613

Yeah I suppose. Btw enjoy our lower class leftovers who can't afford to live here anymore :)

>> No.11442622

Will do, please don't ever spread out and ruin more places with your mere existence.

>> No.11442624
File: 260 KB, 730x750, zVjw3g92qw7DlPigVxeh0zU2HZUtNtgE7-9Iup016SI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get based too, anon?

>> No.11442626
File: 106 KB, 273x333, 9130B249-9DCE-4AD0-82B8-24E29F98D62F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I did!

>> No.11442628
File: 102 KB, 854x1000, 1513135844249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw all fly overs will slowly die of opiates and lack of opportunity as the market leaves them behind year after year

>> No.11442631
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, Drbx4nsXQAANsvy.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11442634

This is why I'm moving to Arizona and assimilating. You're all such classist, elitist, self-righteous pieces of shit.

>> No.11442636
File: 28 KB, 328x317, 1307410042438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw coasties starve to death in overcrowded food deserts, while flyovers have so much food it literally grows on trees, and we wont share it

>> No.11442639

Bro they can get jobs as plumbers and truck stop cashiers and go home to their wood panel houses and fat potato faced wives.

>> No.11442648

Bro the only people who can afford to live in cities will be Richie's, the poor will be forced to relocate to flyoverville and everyone will be happy :)

>> No.11442649

sounds based

>> No.11442651

Oh yeah I almost forgot if the opiates don't get you the heart disease most certainly will.

>> No.11442652

Coastie here. Professional, licensed in my faggot coastie libtard state.Want to move back to midwest. Fuck you OP. Plz die of cancer

>> No.11442658

You're not a coastie if you're from the Midwest that's called being a transplant.

>> No.11442660

This is culture
>Buys mystery meat from a streetcart
>Deftly steps around urine puddle
>Ignores homeless man laying against storefront
>Takes detour around construction
>Avoids eye contact with everyone
>Walks into secure apt complex after swiping ID
>Consumes food in $2000/month 2 bedroom converted to 4 walk in closet
>Ignores the sounds of kids yelling in apt above you and people fucking in the room below

>> No.11442668


Fucking kek you got blown out here mate

>> No.11442681
File: 59 KB, 321x363, 3153BF89-10CE-4F01-ACCC-2251E62E066E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you bully flyovers and get them into a tizzy for your enjoyment but you secretly adore the basic minded easily overwhelmed simpletons

>> No.11442682
File: 41 KB, 250x250, 1339345325876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who will never, ever reproduce attempting to justify their meaningless life of conspicuous consumption

When you hang yourself in your closet, the only thing anybody will care about is who gets your apartment.

>> No.11442685
File: 34 KB, 475x600, stopbeingpoor-649742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more brown people you let surround you, the more enlightened you become (as long as there's barbed wire fences between you).

>> No.11442686

I can't agree with that considering I have no clue who you're talking about

>> No.11442691

They're all Muslim. Have you ever been to NYC?

>> No.11442700

>a king
more like a cring tbqh

>> No.11442712

The most "meh" trolls are the ones who are just trying to get told off for whatever reason. Ohhhh woooooooow, you're really breaking new ground getting shit all over by everyone. Pretty cool!

>> No.11442716

Good that I'm not a faggot coastie then according to your Down Syndrome logic

>> No.11442717

The coastie guy is who I was talking about. He just seemed like he was trying so hard and the fly over just gave him like 4 word responses and didn’t give a fuck.

>> No.11442739

Any response is acknowledgement. If one truly didnt care they would roll their eyes and move on.

>> No.11442740

Even though I want to eventually leave the midwest, there's something very cozy about having no annoying neighbors, no stupid laws dictating my life, and a constant stream of fantastic produce and meat to cook with at your fingertips from the local farmer's markets.

>> No.11442754

Whatever man you’re kinda a strange bird

>> No.11442769

>$2000/month 2 bedroom converted to 4 walk in closet
Your math is a little off there. More like $3-4000 for a 2bdr

>> No.11442876


>> No.11443071

Why are the people in flyover states so mean and rude? I'm used to that in large cities but I was always told about the so called Midwest hospitality and my experience in these places have been the opposite. Everyone looks and acts like they bit a mouthful of lemons.

>> No.11443076

That's nice, honey.