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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 530x298, mcdicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11440969 No.11440969 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post food-related stories from any place we worked, grocery store, restaurant or a fast food. Hell, even your own home.

>Working at McDicks
>working the back register
>fat sack of crap couple comes through my window
>"Ok sir, lets see, you got [insert items here cause I forgot], correct?"
>"Yew shud NO wut mai or'dr iz! Yew hav ah compeeyout'r eenfron' ov yew!"
>"I am aware sir, but I want to make sure I am getting your order right"
>"stahp tahken, yur jus' diggin yurself a deep'r hole"

>> No.11441010 [DELETED] 

>worked in deli
>we served fried chicken
>right off the interstate so you got random travellers coming in
>black guy walks in with a shirt that says "REAL ASS NIGGA"
>smells the chicken
>starts ghetto walking over
>tries to get a bunch of free shit then gets mad when I tell him no
>Muslims walk in and yell at me because the only premade sandwiches left have ham on then and thus aren't halal

fuck shitskins I will never work food service again

>> No.11441027 [DELETED] 

It's rare here in GA but it happens too anon, most of our blacks and muslims are super nice. Niggers don't come around here (I mean the bad blacks not calling all blacks niggers). I never understood why niggers thing they can simply get away with that shit. A black man comes in and pays for shit. Then you have fuckin mudslums acting like we owe them everything. sorry "he who wipes his ass with his other hand" that you're not special. Grow up. I swear, indians can be nice but at the same time, they can also be straight up assholes.

>> No.11441034
File: 23 KB, 540x456, DEQ-mS9UIAETb-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niggers don't come around here (I mean the bad blacks not calling all blacks niggers)

Here's your "not racist" badge for that amazing save

>> No.11441037

give them the benefit of the doubt, they probably had an argument before ordering.

>> No.11441038

>work at sammich cafe
>cleaning lobby
>presumed homeless black man walks out of bathroom fucking naked
>hes snorting nonstop
>patrons scarred
>manager calls cops
>black man bolts through emergency exit
>never caught

>> No.11441040

I'm glad.

>> No.11441043

It's time to go back...

>> No.11441047

That's definitely a story to tell your grandkids.

>> No.11441049 [DELETED] 

I was raised to believe there's a difference between NIGERS and BLACKS.
Black people - They just happen to be black people tryina live their life
Niggers - They think society owes them everything. They give blacks a bad name.
I realize it's 2018 anon but this is also 4chan. If you're not calling it like it is, it's time for you to return to reddit

At the same time, I used to see these types of people all the time in my places I've worked. All acting entitled. Acting like they DESERVE everything. The type that go "I've never worked but I KNOW how to do your job!" Fuck them.

>> No.11441087

>he cant even spell the fucking word

Please enlighten me more.

>> No.11441092

Oh no, it was a typo anon, my finger didn't hit the G key twice, my bad anon.

>> No.11441095

how did they get through the window if they were fat

>> No.11441099

Funny anon.

>> No.11441135 [DELETED] 

>worked in walmart deli in white area
>shit job but tolerable enough
>went to uni and walmart let me transfer to another store
>nigger area, real ghetto shit
>coworkers are all lazy, customers are the rudest people I have ever encountered to this day, always screaming and making messes and shit or dancing in the deli aisle twerking
>shitty day already
>some nigger woman orders some tendies and fries from the hot serve
>start bagging then up
>not even 3 seconds later she starts doing the clap talk shit and screaming
>had enough, no job is worth this
>just put the food back and walk out of the store
>dont even answer my phone when boss called and fired me

I was an ass about it but fuck it. Worst job I ever had and I have had some bad ones.

>> No.11441228

Nah man, you had every right imo. Bitches like her I hate. They act like they everyone owes them shit.

>> No.11441237

good for you Anon. nobody should have to deal with this fucking disrespect at work. no the customer is not always right usually they are WRONG

>> No.11441240 [DELETED] 

ask me how I know you're a nigger

>> No.11441252

Oh no, I say "tryina" cause I like to combine words, not that anon. What will we ever do.

>> No.11441262

kek triggered redditor spotted. By the way, there’s no difference between blacks and niggers.

>> No.11441264

remembered some more horror stories
>we had plastic chairs for people to sit and eat at
>this fat fuck is leaning back in the chair against the ice cream cooler
>chair leg snaps and he falls and hits his head
>he tries to sue us even though its all his fault, those chairs are not meant to be leaned back in

>guy comes in
>has a monocle drawn over his eye
>figure he passed out drunk at a party and his friends drew on his face while he was asleep
>he comes back 2 months later
>monocle is STILL THERE
>I realize this dumbass had a monocle tattooed on his face

>> No.11441274

>I was raised to believe there's a difference between NIGERS and BLACKS.
Lots of people were raised by dumb fucks. There's no difference at all, snowflake.

>> No.11441277
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>look at this dood
>he look like Mr. Peanut

>> No.11441278

>gotta say reddit because all the other big boys say it

>> No.11441281

>this bait
No thanks, try harder
Do you remotely ever leave your house and interact with anyone?

This was actually in my last thread, either it's old pasta or you were in my last thread a few months ago.

>> No.11441283
File: 49 KB, 320x408, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay anon. You have so much more in this life to experience, you don't have to deal with any of that.

You are all absolutely free.

>> No.11441286

yea was probably me lol

>> No.11441317

Why do people think it's OK to come 15 minutes before closing and order 20 things on the menu and think it's ok? I worked at a Sonic about 2 years ago. I was the only cook and my manager was the only one taking orders. We had this stoner come through and just order everything he could. Come on, there's literally a Kroger and a McDicks across the street. Stop that. A burger and fries? Alright. A shake? Sure. Not 15 god damn things on the menu. I Actually quit that night too because I had a panic attack. My boss was like "Go sit down then." I couldn't handle the pressure because I wasn't that good of a cook and I told them this too. but NOPE, they had me help closing.

3rd panic attack in 3 months. I can't handle places that move like that.

>> No.11441366

it diedid

>> No.11441376

I work at a freddys as a cook and we had 6 busses full of college kids show up. Manager bought us all lunch but goddamn I wanted to die

>> No.11441503

I worked at subway and some guy was being mildly annoying so I threw the sandwich over the glass at him and it exploded on his chest. I was totally in the wrong. Im a fucking asshole for doing that

>> No.11441602

Calm down anon. I will call a peace officer if you do not calm yourself.

>> No.11441619

Well I don't blame anyone for being upset but the store is open. If the workers don't like it they should establish some rules like "You may only order certain items from the menu a certain amount of time before closing." That would solve the problem, maybe.

>> No.11443578


>> No.11443614

Managed a Macca's, what ya wanna know?

>> No.11443616

Tell us any funny story, ausies are our friends too

>> No.11443629

How long have you been a functioning alcoholic

>> No.11443646


>> No.11443657
File: 2.09 MB, 3956x2867, A5A6A472-FE63-468C-A981-EA2B8FCC8A6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we had plastic chairs for people to sit and eat at
>this fat fuck is leaning back in the chair against the ice cream cooler
>chair leg snaps and he falls and hits his head
>he tries to sue us even though its all his fault, those chairs are not meant to be leaned back in
The place you worked had a lazy fucking brainlet in procurement, or whatever position it was, that was responsible for ordering chairs and other fittings.
Chair weight capacity varies by model and manufacturer, but any decent modern manufactured chair, should be able to hold a normal to large american adult, in common sitting positions.
Leaning back in chairs is common niwadays, and has been common, since peoples chairs were made by some old hermit who lived in the forrest, cutting branches with an axe, and steaming or soaking them to make chairs.
If you don’t want people doing stuff like leaning back in the chairs, then the chairs should be fastened to the floor or wall, or so heavy that a normal person can barely slide the chair across the floor.
Even a $40 childs Ikea Poang chair can safely hold an adult rocking back and forth. I know because when I was at Ikea I tested the Childs Poang for fun.

>> No.11443665

hows your night going fellow aussie

>> No.11443666

I'm sure quite a few have had this one, even as customer
>cheap fuck or huge body builder bro wants everything possible in the burrito
>doesn't roll because it's huge and half liquid
>"can I double wrap it" "uhh yeah that's fine"
>still won't wrap
>entire cashier side of station is now covered in shit because of this stupid fuck and their 4 pound salsa and sour cream smoothie
>30 people in line
>customer looking confused and upset that you can't close the burrito
Glad I only had to deal with this a few times. I just grilled chicken. The people building stuff had it so bad some times.

>> No.11443701
File: 1.50 MB, 960x769, FF7F4906-5278-479D-B6B0-1D29ECC70CB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that the store planning was poorly managed.
Any store, particularly chain stores, should expect customers to come in right up until closing time, and be prepared to make and finish food up until then.
If you don’t want to serve customers “after” you close, you should post hours until which you can serve food, and then have a grace period were the store is closed, but orders can be picked up or eaten inside, and then have a certain amount of shift time scheduled after closing, to clean up and shut down the business.
Even Ikea, whose main business isn’t prepaired food, anounces that the upstairs “fancy” cafe will be closing in x amount of minutes or hours, then still leaves the dining area open to let people finish their food or just sit down and rest theor feet.
The downstairs Ikea food stall with the frozen yogurt stays open toll at least closing time if not after, so all the tardy customers can finish paying and get a sticky bun or cone on their way out.
Ikea knows that customers will still be looking and not get in line to pay until three minutes till closing, and just has an ealier closing time than they actually close. This is because the managers understand how to run the instore business.
Ikeas online order and shipping system completely sucks though.

>> No.11443706

In the US you might get shot for this.

>> No.11443712

This could be solved by continuous tortilla rolls, that can be cut to any length like a roll of tinfoil or wax paper.
Maybe add a built in steaming system to softem the tortilla as it’s unrolled, and/or a toasting system that heats the tortilla as it is unrolled.
Tortilla could then be billed by the inch, like the extra charges for Guacamole.

>> No.11443741
File: 10 KB, 242x207, like tears in the rain scoob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11443744

what the fuck

>> No.11443816

>my last thread

>> No.11443832

>Body Builder orders everything possible to fill burrito ...causing burrito to not be able to close...solution...have continuous tortilla roll...as more burrito fillings get requested...keep unrolling more tortilla...have counter on tortilla roll to measure inches of tortilla... and charges for tortilla measurment, each extra ingredient, and any other upcharges... no more overstuffed burritos.

>> No.11443855

quit using ellipses, you' sound like you're 14 years old

>> No.11443859



fuck you people

>> No.11443863

>bitchfag ...

>> No.11444958
File: 49 KB, 680x543, F8F58538-6C76-40F8-AA05-3597EAC306EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t sheltered dumbass
There is a glaring difference between a nigger and a black person you inept piece of shit
Back to >>>/reddit/ cuck

>> No.11444968
File: 54 KB, 396x382, 4E882128-019B-4ED2-8578-952F8B63E710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this stupid.

>> No.11444975

Based IKEA store manager poster

>> No.11444986

>lady comes into store
>hey can I get a philly cheese steak with and egg on it?
>uh, we don't sell phillies with eggs on them, we don't even have any items that use eggs on the menu
>well that's what I came here for
>run to the back and for some reason we have eggs in the walk in lady ended up getting her philly

>> No.11444992

What a worthless story. Fuck off

>> No.11444997
File: 40 KB, 400x542, maxpropayne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you fuck off

>> No.11444999


>> No.11445008

Some Americans have no idea of the concept of "measure twice, cut once"

>> No.11445064
File: 77 KB, 500x934, preview_c6367b33-7618-476a-a48b-4783843c209b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was funny

>> No.11445122

Fuck you you fucking nigger

>> No.11445136

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.11445143

Holy shit I found the triggered fatty fat fatty. We don't cater to your special needs fatboy

>> No.11445154

He sounds like he's 40 dumbass.

>> No.11445158
File: 16 KB, 400x299, DoYOXL3XcAALkSj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. 14 year olds

>> No.11445160

I think he means all blacks are niggers rather than all niggers are blacks

>> No.11445167

Wow I'm so offended whatever will I do...
Just kill yourself you massive faggot.

>> No.11445179
File: 502 KB, 775x767, rlspb0d4i5q11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of an edgelord

Stay on Call of Duty you colossal child

>> No.11445204

Does being a bartender count? Here’s one that happened yesterday:
>bar is pretty much empty save a youngish guy and his girlfriend
>bar is pet friendly so girl brings in her dog
>they’re both two beers deep and she starts arguing with him about something, I’m not sure since I’m talking to some regulars
>she starts screeching “IM HERE FOR HER BIRTHDAY, NOT YOU.”
>guy goes to the bathroom and she beckons me over
>she starts crying and says cryptic stuff a la “I guess I can’t do anything right huh, I see”
>spills her beer, I pour her a new one because why not
>guy comes back and she starts screaming “SPLIT THE CHECK FUCKING SPLIT OUR CHECK”
>guy looks me dead in the eyes and says “do not split it”
>realize I’m now a third party in this argument
>print the check out and give it to the guy
>girl sends me to hell with her eyes and runs out of the bar
>guy tips me 30 dollars

Was awesome for me. Pretty new to the bar and I unironically hope more lucrative catastrophes come my way

>> No.11445217

I’m not fat, admittedly I am a bit overweight, but not excesively enough that I couldn’t fit in a mini chain with armrests designed for children to sit in.

The reason the chairs in the above post broke, is because they were either poorly engineered or produced pieces of shit, or because they were cheap chairs, likely made out of crappy plastic, that had been exposed to too much UV light, or too many swings in temperature, that caused the plastic to turn brittle over time.
Unducated basketmakers and twig benders in the woods, hundreds of years ago, were perfectly capable of manufacturing durable furniture that didn’t break when you leaned backwards on the legs.
The only chairs I’ve ever broken, were purchased used or salvaged, and were likely at least a couple decades old and partially abused, or
The chairs were ultra cheap pieces of shit that were purchased for $15 or less.

>> No.11445866

they broke cause the cunt was fat, and so are you, overweight is fat you fat cunt

>> No.11446008

'chairs break because of bad design'

chairs can also break because you smash them against a wall, run them over with a car, or crush them under your unwieldly heft

>> No.11446024

i feel bad anon, im sure ur not that fat (for america)

anon I am confused. He wanted to pay for the whole tab and she wanted to pay for her side, so you let him pay it all and she lost her shit?

>> No.11446244

You are correct. She wanted to pay her side of the tab. I gave them the check in whole

>> No.11446280

you are an admitted serial chair destroyer. blame "poor design" and "uv" and "the northern lights" or whatever... the problem is pie, and you fucking know it.

>> No.11446622

Oh cool, a thread where I can vent about my ex-coworker
>Openly talks shit about customers
>Talks shit about other employees
>Openly talks shit about the manager
>Has to be told not to sound condescending when on drive-thru
>Kicked me out of the cooking area during a rush and took over before getting overwhelmed and just started taking her time
>Literally chucked her phone at the manager and threatened her afterwards
>Thinks she should be the manager just because she yells at people that are already doing their job to go faster
>Eventually quits, gets a job delivering food
It wasn't until I typed out that last line that I realized she lost two of her "second" jobs in two months. That combined with her being quick to anger and inability to deescalate makes me think she's going to go 3 for 3.

>> No.11446630

>when I was 17 worked at Domino's
>lady from a hotel calls in to order a pizza
>begins asking for all these cheeses I've never even heard of at the time
>like come on now, it's basically a fastfood pizza joint
>"do you have Grana Padano?"
>sorry ma'am, we don't
>*exasperated sigh* "fine, I guess Manchego will have to do"
>uh.... we don't have that either
>"are you serious, what kind of pizza place are you running if you don't have Manchego? Just make me a pizza with Zamorano then"
>send pizza out, about twenty seconds after the driver gets back it's her on the phone again
>"Uh, excuse me, you didn't include any Parmesan with our pizza"
>you didn't ask for Parmesan
>"just have one of your drivers stop by the grocery store and pick us up a can"
>a back and forth ensues after I tell her that I'm not sending a driver out to buy a can of fucking cheese to take to her hotel
>throws a shit fit and says that she's never calling our establishment again

>> No.11446667
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nigger kike jannies redditor faggots kys


>> No.11446767

I hate when customers drag me into arguments.

>> No.11446808

>try choppin up some scallions really quickly
>never consistently manage to fully cut through the bottom

>> No.11446835

If this was 2006 I'd jump on the nigger bandwagon with the rest of them. But maybe I'm way too old and/or been here way too long, or maybe /pol/ really did fuck things way up, but I applaud your imported garbage, tumblr-tier shitpost. Good for you, shaggy

>> No.11446913

As someone who owns a grocery store and deals with those "last minute" people all the goddamn time, go fuck yourself. No, your extra $15 in sales is not worth me postponing closing the gates and having to wait to take the drawer out until your slow fucking ass is done, especially since your kind tend to attract others who also exploit our kindness because you're too fucking lazy to just come in earlier.

I've dealt with more people opening our fucking gate and waltzing their way in past close than I ever thought possible, and each and every one has the goddamn GALL to act like I'm being an asshole by politely informing them that we are closed (because, you know, the gates and closed sign weren't enough of a fucking hint).

>> No.11446922

>picking up my order
>cashier talking with waitress
>have to call her 4 times
>she makes a great show of sighing and asking what i want
>point to my order behind her, tell her to ring me up
>'thats not your order, it'll come out soon'
>tell her i can see my fucking name on it
>sighs again, rings me up
>roommate who also works there comes up to say whats up
>point to cashier 'fucks her problem?'
>he tells me they get that alot
>she looks sad all of a sudden
>tell her to hang in there
>fucked her about 3 weeks later

i miss college

>> No.11446924

Hey, no problem man.
I just wanna look at the food.

>> No.11447256

When I worked at BK, you got what we had left/didn't take ages to cook. Was against company policy but nobody minded (at least on our end).

>> No.11447280

Had some tiny Asian dude come into BK once and he ordered a 20 patty whopper with bacon/cheese inbetween each patty. Had the fucking nerve to complain it couldn't be wrapped.

But rather impressively he ate the lot, fuck knows where it went.

>> No.11447291

Found the triggered fat body.

>> No.11447297


>> No.11447331

Because you're fucking open. If you don't want to do your job then quit. Get used to for when you grow up kid, most jobs make you do your job until quitting time. Why the fuck should you get to stop working half an hour before quitting time?

>> No.11447350
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> working at deli in Food lion
>cleaning everything because closing soon
>customer comes in as I'm cleaning the slicer and ask for meat
You people are sub-human filth. Why couldn't you come earliar in the day?

>> No.11447354

Maybe you should get a better job kiddo. If you're open, I can come in.

>> No.11447360

because they were busy at important, rewarding events. now slice the fucking ham.

>> No.11447366
File: 48 KB, 124x188, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at a mom and pop breakfast/lunch place
>open kitchen so i occasionally talk to customers
>overhear a customer asking the waitress to hold the mustard and mayo on her burger
>ask her if she wants me to hold the flavor too
>she laughs
most people there were really nice

>> No.11447371

Well, your manager is a racist.

>> No.11447398

>The slicer.
No room to bitch.
Come back to me when someone has a meltdown at you because the butcher refuses to come back to work after clocking off for the day to put the bandsaw blade back on to cut the customer a roast.

>> No.11447411

Nigger is derived from the word niggardly. To act niggardly is to be ignorant. Getting called a nigger means this. You can be as white as milk and I’ll still call you a nigger for acting like one.

>> No.11447486

is that what they call playing video games and drinking diet soda?

>> No.11447498

Boomer-esque tale, jim.

>> No.11447504

We're not the ones stuck working a dead end food service job.

>> No.11447512
File: 36 KB, 640x640, njpyu5i4fuo11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry that's Sam Pepper.

You really should shoot that piece of shit in the fucking head on site.

>> No.11447765


This is the most racist thing iv ever read on 4chan desu.

>> No.11447806

I'd say well done but honestly its so easy to trigger people these days.

>> No.11447823
File: 22 KB, 206x304, 5022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old boomer lady comes hour before we close
>doesn't come to deli until exactly 1 minute before we close
>"I always come in right before you close because I know all the slicers are nice a clean."
>makes up cut open a fresh roast beef for her
>mfw she stops coming in after I cut all her meat too thick and pretend I'm sick and cough all over her shit
get the fuck out of my store bitch

>> No.11447826

This calling white people nigger is just wrong and evil.

>> No.11447860

>Be working at gas station
>We serve hot dogs with like 6 sauces, pickles and fried onions.
>Have footlong hot dawgs too in baguettes.
>Also 3 types of sausages
>Have only one platform for rolling the sausages, pic related but integrated and bigger surface
>Weekend and pretty slow night 'round 1am
>Gotta always have hot dogs at the ready also have to sear them for more than half an hour, gotta throw out sausages older than 3 hours. Also can't fit more than like 8-10 on.
>Party bus comes in with shitfaced teens
>They all want my dogs
>Out of dogs after shitfaced brigade leaves, put on new ones
>Another van stops by, shitfaced boomers
>They want my dogs too
>"Sorry frens, have to cook them for a while longer."
>Thots start bitching to their males, males start harassing me.
>Mfw one of them flips over a shelf
>Pressed red button under desk stealthily
>Cops come in like 4 minutes cuz closeby, and also cuz they get free coffee place in danger.
>Boomers get arrested for possession of drugs and destruction of private property.
>left that job 2 years ago, but have some fun stories

Such is life as a gas station clerk

>> No.11447892

You say it like it's a bad thing.

>> No.11447899


>> No.11447904
File: 58 KB, 794x576, 099a30_6260652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all blacks are niggers
not true

>> No.11447911

>work in tiny ass store with one entrance and exit
>said store does not open until 10, however, I, and another employee, come in at 8 to take deliveries and get the place sorted out
>we have to keep our only door open for deliveries to come in
>since we don't want customers coming in just yet, we hang up a sign at the entrance informing everyone as to what our hours are
>every fucking morning, without fail, we have some boomer cunt walk right past the sign, in some instances actually pushing it aside, and asking if we are open
Honestly, what is with the average person's aversion to the written word?

>> No.11447946
File: 79 KB, 800x449, Electric-Hotdog-Cooker-Grill-Roller-Machine-Rolling-Bun-Sausage-5-Rollers-Low-Noise-1000W-CE-Approval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. Fug

>> No.11447949

>says that she's never calling our establishment again
why do they always make it sound like its a punishment?

>> No.11448477

Fuck you mods. Finally off my ban. They didn't like that I "derailed" the thread. I'M THE CREATOR FUCK YOU.

this one has been told at least a dozen times

new material plz

I commonly make these threads around once a month or a bit over, if it's a foodie thread like this, it's likely me anon

He sounds familiar, who is he again?

Oh? So come the fuck in and order 20 things 10 till? No fuck you. The last 10 minutes is us trying to clean up the store and go home. You want something good, go some place else and dont act like we owe you shit cause you decided to come late. There's always QT Hot Dogs.

>> No.11448500

Obviously autistic. Can't handle 15 items and have a literal panic attack being the 3rd in 3 months. C'mon Billy toughen up. A dick move to do right before close yes. But a literal panic attack

>> No.11448514

I wasn't a good cook and I was trying so hard. You don't have to be autistic to have anxiety and panic attacks dude. Don't armchair me, you don't know me. I have a hard life in the last 8 years. It sucks but I've gotten better. I'm just not good in those situations. Good for you, you're able to be in those situations better than me, want a cookie?

One of the biggest reasons why I hate fast food.

>> No.11448517

They still call back anyways

>> No.11448523

yeah. we all want cookies. too bad you are a retard.

>> No.11448534

Come on, at least try harder.

>> No.11448537

>work at pizza hut
>doing prep
>every pan I grab isn't clean, crust and flavoring stuck to the pan
>place them in the sink to get washed
>driver comes up to me saying they already threw them through the wash
>ask him if he is fucking with me since you can literally peel off pizza crust stuck to the pan
>he tells me it is constant flavoring

>> No.11448540

cant... panic attacks

>> No.11448646

I didn't come late, I came during your posted hours.

>> No.11448948

Niggers are the white trash of the black community. "Black trash" doesn't have the same ring.

>> No.11448955

Imagine being this mad and fat

>> No.11449001

Get a sharper knife and a cutting board.

>> No.11449027

>can't handle the stress of a fast food job
Lol good luck working a real job where you actually have responsibilities for things that matter

>> No.11449060
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>night guy at an uptown local chain gas station
>Only place to get a slice of pizza between 3 and 7 am
>On the corner of the ghetto and 24/7 urgent care
>Dude comes in shaking, might be cold might be drugs idgaf he just goes to the bathroom ignoring a CLEAR sign reading "customers only"
>Was the first white guy in 2 hours, but the bars just let out so I actually have to deal with people
>2 hood rats are just doing laps through the aisles
>Old lady walks in grabs and handful of lighters and walks out
>Making pizza as I ring people up, better be fast or youll need to compensate fo the inconvenience
>Clears out by 3, dead silent save the occaisional cop the stops in for free coffee
>Sweep the floors
>Mop the floors
>Love the floors
>Wax the floors
>Clean the icee machine, replace the sweet tea
>4 am brew the coffee for the morning rush
>Newspapers need repricing so I ge- BANG BANG BANG
>bathroom door flies open and smashes the paper towel rack off the wall
>White guy from earlier sprints out pantsless and off into the night
>he ripped the door so hard the deadbolt went through the wall
>Theres chicken bones and shreds everywhere
>Shit on the walls, in his pants, on the toilet
>A perfectly mint condition tablet in the sink
>Cleaning it all couldnt find any needles or anything
>Had to stay a half hour late finishing some nightwork
>mfw manager told me a week later the guys mother came in asking for his tablet and pants

>> No.11449107

Can confirm. I have a black co-worker who has been fired from several jobs the last one because he was delivering pizza and took shots with customers and proceeded to crash into a lightpole and get a DUI. Today he is shirking work to fug.

>> No.11449109
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One person ordering a bunch of stuff before close is annoying.
5 or more people showing up just before close when it's been slow for the last 2 hours is absolutely infuriating.

Also fuck Sonic. Funny story, all my hiring managers got fired because they'd go do heroin in the bathroom and take forever doing it.
Our cooks and half the shift leads were pretty much twitchy zombies cause they were all whacked out on meth.
At some point at least 2 mice nested in our walls and they became our mascots/pets. One was white, and was nicknamed Whitey; the other was brown so we nicknamed him Speedy Gonzalez. They'd hang out on the windowsills and we'd leave them food when the managers weren't looking.
Because the bathrooms could be accessed from the outside there were always tweakers and hobos going in our bathrooms to shoot up or smoke a joint. There was this one giant black dude that'd go in the bathroom and come out 30 minutes later leaving it reeking of weed. There was always a perfect line of ash in the sink like he lit it then let it burn itself out.
Our General manager was caught at a different Sonic stealing from the safe so to avoid court she agreed to work at a different location and a percentage of her earnings would go to paying off the money she stole.
She always hired family then fast tracked them into management regardless of how shitty they were at their job.
And since managers got paid more than crew, there was a constant power struggle where employees on the bottom of the chain were always trying to undermine their managers and get them fired so they could take their place. There was one girl who went from crew to shift lead to general manager of an entire branch within a year by being so shitty to other managers that they would quit, then she'd fill the power vacuum with her excellent work ethic. She guilted and tortured one gm so hard that he broke down and cried in front of everybody, then said he quit and told her "you fucking win".

>> No.11449125

You lived the dream all of us food service peons have dreamed.

>> No.11449137

Pussy, I just told them we leave chemicals on the slicer that take an hour to fully dissipate and sanitize.

>> No.11449195

Most people think they are important anon.

>> No.11449204
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>customers come bang on my door half an hour before opening because they see that there's a light on and figure "oh they must be open."
>have had the hours posted on the door for the last 3 years
>times haven't changed once in those 3 years
I truly do wonder how people can be so oblivious.

>> No.11449222

>sign says we close at 10
>customers come in at 9:37
>ugh why don't these morons know 10 actually means 9:30

>> No.11449245

>As you drive into the parking lot there is a black and yellow sign on the wall, "All Alcohol and Tobacco sales will require ID"
>As you walkthrough the door, around 5'5" up there is another black and yellow sign, "All Alcohol and Tobacco sales will require ID"
>Walking through the store to the beer, on each door with alcohol behind it is a black and yellow sign, "All Alcohol and Tobacco sales will require ID"
>Standing in line, if you look in any direction you see ads for beer, cigarettes or cigars on every flat surface, each with a black and yellow sign, "All Alcohol and Tobacco sales will require ID"
>As you approach the register, where the till reads out the total price, a black and yellow sign, "All Alcohol and Tobacco sales will require ID"
>Every day, every hour, at least one uppity cunt will get absolutly livid when I tell them I actually cannot go through with their purchase of Alcohol or Tobacco without an ID

>> No.11449248

>chairs can also break because you smash them against a wall, run them over with a car, or crush them under your unwieldly heft

That's bad design

>> No.11449274

Reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W93jDIVVV_k

>> No.11449285

Anon I'd like some more context to this story.

>> No.11449300

>. If you're open, I can come in.
Sure but once it's closing time, we are kicking you out

>> No.11449306

That's what they all say.

>> No.11449323


Is there some reason every restaurant fast food or otherwise doesn't just have a last call time or at least limit the amount of things people can order past a certain time?

>> No.11449331

As a black man I too laugh at you

>> No.11449348

>There was one girl who went from crew to shift lead to general manager of an entire branch within a year by being so shitty to other managers that they would quit, then she'd fill the power vacuum with her excellent work ethic. She guilted and tortured one gm so hard that he broke down and cried in front of everybody, then said he quit and told her "you fucking win".

Fucking based

>> No.11449353

Dawg you gotta work with this mentality "minimum wage? minimum effort!"
I clock out when my shift is done. If manager wants to cater to some drunk/stoned retard and his motley Crew, be my guest I'm gonna go watch anime and load my shotgun to kms but pussy out and cry myself to sleep

>> No.11449355

I miss being a gas station clerk, I worked graveyard and got to chase off so many homeless people.

>> No.11449363

>Our General manager was caught at a different Sonic stealing from the safe so to avoid court she agreed to work at a different location and a percentage of her earnings would go to paying off the money she stole.
Nebraskans are next level retarded

>> No.11449371

Then they keep peering in and waving for attention. You can wait in the rain for 2 hours while I open I couldn't care less

>> No.11449387

Gas station clerks get to much pussy. You wouldn't believe the number of single moms that would fuck/suck for some cigarettes or booze.

>> No.11449502

>lobby closes at 9, drive through at 10
>usually lock front doors so we can get lobby cleaned
>watch people show up trying to get into the lobby
>laugh when they can't
Sometimes we leave the door ajar to get back in after taking out the trash, and someone will just wander in while we're distracted. Keep in mind the lobby lights are off and chairs are up. They just wait at the counter then when we walk up to tell them we're about to close they just start ordering like nothing's wrong.

>> No.11449666

>chairs should be indestructible and if they arent its poor design
Those are some lofty expectations for an ass holder at a fast food place

>> No.11449707
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>at least once a week some fat retarded boomer will leave through the clearly marked emergency exit door with a big red sign on it and trigger the fire alarm
can people fucking read? why do they do this?

>> No.11449719

What anime is that? Looks familiar.

>> No.11449856

Gremlin smasher the animation

>> No.11449994

t. White person

>> No.11450787

Top anime is Goblin Slayer
Bottom picture looks like some autistic RPG

>> No.11450795

What proof do you want

>> No.11450798

Old people are stupid. Fat people are stupid. Combine these two traits and you get double the retardation.

>> No.11450807

either way it's late during the night when we are cleaning up. I get that you're a paying customer, but the point is that the last 10 minutes are closing and you have the option of 10 other fast food places to goto as well. It's more about being kind to the place that serves you food.

If I have people around me helping me out, that's not a problem, at least 1 other person on the grill would have been nice. I worked McDicks and Sonic was better but I couldn't handle being the only 1 there when I didn't know enough of the shit.

Slightly reminds me of the time I was at McDicks, I was there 6 months, nothing said about "Hey you want a promotion" Nope. This fucking 17 year old girl gets a promotion because she turned 18. "Here's your birthday present! You've been here 3 months and did an ok job! So here you go!" And I have a feeling it was cause the manager had a crush on her.

>> No.11450826

>work in produce
>old boomer woman asks me where bean sprouts are
>show her where they usually are
>none on shelf
>she speaks to me as if I'm retarded, starts describing what bean sprouts look like
>tell her I know what bean sprouts are, offer to check if we have any in the back because there are just none where they should be
>find a box, bring them out to her
>go back to my work
>coworker later tells me that the lady came up to him and was basically questioning him about everything and talking about me like I'm fucking retarded
What the fuck? This interaction honestly ruined my day, and usually I don't let random people don't get to me at all. Just something about this old fucking cunt

>> No.11450834

I got a kick out of doing this. I actually denied a sale to the store owner because he didn't have his ID. He was both upset and impressed.

>> No.11450837

Old people, and especially women, are fucking idiots when it comes to super markets. They shouldn't be allowed in rhem

>> No.11451188

>the last 10 minutes are closing and you have the option of 10 other fast food places to goto as well.
It's ok if you make some other fast food wagie put off his cleaning, as long as it's not me
Typical selfish moron. I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.11451197

I'm a typical selfish moron? you're the one coming to my drive through acting like the world owes you everything. No fuck you.

>> No.11451206

Niggardly means stingy and has nothing to do with the word nigger you retarded bag of shit. Read a fucking book for fucks sake.

>> No.11451208

>Drive through
Haha, no. I'm coming into the lobby. And I didn't realize "expecting to receive service during posted hours" was "everything".

>> No.11451300

>Customers all the time coming up to the door 5 minutes before we open
>Try to open door. When they realize they can't get in they look at the hours of operation sign to see that they can enter the store in literally 5 minutes
>Get in their cars and leave

>> No.11451308

This used to happen every night at the gas station I managed. We locked the doors and turned off the pumps at midnight, every night since the place was fucking built in like 2005. But every evening at least one, sometimes up to half a dozen people would come up and bang on the door to get my attention while I'm counting down the registers to ask if we were closed.

>> No.11451453

He's right though.
There's black people, then there are niggers.
Just like there are gay people then there are faggots.

>> No.11451463

only white boys ever said that somehow some blacks aren't niggers. it's a slur for a reason, it applies to all darkies.
>dude you don't be like all the other blacks, you're not a nig
awful mental trickery.

>> No.11451469

They call each other niggers, so how is it racist?

>> No.11451473


>> No.11451477

t. riggered nigger

>> No.11451502

I worked in hospitality. When I worked in hostels you can cover literally every surface with signs saying "do your fucking dishes" and people still acted surprised when we threatened to kick them out for not cleaning up.
"Oh I didn't know"
"Well that's what you have housekeepers for"
"What kind of hotel makes you wash dishes? (Sir, this is a hoStel)"

It's some psychological effect where the more signs you have the less people read them

>> No.11451514
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>> No.11452429
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>work in the backroom
>no customers to bother me
>all my customer interactions are positive because I'm the angel descending from the backroom heavens to give them the product they wanted
>mfw I'm not a sales floor or cashier cuck

>> No.11452571

Well fuckin be decent and herd people out of the store as it closes. Send your crew to find the shoppers left in the store and grab the remaining items off the shelf they need, so you can run them through the register faster. Assert yourself and empty your fuckin store my dude.

>> No.11452579

You know your panic attacks are bad, so why be prissy and defensive about it? Quit working yourself up before you have another one

>> No.11452584

Seriously if you fags cant handle closing a store thats your problem. Like seriously, making up fake rules about when people are allowed to shop ay an open store, is just some shit you do while pouting your plan to shut down the department early so you can leave didnt work. I mean i get it, because i lived that life too, but its not actually reasonable for you to cook up fake rules because someone didnt help you quit work sooner

>> No.11452591

Lol retard doesnt realize he's passing the buck.

>> No.11452597

>Worked as a supervisor at an amusement park food stand in the summers during college
>Is a free admission park so people can come and go. Lots of people showed up an hour or so before open, especially on weekends
>Get in early, open the shutters like half a foot so I can start setting up shit on the counter. Clearly the window isn't open unless you squat down to look through
>There is a big "Sorry We're Closed!" sign that hangs at the start of the queue
>Without fail every morning some boomer fuck comes and starts trying to open the shutter (I left it chained so no one could open it all the way)
>"I will have a large fry and a vanilla milkshake"
>"Sorry we aren't open"
>Sometimes I would be somewhere else in the stand cooking/prepping and people would just stand there ramming the shutter against the chain or pounding on it
>One time as I was setting something on the counter someone grabbed my arm to "get my attention", and then acted offended and reported me to management for being scared/unhappy

Just working there was a stream of horror stories. The best is when I'd tell them we were closed and then observe them walking over to the condiment area and filling a cup up with relish/ketchup and eating it with a spoon with zero shame as I stared right at them.

>> No.11452615

>having a panic attack because you have to do your job and make a few burgers
he's high as a kite you can just give him whatevers lying about. That or kill yourself you industrial scale faggot

>> No.11452662

you yanks are such faggots.
>go in chicken shop just before closing
>"you serving mate?"
>"just got chicken wings and a steak burger left boss man"
>get like 30 chicken wings for £1.50 because they're closing
>the end

Even if you go to McDonalds just before closing they wont make you fuck all, you can choose from what's left in the warmer, can sometimes get free stuff if the manager isn't a faggot

>> No.11452690

One time I wanted to quit work early so I closed up shop while we were still posted as open, hoping no one would come by, but they did, so I nervously made up a bunch of rules about hidden 'actual store hours' that only exist in my head, and told myself its immoral to expect an open business to be manned. It sucked because I was dying to get home and smoke some weed. Oh wait, I do this every night.

>> No.11452693

>Even if you go to McDonalds just before closing they wont make you fuck all
This is literally not true

>> No.11452719

>>"Sorry we aren't open"
If you were a good communicator with training, you'd have said "Good morning! We'll be opening in 30 minutes please come back!" and watch the person look at their watch and then leave. You could have even said, write down your order and I'll put it in the queue first. Or you could have told your bosses you needed to open an hour earlier on Saturdays.

>> No.11452731

>I couldn't handle the pressure because I wasn't that good of a cook
You work in fast food, you don’t need to be a good cook to do fast food.
If you can’t even into making shakes then you really should quit pussy. Also 15 mins before close is normal, try 10 seconds before close and a guy comes and a fucking personal shopper to help him pick out 2 cases of fucking wine right before a fucking holiday. Fuck you and you’re fragility pussy.

>> No.11452735

Nah I'll just he a cynical shitbag who doesnt know where he is thanks

>> No.11452752

>you'd have said "Good morning! We'll be opening in 30 minutes please come back!" and watch the person look at their watch and then leave.
I mean I always put it in more flowery terms but I didn't think I'd need to type it out for you

>write down your order and I'll put it in the queue first
I used to start taking orders like 10 minutes before open and I got bitched out that I had to wait till we opened.

>Open earlier
Offered to open 30mins early and my boss said no. I think he hated money

>> No.11452758

Why are you even taking orders when you are scheduled to be cleaning?

>> No.11452790


>> No.11452795

Just be courteous and clear enough about when youre open, i mean i know work sucks but is this really so awful?

>> No.11452796

Trying to leave early

>> No.11452897

Why are you trying to not do what you are paid for?

>> No.11452930

Because he's lazy and blames customers for noticing he literally closed the store early without permission just to leave. Might even abuse their food, too.

>> No.11452949

What? That's doomguy come on dude.

>> No.11452991

Don't talk to people like that, especially sensitive ones. Do you have a conscience?

>> No.11453241

Yes, that type of person needs to be constsntly grounded