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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11438150 No.11438150 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.11438153

became publicly traded

>> No.11438160

All hail our Brazillian overlords.

>> No.11438397

Reminder that leafs national identity is built around a coffee fast food chain, macaroni and cheese, and ice polo

>> No.11438402

Dont forget fries and gravy

>> No.11438407

Not such a bad thing if you ask me.

>> No.11438410

Not having better restaurants.

>> No.11438426

You forgot the inferiority complex with the US.

>> No.11438442

(((Jorge Paulo Lemann))) of 3G Capital
>3G Capital is 51% owner of Restaurant Brands International
>Restaurant Brands International is the parent company of Tim Hortons Inc

Anyway, placing any cultural importance in a particular corporation is retarded

>> No.11438448
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Don't forget the Muh Politeness cucks

>> No.11438475

Did they get worse, or have they just not done anything to improve as competitors got better?

I moved from western Canada where there are fewer Tim Hortons than Starbucks to the east (and there isn't this weird Tim Hortons worship culture that the rest of country seems to have), and I couldn't understand why everybody was constantly sucking Tim Horton's dick whenever coffee or donut came up in conversation. It's just extremely sugary donuts packed full of high fructose corn syrup that's maybe just very slightly better than the ones at grocery store bakeries, and the coffee is just barely okay.

>> No.11438489

I can't back my claim up, but I've heard that McDonald's literally picked up Tim Horton's old coffee supplier. In my experience, the quality has gone down far enough such that people do admit that McDonald's is better. However, they will never badmouth Horton's 3.5 inch dick.

>> No.11438500
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Leaf here.

Tim Hortons is shit, always shit, and always will be shit.

What it also is however is cheap. I can get a coffee and a donut for less than 3 dollars. At starbucks, or any other big chain I don't think I could get a normal coffee of equivalent size for that. That's why people go to Tims, not because its the best, because its cheap, everywhere and open 24/7.

The conflation of Tim Hortons with Canadian identity started with Tim Hortons itself focusing on that in its branding. All their ads focus on it because they're the biggest national coffee chain here, and since its everywhere they figured they could try to tie it into national identity. The only people who get "patriotic" about Tim Hortons are the same type of high functioning retards as the Americans who tell you Budweiser is the greatest beer on Earth.

>> No.11438564

Reminder that Tim Horton's used to have bakeries in every store, with doughnuts and such baked fresh in-house. They walked away from that as a cost-cutting measure, and ruined their best attribute. Also they've let their coffee go downhill.

As with many things, they were good while they were building their brand, but now that they're a well known brand they can just coast and cut costs to the bare minimum

>> No.11438572

Shitty beer

>> No.11438578

"Restaurant Brands International" which is also why Burger King went down the shitter and why Popeye's is doomed to the same fate. See >>11438153, >>11438160, >>11438442.

>> No.11438591
File: 228 KB, 515x796, DallaireInset1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's embarrassing. Except for hockey; that's actually a lot less embarrassing than other countries' obsessions over American football, soccer, probably just about every sport other than baseball and rugby. Seriously, hockey's great.
>Popeye's is doomed to the same fate
Unfortunate, but I believe it.

>> No.11438596

>tfw Tim's coffee is way too acidic
>tfw Starbucks is way too bitter
>tfw no other major chains in Canada


>> No.11438604

I don't know what things are like where you live but there's like 5 local chains in my city that are all better than that, plus all the hipster ones, though I've found they often tend to source their beans from the same few roasters.

>> No.11438613

>tfw friend works as manager in one of these
I wonder what it's like

>> No.11438623

9 times out of ten the guy taking your order can barely speak English.

>> No.11438658

Yeah it's not so great. Hockey is fine. But other than that it's embarrassing. Especially since there is so much good shout we could have built off of like exploration and fur trade.

Be a trad dominion lad. Not a cucked timmies leaf

>> No.11438672

Get to fuck a lot of teenagers?

>> No.11438729
File: 1.37 MB, 300x169, 1365539492196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the brazilians bought out timmies they got rid of all their canadian suppliers and switched it to the same people who supply BK/Krispy creme. They essentially americanized the menu and are basically playing how much can we cut from the product before they actually notice. The majority of timmies use keruig cups now, its not even "Freshly brewed coffee" Also Mcdonalds did pick up the old coffee supplier from tim hortons when they got ousted thats why theres such a noticeable difference between the american and canadian coffee version. I just miss those fresh timbits you get before a cold morning practice for hockey besides the nostalgia it was actually a different taste, now everything just tastes like pure doughy plastic.

>> No.11438875

This is very true. It stopped being a decidedly Canadian company a long time ago and instead of their corporate going back to their tried and true roots they have just doubled down on getting away from what worked in the first place.

Like, in response to their client base becoming more despondent about Timmies place in the Canadian identity, corporate decided to start opening locations in China. It's like saying "if you don't like the changes then fuck you, we'll take our business somewhere it's not even wanted".
How the fuck is anyone this retarded?

>> No.11438908

I wish a Japanese company would take over
Restaurant Brands International (Burger King, Tim Hortons, and Popeyes). American style management isn't working for Tim Horton's.

>> No.11438923

and Chinese

>> No.11438930

This, pretty much. I can always rely on tim hortons for some cheap coffee and donuts at like 4:00 AM. The Donuts suck ass but their soup is decent, I really liked the thai chicken soup they had for a limited time.

>> No.11439057

any stores that sell double choclate donuts asides from Tims?

>> No.11439058

but budweiser is literally the king of beers

>> No.11439093

worst part about it was the coffee store/donut shop holocaust that preceded Tim's fall from grace

if only we had known perhaps Robin's and Country Time would still be here to make Tim Horton's have to compete instead of atrophying on its laurels

>> No.11439135

I think the best solution is to bring Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese coffeehouse franchises into Canada.

>> No.11439193

mcdonald's is a bit better than tim's
pond water is better than starbuck's

>> No.11439201

not strong enough and needs more sour cream glaze

>> No.11439214

the frosting coming off of dips is a relatively new thing, right? 5 years or so
why would they just ignore how fucked their product is and continue an obviously defective way of handling donuts when it is their business to handle donuts?

>> No.11439351

Closer to about ten years ago, although it used to be rare. That was around the time the Boston Cream and Strawberry Vanilla filling completely changed to save money.

>> No.11439382

What is Pond Water like? They don't have those in my province

>> No.11439400

You hfcs fags are insufferable. Can you taste the hfcs?

>> No.11439406


>> No.11439520

They stopped actually having in-store bakeries. It's been complete garbage ever since, which is to say for like 20 years now.

>> No.11439523

gotta pour out a double double for my boy Walnut Crunch

>> No.11441363

And as of recently, weed.

>> No.11441511

>Did they get worse,
Outside of remote franchises in Newfoundland, Tims stopped baking doughnuts fresh in 2003 and now ship frozen doughnuts nation-wide out of a factory in Ontario.
Also there's been some fuckery to their coffee supply chain since 2009, when they stopped doing whatever it was they had done before and opened their own central roasting facility.
Not that the second point matters much when the aging Bunn coffee machines in every franchise are erratic, inconsistent, and never cleaned properly.

>> No.11441725

i remember going to a timmies at like 5 in the morning and all their donuts were hot and fresh out of the oven. shit tasted amazing

>> No.11441830

>baked goods and pastries are shipped in frozen and warmed instead of baked on spot
>coffee tastes like the burnt grinds of Satan's shit
>hot chocolate is obviously made with powder and sits at the bottom of the cup like a disgusting syrup
>food is meh at best
Embarrassing how this is the national brand we parrot as a sign of patriotism

>> No.11441961

don't forget the maple syrup and seal clubbing

>> No.11442015

Oh God, I love clubbing seal pups to death...I find it so relaxing desu...

>> No.11442048

Whereas American identity is based on muscle cars, school shootings, and a burger chain.

>> No.11442084
File: 271 KB, 1647x912, 1540427453294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck happened to Tim's customer service over the past few years? I swear it keeps getting worse and worse. Just me?

>> No.11442144
File: 9 KB, 222x227, feelsgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>driving from Montreal to Niagara
>half way point, pull over for a bathroom break and to stretch my legs
>snowing like fuck outside
>"I'm getting kind of drowsy I'll grab a coffee and a donut"
>get a small with one milk one sugar to cut the acidity and a sour cream donut
>hop back on the 401
>drive through the blizzard with my crappy coffee and crappy donut listening to cbc

>> No.11442161

fucking frenchies

>> No.11442289

Nobody wants to pay $7 for a gay looking over frap green tea pumpkin spice macchiato.
When you want coffee you just want fucking coffee

>> No.11442378

politeness is a new thing for us
previously it was war crimes

>> No.11442398

Turns out 95% of white piggus can't really tell the difference between horrid coffee and good coffee, and Asian coffee chains know they'd end up fighting for that tiny 5% because the incumbents will always have name recognition advantage, which is not worth putting hundreds of millions dollars of capital investment necessary to even start expanding into the United States.

>> No.11442433

Second Cup?

>> No.11442504

true, but better than your identity being centered around israel

>> No.11442606

I for one like their coffee. Their baked goods are trash though

>> No.11442633

Good question. That question has yet to be answered with any certainty.

>> No.11442786

Yes, it is sweeter than cane or beet sugar and has a fuller or thicker mouth feel towards the back of the throat. Any other questions?

>> No.11443782

Don’t forget industrial scale marijuana production and cross border smuggling, counterfeit coun smuggling, and a very good sniper.

>> No.11444249

Only women put cream and sugar in coffee

>> No.11444259

Name 1 place that doesn't use powder for hot chocolate

>> No.11444263

Sour cream timbits are better than sex desu

>> No.11444304

you're wrong and stupid

>> No.11444447

Not my fault you're a cum loving faggot bitch

>> No.11444459

I've only lived near a tim hortons for a year and it's just a shit version of dunkin donuts and that's saying something since DD is shit in itself

>> No.11444460

haha some funny stuff you posted
oh wait

>> No.11444466

Sounds like dunkin donuts. I will never understand east coast gags fascination with that place. Pure marketing at this point.

>> No.11444470

I wish Wawa would just come up the east coast instead of down and put all these shit places out of business

>> No.11444725

You put cream in your coffee. Might as well put some cum down your throat too

>> No.11444778

Dunkin' Donuts

>> No.11444822

hahaha holy shit that's good

>> No.11444875

>implying we even claim to have a national identity

>> No.11444910
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>> No.11446049

>iconic donut shop with fresh and simple menu
>foreign JEJEMON buyers swoop in
>huge menu
>nothing fresh

they've done it before to other franchise and ruin everything

>> No.11446514
File: 88 KB, 772x397, who needs eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy everything good in the world being eroded away, all for a few extra shekels

>> No.11446566

>very slightly better than the ones at grocery store bakeries
Every grocery store with a bakery that I have been to in Saskatchewan and Alberta has MUCH better donuts than what Tim Hortons sells.

Tim Hortons hasn't had good donuts since roughly 2004.

>> No.11446581


>> No.11446599
File: 186 KB, 1080x1080, C2F0CE36-3A46-4EE2-8CC2-EC1C9EC5BD45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /mmmuffins/?