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File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, pxqrocxwsjcc_2VgDbVfaysKmgiECiqcICI_Spaghetti-aglio-e-olio-1920x1080-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11437931 No.11437931 [Reply] [Original]

Hey... this stuff is actually pretty good.

>> No.11438081


>> No.11438127

Where's the meatballs and red sauce?

>> No.11438227

>always had greasy aglio olio, never had one with a properly emulsified sauce
guess I'll try making it again

>> No.11438247

that pic quality jesus

>> No.11438306 [DELETED] 

It looks good, I think it would be better with some chicken or a pork chop next to it.

>> No.11438334 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 322x400, Toast_Jesus-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toast Jesus approves of your post

>> No.11438821

It's just garlic and oil without how is that even relatively good. Like it needs tomatoes, or meat.

>> No.11438849

Nah, it's a very light meal, almost like a salad, meat is too heavy and would ruin it

>> No.11438851
File: 206 KB, 1500x1125, aglio e olio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use lots of fresh parsley

>> No.11438854

Fucking Amerimutts.

>> No.11438938
File: 44 KB, 400x344, Thanksgiving+with+white+people_83cafe_5751762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol wh*te "people" eat plain spaghetti and call it delicious.

>> No.11438978

I feel pretty confident the only families eating mac n cheese on thanksgiving are black ones

>> No.11438983

What about canadians?

>> No.11438989 [DELETED] 

>noodles in oil is delicious
>noodles in cheese sauce is atrocious

Hilarious. Cheese is spicy, huh?

>> No.11439043

Canadians don't celebrate real Thanksgiving.

>> No.11439048

there isn't any garlic and not even any olive oil on that spagh

>> No.11439090


I fucking hate Americans.

>> No.11439122

>op just discovered that carbs and fat go well together, all by themselves
i've been eating pasta this way for years without having to watch some youtube cooking video about a traditional pasta dish that perhaps 5 people who have ever visited this site ever even heard of before this video was made

>> No.11439136

But I'm no American.

>> No.11439138

To be fair, being a white person from a very big city, everyone I know eats literally everything from every culture, and everything is delicious. One time I had the misfortune of going to a Christmas dinner all the way out in deep rural Minnesota. All they served was a slice of ham, a scotch egg and three varieties of mayonnaise "salad". I had trouble holding the food down and putting on a smile like it's really good. Seriously, it was worse than lunch at Panera on a weekday, never mind a Christmas fucking dinner.

>> No.11439155

>a slice of ham, a scotch egg and three varieties of mayonnaise "salad"
doesn't sound too bad desu

>> No.11439158

You're one of "them" in that case

>> No.11439159

Anglo then.

>> No.11439180

do americans really think this?

>> No.11439186

Are we going through every mediocre pasta dish and declare it the Next Thing now?

>> No.11439188 [DELETED] 

To me this old news, so no.

>> No.11439189

did anyone read my blogpost about zoodles with avocado and bacon? I'm telling you its EPIC! they love it on insta!

>> No.11439194

To me, this is old news. So, no.

>> No.11439495


Pick one and only one

>> No.11439637


>> No.11439784

We don't think about you at all.

>> No.11439800

>very little sauce
>is that one flake of garlic I see?
>1 unevenly chopped leaf of parsley...
Come back with a real example...

>> No.11439817

3/10 bait, you need to mix racebaiting in as well for maximum (you)s

>> No.11439856

You can improve it by adding breadcrumbs.

>> No.11439879

>aglio e olio
>not aglio, olio, e peperoncino

>> No.11440085

Go back to eating your monkey soup darky, I'm sure it's delicious.

>> No.11440284

My uncle from Sicily makes this. You can do a lot of variations. It is a very simple, fast, and incredibly tasty dish.

>> No.11440352

Add some chilis to it, aglio olio and peperoncino is perfect

>> No.11440442

Fry some raw broccoli and bacon in the oil...you're welcome.

>> No.11440479

honestly, this. there's nothing better than aglio olio e peperoncino after a night of drinking.

>> No.11440483

Ever add lemon zest or sardines to your aglio olio e peperoncino?

>> No.11440672

its pretty much the base of Italian pasta dishes

>> No.11440680

Lemon should be banned from this dish!!

>> No.11440709
File: 46 KB, 296x300, ClogInTheBog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toilet god disapproves.

>> No.11440870

Well done

a favourite of after hours in Italy

It is delicious

>> No.11440876


It is Garlic Spaghetti with herbs

you racist idiot

>> No.11441353


>> No.11441474

Rofl at you europoors trying to justify how good this dish tastes, coping with not being to afford meat for every meal maybe? It's honestly so fucking bland. Garlic is the only source of flavor and almost every dish uses garlic baseline, so just garlic doesnt cut it.

>> No.11441488

nah the zest is a nice addition at times. adds a lil zing without adding acidity. it's good to not make the same thing the same way every single time.

>> No.11441493

1/10. you need to work on your bait, it's way too obvious.

>> No.11441495

Actual good olive oil is a miracle of the universe

>> No.11441507

you forgot the olive oil, cheese, parsley, and pepper

>> No.11441509

The trick is to use less water when you're making the pasta so it ends up nice and starchy. That's the key to emuslifying the sauce.

>> No.11441515


>> No.11441524

LOL thanks for proving my point. None of that has any substantial flavor. Parmaesan adds a little saltiness but that's it. Nowhere near the level of cheddar or cream cheese.

>> No.11441842

I prefer a bucatini opposed to spaghetti when making this. The hollow soaks up just a bit more of the garlic oil giving you a flavor bomb.

>> No.11441850

>Flavorful foods herbs and spices don't add any flavor
Lol k

>> No.11442100

Made this tonight. This is what my life has been missing; garlic bliss. I almost don't want to kill myself anymore.

>> No.11442165

God Americans are absolute tastelets

>> No.11443480

Carbonara is better and requires virtually the same amount of effort. If you don't want to bother with the bacon, heat butter in the skillet instead before adding the garlic.

>> No.11443488

overrated af

>> No.11445819

The fact that you immediately assumed he was talking about a YouTube video when he mentioned no such thing says more about you than it says about him.

>> No.11445821

canned artichokes and salmon. Or cantarelles and chopped bacon.

>> No.11445825

kind of a pain in the ass to say, though

>> No.11445881

Oh you wacky Americans and your atrophied voice boxes...

>> No.11445893

you'd be surprised how many people can't properly make this dish and then complain "it's not good"

>> No.11445918

Even if you fuck it up it's great. Dried peppers, garlic, parsley, olive oil and grated pecorino. There's only good stuff in there.

>> No.11446173
File: 975 KB, 2560x1440, 20181107_200108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread inspired me to try this dish out last night because I had a lot of time, but I improvised a lot.
I started by making pasta for the first time which was way too time consuming but made super soft pasta. I made some chicken in a pan and used that pan to brown the garlic, then threw some pasta water and parm in there to deglaze and make a sauce. Threw the pasta in there and sloshed that shit around. Then topped off the plate with sliced chicken and parm.
Pic related is after I took a few bites. Was purdy good

>> No.11446182

Good job mate