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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11434210 No.11434210 [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing a cooking stories thread, cause fuck it.

>Be me
>Be 19
>Living with family while doing first year of college
>Be last Saturday
>Mom asks me to make some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner cause reasons.
>Use premade stuff including sauce. See pic.
>Make the spaghetti
>little siblings really like it. Ate all the meatballs
>Sauce is good cause cooked meatballs in it.
>put leftover sauce in fridge for later.
>Fast forward to two hours ago.
>Mom asks me to make ravioli for dinner
>She got like some premium ravioli from a pseudo whole food or some shit.
>Check cabinet for more premade sauce, but no dice.
>say fuck it and make my own sauce with plum tomatoes
>It's okay but could be better
>Add in leftover meatball sauce cause why not.
>didn't try it but decided to serve anyway.
>littlest sis has three servings saying it's really good.
>tell her to stop or there won't be enough for her siblings.
>one hour later and nobody else has had the ravioli
>Mom was being facebooked and other siblings like sniffed it and decided to not try
>Cleaning up kitchen and decide to try.
>it's the best tomato sauce I've ever had and I've been to five star Italian places.
>Only my littlest sis and I know and half the batch is left
>mfw I realize that nobody else in my family is going to have any
>mfw when I just shared the secret to an amazing sauce with 4chan

>> No.11434374

Update. Just remembered I have a to go to a class for college tomorrow. I'm taking all the ravioli.

>> No.11434431


>> No.11435327
File: 72 KB, 250x272, stopped_reading_there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me

>> No.11435416

Storebaught usually has more sugar than home made. Your family is probably a bunch of pleas.

Home made is always better. Next time make your own meatballs.

>> No.11435438

Nice blog how do I unsubscribe?

>> No.11436004

They hide it beneath the comments section