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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11433059 No.11433059 [Reply] [Original]

My grandparent make their steak black outside, brown in side

>> No.11433065

The people who prefer red steak died young, of course

>> No.11433098

I think it’s just different fundamentals generation to generation. I know it’s not boomer-applicable, but read up about Depression era American foods, they overcooked quite literally everything they made. Some really weird shit.

>> No.11433104

Can well done steak be fixed? Does marination prevent it from turning into tasteless rubber?

>> No.11433235

their food was more likely to be contaminated with harmful bacteria. we have much better food safety now and don't need to cook things as much.

>> No.11433246


I'm a boomer and my parents are literal boomers. Are you 7?

>> No.11433248

In Tennessee, we have a lot of "my great meemaw always said..." woo woo passed down from generation to generation, not least of it the vague blanket threat of "salmonella" regarding any meat that isn't cooked to death.

>> No.11433258

Texture will still be terrible but at least flavor can be added with a robust demi-glace mushroom stock or some shit.

>> No.11433260

My grandparents are all boomers and I'm 23. People used to breed younger.

>> No.11433266

>breed younger
And closer.

>> No.11433271

how can it be "over" cooked if that's how you intended it? fucking smartass.

>> No.11433286

I'm only 33 and my dad was born in '48. Pretty sure you come from a family of pedophiles. It takes some child fucking to get an entire generation between our 10 year difference in age.

>> No.11433424

They like their food like they like their descendant's nations borders.

>> No.11433796

because boomers went through the war and the quality of meat wasn't very good so you had to cook it well done to make sure you didn't get sick.

>> No.11433802

Is that why you have Asperger's?

>> No.11433807

Because unlike ignorant zoomers, they're not a fan of eating bloody steak or contracting food poisoning.

>> No.11433810

Drumpf likes his steaks well done with ketchup. These are the kind of subhumans we want dictating our policies apparently.

>> No.11433841


It's not about avoiding food poisoning, it's about fully-realizing the flavor potential of the meat. Cooking a steak well done brings out all the complex flavors of the meat.

Besides, proto-humans evolved large and complex brains through eating cooked meat. I see no reason to discontinue that practice.

>> No.11433842

You may be a faggot, but have a (you) for a decent shitpost

>> No.11433939

Nah, /ck/ isn't reddit, it's anti t_d.

>> No.11433946

Good point.

>> No.11433948

the thing about cooking meat is you cooking it every different way gives you different flavors and textures.

>> No.11433952

The meat they ate came in a can, SPAM.

>> No.11433976

>your dad was 37 when he had you
>you're 33 and probably a childless, handholdless virgin
You realize a generation is supposed to be a little over 20 years in a healthy society, right?

>> No.11433997

Imagine being so assblasted over a couple outspoken lefties that you shitpost to the point where you're more fucking annoying than them

>> No.11433999

I was the youngest child, and I lost the girl I thought I'd be with forever because I didn't want to bring kids into this world - and that was years before Trump.

>in a healthy society
A healthy society maintains a steady population rate (not that China is healthy). People reproducing like rabbits and living to record old age is what's killing the planet more than anything.

>> No.11434018

Probably the "meat used to be less safe" theories already said.
I'm about ready for the left and right to just fucking kill one another. You're both so goddamn annoying I'm practically praying for a SHTF scenario so you can both finally shut the fuck up.
>inb4 centrist fag too much of a pussy to pick a side
I have policies I support and oppose, I'm just absolutely over believing that the people actually have a say in how it unfolds anymore.

>> No.11434075

My brother did this, he also cuts the fat off of anything he eats

>> No.11434087

Yeah and that spam probably contained horse as well as other random meaty bits to help make the food go further. Food was for the most part shit during ww1 and ww2

>> No.11434088

>A healthy society maintains a steady population rate
Absolutely not. A civilization is something that rises and falls, with a life cycle. Either it's expanding into new lands, which requires population growth, or the expansionary phase has ended and growth has stalled - this goes hand in hand with civilizational decline and being overthrown by the expanding civilization next-door with all the momentum. There is not a single civilization in the history of mankind that did not fall into decline when their population growth stagnated. A functional population pyramid with the pyramidal shape is integral to the functioning of a society; without growth, there are too many old people to take care of.

>> No.11434100

I'm too drunk and indifferent to /pol//T_D crap to even bother attempting to address any of the multiple pieces of nonsense in this post.

>> No.11434134

Go back to your /alck/ thread then, faggot

>> No.11434151

They should honestly just make an al/ck/ board and delete /pol/. This place would improve immensely, once the stragglers were shadow banned.

>> No.11434204
File: 40 KB, 220x312, 220px-Colonel_Blimp_cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh attempt to rationalize and support the destruction of the only known habitable planet in the universe
>unlimited growth is good 'cause we got to grow more before they realize we're growing more and try to grow more themselves, ok?
Were you homeschooled by evangelicals who wish to bring about the apocalypse?

>> No.11434212

They grew up in a time when cleanliness standards weren’t as strict, so you *had* to cook eveything thoroughly.

>> No.11435154

I burn my meat because I am terrified of being paralyzed or killed by a worm. Seen too many stories of someone being fucked up by eating something uncooked.

>> No.11435237

I don't know, but my mother is certainly guilty. Thought I hated pork for years, turns out I just hated how she cooked it to rubber, so dry I often had to spit it out in the toilet. It would be considered a victory if the steaks came out medium done.

>> No.11435245

In Asia, our boomers can't digest any meal without a bowl amount of clear soup which is just boiled salt water in western standard.

>> No.11435266
File: 114 KB, 616x462, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I'm so outraged. A man who's not as powerful as media makes him out to be? Oh no. I better join the dictating hivemind before it's too late.

>> No.11435279

My parents are boomers and if my dad cooks a steak “medium” (medium well at most) it’s the end of the world to him. My mom would eat steak raw if she could.

Idk if they’re just outliers or because they’re on the younger end of being considered boomers they ended up dodging the overcooked & underseasoned bullet

>> No.11435573

My brothers of African American descent, that's what's up.
Last election felt like some sort of shitty television show.
Trump is an actual fucking man child and Hillary feels like a shady auto salesman that you're supposed to vote for because "she's a woman and that's the right thing to do".
Fuck this political system, either vote for garbage A or garbage B.
Fucking lmao if you're not hard blue or hard red, that's when you just go and kill yourself.
I also wish I could see less politics in the news in general.

>> No.11435772

>boomers went through the war
what fucking planet were you born on? the whole reason they are called boomers if because of the baby boomer after WWII

>> No.11435786

Looks too me as if the meme around rare meat is basically elitism. People boast about eating their meat rare because it means they can afford good quality meat that is safe to eat rare.

>> No.11435808

Do people really boast about it for that reason? I always thought rare meat eaters boast about eating meat rare because it’s the best way to eat meat.

>> No.11435860
File: 81 KB, 800x589, tatare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you just say you little shit?

>> No.11435902
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>shadow banned.

>> No.11435909

31, dad born in 1942. His dad born in early 10s or late 00s I believe.

>> No.11435912


Boomers didnt have internet. As far as they know, this is how a steak is prepared, which then again is not the wrong way of doing it.

They ate to survive, to fill their stomachs. The amount of homosexuality our generation put into cooking isn't necessarily a good thing.

>> No.11436049



Dad born in 45, his dad in 1912, me in 1988 and my son in 2017.

>> No.11436131

With very long cooking times
But why would you

>> No.11436144

Because they're dumb and tasteless

>> No.11436174

Daddy was born in 1891, I was born in 1926. Daddy was poor but he was a good fiddler. He sure could play that fiddle.

>> No.11436187

My 90 year old grandma orders her steak blue rare and she's from a high class background

>> No.11436957

Both parents are boomers (and I'm 21, they had my younger sister and I when they were pretty old) .. I remember never liking steak until relatively recently because they would always cook the shit out of it

>> No.11436968

What the fuck?

>> No.11437078
File: 66 KB, 308x400, 21946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those old timers learned to "play" the fiddle by ear and every one of them screeched out "Turkey in the Straw" on it.

>> No.11437091

the resources of space make the amount on earth look like a joke
also, it's better for the world if whites and asians have lots of kids, instead of nogs being the only ones shitting out 7 a piece

>> No.11437098

Grew up with microwave and oven dinners. Recipes that involve long bake times. They were not used to cutting into meat and seeing juice (or blood)

>> No.11437105

Hard boiled eggs with solid grey yolks. I tried to put soy sauce on them and they partially dissolved, made me throw up after, the consistency destroyed me spiritually

>> No.11437109

make sure to boil green vegetables until they turn grey and mushy and smell like shit, god forbid you "under" cook them

>> No.11437110

Why do retards like you write these trite speeches that anyone sane sees right through?

>> No.11437114
File: 198 KB, 500x735, 1535743001621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've eaten a LOT of rare meat and sometimes maybe too rare, but now that I'm almost 30, the flavors are different. I feel like I enjoy the way the cooked meat almost caramelized. Mind you, I like medium-rare more now, but I have always been able to enjoy chewing on well done steak like it's beef jerky, I like beef

>> No.11437487

Daddy met a nigger bluesman when we was all young and they formed a group. He sure could play that Nigger Blues on that fiddle. You didn't never see no one play fiddle much with the Nigger Blues.

>> No.11438088

Oh, where's the habitable planet? If there were one, how do you get folks there other than the .0000000000000000001% who destroyed this planet? You fags don't believe scientists when they explicitly outline the consequences to the planet of irresponsible behavior, yet you expect them to save your sorry ass or your decrepit descendants, lol!

>> No.11438111
File: 946 KB, 880x660, maximum comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks you need planets
just build your own planets, why let god do all the work
One large asteroid gets you enough material for several, dirt and water included, and we got 150 million asteroids in the main belt over 100 meters, and billions of asteroids in the kuiper belt

>> No.11438118

I dunno what it is, but I do overcook everything.
My steak has to be completely brown.
My sausages have to look like cremated fingers.
My bacon has to be crispy as fuck.
I just like my shit overdone I guess.