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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 285 KB, 1072x712, spaghetti wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11429432 No.11429432 [Reply] [Original]

I sure hope you're cooking your pasta correctly flyover-kun. There's no way I could love a man who dumps cold sauce on finished pasta, puts the olive oil on before the sauce, and then tops it with sawdust cheese.
That would be so embarrassing.

>> No.11429542 [DELETED] 

This board is fucking weak

>> No.11429613
File: 166 KB, 720x800, rigatoni with turkey and onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start pasta pot boiling
>cook turkey
>mix in onions when it's done
>add pasta sauce to heat it up
>pour in bottom of serving dish
>add cooked and drained pasta sauce
>mix around til perfect

if I'm lazy (and don't feel like doing an extra dish) I skip the serving dish and just go straight to the plate.

>> No.11429617

What is your point?

>> No.11429620

fuck you

>> No.11429629

why the fuck would the sauce be cold retard.

it just spend a few hours fucking simmering.

0/10 fucking apply yourself

>> No.11429633

I just spent all day making Kenji's slow cooked bolognese. That's legitimately the best pasta sauce I've ever had. I'd recommend it.

>> No.11429673
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>That would be so embarrassing.
Agreed. But pretty much every american is guaranteed commit exactly all of those fuck ups. Not to mention using premade sauce from a jar.

>bland ass plain pasta
>can literally see chunks of onion

>> No.11429683
File: 64 KB, 231x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the onion to be chunky so I get more flavor when I bite into it. Same reason I put onions on my burgers like this, instead of cutting them up.

>> No.11429690

I don't care.

>> No.11429701
File: 194 KB, 400x400, thatsthejoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its probably canned sauce. Which I guess is lazy and shit, but even if you're not making it from scratch, you should still take the easy steps to actually do it properly.
>How to make pasta regardless of sauce used:
>Keep the sauce heated in a pan. You don't need a lot of sauce. Maybe 3 tablespoons per serving. Add water as necessary.
>Boil pasta. Do not add olive oil like a faggot.
>Remove pasta and put it into the pan with the sauce
>Toss in sauce to coat and work the sauce into the pasta, again adding water as necessary.
>While still heating, add olive oil or butter for proper consistency
>Keep adjusting until right. Take off heat to plate
>Add real parmesan called something else which I can't be assed to spell correctly and olive oil.

>> No.11429705

>who dumps cold sauce on finished pasta
DO coasties really think flyovers do this? Have you never left you mom's basement? Is this some sort of reddit meme you picked up?

>> No.11429709

>puts the olive oil on before the sauce
why would you need to add extra oil if you have sauce?

>> No.11429715

good jarred sauce is so readily available and affordable in America it would almost be dumb not to use it

>> No.11429718

By the way, the fact that canned sauce is, in fact, lazy was part of my point.

>> No.11429731

But then, yeah, also this IMO >>11429715

>> No.11429745 [DELETED] 

If you have hours to spend making sauce from scratch then you are probably old and stinky.

>> No.11429754

You don't belong here.

>> No.11429800

>Hours to spend making sauce
I mean, I agree the issue here is convenience, but its not like allowing sauce to cook chains you to the kitchen.
Its like using a crock-pot to cook tough beef.

>> No.11429983

I don't want to be loved by another man, anon

>> No.11430037

Do planes not fly over you where you live? Are you trying to tell me planes don’t fly over the coasts?

>> No.11430409

Pfft your loss.

>> No.11430416
File: 27 KB, 200x200, 1531620842863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't salt the water before adding the pasta

>> No.11430441
File: 201 KB, 660x780, 1493945023188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing you can semi-make tomato sauce in a microwave with a total of three minutes of cook time

-1 tbsp olive oil
-2 tbsp thinly sliced garlic
-2 tbsp minced shallot
-1 cup diced yellow onion
-1/2 tspn chile flakes
-1 14-ounce can of unseasoned tomato sauce
-1 14-ounce can of unseasoned diced tomatoes
-2 heaping tbsp basil, chopped fine
-1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
-2 tspns sugar (MAXIMUM)
-black pepper

1. In a 1.5-2 quart microwave-safe dish, combine oil, garlic, shallot, onion, and chile flakes. Cook on high in microwave for one minute.
2. Remove dish from oven, add tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, then cover tightly with plastic wrap. Add two holes for steam venting, then cook on high in microwave for two minutes. Let dish rest in microwave for two additional minutes afterward.
3. Remove dish from oven, discard plastic wrap, add basil, parsley, then season with sugar, salt, and black pepper to taste.

>> No.11430443

To enhance

>> No.11430460
File: 19 KB, 384x395, 1433856044979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make tomato sauce in a microwave

>> No.11430470
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x700, flavortown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against RADAR anon? This is cooking the herbs fully then incorporating them into unseasoned sauce base.

>> No.11430472

herbs/flavor elements that require cooking. You get what I mean.

>> No.11430487
File: 2.97 MB, 5248x2952, IMG_20181011_185421179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally get how you feel. Most americucks dont even shred their own cheese.

>> No.11430502

>You can make tomato sauce in the microwave
>Ingredients: canned tomato sauce

>> No.11430526

learn to read

>> No.11430535

My bad, let me fix that.

>You can semi-make tomato sauce in the microwave
>Ingredients: canned tomato sauce

>> No.11430565

I didn't feel the need to add that part.

>> No.11430585

>I didn't feel the need to add the salt
And we should trust your opinion on cooking pasta why?

>> No.11430593

I may be flyover but I've never heard of people putting fucking cold sauce on pasta, we're not a mentally challenged subspecies you urbanite fag

>> No.11430599


don't get riled up it's some hobo chink looking to start trouble

>> No.11430602

spaghetti is honestly disgusting.

>> No.11430619

You should be mixing pasta with sauce in pan over heat for the final few minutes unless you have a really good reason to make an exception.

>> No.11430642

No. That happens at plating.


>> No.11430656

No. You are a stupid faggot. No.

>> No.11430660

He meant he didn't feel like he needed to mention it because it's so basic you retard

>> No.11430731

>you retard
I'm not the guy forgetting the salt.

>> No.11430744

But you are the guy that's forgetting how to not be retarded.

>> No.11430759
File: 438 KB, 931x523, 1510639061628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding the sauce too late instead of doing it properly and simmering the noodles in the sauce

>b-but muh plating

>> No.11430765 [DELETED] 

What the fuck? Don't speak for me faggot. That makes no sense
That is what I do... I guess I didn't word it very well there.

>> No.11430769
File: 327 KB, 834x870, comfy_cabin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing you can't get over is the resulting sauce is going to be better than most store-bought abominations. Yes, if you adapted the recipe to perform the first and second cooking phases in a pan it would be better, but even the microwave path is still a huge step up from store-bought.

In fact, let's spruce up the recipe by doing a few things differently:

>All the same

1. In a sauce pan, heat the oil until shimmering and add the onion and shallot over low heat. Cook until the edges become translucent.
2. Add garlic and chile flakes and continue to cook until the onion is translucent and slightly browned.
3. Remove from heat, cool, and freeze for up to 3 months.
4. In a sauce pan, deposit frozen element and thaw on low heat. Add tomato sauce and diced tomatoes while heating.
5. Once the mixture reaches a bare simmer, continue to cook covered for ten to twenty minutes. Stir occasionally.
6. Add basil, parsley, then season with sugar, salt, and black pepper to taste.

>> No.11430777 [DELETED] 

Oh no wait...
Okay I'm just going to delete that and this post too since makes no sense in retrospect and just a really awkward mistake not worth even explaining...

>> No.11430813

do not lewd the spaghetti

>> No.11431253

>Make pasta
>Sauce it up based on personal taste
Meh, I boil pasta in a pot with some salt, then eat it mixed with ketchup, with some meat. It tastes good (for me) and it feel good to handle, unlike oily pasta.