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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, eggsdoneright.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11427928 No.11427928 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else hot copper grill?

>> No.11427935

>Still thinking copper is the best
Ah-hahahahaha. SILVER is the master race in the kitchens.

>> No.11427954

I don't see the point of it. I want grill marks typically when I am cooking. Brown is flavor? Smoke is flavor? There isn't any opportunity for drips to smoke back into my food. Why I'd lay burgers on a nonstick on top of the grill is a weird looking objective of making them worse than before.

I guess this would be okay for someone needing to make something else like pizza dough or fresh pitas, or pancakes at breakfast, and didn't own a very inexpensive comal, cast iron, big rectangular griddle or something else to lay on half the grill. As one can see from this shitty .webm, there are no edges or sides to those floppy pieces of aluminum foil laid on top there. I'd probably cook an egg on my side burger in a regular nonstick, or well, a griddle, if I cared to make a lot at once.

>> No.11427960


In respect to the iOS community can you post in a more agreeable format please?

>> No.11427971

you deserve this

>> No.11428084
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>Anyone else hot copper grill?
No. I have done burgers on a salt slab ONCE. Never again. The grease does not burn up, and it might as well have been pan fried. The side effect is that it would catch on fire whenever the lid opened. That is how you lose eyebrows. however, for a salmon or something like that it may work better. I will stick to the thick aluminum foil or an aluminum pan if I need something like this.

>> No.11428123

Really like the fork, though it'd probably be a little short for me.

>> No.11428146

>I want grill marks typically
so eat at applebees

>> No.11428155
File: 2.71 MB, 2988x5312, sockeye salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really like the fork, though it'd probably be a little short for me.
I never know how to take 4chan, but I assume you are just being contrary. That fork is probably 18 inches long. Its great for working on a hot grill. It came in a matching set, and I think they survived about 10 years before they were retired. Pic relates shows my tongs and my trowel.

>> No.11428176

Oh, didn't notice the wrap around the middle of the handle. Just thought it was a slightly oversized yellow fork, which would be pretty bad ass to grill with, but would make my hand a little burny.

>> No.11428197

Why didn't the cook simply spatula the egg into correction?

>> No.11428211

Fucking die you little alien faggot

>> No.11428267

Why do you not have a hugeass garden in that suburban backyard instead of worthless grass? You could provide most of your vegetables for the cost of seed and a little labor. Possibly all of them if you got into preservation. And they'll taste much better. It makes me sick when I see suburbanites waste that much space on some absurd 50's aesthetic.

>> No.11428306

do you live in an apartment and pretend you'd take care of a garden or do you live in the country and have relatively clean air around your garden?

>> No.11428363
File: 1.99 MB, 2560x1920, holy smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you not have a hugeass garden in that suburban backyard instead of worthless grass?

That suburban backyard was worthless for gardening. It was great for back yard gatherings however....which is why I have 3 grills.
I have moved since that photo was taken to a very rural farm house innawoods. Last year was the first year here, and it was busy as fuck. Believe me, gardening is part of my plan. I used to cultivate portabella mushrooms for fun, and I plan on doing it again in a slightly larger manner. This is a photo of my side yard now, with my planted tree stump. The big issue I have now with food crop is that I have deer, and cannot shoot them because technically I am not a "farmer" so I can't claim crop damage. However, I do have "quiet" rifles that would easily take care of any animal based on shot placement. I certainly cannot go blasting away with the 30-06 without expecting the game wardens and/or the police showing up....Its not worth them taking away my right to keep firearms. I will try it one time, and if the local animals get it too bad, I will change course. We have many local farms that sell cheap veggies, and I don't mind supporting a local business one bit.

>> No.11428397

Living the dream anon

I want a decent amount of land to keep a garden and practice bee keeping

>> No.11428399

Charcoal master race

>> No.11428438
File: 367 KB, 400x1650, 1524751936898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Install vlc

>> No.11428486
File: 2.07 MB, 2560x1920, At the old house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living the dream anon
I am making the best of life. It is not perfect, but it is great, and I can't complain.
Beekeeping would be a great hobby as well, and is right up my alley...though, I do think that would lure the bears down. I can't keep bird feeders, because as I found out they will find them, destroy them, and then spill your garbage can all over the yard. Fucking dickheads.

>Charcoal master race
At my previous house, this was my "kitchen".

>> No.11428509
File: 270 KB, 400x1836, Technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Install vlc
I had to update that meme.

>> No.11428524

im a bottom homosexual and even i wouldnt use iOS

>$1299 phone
>cant play webm off a balinese forum

>> No.11428557
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fixed even more

>> No.11428563
File: 1.60 MB, 2048x1152, 20180609_091200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a garden. This was one section of it where I grew sweet corn and potatoes in the forefront that were almost ready for digging at the time of the pic. We have different plots throughout the yard because we practice rigourous crop rotation as a pest control measure and soil building so I can't show it all.

Yep deer are a hugeass problem which is why you see our jury rigged fencing with bamboo and scrap wire. Continually have to reinforce it and build it higher because one will break through jump it and keep coming back until you block them. I'd take them in the day with my bow but they come at night and I can't bring myself to spotlight one.

>> No.11428650
File: 32 KB, 330x533, 1540561954620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I hit you up?

>> No.11428690

Taste the meat, not the heat.

>> No.11428766

Burn is burn

>> No.11428983

>fixed even more
Reddit isn't a physical technology that can be bought unless you are the JIDF.

>> No.11429894

What boomer fuck grills eggs like this?

>> No.11429964

>not using The Chan
top pleb

>> No.11431832

Enhance the meat with the heat.

>> No.11432492

I use a battery to vape weed cartridges instead of nicotine juice. Does this still count as a mouth fedora?

>> No.11432504

Why would you ever make something like that without a rim?

I mean, even a tiny one...

>> No.11432508

that's copper? I thought it was a mat. My boomer dad has one.

>> No.11433947
File: 2.35 MB, 1575x960, WHATTHEFUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11433969

ooga booga fire hot

>> No.11434000

is that actually copper?
if so: is that safe?

>> No.11434035


It doesn't need a rim. It's intended for liquids (e.g. meat juice) to run off. It's NOT intended for things that ARE liquid.

>> No.11434055

if it is actually copper then no it is not safe, you can get copper poisoning from using copper to cook food, that's why copper pots and the like are coated on the inside with another safe metal.

Fun fact: they used to use tin on the inside of copper pots, but it's a softer metal and would wear down, there used to be traveling salesmen that would offer to re-tin your pots for you.

>> No.11434057
File: 742 KB, 762x1352, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11434069

>copper then no it is not safe
that's what i thought
you can still get copper pots with the inside coated.. not sure if it's still tin or what, but copperpotfag would be able to tell you. he's got a nice collection

>> No.11434128

"Copper toxicity, also called copperiedus, is a type of metal poisoning caused by an excess of copper in the body. Copperiedus can occur from eating acidic foods cooked in uncoated copper cookware, or from exposure to excess copper in drinking water or other environmental sources."

So long as you're not making wop sauce in your copper cauldron or something, or storing your water in copper bottles for weeks on end, you'll be fine.

>> No.11434130


>> No.11434167

when grilling, i just use the same utensils i use in the kitchen
how long do you idiots keep your hands over the grill for?

desu, i fell for the meme and bought some grill tools and they're just too big and kinda awkward to use.
i have a pair of those stupid babish gloves if i need them, but i have used them once. they're too cumbersome to cook with. they might be ok for removing hot stuff from the oven, but i can't recommend them for bbqing

>> No.11434235

>t. george foreman

>> No.11434254

jesus man, i just have a weber

>> No.11435544

Those first 20 seconds were unbelievable even for Jack

>> No.11435563

>still using apple products
What's it like having a room temperature IQ?

>> No.11435632

>being old enough to post on 4chan
>having a near-religious fanaticism about what brand of electronics you shitpost with
this is the zoomer version of "chevy vs ford", if you can't seamlessly switch between your apple and your google ecosystems you're too stupid to be allowed to reproduce

>> No.11435641

do you think chevy men just can't figure out how a ford works?

>> No.11435658


>> No.11435665

I don't, I'll admit it. As a Chevy man who's had some Ford experience, how those things can even run is a complete mystery.

>> No.11435675
File: 180 KB, 517x768, 1540525743473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using either apple or Google """ecosystems"""

>> No.11435785

>your apple and your google ecosystems
Do people this homosexual actually exist?