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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11426429 No.11426429 [Reply] [Original]

It's November. Why isn't there a Thanksgiving thread?

Do you have your menu planned? Is it the same every year? I'm always looking for new dishes to try. This is easily my favorite holiday because I get to cook for a bunch of people instead of just myself.

I know I have to make ginger cake for my mother. I will also make a pie of some kind. Other than that I'm honestly looking for new ideas. I know some of you guys have a serious menu planned. Share your ideas senpai

I made that momofuku crack pie last year. People liked it, but it just tasted like candy

>> No.11426436
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I fucked up the risotto I was in charge of last year
I don't think the family will ask me to help out this Thanksgiving

>> No.11426701

Do Amerisharts really do this?

>> No.11426707
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Put me in the screencap

>> No.11426783
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>> No.11426790
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I went all out two years ago. Big-ass bird, homemade cranberry sauce, stewed green beans, two types of stuffing with one wild rice, loaded mashed potatoes, honey roast carrots, a bivvy of different vegetables and butter, oven biscuits, and pumpkin pie. It took 8 hours plus all the prep and planning.

The next year I was taking classes and became a cokehead in addition to my alcoholism, so we went out to a restaurant for Thanksgiving for the first time. Fucking terrible, defeated the purpose of Thanksgiving, and they had burnt gravy which made everything taste like an ashtray. We told the owner about it, they didn't pull it from the buffet, didn't comp anything for a ruined meal, and then said that if we left a bad review that she'd leave a bad review of the company my dad owns just out of plain spite because she's known to be a vindictive cunt.

Anyway, this year I'm just going to streamline everything instead of going all out. Bird, gravy from it, boxed stuffing, easy mashed potatoes, canned veg, and possibly a side dish of good vegetables like the stewed green beans. Others can bring the rolls that I can put in the bun warmer, as well as the dessert. Shouldn't be too hands-on and as ridiculous as last time.

>> No.11426933

>became a cokehead in addition to my alcoholism
I hope you have sorted yourself out. I used to be one of the most reckless drunks in al/ck/, but I'm 1.5 years sober now

>> No.11426946


>> No.11426968

Damn, nice. I stopped the white when I was done with the semester, but the 'lism waxes and wanes. I consider a six pack a sober day, but I should work on it a little more. That Thanksgiving I had to limit myself to a beer an hour our else I would be too loaded to cook, probably will be similar this year.

>> No.11426975

>Turkey Day

>> No.11426976

>Do you have your menu planned?
Filet mignon with lobster tail and hash browned potatoes.
>Is it the same every year?
No, sometimes we go to a different restaurant.

>> No.11427008

huh? is this some Americlap humor?

>> No.11427014

I think he's saying Ham is better than turkey.

>> No.11427019

cringe as fuck

>> No.11427024

Me and my friends host a danksgiving every year.

>buy a shit ton of weed butter
>infuse everything and I mean EVERYTHING
>infused mash potatoes
>infused green beans
>infused butter basted turkey

We also make some other non-dank fare for people like me who aren't heavy stoners so we don't fucking die.

Always a good time.

>> No.11427036

>sausagefest with the dudebros xD
sounds gay

>> No.11427040


>> No.11427041

I don't know how to tell you this anon but you can have girls in a friendgroup

>> No.11427052

Hello I am Canadian and Thanksgiving is already over please delete this thread

>> No.11427061

No, you can't. At least one of you wants to fuck her and will jeopardize the "friendship" with her and the others that like her. I don't care if you're all dating other people, i don't care if you're all married, chicks cannot be part of a group of friends.

>> No.11427064

Weed butter tastes groadie, though. Wouldn't want it in any of those dishes.

>> No.11427074

Meh, not him but I want to fuck my buddy's GF, but I wouldn't do it. She's practically one of the guys in our group.

>> No.11427094

>roughly half the people in our group are girls
>some of us are together some aren't
It's not like we're all orbiting one girl we just all enjoy hanging out.

This guy gets it. You can be attracted to someone and still be friends with them, it's not a federal fucking issue.

>> No.11427098
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hello normalfags

>> No.11427101

It kinda depends on the concentration.
Honestly most of the time you can't taste it with the exception being green beans. It works best if the flavor of the dish is already strong, like in our mac&cheese and pumpkin rolls

>> No.11427111

You didn't kill injuns for your freedom. Your holiday doesn't count.

>> No.11427116

I said my buddy's gf, I'm so broken that I couldn't get a girl with a $100 bill hanging out of my front zipper.

>> No.11427118


Enjoy coming out of the basement on Thanksgiving and hearing your family say "look who finally came out of his cave hahaha, the smell of food must have brought out this rare beast."

>> No.11427127

My family only makes a very casual Vietnamese dinner.

My friends are doing Friendsgiving and I was planning on making a corn salad. He’ll be smoking the turkey.

>> No.11427133
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>Vietnamese dinner

>> No.11427841

>every fucking year

>> No.11427846

Imagine having had enough experiences with friends to know this

>> No.11427863

Ha-they made you shower and everything

>> No.11427883

this board is filled with children

>> No.11427948

>man-children? on MY ukranian slam poetry appreciation forum? I never!

It's a mix dude, some people on this site are put together, others... not so much

>> No.11427996

>I know I have to make ginger cake for my mother. I will also make a pie of some kind. Other than that I'm honestly looking for new ideas. I know some of you guys have a serious menu planned. Share your ideas senpai
I made a damn good cheesecake years ago, inspired from Too Hot Tamales on food network.
It was a crushed ginger snap, melted butter, sugar crust baked into a springform to set, and then pumpkin cheesecake batter that had fresh grated and squeezed ginger juice squeezed into the batter. It inspired me to further that recipe and I added crushed pecans into the crust and brown sugar, topped with that crack covering sour cream coating you do on top of new york cheesecakes, but with lime zest in that, then sugared pecans on top. Ginger intense if you can get some stem ginger into it too. I love ginger chews candies!

Here's Feniger's recipe from her Facebook:
Serves 8

4 cups finely crushed gingersnaps (about 60 cookies)
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted

1 pound cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
Pinch of allspice
Pinch of ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger or ginger juice
3/4 cup pureed pumpkin, fresh or canned
2 large eggs

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

To make the crust, in a mixing bowl, combine the gingersnap crumbs with the melted butter and toss together until the mixture holds together when pressed. (Add an additional tablespoon of butter if necessary.) Pat into the bottom and slightly up the sides of eight 4 1/2-inch tartlet pans or a 10-inch springform pan. Bake about 7 minutes, or until set. Meanwhile make the filling.

>> No.11428057

Hey, can I come over?

>> No.11429064

Have a large family gathering where we catch up with relatives over a hueg delicious home cooked meal in the comfort of our own homes with the parade on in the background?
Yeah we really do. Fucked up I know.

>> No.11429073

>>buy a shit ton of weed butter
Make it yourself dicknuts. That said sounds like fun. Would attend.

>> No.11429296

Our dealer friend is the host; he makes the butter because he's good at it, then we make our respective dishes with the PRODUCT. Those who don't make a dish have to buy-in.

Sure, however there is a sacred trial you must endure before being granted admittance.
>create a gravity bong must be constructed out of a Home Depot 5 gallon bucket and a 2 liter of Faygo Jazzin' Blues Berry
>take hits of a 85% indica 15% sativa blend out of a gravity bong until you can't remember the name of your first pet
>you must then start your spirit journey by leaving your place of residence
>don't bring your cellphone, you must be untethered
>start walking Northeast, eventually you will find a forest
>enter the treeline, don't mind the brush and you will eventually find a trail.
>follow the trail until you find an apple tree with GREEN apples (important)
>there will be an injun smoking a peace pipe at the base of the tree
>he claims no ownership of the tree because he says you can't own nature or some shit but you must kill him for his ceremonial knife
>wipe the blood off your new knife and craft pipe out of the lowest hanging fruit your lazy ass can find
>you must now figure out how to smoke wax out of your newly crafted apple pipe (don't worry if this seems impossible the answer will reveal itself to you)
>call your dealer with the cellphone your stupid ass forgot to leave at home
>tell him, "My eyes are redder than the red man I've slain today. I know the true meaning of Thanksgiving; I am The Pilgrim; I am The Savage; I am The Turkey; I am THANKFUL."

Once you've done all that, congratulations, your dealer will drop by your house with an invitation and address for the Danksgiving festivities.

>> No.11429462

>tfw I'm attending a friends thanksgiving and I'm new to cooking

What's a good side to bring that's easy enough for a beginner to make?

>> No.11429982


>> No.11430782

Make alton browns corn pudding. it's just a corn and cheese flavored stuffing/dressing, but it's crazy delicious and super easy

>> No.11430799

Take a look at what Serious Eats has on the topic:
There should be something there that will accommodate all tastes.
This is pretty good too, but not everyone may like it/some may have a dish that's similar already. Take your pick!

>> No.11430889

My cousin who always invited my dad’s side of the family over for thanksgiving passed away earlier this year because the hospital she was in for some surgery forgot to give her oxygen after closing her up

I don’t know what I’m gonna do after doing the same thing for over two decades now

>> No.11430909
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For me it's the McChicken.

>> No.11430923

Is that side of the family still alive? If so, figure out contact details and get them over. Did she have a signature dish?

>> No.11431470

>the hospital she was in for some surgery forgot to give her oxygen
did somebody sue the hospital at least?

>> No.11431607

Would totally attend this, sounds like a perfect time

>> No.11431610

Hard facts

>> No.11431617

My Thanksgiving this year is ruined.
Utterly ruined.
Looking forward to it was the only thing that got me through the past 4 months of work too.

>> No.11431630

Thats the filet-o-fish retard, happy fucking Thanksgiving

>> No.11431692

what's a good thanksgiving dessert that is sufficiently different from pumpkin pie? someone else is already making pumpkin pie.

>> No.11431694

2 meme's in one you're alright, anon

>> No.11431707

Any kind of cake or fruit pie/crisp/crumble/cobbler/buckle. an apple or other fruit crisp is also super easy if you just get a bag of frozen fruit

>> No.11431748

>bird with stuffing and gravy
>wife makes mashed potatoes and green beans
>Friends bring something, usually a mix of chicken tenders, vodka and frosting with animals crackers
A grand old time, always followed by heavy drinking and mario party 3

>> No.11432111

>he thinks he's single because he's broke

>> No.11433179

>mfw brother pulls out crack pipe and lights up at Thanksgiving table

>> No.11433187

Want to talk about it?

>> No.11433189

How is it that an event that is weeks down the road is already ruined?

>> No.11433247

>mom found the stuffing recipe

>> No.11433256

>holiday based around eating a lot
>fattest country in the world
do americans really do this??

>> No.11433279

America is a multicultural country. So it's actually the whole world, in a way.

>> No.11434425

What if I hate weed? Can I just bring some wine to mull and percocet instead?

>> No.11434442

OP, can you give me your ginger cake recipe? I've never heard of this, but I love ginger.
I made a sweet potato pie for the first time two Thanksgivings ago, I expected it to be bad but I really loved it. I made one last year, too. I look forward to making one this year.
Home made cranberry sauce is a must for me, too.
You sound cool. Sorry the restauranture was a bitch. Good luck with the 'lism, that shit ain't easy to break. I still struggle, but health problems make it easier to say no more often.

>> No.11434444

What're your guy's thoughts on baking some turkey breasts instead of doing the whole bird? At my grandma's recommendation, I was initially reviled at the thought, but now I'm kind of thinking maybe... I want to streamline this stuff, and love having quarts upon quarts of stock in the freezer, but is there some clemency to the sacrilege of just doing breasts?

>> No.11434451

If the family all agrees then do it. Wouldn't it be easier to get a more tender and juicy meat without the whole bird and bones getting in the way?

>> No.11434455

Jesus, Mario Party 3 takes like three hours minimum. It's like an endurance run, cuz I just got the HDMI board and Everdrive to fuck around and relive my n64 experience.

>> No.11434462

There was an "n" on the end of "broke."

>> No.11435169
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>OP, can you give me your ginger cake recipe? I've never heard of this, but I love ginger.
It's just gingerbread, but it's a dark, slightly dense and super moist version of it. Nothing to do with gingerbread men/cookies.

It uses the muffin method, so whisk the wet ingredients in a bowl and sift the dry ingredients before combining the two

- 2 Eggs
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 4 oz melted butter
- 4 oz oil
- 1 cup molasses
- 1 cup buttermilk
- 1 T. fresh grated ginger
- 1 tsp. vanilla

- 2 cups AP flour
- 4 tsp. cinnamon
- 3 tsp. ground ginger
- 1 tsp. nutmeg
- 1 tsp, baking soda
- 1 tsp salt

- 1/3 cup chopped candied ginger (sprinkled on top, optional)

This makes one 9'' cake. But you can bake it in a loaf or muffins. 325° Fahrenheit until just set. Where I come from people top this with "hard lemon icing" which is lemon juice and powdered sugar mixed into a paste and poured on top. I don't really recommend it though. It doesn't need a frosting, but cream cheese frosting would probably taste good with it.

>> No.11436171

Thanks, I feel I should break the habit but waddaya gonna do?

>> No.11436567

I don't feel like going all out this year so I'm just going to do the basics and probably take a few shortcuts like buying canned cranberry sauce and the pies.

Mashed Potatoes and gravy
Sweet potato dish
Deviled eggs
Cranberry sauce

Chocolate pie
Pecan pie
Bread pudding

>> No.11437106

>that pic
Could this be any more racist?

>> No.11438451

pecan pie

>> No.11438700

now this is epic

>> No.11438770

sounds fun anon