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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 380 KB, 1596x1705, scrambled eggs avec fromage et microwavable calzones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11422951 No.11422951 [Reply] [Original]

I just made scrambled eggs for the first time in my life at the ripe old age of 22. Are they supposed to look like cat vomit? My mind is not as sharp as it once was.

>> No.11422956

I think you have alzimers m8 because that is cat vomit

>> No.11422960

Put the pepper on as it cooks. Mix it up better.

>> No.11422965

Try cooking it longer.

Also lay off the weed.

>> No.11422974

They look really good. Add butter or milk to make them fluffier.

>> No.11422985

They look okay. Maybe could have cooked just a little longer

>> No.11422987

that's fine, i like mine runny, but can't stand runny eggs made any other way, scrambled only

>> No.11422999

Yeah, they look alright.

Did you do the "constant stir" method with lots of butter?

>> No.11423002

That makes custard, a heavy end product. A teaspoon of water per egg makes them fluffy.

>> No.11423016

A custard isn't heavy; if it is then you can't cook.

>> No.11423031

next time sweat off some diced onions and bacon in butter first, then add some diced tomatoes to the egg and cook it like that. Delicious.

>> No.11423043

There are like 50 different custards on the scale. Scramble eggs isn’t one of them. In comparison, custards would typically be described as rich and thick, or heavy compared to simple scrambled eggs.

>> No.11423044

it's alltimers

>> No.11423066

Thanks, I'll leave them on a little longer next time as I was afraid I'd cooked them for too long. I also don't do drugs anymore after going through a five-month benzo withdrawal that absolutely JUSTed me and probably shaved off 30 points from my already paltry IQ. I figured cooking was a productive hobby to take up as I slowly work my way back up to form.

Thank you, I did the "pull inwards toward the center from the outer edge every few seconds with a spatula" method as that seemed to be the most common in the video tutorials I watched. They were all meant for kids, though, so I hope that's not a dumb method or anything.

>> No.11423140

again, no custard is heavy.

>> No.11423173

add just a touch of milk

>> No.11423182

Again you just make yourself sound stupid. Get out more...

>> No.11423213

What do cheesecake, ice cream, trifles, Bavarians, crème brûlée, pots de crème, and pudding all have in common? At the most basic level, these are all custards.

>> No.11423216

And none are heavy.
Congrats on trying cook, but get better.

>> No.11423222

I think your definition of heavy is warped.

>> No.11423224

Yeah, nothing like nice "heavy" ice cream on a hot summer day to cool you off.

You have no idea how English works do you?

>> No.11423266

Not that people put it that way. Unless you only buy cheap, low quality ice cream with crazy percentages of overrun, ice cream, is heavy. (Especially If compared to chocolate mousse).

>> No.11423295

Yeah, nothing like a light and refreshing milkshake when it’s 112 out... or chug half a gallon of eggnog, that’s my go to summertime drink.

>> No.11423344

>light and refreshing milkshake when it’s 112 out
You don't do that, then you're abnormal.
Ice cream stands are open and are sold in the summer. they close during the cold "off season"

if your ice cream is heavy then you're a shit cook and suck at custards. EOF.

>> No.11423451

You have no idea what heavy means...

>> No.11423465

>open and are sold in the summer

and they sell more ice cream at night.

>> No.11423843

Yeah, we get it anon, you had someone call your custard dish "heavy" now you think it should be.

Protip: heavy custard isn't a compliment; it's point out a flaw.

>> No.11423848

Has mommy been breast feeding you this whole time, OP? How are you this old and never fried eggs before?

>> No.11423871

So you never had New York Style Cheesecake?

Since you don’t comprehend what “heavy” means, give an example that you think is heavy and light desserts...

>> No.11423882

Creme brulee

>> No.11423884

a little bit too scrambled there

>> No.11423895

>light dessert
My creme anglaise
>heavy dessert
Your creme anglaise

>> No.11423920

New York Style Cheese cake is a perfect example of a heavy custard.

Something to contrast, please. What do you consider a heavy dessert?

>> No.11423929

I think your Hot Pockets are done...

>> No.11423939

Keep thinking your "heavy desserts" are suppose to be heavy because you can't cook.

>> No.11423951

Do you even know?

>> No.11423962

Do you? I mean people in this thread are saying creme brulee should be heavy.

here's what you should do: Save your allowances and find a way to get to Thomas Kellers Bouchon and get his quiche. You'll see what I mean when custards shouldn't be heavy.

>> No.11423990

wtf did you do to those eggs
parts of it are over cooked and then parts of it are basically raw egg white
how did you fuck that up like that
just stir constantly on low heat with a knob of butter, do not add salt - that's probably why it looks so fucking weird.
it should look curdy and glossy with a uniform color.
if you add salt while cooking it gets fucked up.

>> No.11424026

As I said earlier, there are at least 50 different types of custard (apparently something you don’t realize) some are a sauce others are a heavy, rich, dense food.

Highest quality ice cream, those well above the catering quality standard are heavy, solid.

Fudge is a heavy confection, butter mochi is a heavy dessert, brownies are cake’s heavy cousin... indeed some foods are meant to be heavy and usually portioned accordingly.

This notion you have that heavy is always negative is just plain wrong.

>> No.11424035

>others are a heavy, rich, dense food.
Yeah, this is part that separates the men from the boys. it's NOT suppose to be heavy, rich, dense! if it is then you can't cook.

You're as fucking dense as your custard.

>> No.11424043

And you have such limited World experience. Sad.

>> No.11424053

Yeah, i'm clearly missing out by not attending your church potluck or favorite trucker greasy spoon.
Enjoy your "heavy meals"

>> No.11424062

This just highlights your limited view of what custards are really.

>> No.11424066

I do enjoy a heavy, hearty meal especially in the Winter.

>> No.11424074
File: 41 KB, 425x663, 0731EF72-8C1E-4721-AC9B-30373FA5D0C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait

>> No.11424106

Happy Pride Day!

>> No.11424109

Please waiter send this creme brulee back. It's clearly not heavy, dense and snotlike. I don't know where he got this recipe but it's crap!

>> No.11424141

In comparison to simple scrabbled eggs, yes, it’s heavier and a dense dessert compared to say a cream puff.

>> No.11424146

No wonder they voted for Donald Trump, the thread!

>> No.11424170
File: 28 KB, 398x241, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creme brulee should be more dense than scrambled eggs

>> No.11424183
File: 773 KB, 1242x1216, 939BBE27-38A1-45CE-AC36-9137B3D4ADB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look at this light and airy chocolate custard...

>> No.11424191

On your second marriage yet?

>> No.11424194

>he thinks that's custard.

>> No.11424200

Proof that you have no idea what you’re on about.

>> No.11424204
File: 224 KB, 973x552, Screenshot from 2018-11-03 19-04-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show recipe. That pic is a fucking cake.
>So decadent you can almost call it fudge. It's a simple recipe of dark chocolate, eggs, sugar and a little flour. That's all it takes to make this gourmet chocolate cake so rich and creamy you can't help but share. So go on. Share the decadence.
How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.11424224

A decadent cake made from a chocolate custard. (Flourless torte), it’s just a picture but looks the same. A rich, heavy dessert. You have a thin slice not the entire thing...

>> No.11424246
File: 14 KB, 480x360, goodday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recipe your pic is from says it has fucking flour in it. You're a fucking fool.
You also have no idea what a fucking custard is.
Good day sir.

>> No.11424260

that is the correct method, but near the end you gotta get up under the eggs and fold them over. then you dont get the chopped up vomit look.

>> No.11424270

Some cheat and add filler some don’t. It doesn’t have to have flour, although many custards do use flour or gelatin.


>> No.11424284

No milk or cream and eggs then no custard.
Please stop posting until you have the basics down.

>> No.11424297

Like there is a single recipe for everything.

>> No.11424310
File: 155 KB, 759x506, B0FEAE51-8021-4A60-8F8D-04BB736D3BD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11424314

Your damage control is weak. I'm still trying to figure out why a cake is being brought up in a custard thread anyway.

>> No.11424323

>unicorns in the kitchen dot fuckoff
So you're just google image searching a bunch of flyover blogger shit now?

>> No.11424332

Because it’s a heavy dessert, as it is meant to be, plus this is an scrambled egg 101 thread.

>> No.11424334

That’s all you deserve, DESU.

>> No.11424346

>heavy dessert
>as it is meant to be
Hello Flyover!

>> No.11424366

So the fudge you serve is light and delicate, fluffy?

>> No.11424369

ive made scrambly boys for a good amount of my life

Alllright, here we go.

Granulated Onion/Onion powder (few taps)
Adding a bit of water (teaspoon or so) helps them not shrink into nothingness
Shredding a bit of cheese (cover top of bowl, LIGHTLY goddamnit you fat fuck) helps with flavor
In general, you dont have to put in milk or butter the pan. If you're quick enough, then you shouldn't have to.
The edges will start to look dry when you're cooking (have it on low on a burner, maybe a notch or three above) and that's when you should start scraping the eggs around.
Keep going until they dry out again, until the egg mass you're left with has some wet parts. Spread it out on the pan, and then turn off heat, letting the leftover heat in the pan cook everything off.

Seriously though, how did you go this far without knowing?

>> No.11424385

Na, I pack your mom's fudge until it's as dense as your custard.

>> No.11424396

At least YOUR not retarded like these people that don’t understand heavy isn’t always a bad thing.

>> No.11424410
File: 112 KB, 830x1023, flyovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. lunchlady

>> No.11424465

Looks really good. Everyone likes them differently, but I prefer mine velvety like that

>> No.11424631

This Carnegie Deli’s legendary Cheesecake is 8" round and serves approximately 10-12 people (4.5 lbs.) heavy...

8" Angel Food Cake 22OZ, Serving 1/12th light...

>> No.11425540

>Seriously though, how did you go this far without knowing?
I'm just really slow and behind on most things, and it's only recently that I've gotten the energy required to attempt new things.

>> No.11426121

Low slow and well whicked is probably best but I like to keep a little unwhisked white in there.

>> No.11426146

As others have noticed, parts look over done and under done; it lacks smoothness. I think you had the heat too high, and/or tried to cook too quickly. Remember that you can take the pot on and off the burner and continue stirring to prevent overheating it to maintain smoothness.

Just watch Ramsey and Blumenthal cook them and it should make sense.

>> No.11427211
File: 133 KB, 282x372, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.33_[2018.06.16_13.30.43].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 22 year old boomer who can't make scrambled eggs

>> No.11427245
File: 455 KB, 1500x1000, DSC_0009c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11427270

That pic is the very definition of cooking eggs wrong. "Done in the pan; overcooked on the plate"