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11420875 No.11420875 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Quiznos so underrated?

>> No.11420883

Judging by their state of bankruptcy, I'd say they're perfectly rated.

>> No.11420900

Quiznos was superior to Subway in every way. No clue how they went under

>> No.11420911

>Quiznos was superior to Subway in every way. No clue how they went under
advertisement is a thing.
how do you think america got a black president?

>> No.11420914

Too expensive when the competition lowballs you with the $5 foot long deal for years. You also need to take into account American incomes have stagnated for decades so cheap wins over good many times in America. That's why newly opened five guys are closing.

>> No.11420917

Does Quiznos still exist?

>> No.11420924
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Quiznos advertized a lot back in the day, they had those stupid mascots and the slogan "mmmm, toasty!"

>how do you think america got a black president?
I know exactly how. Presidents are meaningless pawns, does it matter who hosts American Idol? About at much.

>> No.11421030


>> No.11421036

i don't know

>> No.11421041

Stop eating Quiznos

>> No.11421232
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100 times better than Subway's

>> No.11421250

They had a brief, brief period of superiority. When their largest size black angus peppercorn (i think they were roughly 10 inch subs) was $8 like 10 years ago, they were godlike. Now, I think that same sub was like $14 lmao

The smallest subs were like $5ish for something like a cold cut/melt, and I remember getting a filling meal there became cost-prohibitive for me quickly.

>> No.11421299

Their breakfast subs are dry as fuck. At least they do have coffee refill. Still more expensive than Subway.

>> No.11422038

Because we are not allowed to have good things. Now eat your subway turnstile licker sammich and shut up.

>> No.11422047

Didn't they go out of business?

>> No.11422084

Are those still open!

>> No.11422085

That looks gross

>> No.11422103

>It’s been a rocky ride for Quiznos since the Great Recession. As recently as 2007, it featured 5,000 franchise locations around the world. As of Monday’s announcement, the number was down to around 800.

>> No.11422107

Even though they "toast" it, it's still always cold in the middle.

>> No.11422110

They serve cold cut sandwiches. No one wants hot cold cuts. The conveyor belt oven is only meant to toast the bread.

>> No.11422135

Chicken carbonara was GOAT

>> No.11422510
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Just eat at firehouse or jersey's.
Don't eat at subway

>> No.11422554

It's not. It's the faggiest hipster food possible. People just talk about >muh Quiznos because they don't want to admit they eat at subway

>> No.11424034

Five Guys isn't good, though.

>> No.11424044

Those don't exist everywhere.

I liked subway in the 90's into the early 2000's. At first I didn't care for Quizno's but eventually I came to really like it until it closed. Afterwards I went to subway a couple of times and it wasn't as good as Quizno's and it wasn't as good as I remembered.

>> No.11424047

I liked it the first time I tried it but for some reason afterward it didn't taste as good.

>> No.11424073

>does it matter who hosts American Idol?
or who even wins? the high spots are reserved.

>> No.11424080

because quiznos sucks

>> No.11424081

>It's the faggiest hipster food possible
in what universe is Quiznos hipster?

>> No.11424117

You need to understand they are probably reflecting on who goes there from their high school.

>> No.11424120

boomer logo

>> No.11424130

They didn’t employ niggers so the NPC brigade had them blacklisted

>> No.11424910

They're probably one of the more expensive fast food places. Defiantly most expensive of the sandwich shops.

I also heard they had really shotty business practices, like not letting the franchised out places locally source lettuce and tomatoes and forcing them to buy from the main company.

>> No.11424973

I'd like to eat there regularly, but it's too expensive.

Most of the ones in my county have closed, but there's still one a mile or so away.

>> No.11425129

>Maintaining quality is bad
wew, lad

>> No.11425155

we used to have them on campus. then they left. haven't seen a quiznos in florida in probably 7 years

>> No.11425160
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>live near one of the last Quiznos in NY
>Closed suddenly a few months ago
>Chipotle is going where Quiznos was
So fucking bummed about this, Quiznos was great. Loved that honey mustard chicken.

>> No.11425172

Never had this problem. Also, What fucking middle?! The sandvich was put through with the sandvich split in twain!

>> No.11425177
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>> No.11425193

I remember when those things singing were an ancient internet meme, originally the song was about the moon.
Memes just weren't a powerful enough force back then and so nobody understood the commercials.

>> No.11425209

RatherGood was a great website

>> No.11425233

My wife to this day won't eat Quizno's because of those stupid hamster commercials.

>> No.11425242

Time to divorce her

>> No.11425244

And an orange one

>> No.11425257

Orange man bad

>> No.11425269


They talked people into opening franchises and then overcharged them for supplies to run them into the ground. It was more profitable to pocket the startup costs and fuck over everyone who opened a franchise than to keep them all running. That's why for a while, there were a ton of quiznos opening up right by each other and now there's hardly any.

>> No.11425448

the pajeets who owned the qiznos in my town closed it down years ago and turned it into the 4th subway in 20 miles. I think I remember them saying quiznos made them buy paper towels from their one supplier.

>> No.11425456

expanding on this...
for some reason the Quizno's logo just screams 80s to me, it looks so dated, thats why i never eat there.

>> No.11426221

The logo looks like something from the early to mid 2000's. Definitely not 80's.