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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 320x239, How NOT to hold a fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11419949 No.11419949 [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans really eat like this?

>> No.11419952


>> No.11419959

I use a small shovel

>> No.11419963

that is known as the shovelin' position and grants the shortest range-of-motion from plate to mouth
just a flick of the wrist really

>> No.11419964

Only when vietnam war veterans have ptsd flashbacks about stabbing rice farmers to death.

>> No.11419969

I don't. Not even just because it looks retarded. I see absolutely no technical advantage too it despite what this guy said >>11419963

>> No.11419973
File: 33 KB, 473x366, eef4e317e36d715022251f86377f2af4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfft, fork.

>> No.11419980

More efficient than using sticks and more hygenic than using hands my asian pajeet friend

>> No.11419990
File: 26 KB, 590x350, 139870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm not the only one that is bothered when I see people holding cutlery like they're about to get involved in a prison stabbing.

>> No.11420004

My wife eats like this, but she's a FOB gook.

>> No.11420035

You need to train your animals properly

>> No.11420114
File: 467 KB, 240x138, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cousin married a man-child who eats like this. (Google calls it "Shovel grip") He's a fucking lazy useless swine and I can't understand why she'd want to attach herself to such a person.

He comes over to family gatherings only to eat and then sits on his phone in the living room the rest of the night w/o bothering to offer to help clean up or help with anything after the meal. He does that mouth-smacking-heavy-nose-breathing "nyom-nyom-nyom" and I swear to god his jowels and smacking make him look and sound like a dirty farm pig. Can't wait for him to choke on a bone or something. Fat greedy useless disgusting fuck.

>> No.11420133

It irritates the fuck out of me. The only thing worse is when they hold the fork in an inverse stabbing sort of way. It actually looks painful. Like it's going to give them carpal tunnel someday I don't mean to come across as a snob or anything, but simple table manners or dinner guest ettiquite is apparently very rare.

>> No.11420172

Those people should unironically be shot at daylight.

>> No.11420194
File: 39 KB, 379x240, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It shows me that his mother failed to do her job and raise a proper human being. How you go that long in life and not know basic shit like this?

>> No.11420213

>Anon, if you hold your fork like that no girl is going to want to date you
>Chew with your mouth closed
>Bring a bottle of wine
>Offer to help out, even if you know they are going to refuse
Why are these such challenging concepts?

>> No.11420227

Is your cousin hot?

>> No.11420229

I honestly don't get it. I will do anything in my power to sit away from his part of the table and I refuse to look at him when I find myself in that unfortunate circumstance.

Like I said, I'm waiting for him to inhale something into his throat while he's snorting his food.

>> No.11420238
File: 51 KB, 1098x403, yilpfz0vwm311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11420244

after being worked to exhaustion in the gulag

>> No.11420245

The sad part is that he's not rare as diners go. Next time you go to a restaurant give the room a look and you'll notice way too many people behaving like this.
Not to get in to a blog/rant, but the people who do the whole
>Gimme uh
>I'll have uh
>I need uh
fit in to the same category. When did saying please and thank you go out of style?

>> No.11420600

There's a guy at work who eats like this. He starts his meal by cutting everything into bite size pieces and then just grasps the fork like some kind of brute and shovels the pieces in. He puts an ungodly amount of salt on everything as well.

>> No.11420702
File: 116 KB, 800x932, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hold my fork like a pen

>> No.11420708

I unironically use chopsticks. They just work the best imo

>> No.11420716

If that's how you hold a pen then you're mentally damaged.

>> No.11420720

i wrap all my food in tinfoil and eat it like a candy bar

>> No.11420721

Good posture anon.

>> No.11420727

how the fuck do you hold a pen?

>> No.11420736

you look like you're focusing really hard on holding it "correctly" like some kind of autistic toddler

>> No.11420740

>he doesn't eat prisoner style

>> No.11420742
File: 510 KB, 1150x808, Knife and Fork.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11420760

>not using a big shovel

>> No.11420766

Precision grip is like the pic on the left. Held between the thumb and index finger and resting against the side of the middle finger. Holding a pen like you were holding that fork, i.e. between all three fingers, is retarded.

>> No.11420769
File: 715 KB, 800x450, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would be more natural, anon?

>> No.11420770
File: 6 KB, 318x159, Precision+grip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.11420772

>not grasping the pen in your fist and using the pen to stab food and bring it closer to your maw

>> No.11420775

thats stupid

>> No.11420779

Lol. Someone eating like this is afraid that someone will take away their food.

>> No.11420783

fuck off furfag

>> No.11420787

It's the same precision grip we have been evolving over centuries because it works. I've only ever seen special needs kids holding a pen with the pinch grip you were using. How you can get to adulthood and not know how to hold a pen is beyond me.

>> No.11420796

>"maw?" like in my furry vore?
>t. furfag
t. furfag

>> No.11420820

How fucking fat are, those fingers man

>> No.11420988

I eat my food through a straw

>> No.11420997

looks fucking retarded

>> No.11421148

maw~./ the gullet of a greedy person

>> No.11421152

Stop posting about Americans

>> No.11421164
File: 354 KB, 569x398, 24568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no breakfast gun

Yeah, maybe in California.

>> No.11421172

Egg looks a little overdone. Otherwise 10/10 breakfast