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11417525 No.11417525 [Reply] [Original]

what is the cheapest way to get drunk?

can mix pure alcohol with water?

>> No.11417538

>what is the cheapest way to get drunk?
Find a diabetic you can pay to gather the urine of. Diabetic urine has enough sugar in it that you can distill it to 30% alcohol.

>> No.11417541

t. American

>> No.11417548

He asked for the cheapest. So I told him. As an American, I am a problem solver.

>> No.11417566

fuck you

>> No.11417573

Any chem bros here?
Can high fructose corn syrup or other sugars like maltose or galactose be converted into alcohol?

>> No.11417582

Yes. So can old bread. Just spend 10$ on a bag of sugar, some day old bread and some yeast. And make some rotgut. I distill my own. Buy an old pressure cooker and make your own still. You'll probably not regret it.

>> No.11417586

soak a tampon in vodka and shove it up your ass

>> No.11417736

Soak a tampon in grain alcohol and put it in your rectum

>> No.11417848

if I go to a gay bar and act all gay and shit, will gays buy me drinks?

>> No.11417957

No. You're still ugly

>> No.11417959

Wrap a rope around your neck really tight, you will pass out in a few minutes

>> No.11417991

I actually do that constantly

>> No.11418020

The cheapest vodka by unit price or the cheapest boxed wine/big jar wine.

>> No.11418039

One of my friends has done this several times. It works.

This. Kroger brand seltzer water and vodka is nice. Bota box wines are tasty and come down to $3.50 per bottle of wine.

>> No.11418057
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Bread and alcohol are basically the same thing. For most of human history, bread was partially just a way of "storing" the yeast in alcohol for later use.
Literally just add sugar, water, and wait. In prison, they do this all the time using nothing but old fruit and wonder bread.

I'd argue you can get fucked up for cheaper than that if you're willing. There are about a dozen dirt cheap ways to distill what you have into moonshine (and dozens of ways you can go blind for that matter).
Pic related is what the Kenyan's call "kill me quick," made and sold for pennies a gallon. The name is pretty misleading, it's usually a slow death.

>> No.11418068
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>go into gay bar
>don't act gay
>gays still buy me drinks cause they dig my daddy vibe

Feels , breh

>> No.11418073

I'd you dress up like a girl and are qt, it doesn't even need to be a gay bar.
I let my trap bf flirt with other dudes so he can get free drinks. I don't think he's paid for one out of pocket in years.

>> No.11418338

Make some Finnish Kilju

Water sugar yeast

>> No.11418548


>> No.11418645

Put it in your ass.

>> No.11419383

It's not like he's fucking them.
Besides, gay relationships are open by default. It's hard to have a relationship between two perverts without at least one party sleeping around.
I'm allowed to bang who I want too ( as long as it's not girls, I think he gets jealous). But we rarely do anything that's not together anyway.

>> No.11419393

If a girl, just sit at the bar. If a guy, wear chaps in any gaybar.

>> No.11419407

Yeast packet.
6kg sugar.
18l water.
Combine in clean large bucket with airlock.

Start listening to crust punk for the 12 days it takes to ferment.


>> No.11419457

Inject vodka, moonshine or the purest ethanol you can find. You will get very drunk off of only 1mL.

>> No.11419462
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Buttchug Everclear

>> No.11419529

>gay relationships are open by default

Yeah maybe if you fags are trying to get AIDS

t. homo who promotes faithful relationships

>> No.11419534

You will never get drunker than this

>> No.11419542
File: 11 KB, 400x600, ci-taaka-vodka-36564e9ab988cc62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some Taaka vodka. Cheap as fuck and will get you drunk quick. Not the best quality though, might want to get something to mix with it.

>> No.11419545

you cant retract aids, you probably meant HIV. and thats not even a deathsentence anymore.

>> No.11419549

homos like you are making shit awful for the rest of us. I just want to be loose and free but then my girl sees how awesome this gay couple is doing and then all that shit goes out the window. Then you guys fucking have kids and you just KNOW their kid is adorable and dresses amazingly and it's like I have to compete against that?

>> No.11419556
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$3.65 for 5 liters

>> No.11419568

including the duct tape?

>> No.11419576

>hard liquor
>Best before Dec 2012
Is that when it will eat through the gas can they put it in? That shit looks hilariously poisonous.

>> No.11419590
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Jesus Christ I really want a glass of that stuff now

>> No.11419619

>homos like you are making shit awful for the rest of us
>I just want to be a degenerate

>> No.11419668

Here's my experience as a straight dude who had friends take me to a gay bar in Manhattan
>crowded, and all male with some trannies
>most really presenting hardcore moshpit /fa/ but I was fresh out of airborne school with shaved head and buff af so fit right in
>fags were buying me drinks right and left
>a tranny dressed as a femdom was cracking a bullwhip in an aisle asking for any takers
>i walked up and said let's go
>she playfully flicked her whip at me, I grabbed it, wound it around my wrist, drug her to me until we were face to face, grabbed her head and we proceeded to tongue fuck each other
Good times, but it did make me acknowledge my attraction to trannies. So yeah, if you're in good shape and relatively young they'll buy you drinks, but there may come a reckoning.

>> No.11419697

I don't see how they could make that price point work

>> No.11419712
File: 23 KB, 480x360, thats a man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a straight dude
>a tranny dressed as a femdom
>grabbed """"her"""" head and we proceeded to tongue fuck each other

You're not a straight dude, mate

>> No.11419714

There's no duct tape you retard

>> No.11419718

Traps are gay btw, not sure if that matters to you

>> No.11419719

>what is the cheapest way to get drunk?
Large container stores like Costco, BJs, Total Wine....buy large economy party worthy largest sizes of tier 2 spirits on special. Like Baileys? Then try their brand or Carolans for half the price. Go ahead and read reviews on the shelf for acceptable spiced rum, gin, vodka, tequila, whatever your desirable drinks are...
Beers and wine are tricky, because they can suck when bad. If you are okay with watery lagers and doing lots of food pairing, buy the economy brands, by the case prices. Bottles will always cost the most.
Low shelf wine can be masked if you have orange liqueur and fruit juices to make your own sangria.

>> No.11419759

You realize that like half of liquor's price is tax, a good chunk is advertising, and then a significant chunk is whatever it's aged in (new oak for bourbon) and the cost of warehousing it.

Imagine that 1L of "decent" 3 yr old bourbon in the states costs like $10 AFTER taxes. I imagine that "whiskey" is not even near the level of quality of even the cheapest american bourbons, and distilling 5L of ~40% abv liquor costs very little overall.

>> No.11419838

>as a straight dude
>tongue-fucked a tranny
I personally don't believe there's anything wrong with it, but you're gay bro

>> No.11419857

anon was only straight at the beginning of the story

>> No.11419868

I do this but instead of hoping they buy me drinks, I am hoping they let me suck their penises.

>> No.11420608

I saw one of my customers buying a handle of Taaka on a Wednesday night and think of that every time I see him. Prepare to be judged if you're older than 25 and buying Taaka.

>> No.11420647


probably even cheaper

>> No.11420659

In my teens, i was confused and broke.
Went to gaybays and daddys got me drunk. I got full stomach.

>> No.11420723
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My people do it with mouthwash.

>> No.11420768

Isn't it the opposite? Baking bread kills the yeast whereas the yeast from brewing settles to the bottom and can be used to make bread.

>> No.11420800

I ended up at a gay bar once. Didn't know what it was at the time but it becomes obvious quickly. Picked up some pills. They were respectful when you said you're not a giant homo and left you alone. Thank God I'm not OP