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11417091 No.11417091 [Reply] [Original]

FACT: If you can't cook a simple chicken breast to perfection, you don't know how to cook.
So tell us, how do YOU cook a chicken breast, anon?

>> No.11417101

I eat mine rare

>> No.11417104 [DELETED] 
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I'm vegan. I don't suck down chicken dick and animal cruelty.

>> No.11417209
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Great, that makes them cheaper for me.

>> No.11417219

Why are they getting off thw liquor?

>> No.11417225

Just had to tell us you’re vegan didn’t you? Want a cookie for it?

>> No.11417234

Getting drunk off liquor is cheaper than getting drunk off wine or beer.

>> No.11417236

Yeah so why are they switching to beer and wine? Also, liquor drunk is more intense. To me anyway.

>> No.11417237

picatta style with extra capers

>> No.11417242


No, you just suck other "guys" cocks to appear more in touch with your feminine side. Meanwhile only little bitches are squeamish about eating meat "because animals have rights too". They have a right to humane treatment which is why I don't buy from "big beef". I source my beef from local, sustainable sources. The farmer gets more for his hard work and the animals are raised under more traditional husbandry I especially love local Angus and Wagyu beef.

So be a man or an effeminate virgin meme. Your choice.

>> No.11417275

cold smoked, lightly seared and then finished off with a torch.

>> No.11417303

falling for the bait this hard

>> No.11417313

sear it on a preheated pan just barely, then shove it in a pot with tomatoes, onions, garlic and olive oil and simmer with some white whine

>> No.11417315

fucking phone

>> No.11417325

how 2 cook frozen chicken

>> No.11417338

i boil it

>> No.11417422


>> No.11417425

I put it in the oven until it's done

>> No.11417428

mountain dew

>> No.11417429

Unironically I can not cook a chicken breast in a pan. I think it's impossible. It doesn't matter the heat, how long it's on there, if I'm cooking it just bare or with spices, or any other combination of things. Every single time I've ever tried to make it in a pan, the center is always pink. Literally every time.

Even been times where the outside is completely done, like overdone, but I've cut in and the center is still fucking pink; I don't get it, how is it even possible?

I can cook whole chickens to perfection, and all other kinds of chicken dishes. And a chicken breast seared in a pan then finished in an oven is easy and perfect too. But pan roast? It's impossible.

>> No.11417442

>Every single time I've ever tried to make it in a pan, the center is always pink
>the center is still fucking pink
Amerifat detected
Chicken breast should be pink in the center, the reason you guys burn your meat until it's like a block of oak is that your meat industry is allowed to do anything because it owns the regulatory system
Come to a real cunt some time if you can figure out how to apply for a passport, and taste chicken how it is meant to be eaten. We promise not to kill you

>> No.11417447

I don't mean "pink, but it's cooked" I mean, it's still fucking raw ass chicken.

I've had chicken that is still semi-pink in the center, what one might call a "medium-well" chicken; and it tastes fine/good and won't make you sick. However I prefer a fully cooked chicken without any pinkness in the center. That is beside the point. The chicken I've ever made in a pan is always fucking raw as shit in the center, I don't even know how it happens. I can cook chicken perfect in so many other ways, just never in a pan.

Also kill yourself you eurocuck, go suck off a couple dozen more refugees faggot

>> No.11417455

>it's still fucking raw ass chicken.
No it's not. If it was raw the outside would not be overdone. You're just overly squeamish because you're afraid of your food, and with good reason

As far as the center being a different temperature than the outside, you can try lowering the heat after the meat hits the pan. Some styles of cooking prefer a sort of crust on the outside, that can be developed in many ways. But if you don't appreciate such styles you can just lower the heat.

Here in Singapore we submerge an entire bird in a strong broth that is not boiling, the meat never gets hot enough to become tough, the surface appears smooth and glossy and the meat is juicy and soft throughout.

>Also kill yourself you eurocuck, go suck off a couple dozen more refugees faggot

Americans have an insane fear of the foreigner such that they think Europeans are coming to get them online. Imagine being this obsessed with a single continent, I suppose it must be confusing to see a continent with less wealth and a much higher HDI, and you need to construct a mythology to explain why development is actually a bad thing

>> No.11417459

>Imagine being this obsessed with a single continent
The irony is palpable

>> No.11417460

>eating a breast
nice meme


>> No.11417463

In authoritarianism spirits and other alcohol-rich beverages are purposefully made cheap as a way to control the society. An alcoholic thinks about alcohol and not about what's happening in the country.

>> No.11417473

>wine preferred
What a surprise, it's the best countries

>> No.11417523

I dont have many meals that would use just chicken breast. Why would I subject my family to the worst cut on a chicken?

>> No.11417527

Sous vide.

I can make a big batch at once, from frozen, within 2hours.


>> No.11417530

It doesn't appear that you understand what the word "irony" means

>> No.11417533

I hit it with the propane torch

>> No.11417556

The best way is very carefully with a meat thermometer plus lots of sage and thyme

>> No.11417676

Throw them in the trash and cook a thigh according to the recipe.

>> No.11417722

White meat faggot

>> No.11417841

just make sure its not pink in the inside and not overcooked.

maybe using thermometer would help

>> No.11417849

>the meat induwtry owns the USDA and the FDA
Oh no, you're retarded, anon!

>> No.11417853

To a perfection

>> No.11417858

>Here in Singapore
Opinion discarded, get a real country.

>> No.11417859

The United States has 325 million people, industrial meat practices were inevitable.
No one gives a fuck about your fucked up little village in Ching Chong land where one year your grandma killed the village chicken and you still remember what the disgusting texture of pink chicken was like.

>> No.11417861

Chicken breast is easy, You can cook in microwave even.

>> No.11417865

Pan fry both sides well, then pop in the oven to cook the inside

>> No.11417866

cooking chicken has to be well done, with a moist, tender center. Balancing and timing between overcooked and undercooked is a common struggle with even talented cooks. at least with beef it won't be a total fuck up because balancing between rare and well done is a huge margin. If anything, i would say if you can't cook beef then you don't know how to cook.

>I baste mine

>> No.11417869

Nigger what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.11417871

America is almost all arable land tho. Could easily have local farming feeding everyone if a larger precent of the population were farmers. Even most major cities are adjacent to arable open farmland.

>> No.11417872

Butterfly and pan sear with olive oil. Never dry never undercooked. Its easy.

>> No.11417873

We don't need to "feed everyone" let those bums who can't feed themself die. You don't work you don't eat.

>> No.11417880

have you tried cutting it evenly so you don't have a fat center?
Also, be wary of carry over cook time. Pull it of when you feel it might about meduim-well-ish, then let it rest for a few minutes.

>> No.11417885

no, get out

>> No.11417896
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Guys please help me.
I am constantly watching youtube videos trying to learn how to cook and every single time I fuck it up.
Every single video I watch is always talking about searing, flavor, high heat, et cetera. EVERY single time I use high heat, the fucking thing burns.
This just happened -
>decide to learn how to cook
>will pan fry single chicken breast to start off simple
>literally one ingredient, one pan
>flatten out chicken breast so it is even
>season both sides with salt and pepper
>comes up to room temperature for 20 minutes
>put pan on stove, get pan hot
>medium high heat so put on 7
>add olive oil
>add chicken

Instantly the kitchen filled with smoke.
After two minutes, I noticed a black residue on the bottom of the pan.
Flipped the chicken and it was black on the bottom, utterly burnt, still raw in the middle.
Pic related
I just don't get it. Everyone is always talking about "screaming hot" pans. How does this not happen to them
Now I have nothing to eat. I should have just cooked it for 20 minutes on low heat and eaten a grey hunk of rubber as usual at least I wouldn't be hungry...

>> No.11417921

That would be immensly inefficient and ultimately wasteful.

>> No.11417926

too hot on the pan. Yes, there is such a thing.
If you're using extra virgin olive oil, don't.
XV oil has a very low acidity level, about 3% or so, or maybe .3%. Because of this, it has a very low smoke point, so it doesn't take much heat to fill your house with smoke. XVO is for drizzling on salads and shit. Use pure olive oil, classic olive oil, or "pomace", or even regular vegetable oil.
The pounding, salting, and room temp are good points that shouldn't be abandoned, especially if you're this troubled. And remember, if the whole thing goes up into smoke again, just take the pan off the burner, and make sure you have a window open for fucks sake.
Oh right, and think about carry over cook time.

>> No.11417928

Two possibilities:
1) Your heat was too high.
2) You used extra-virgin oil instead of normal olive oil.

>>Everyone is always talking about "screaming hot" pans. How does this not happen to them
Their pans were hot. Just hot as hot as yours was.

>> No.11417932

It was extra virgin =(

>> No.11417940

The majority of the time, I just butterfly the chicken into fairly thin pieces so they will cook through with a pan, then I marinade them in something nice and sear them. It is typically pretty good.

>> No.11417939

Extra virgin is for dressings. It's not for putting on high heat, as you just learned.

>> No.11417942

depends on perspective. It would be inefficient if we looked at it from the perspective of hours labored put into a particular industry by a national population. Also, there would be more acreage of land dedicated towards agriculture. However, material wastes like fossil fuels, pesticides, herbacides, water use etc. Would all go down.

>> No.11418067

Imagine being this offended by real men who protect the weak. Yes, think like the rest of the NPCs.
>ur gay

>> No.11418123

never in whole, that's for sure, shit is dry as fuck

>> No.11418133

That's because most chicken breast isn't even. There's a thick part and a thin part. If it's a huge chicken breast pumped full of 20-30% solution like you see in a lot of supermarkets, your best bet is to butterfly AND pound the thicker end down. Then salt, pepper, and if you want dust with a little flour, and into a pan on a 5-6 (of 10) heat until golden on both sides.

If it's a smaller breast without solution, you can often get away with only pounding them thinner and follow the same process.

Weak trolling from the euros, today.

>> No.11418400

Roast for 35 minutes at 400f

Not marinated, but seasoned

>> No.11418679

Then butterfly it.

>> No.11418725

soak it in brine overnight, pat dry and pan sear. Season with herbs and pepper.

>> No.11419023

take your store-bought flat saline-infused bullshit chicken breast fillets out of the fridge and let it lie at room temp for 30 minutes
preheat oven to surface of sun, or as high as you dare, 250C or something like that
put chicken breast on on baking sheet, sprinkle loads of salt on top, spray some oil on top, flip chickens, even more salt, splash more oil on top

slap that shit in the oven, close to the grille, at atomic blast heat for 20 minutes, take out of the oven, FLIP them and let them rest for a while

call me a basic bitch but this how I like it

>> No.11419057

>bbq pit or smoker
>mesquite wood fire
>cover grill with foil
>season chicken split breasts with rib meat with just salt and pepper
>lay on foil-covered grill, rib side down
>cook until very nearly done, about an hour
>apply homemade bbq sauce to top of chicken when 10-15mins are left
>allow sauce to caramelize
>remove from heat
>rest 5 minutes
I've never made bad or overcooked chicken this way.

>> No.11419082

chuck it in the fookin bin and buy a nice thick wurst sausage to fill my elevated front love hole

>> No.11419159

At least on sweden the way we tax alcohol makes beer and wine cheaper than liquor. It was a way to lower the amount of raging alcoholics who drink themselves to death and as far as I know it has worked at least somewhat.

>> No.11419485

I suspend my chicken breast with wire between the seat of my toilet, which I've rigged the water intake valve in the tank to hot, and flush repeatedly until it's been boiled to perfection.

You don't know living until you've had steaming hot toilet chicken.

>> No.11419504

Cut from a split breast, tendies to the side. If it's a thicker breast I'll butterfly it, season with salt and pepper and give it 4 minutes each side on medium high heat

>> No.11419528

Not if your state taxes the absolute bejeesus out of it. Washington State, to wit.

>> No.11419814

>Chicken breast should be pink in the center
No it shouldn't you retarded eurofag

>> No.11419816

I throw it in the trash where it belongs and cook a thigh instead.

>> No.11420823

This seems more like unsubstantiated opinion.

>If you can't cook a simple chicken breast to perfection, you don't know how to cook
Surely, if you can't cook a simple thing to perfection then you merely don't cook perfectly?
I feel like there's a middle ground between not knowing how to cook and cooking perfectly. Also, you mention "knowing" but then associated it with a practical skill, there's some sort of dichotomy between the theory and practice that I think you're overlooking.
Your rule of thumb about cooking proficiency needs work OP.

>> No.11420828

Better for the populace to be drunk on booze then drunk of revolutionary fervour.

>> No.11420829

>marinate in buttermilk and herbs
>cut into strips
>dip in egg
>coat in flour herbs and spices
>deep fry

>> No.11420837

>Chicken breast should be pink in the center
It doesn't have to be.
My 'trick' is to keep the lid on the pan at all times except when I turn the breast once. This helps steam the chicken as well as fry it and helps the top side come up to temperature and stay there. So it cooks through more evenly and the centre can cook as well.

>> No.11420839

The other anons have good advice but I'd add one thing to theirs: >>11420837
Keep the lid on and steam it as well as fry it.

>> No.11420844

Chicken is a white meat tho...

>> No.11420849

Salt, sear bone in breast skin side down in a small amount of olive oil until crispy, flip, bake in skillet at 375 for about 20 mins.

>> No.11420872

sous vide then put on the grill. There is no better way so dont argue until you have tried it.

>> No.11420901

>to perfection
Seems like nebulous criteria

I generously salt and pepper both sides of the breast, then sprinkle with thyme, rolling the breast around a bit to pick up all the loose seasoning on the plate (and press it all in a bit)
Put a cap full of canola in an oven-going pan.
Get very hot and sear two minutes on each side.
throw some chopped onion and halfed garlic cloves into the pan
Stick a probe thermometer into the chicken, then throw the whole pan in the oven until the breast reads 165.

Did this for a chef's salad and the chicken was the best part.

>> No.11420927

Brine, water bath, finish on grill

>> No.11421022

>all these fucking soiboys cooking chicken on a pan
>mfw i just chuck a piece of chicken on the grill and its cooked perfectly

>> No.11421029

stop eating chicken breast

>> No.11421070

I recently tried butterflying my chicken breast before frying it and it makes things a lot easier. More surface area for a crisp skin and less thickness that you have to wait for heat to sink through.

>> No.11421074

Brine them in milk and pickle juice, then bake with salt, pepper and olive oil.

>> No.11421272
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>> No.11421448

>brush on mustard
>add seasoning

>> No.11421461

simmer slow in salted water until just done
toss in homemade bbq sauce

>> No.11421464

um, ok.

>> No.11421467
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this is perfection to you?

>> No.11421472

whats that yellow sauce they serve wih peruvian chicken? is it just mustard and mayo?
its real good

>> No.11421481

why don't you climb in there with it

>> No.11421484

I work in a kitchen. How many times have I seen chicken sent back because it has a tiny little spec of red in it.
Usually dark meat, though.
I love America, but people are fuckin weird about food here.

>> No.11421576
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>this much autism in one post
Entertain us anon, when people ask whether you "can cook" or "know how to cook", do you unironically assume they are referring exclusively to practice or theory respectively?

>> No.11421684
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I like mine with extra salmonella

>> No.11421864
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>> No.11421880

Undercooked chicken breast is pretty good if you don't mind a small but significant chance of salmonella poisoning.

>> No.11422736

As others have said you need to throw it in a bag or some seran wrap and pound it even or butterfly it, your heat may also be too high, a long cook time on medium (yes it will be 12-20m) will do the trick without drying it out, or if you want to get a pan sear for some fond to make sauce > medium-high and finish off in the oven.

>> No.11422747

If I was to just bake it, I throw it into a baking dish of some type and cover it with some foil. Stays nice and juicy.

>> No.11423508

Sous vide, then sear in cast iron/grill. Literally the only way to cook it to true perfection.

>> No.11423708

nah check on youtube for the recipe .

>> No.11423720
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>buy chicken breasts
>they're "woody"