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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11412705 No.11412705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My daughter's Halloween haul :) we only let her keep one piece of candy, the rest is going to the homeless shelter

>> No.11412711

Giving the homeless candy is useless, asshole. You're better off just saving it for next year's trick-or-treaters.

>> No.11412712

Your child hates you

>> No.11412715

What do you think the homeless are little kids? Why would they want Halloween candy? Give them some crack/cigarettes/etc if you want to help them out

>> No.11412720

Why? It's food and they don't have the luxury of trick or treating.
How would you know?

>> No.11412726
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You must have some seriously cheap bastards in that neighborhood.

>> No.11412733

>candy is food
Yeah, no. Sure, they're consumables, but you wouldn't eat a bowl of M&Ms for lunch, would you? Donate some proper foodstuff like canned goods and shit.

>> No.11412734

Haters aside why do Dots taste so bad? I opened up a box of them and had to throw the rest out.

>> No.11412739

>you wouldn't eat a bowl of M&Ms for lunch, would you?
Beggars can't be choosers. Homeless people don't have rroom to be picky.

>> No.11412744

Oh fuck off.

>> No.11412745

Christ, you're a dick. Have fun wondering why your daughter hates you.

>> No.11412749

Holy shit, is this a normal Halloween haul for USA kids?
I've never eaten that quantity of candy in a year, probably less than half that

>> No.11412753

If you're homeless food is only about survival. A few fun-size candy bars is more calories than they usually get in a day.
How? By giving back to the community? My daughter loves me. I'm sparing her years of anguish from obesity. She eats real food, not junk food and especially not candy. It's not very healthy at all.

>> No.11412754

Why is your daughter a slav?

>> No.11412756


>> No.11412757

Do you not see the hypocrisy? You're just pushing the obesity you're keeping your daughter away from to the homeless. And it's not a matter of "the calories", candy's worse because of the sugar content, you cro-magnon. Like I already said,just save it for next year so you don't have to buy any then.

>> No.11412761

Between me and my 2 sisters we would have 2-3 paper bags full. If you dont know what the size of a standard american paper bag is then i cant help you

>> No.11412763

It'd be stale by next year and quite frankly if you ask me homeless people can stand to gain a few pounds. I volunteered at a soup kitchen with my church and most of them looked emaciated and sickly. Some candy would do them good and brighten their spirits. Not everyone gets to celebrate Halloween you know.

>> No.11412769
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>> No.11412771

Y'all posting in a troll thread.

>> No.11412775

>hates fun
>hates candy
>moralfagging on a syberian shit polishing board
>turning your daughter into a prude and moral fag
>in reality she'll reject everything about you when 13-15 and become a massive whore for nig dick
>an actual christ cuck

god please kill yourself. you are abhorrent. Plus if you are soooooooo concerned about your daughter getting fat, have her run track or lightly lift, or do ab crunches or whatever /fit/ shit. Waste of resources and a sperm you are sir.

>> No.11412777


>> No.11412781

You are genuinely mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.11412782


>> No.11412784

hell yeah

>> No.11412800

>why bother teaching your children a morally righteous standard of living
>they're just going to reject it when they're teenagers

But what if they don't? How was >>11412763
created? Should we all just give up? Should we tell our kids to hurt people and only worry about themselves in the hopes they might reject our teachings later on? I don't think it works that way. You can effectively instill values in your kids if you do it correctly.

>> No.11412804

>You can effectively instill values in your kids if you do it correctly.

>> No.11412811

Becuase I am your child. I hate you Dad!

>> No.11412814

check her nice round thick hard candy yummmm

>> No.11412816


Do you think every generation is half of a giant moral ping pong match? Do you think shitty parents raise good kids? If you do then you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.11412820

I really hope you are an actual father and not just her creepy older brother posting instead.

>> No.11412821

>Do you think every generation is half of a giant moral ping pong match?
Yes I think so even though your question doesn't make sense. I'm not good with sports analogies.
>Do you think shitty parents raise good kids?
Do you?

>> No.11412840

I think it's much less likely for a bad set of parents to raise a child who is happy and healthy. A lot of people have kids when they aren't ready to and the burden of it falls on their children. It's an endless cycle.

>> No.11412842

>A lot of people have kids when they aren't ready to and the burden of it falls on their children. It's an endless cycle.

>> No.11412862
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Are you just arguing for the sake of it or are you personally offended?

>> No.11412865

How is asking you to cite your bold claims "arguing"? I just want to know the truth. Do you have a more reputable source than a ".org"?

>> No.11412873

You and your family are disgusting. Who wears shoes in their house? did you even realize your daughter was doing that, and if so how'd you punish her? Take away her candy

>> No.11412885

Maybe they can trade it for sips of booze

>> No.11412886

She wears her shoes to bed sometimes. I don't care, it's not a big deal.

>> No.11412887


Greentexting someone's post and asking for a source is obviously antagonistic. You're not doing anything but asking "how do u know?"
I've done my part though. I'm not going to source common sense for you. I'm sure you'll feel like you've won this argument so enjoy yourself.

>> No.11412892

My sides

>> No.11412894

>we only let her keep one piece of candy, the rest is going to the homeless shelter

Way to ruin Halloween. Leftshits hate everything enjoyable.

>> No.11412895

>Greentexting someone's post and asking for a source is obviously antagonistic.
If you have Asperger's syndrome and perceive every question as a personal assault on your character, maybe.

>> No.11412897


Wow you made a litteral wageslave and a cuck of your daughter.
Your daughter worked hard for that candy, just as much as any kid on the block but you depreciate her work by giving her one candy.

You could've rationed the candy and just threw away some worst offenders while she wasn't looking.

Secondly she'll be the laughing stock of all kids.
You do know kids talk about their parents and aren't stupid so she'll place the blame on you sooner or later.

You are going to give the candy to the homeless center?
You fucking cheapskate buy 10 cans of soup and donate that instead.
You think candy is bad for your kid but give it to homeless people instead you hypocrite.

My brother used to be homeless, you think they give a rats are about your candy? Just give out a sandwich or a cup of coffee to a homeless guy on the streets and you made their day

>> No.11412915

damn haven't had dots in a while

>> No.11412918

I really hope you're baiting

>> No.11412977

most homeless don't deserve anything.
any person who actually deals with these fucks on a daily basis understand.

you want to help the homeless give them a fishing pole and fucking lure.

>> No.11412987

t. Mommie Dearest

>> No.11412998

>Who wears shoes in their house?
>muh japan is the best

I found the weeaboo one

>> No.11413006


This unironically.

Give a man a fish and he'll have food for a day teach a man to fish and he'll have food for the rest of his life.

That being said there are people who came into that mess by their own wish and there are those who became homeless by an unfortunate situation.

The last group is small but actually wants help.
This is why I never took my brother in or gave him money he would just blow it on drugs
When I visited my brother on the streets id sometimes go with him to the shelters.

People don't know shit about homeless untill you've been on their side of the table.
Hed show me round and talk about the different fellow homeless.
Makes you think how little we know about them and how wrong we actually are.

Especially the people who think they can help all the homeless with money or God knows... candy

>> No.11413013

I unironically agree with this.
Let the homesless poison themselves with all thst sugar and chemicals, your kid deserves better.

>> No.11413042

you pretty know what i mean.

most of these homeless fucks are terrible, which is why they're homeless. i wont give them anything anymore. give one of these paint huffers something and 30 minutes later they litteraly have no idea who you are.

it reminds me of that homeless people south park episode.

>> No.11413055


All that money spent on keeping the homeless alive would be so much less if we gave them less food and instead counseling and forced rehab

>> No.11413100

At least he has a child

>> No.11413101

Forced rehab doesn't work. They relapse the second they are released if they didn't come to the decision to quit by their own volition.

>> No.11413167

>larping as a parent on a mongolian feces tasting board

>> No.11413191
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>> No.11413207

>all these salty sugar addicts ITT


>> No.11413297

i remember once when me and my friends went trick or treating. one house gave us daimes. of course i was the only person who liked daim so i ended up getting about 20 daimes from my friends

>> No.11413382

Daimes? They were giving out Native American hallucinogens?

>> No.11413395

oh no e. daim

>> No.11413400

cheaper than that camera and the shitty free cat?

>> No.11413449

Nigga what?
I live in the northeast and we do this because we don’t feel like tracking dirt and shit in the house. Enjoy your filthy living conditions you sub room temperature iq ape

>> No.11413452

>free cat
There’s no such thing as a free pet anon :^)

>> No.11413457

If you unironically give candy to the hhommeless you need your head kicking in

>> No.11413465
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 1539298100021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you save the candy and donate your daughter to the homeless shelter?