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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 292 KB, 1692x907, 20181031_175201-1692x907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11412578 No.11412578 [Reply] [Original]

Alright dipshits, I'm about to teach you all you dumb fucks how to cook a steak

Step 1 - get steak

>> No.11412580
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>> No.11412588
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Step 2 - measure steak

>> No.11412598

Step 3 - salt steaks and let them come up to temp. Pat dry then apply seasoning

>> No.11412599

You can't cook, faggot.

>> No.11412600

ribeye's are overrated

>> No.11412606
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Step 4 - place steaks into screaming hot dry cast iron skillet on a gas hob. Leave untouched for 3-4 minutes then flip and add butter. Aiming for medium, my personal preference for ribeye

>> No.11412611

>trying to show how to cook steak
>goes for medium

>> No.11412613
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Step 5 - enjoy the trimmings seen in previous picture on the left

>> No.11412618
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Step 6 - final flip and baste in butter

>> No.11412625
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So you salt......and then you add seasoning
Very interdasting

>> No.11412628
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You forgot this.

>> No.11412636
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>Not reverse searing a ribeye

You have zero idea how to cook. Enjoy your garbage, ruined meat, reddit.

>> No.11412642

best cut
medium is how I like it

what a waste of dubs

>> No.11412644
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Step 7 - rest steak

Yes I suppose I have either autism or en extra chromosome or both. Still better off than 90% of all of you

I just didn't have any herbs on hand today

>> No.11412648
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>> No.11412653
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So how'd I do? Feel like I nailed the medium I wanted

>> No.11412659

Why are steak fags such embarrassing mongoloids?

>> No.11412661

looks good
i'd eat

>> No.11412667

fuuuuuck, look at the size of that grey meat to pink.

>> No.11412669

I consider this medium rare but it looks great

>> No.11412671

good job OP. like i said, ribeye is overrated, but you cooked it nice. crust could have been a bit better though, and you lost a few points for not having fresh herbs for your butter.

>> No.11412674
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>nailed the medium
You tried

>> No.11412688
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Medium a great, but only on a thicker steak where the oven finish and carry over while resting can finish it while the sear isn't so difficult to get a good crust while not cooking 1/2 the steak to well done. 7/10 would chow happily with something really acidic to cut through all that fat.

>> No.11412737

And before you think too harsh, I would only rate mine an 8/10. I am still trying to figure out how to get a better pan sear without smoking the house up, and I think I could only rate that a 9/10 if done perfectly. I would rate mine a 7.5, but the sauce bumped it a bit. Beef stock reduction reinforced with bourbon, onion, tomato, celery, and sage, and a touch of cinnamon and chili pepper made it taste very good. I would have to see an amazingly small sear line with evident crust via charcoal sear to go 10/10. It is a nigh impossible achievement for me, and I have not seen a pic of it yet, but I will strive.

>> No.11412742

nice reddit thread i'm not reading any more you asshole i hope your stake fucking sucks

>> No.11412747
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OP, fuck the haters. 8/10 would eat.

try adding garlic cloves and rosemary springs to your basting butter for 9.5/10

>> No.11412809

Brainlet here. I don't get this. I set the heat to high on my stove. When the cast iron was hot I put the steak in and the pan instantly caught fire.

>> No.11412824

You need to put the fat in right before the meat to create minimal smoke point overshot. Even then, I often fire up, but you should be close enough to where a gentle but sudden blow of air with a towel will snuff it out. If you have a pan that is much larger than your meat, it will happen every single time if you're going for a high heat sear, and your pan seasoning will take a lot more care to get back to where you generally like it. Make some judgement calls on what is worth more to you.

>> No.11412829

I mean close enough in timing, not distance. Don't sit there with your face right next to the pan unless you take a video to post.

>> No.11412858

I accidentally get medium rare after 2 minutes each side, so I cut it down to 75 seconds per side for rare

>> No.11412872

OP here. Sometimes I go rare. It can be really satisfying sometimes, but not all the time

I don't know what the fuck you two are talking about. My pan never catches fire, never even close

>> No.11412899

You're probably adding meat before fat, which is a sin, or you're not really going for a high heat sear and crust, just some browning.

>> No.11412912
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>> No.11412914
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Any of you queers try putting beef stock on your meat instead of salt? I saw a video of marco pierre saying it was good but everyone in the comments called him a shill. I tried it and have basically never gone back to normal salt and pepper. I tried a normal salt+pepper steak a while ago and I really can't get behind them as much anymore.

>> No.11412922

and by beef stock i mean the granulated kind.

>> No.11412942

>using salt
>even using beef stock

>> No.11412946
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((((bouillon cubes)))) and ((((stock)))) are not real stock. Most of the grocery store stock isn't anything close to what a good stock should be. It is a broth, whether labeled stock or broth by the producer. Stock should be unseasoned, rich in thickening agents and flavor obtained from the simmering of meat, bone, and joint with vegetables, acid, and aromatics. It is fine to use in certain applications, but the labeling is terrible.

>> No.11412959
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>not even using salt
What do you use instead? Tears?
Yeah I know what "actual" stock is lmao. I don't use cubes, I use this shit. Obviously pretty fucking salty but just don't throw a tonne of the shit on it.

>> No.11412962

Why does almost every home cooked streak look like actual shit here? Is that just what select looks like? They look like choice in the OP.

>> No.11412965
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>using salt
i found this pic of you

>> No.11412967

Yeah, I use all sorts of short cuts. Different things for different applications, though. I haven't tried grinding up bouillon cubes to use as seasoning, though. I have a mortar and pestle and no idea why I haven't done so. I will give it a go on some chicken this weekend.

>> No.11412983

i don't get why you're shitting on people who use salt but i'm more skeleton than man, and that's not just because it's halloween
neato, so you're actually gonna try it? I haven't tried it on anything other than meat, so can't verify anything else beyond meat. unless you have some proper substitute I think the grainy sand like stock you get from the store works best, I personally didn't like the really fine powdery stock.
obviously liquid stock wouldn't work as well, but I've never tried so who knows.

>> No.11412985

>Those enormous, chewy, chunks of fat
8/10 sear, good internal color, 0/10 on actually doing the cooking.
You've got the "slap it in a hot pan" part down, now actually cook the damn things and don't leave all the fat unrendered

>> No.11412986

egh, i'm bad at explaining, by meat I mean beef.

>> No.11412994

I will try it. I've not used the stuff you posted, though. I have some bouillon cubes in my pantry that I will mash up with some dried herbs in the mortar. I see no reason why it shouldn't be really good. I mean, maybe it'll scorch stupidly fast or something like that, but I don't see why it would any faster than any other kind of rub. Maybe I'll put a little brown sugar in the mortar with it to make sure it has some melting action before it goes straight to scorching. That makes a mess in the mortar, but it's nothing that I haven't dealt with before.

>> No.11413020

I love my fat unrendered. Once in a great while I'll render fat on pork, but never on beef

>> No.11413021

Nice, you seem to know more about general cooking than me so you probably know what's up.
>maybe it'll scorch stupidly fast or something like that
Kinda, i can't imagine it not doing so good with a real thick cut of meat, but otherwise it just makes a nice crust. Wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't find the thing I posted though, i'm from Australia so we probably have different stuff.

>> No.11413028

can imagine* not "can't imagine"

>> No.11413044

Nah m8, I've had vegemite an it ain't nothin compared to bouillon salt-wise. I probably could find the stuff you posted if I was intent on it, but I am afraid the whiskey and beer has made me too lazy, and I believe it will last through the weekend. Mortar and pestle shennanigans it is.

>> No.11413050

Good luck m8. It might not be for you but it's no doubt my favourite way to cook steak.

>> No.11413060

Cheers to the good ideas. One more thought. You think some lemon zest would fuck it up? Go straight for the savory, or try to add some zing to it?

>> No.11413072

>You think some lemon zest would fuck it up
Not done it myself but I really can't see it doing any harm.

>> No.11413080

OK, will try it. It's going chicken with chicken bouillon, not going with beef, so I am venturing into some unknown territory now, but it seems like a plan in my state of mind. Screen capping and hopefully will update over the weekend. If you're a regular, hopefully I'll have an update.

>> No.11413088
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Awesome dude. I don't consistently browse /ck/ that often but i'll be sure to keep an eye out to see how you go.

>> No.11413090
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While you 300 pound niggers are out there eating ribeye for 12$ a pound, Im cooking up lean ass nutritious top round for 4$ a pound, saving money and looking good doing it

>> No.11413097


>> No.11413687

OP here. These were select steaks. I can't really answer your question though. Steak seems hard to photograph well, and I'll admit my lighting is poor. Do you have any better steak pics you've taken that you could share?

>> No.11413694

you already fucked up if you didn't have the butcher cut them to your specification

>> No.11413707

What are those balls?

>> No.11413863

If I had wanted higher quality steaks then I certainly would have. But there was no occasion worth spending any extra when I really just wanted to satisfy a craving for steak. These were prepackaged select ribeyes at $9.00/lb

>> No.11413897

it's better if you flip every 30 webinars and also add oil in my opinion

>> No.11413902

Your pic looks great, other anon is just being a lil bitch

>> No.11413912

I did purely because of that same MPW video you watched. It was OK, I much prefer salt and pepper.

>> No.11413915
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>> No.11413918

That's a tumor not a steak

>> No.11414050


>> No.11414072


>> No.11414080

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.11414169

This is how I did my 18oz entrecote
>go all out with salt and pepper on all sides
>set on a rack and let it sit there for at least an hour
>get skillet screamin' hot
>oil the meat not the pan
>put the meat in
>give little shake
>let sear for 2 to 3 minutes
>give little shake
>let sear for 2 minutes
>add butter thyme and garlic
>baste, turn, baste, turn baste for about a minute
>take it out, put back on rack, pour over fat from skillet
>let rest for 5 minutes
>cut and eat

>> No.11414172

so is your mother but people still service her juicy loins.

>> No.11414180

My steak is mouth watering, the secret ingredient is montreal chicken spice. Not even trolling.

>> No.11414263

Step 0 - get a kitchen with an exhaust fan above the stove or else your whole apartment will be filled with smoke

No steak for me i guess.

>> No.11414684
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what the fuck

>> No.11415012

OP here. I used Spicy Montreal steak seasoning on these. Might have to give the chicken seasoning a try. Thanks

>> No.11415190

>putting pepper on beforehand
don't listen to this fool

>> No.11415201
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>paying for all that extra fat you aren't going to eat
Even more retarded is people who pay more for bone in. Sirloin is the way to go.

>> No.11415225
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But I enjoy eating the fat almost as much as the meat itself and am willing to pay for it. People are always saying it's chewy and inedible, but i almost always find it to be gelatinous and basically melts in you mouth. Maybe those people are confusing gristle with fat. With a few crystals of finishing salt it is incredible

>> No.11415232

You sure are a dirty girl

>> No.11415240
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>> No.11415260

Agree. When I cook a ribeye, I savor the fat but it's always with a sense of guilt like those religious fanatics who cover their heads when they eat something incredibly delicious. I know it will probably kill me in my 50's, but it's worth it.

>> No.11415581

Did it again and I have to say for some reason it tastes way better this time. I used an entire cube for one steak as opposed to half a cube per steak and it seemed to turn out better. I don't doubt that MPW was just shilling for Knorr, but it's still pretty good.

>> No.11415598

What kind of faggot doesn't eat the fat on a ribeye?

>> No.11415615

dietary cholesterol has minimal effect on arterial cholesterol, mostly determined by genetics

so if your gpa died of heart disease might be a good idea to avoid mixing carbs and fats. Pick one or the other.

>> No.11415622

>ribeye is overrated
what do u like? ribeye is pretty damn good.

>> No.11416325
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>tfw my oven is broken and I literally cant into steak without one
I just want a nice juicy ribeye FUCK

>> No.11416703
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OP here just bumping with a pic of some beef skewers I made. I want to see more steak pics folks

>> No.11416774

I have never once used an oven to cook steak. Should I start?

>> No.11416793
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>pre-salting meat

>> No.11416795

>He doesn't eat the fat
What are you, Vegan?

>> No.11416804

I only recently learned of the existence of "prodding the steak with your tongs and using the texture to judge doneness"

Even knowing that now, it still seems so much easier to just stick in thermometer in and get them perfect.

>> No.11416805
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Here's a filet I did some time ago using a reverse sear.

>> No.11416811

I'm very much pro-OC here, but you're a bad cook, OP.

>> No.11416816

I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.11416828


>> No.11416844


Doesn't post his own culinary disaster.

>> No.11416847
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I'm sorry it's not up to your standards, anon. It was delicious nonetheless.

>> No.11416880

Why? That looks good fine to me.

>> No.11416886

Hey I remember you.

>> No.11416901
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Just want to clarify that this >>11416805
is not me. This anon stepped up and is contributing his OC because he's not a pussy that's scared of criticism. Quit being faggots and post your steaks if you think you're better than me

>> No.11416903

Looks good btw. Nice work

>> No.11416911
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>> No.11417358

>screaming hot pan

Do you guys disable your fire alarms or something?

>> No.11417373

Hey OP, just wanna let you know that its great youre posting OC. Dont let these overly opinionated faggots steer you from making these posts. Im glad to see effort being put back into posting instead of the exact same low effort rehashes you see all over this fucking site. Keep it up.

>that amount of pink

I dont think so.

>> No.11417383

>medium, my personal preference for ribeye
ah, finally a person I can appreciate
so sick of the "always mid rare" trend
a ribeye is best at medium

>> No.11417388

Love u steak thread. Fuck the haters

>> No.11417391
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>Roman Emperors stabbed out ortolans’ eyes in order to make the birds think it was night, making them eat even more. The birds are then thrown into a container of Armagnac, which both drowns and marinates the birds.[6]

>The bird is roasted for eight minutes and then plucked. The consumer then places the bird feet first into their mouth while holding onto the bird's head. The ortolan is then eaten whole, or without the head and the consumer spits out the larger bones. The traditional way French gourmands eat ortolans is to cover their heads and face with a large napkin or towel while consuming the bird. The purpose of the towel is debated. Some claim it is to retain the maximum aroma with the flavour as they consume the entire bird at once, others have stated "Tradition dictates that this is to shield – from God’s eyes – the shame of such a decadent and disgraceful act",[6] and others have suggested the towel hides the consumers spitting out bones.

>> No.11417426

Thin, lean steaks are totally fine if you do that. Just don't try to cook a prime ribeye like that unless you want everything inside your apartment covered in a glaze of grease

>> No.11417768
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>He thinks lean meat is better for you

Must be delicious with a side of skim milk too.

>> No.11417790
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>Yuru Camp

Sooo goddamn comfy t b aych fampai.

>> No.11417903
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Do you guys eat the fat part from the strip steak?

>> No.11417907

Sirloin is best go to cut.

>> No.11417914


>> No.11417917

Maybe I didn't melt it properly or sear it right I just can't eat it mate.

>> No.11417925

It looks good but you really should have put the steak on it's side to cook/render the fat.

>> No.11418217

You wear the towel so you can play the bird's peepee with your tongue before you eat it. French won't admit this but it's true.

>> No.11418323

My mom and her sisters used to physically fight each other over who would get the fatty part of the steak when they were kids. The 60's were a wild time.

>> No.11418444
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Thanks, anon. I've been working on perfecting my steak technique.

>> No.11418480

weeabo you need to leave

>> No.11418607


Says an anonymous voice on an anonymous image board.

Two words: Fuck Off

>> No.11418619 [DELETED] 

A mean bean cleaver with a razor's edge
I'm a vegan dream eater meat mother lovin' laser sledge
Cunning linguist spinning hits
Running rings wistfully around you while I'm winning this
Fuck your copypasta
I bring the meat blaster
On a beat I kick it faster
I'm the rhymin' everlaster

Carnivore bitches are delicious (mmm)
Not too vicious (mhm)
I don't wanna wash no dishes (mm mm)
I bring the meat up on the beat (eat me baby)
There's no carbage in my kitchens (teach me baby)
That garbage I'm ditchin' (impeach me baby)
Cause the meat up in my kitchen's firin' up the heat in my metabolism
I think I might skeet skeet skeet skeet along to the meat beat
This is meat rehabolism
Sync'd to the mother lovin' beat of this song
It's fat-adapted fab-o-lism
Try a little dabble-ism
With yo mother or yo sister man I bring the meat up all night long in conversation
All across the nation and on every street
To the beat of this song yeah I fire up your grill and bring the heat
With yo daughter I'ma feed her meat until she tweet about it
I think she might tweet tweet tweet tweet along to the meat beat
Meat rehabolism all across the internation
You don't need to bring the heat about it

I see you creepin'
Don't ever doubt it
Peep-peepin' along
While I'm mother lovin' bone in raw discussion 'tryna educate
You’re bakin' sweet cakes in the oven?
Watchin' feet pornicate?
What about the babymakin’?
No carbs it ain't complicate
I bring the beef and the bacon
For all the lambs
My teeth like percussion
I don't spread no cuckin' jams
The meat that I masticate
Spreadin' like my dope jams
Keeps me off my tater-tate

Straight trippin' on mind boggled JP lobsta ethics
You's a blind goggled sucka' G
Now I'm dippin' with all 'ya hos and tricks
Meat mobsta on my flow I'm on my death mix
For my homies in the Carnivore Clan
I'll lend your girl a hand and teach her more and more
She can listen to my feature while she eat'cha
I don't have to meet'cha to meat'cha


Cake=Cancer Steak=Cure

>> No.11418644

That's thirteen words, weeabo

>> No.11418650


Learn to parse, motherfucker. That's 3rd grade shit, and you failed.

>> No.11418651
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>> No.11418655

I'm sorry you're right, can you fuck me with your thick veiny cock please daddy?

>> No.11419196

I'd fuck your mom then your sister

>> No.11419738
File: 13 KB, 610x530, weeaboo_by_neosamus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say weeaboo?

>> No.11419751
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what to do with those Osso's?

>> No.11419763

What a waste of steak

>> No.11419767
File: 265 KB, 1343x1007, 20150704_162534-1343x1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I will. I've done it before but just forgot this time. I was kinda drunk on Canadian Club

I've been thinking about this and want to ask again what's wrong with my method
>take steak out of fridge
>salt (to bring surface moisture out for a better sear, right?)
>let rest (salted) for 30-45 minutes
>pat dry
>apply spicy Montreal steak seasoning and black pepper
>right into screaming hot dry pan
If it's the burning of the black pepper, I actually like it that way

>> No.11419773

>this fucking thread
Holy shit, imagine broadcasting your retardation to the world on a Japanese cartoon board

>> No.11419824
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Thanks friend

You too

>> No.11419892
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Did I do good?

>> No.11419968
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I cook beef shanks quite often. A really great, flavorful cut of meat. They do well with a slow braise. I usually just season with S&P, maybe a dash of soy sauce and garlic powder. If I have any left, I'll poor a glass of red wine into the baking dish. Around 275 degrees four at least four hours and they're perfect. Don't forget some crusty bread to spread that bone marrow on. Heavenly...

>> No.11419985

>nailed the medium
That's medium rare, bordering rare. Medium has barely any pink at all. Still looks good.

>> No.11420003

Awesome. Sounds like a plan.
Guess it would work perfect in my slowcooker, too.

>> No.11420083


Yes. These will do fine in a slow cooker. Good luck! Posts the results.

>> No.11420093

She's a beaut anon

>> No.11420781

Where do you get your steaks from?
Or do you find a Hui butcher and tell them how to carve it off?

>> No.11420812


In the US I go to Mexican butchers. They seem to be the ones with fresh beef shanks. Here in China I buy oxtail, which is a close assimile to beef shanks. Enough that the final result is the same.

>> No.11420825

I was skeptical, but it looks good anon.

>> No.11420871

Butcher here, inside tip, ask for "cap of ribeye".

>> No.11421096
File: 547 KB, 1097x1176, 20170308_191144-1097x1176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cap is the spinalis portion, right?

>> No.11421354

Chuck steaks are superior.

New Yours are inferior to flat irons.

>> No.11421561
File: 697 KB, 2016x1512, 20180527_173236-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Chuck steaks can be just as good as a ribeye. I have been getting some really good chuck steaks for cheap lately

>> No.11421656

There's 6 of them, so have to your hearts content.

>> No.11421673
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, Scott_steiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude i have fresh meat
>brb ruining it with salt


>> No.11421680

>salt (to bring surface moisture out for a better sear, right?)
>let rest (salted) for 30-45 minutes
This is where some confusion comes in.
Salt beforehand, the meat pulls in the salt and you are able to taste it better throughout.
Salt too long, it may dry out or you get those pools of moisture
It's up to you to figure out the perfect amount, I like to salt and put in the fridge for an hour or two, but 30-45 minutes sounds ideal as well. Looking at the picture it doesn't get much better.

>> No.11421701

looks dry desu senpai

>> No.11421715

OP is a fag
Good steak starts with restaurant quality meat which isn't always easy to get.
It should be cooked from room temperature over a very hot pan, enough on each side to seal it off then finished in an oven for about 5 minutes.
It should be left to rest for however long you baked it.
Oil the meat, not the pan.

>> No.11421742

>restaurant quality meat
>seal it off
>baked it.
Holy shit

>> No.11421867

The best cuts are reserved for restaurants.
Yes seal the juices inside
Yes bake it if it's got any thickness, I cut my eye fillets taller than they are round

>> No.11422505
File: 305 KB, 1343x755, 20160226_165637_001-1-1343x755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one would you pick and how would you like it cooked?

>> No.11422535

D medium blue

>> No.11422545

D med-rare

>> No.11422573

So this has now turned into how to fuck up your steak useless cunt.. 3-4 mins fuck my sides

>> No.11422617

>Yes seal the juices inside
That's a myth

I'm having one I cut from fillet later today. I guess I could take a pic. It's not a very thick one since I just don't have the appetite these days.

>> No.11422640

B, rare, no rendering the fat

>> No.11422667
File: 469 KB, 1984x1488, osso4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make osso buco with them.
Love that dish. Haven't seen that cut on sale for a while, though.

>> No.11422710

Good god. That looks incredible. It's only 3 days into November, don't do this to me.

C or D, rare to med-rare.

Just to add to the conversation about fatty steaks: I personally like to remove the fat from mine before cooking them. Not because I dislike the fat though. Dice up the trimmings, salt them good, fry 'em up. Like bacon bits but on the next level.

>> No.11422815

hey can you shut the fuck up please, some of us like our inexpensive cuts to stay inexpensive

>> No.11422976

>Resting the steak while the seasoning is on it.

okay back to the scheduled programming: you get the meat out and let it sit till room temp. THEN you add salt and basic bitch freshly ground pepper. Dassit. While you seasoning it, your skillet should be hot af by now. Put that shit in there. Don't you fucking dare let it sit while salted.

>> No.11422981

How would I go about rendering the fat without overcooking the steak?

>> No.11423001

room temperature makes no difference, it's a fairly recent "old wives tale" that has no grounding in reality. Your pan will be hundreds of degrees, the difference between the fridge and room temperature won't make any difference
The only reason I leave it out is to let it sit on paper towels so it's got a drier surface.

>> No.11423015

uh, sir, what would you recommend as the finest kitchen measuring tape? I've already thrown out my other rulers and measuring tapes in anticipation of your answer.

thank you kindly,

The Great Brankovic

>> No.11423028

No need to repost. I cooked a steak and posted it here

>> No.11423037

This is hilarious.

>> No.11423059

The fat is the tastiest part

>> No.11423086

>Don't you fucking dare let it sit while salted.

Incorrect. You should generously salt the steak and let it sit uncovered in the fridge for at least 6 hours. The salt dissolves thereby seasoning the inside of the meat. Plus, the low humidity dries the steak out, concentrating flavor.

>> No.11423092

>and by beef stock i mean not beef stock

>> No.11423099

i want to fuck his front butt

>> No.11423120

you sound like a fag, but also you sound cool. im conflicted

>> No.11423136

Pan wasn't hot enough when you put it in.

>> No.11423143


How else would you describe roasted bone marrow on a hunk of crusty bread?

>> No.11423191

>He doesn't eat the bone
I bet you use utensils to eat steak too.

>> No.11423319

Coming clean: I'm not the only one who eventually forgoes utensils and picks up a tbone to gnaw all the hard to cut meat off the bone, am I?

>> No.11423410

Are you retarded or do you need your eyes checked?

>> No.11423426

>be watching some guy on youtube talking about different cuts of steak
>watch him actually say that rib eye is superior to porterhouse
>try to dislike the video but not logged in
>log in but now I can't find the video I was just watching
>spend next fifteen minutes finding the video so I can dislike it

>> No.11423433

When it's sealed gently hold the stake on its side and render the fat directly, easier to do with two implements and against the edge of the pan.

>> No.11423579

I suppose you could use your dick, but that would only work for steaks under 1.5 inches

>> No.11423600

The sear is alright but you didn't render the fat and you plated it like a mongoloid. Kill yourself.

Again with the mongoloid plating. Kill yourself.

>> No.11423791

Brainlet here, but maybe if you seared it on its side so that the fat renders?

>> No.11423946

D, blue rare plz

>> No.11424101

It was screaming hot