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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11405989 No.11405989 [Reply] [Original]

>babies crying
>using flash to take photos

>> No.11405997

It's only the food and cooking board after all, I guess....

>> No.11406014

There are alot of thread about resturant on this board anon

>> No.11406016

It's actually the fast-food board

>> No.11406034

>waiter checking up on us every 20 fucking seconds

>> No.11406439

It's spelled restaurant. An easy way to remember is to not be retarded in the first place.

>> No.11406442


>> No.11406454

>babies crying
I hope the next time you dine out you choke.

>> No.11406466

I do my best to not let another persons actions effect how I feel inside.

>> No.11406480

babies, arguments, kids running around

>> No.11406483

>toasty roastie single mom who thinks the convenience of her and her muttlet is more important than everyone else in the restaurant attempting to enjoy their meal combined
Should've made better life decisions so you wouldn't have to be so bitter sweety

>> No.11406490

she could simply change seats with the other person and everything would be fine. she chose to be emotional and angry.

>> No.11406500

>flashing babies
>taking photos to cry

i think that was directed to the baby

>> No.11406501

People smoking. Start singing, Moms breastfeeding. Couples having an arguments. Kids. People picking their nose. Loud and constantly laughing. Burbing. Checking their cellphones, talking in said cellphones.
To name a few.

>> No.11406504


>> No.11406509

Don't step outside anon.
It's a jungle out there.

>> No.11406533

>Being thin skinned enough that random nobodies who will permanently disappear from your life within 45 minutes can affect your day in any way
Anything that would actually bother me at a restaurant would get your ass thrown out or fired.

>> No.11406546

shit that's sum collateral

>> No.11406557

waitresses that want me to subsidize their salary
bitch if you want a tip lets meet in the bathroom otherwise i aint got shit for u

>> No.11406561

>the autist getting mad at people talking in the restaurant

>> No.11406694

People taking shits in the bathroom. I like sitting right beside it and nothing ruins a meal faster than smelling some lady's wafty braps

>> No.11406725

that one asshole you know is completely powerless in his daily life yelling at the wait staff for everything
enjoy that loogie in your food ya prick

>> No.11406735

Why would breastfeeding bother anyone?

>> No.11406747

Woman breast feeding a baby = okay
Woman breast feeding a literal toddler = not okay

>> No.11406831


Ive experienced twice now, people letting their kids watch stupid kids shit on their phones at full volume in a restaurant.

>> No.11406877 [DELETED] 

>start singing
I've met all in your list and I've never encounter people singing while eating.

>> No.11406883

>start singing
I've been to Asia Europe and America.and ive met all in your list but never encounter people singing while eating.

>> No.11406920

A boy in our party had birthday and another party of young men in their 20s overheard it and started singing 'Happy Birthday'.
Sure, it was a nice gesture, but also annoying.

>> No.11406938

People looking at me
Waitresses coming up to me while I’m eating
People miring my friends instead of me
When the cashier gives my friend the change even though I paid (multiple times)
When the waitress ignores me to giggle with my friend
When my friend interrupts me to talk to the waitress and becomes the group leader when I’m paying
Drunk people
People inviting their friends along at the last second when I’m the one that organised everything
The guy that won’t shut up about his (girlfriend, kids, coworkers, workplace)
The guy that goes on about their love life but refuses to give details.
>hey Anon I’m dating someone.
>cool, what’s their name?
>yeah... so we did..

Honestly I’m happy they stopped inviting me out and I haven’t contacted them for a month. Don’t think they’ve noticed

>> No.11406952

I find it sexist that people always say "waitress" instead of just waiter.

>> No.11407051

Fucking loser hahahahahahahaha

>> No.11407107

>Amerimutts actually believe this
There is nothing wrong with breast feeding your child past the age of 2. I'd argue that 8 should be the cut off. Improves brain and body development

>> No.11407156

People who eat desert. Desert sucks ass and ruins the meal.

>> No.11407162

And instills a healthy oedipal complex.

>> No.11407165

where can i get a mean taco based beanerbro?

>> No.11407181

Arab women breastfeed their sons until the age of 4 or 5 or so
fucking disgusting

>> No.11407184

Groups of people
Groups of people talking
Groups of people talking audibly
Groups of people talking audibly right next to me

>> No.11407205

>having a nice dinner at restaurant
>suddenly light all shut off
>staff singing hpbd song to the table way over on the other side

Fucking hate it when they do that.

>> No.11407211

I too have mild autism.

>> No.11407219

This is Some what true if the desert is free. Even at a decent resturant your perfect dining experience could be ruined because of some low budget free desert. I rather have fruits

>> No.11407240

Desert foods just suck in general. They ruin the flavor of the meal and replace it with sugar. I'd rather eat baking chocolate than any cake you could make with it.

>> No.11407262

>I don't want it
>I will pay full price for the main dish, I cannot eat a mini meal first, I'm not that hungry

>> No.11407281
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>salad in general

It's shit. What the fuck do people eat raw vegetables with rotten egg or spoiled wine sauce?

>> No.11407313

I do like it occasional because it's solid water. It adds to my water bank, but without my having to drink ounces

>> No.11407314

inattentive waiters

>> No.11407328

>people sitting down
this one really gets me

>> No.11407358

>Babies in general
>People bringing their babies/pets
>People taking photos
>Large groups
>Noisy people
>People not being polite with the staff
>People making stupid orders (once heard a cunt ordering lemonade and syrup and asking for it to be "very sugary" what the fuck do you think it'll be you stupid bitch ?)
>Staff taking forever to bring me a new water bottle during the meal if I need one
>Staff taking forever to bring the check

I'm a complete autiste though.

>> No.11407363

>water bottle
What kind of shit places serve bottled water? Even McDonalds serves fountain water in a cup

>> No.11407376

In Europe they drink sparkling water out of bottles with all of their meals. I guess they like osteoporosis and dehydration.

>> No.11407377

Some places do, it's usually the fancy ones.

My points stands for the fountain water though. It's even worse, since because it's free they sometimes don't give a fuck and let you wait forever. That's how you don't get a tip you cunt.

>> No.11407386

No we don't. It's mostly a german thing. For the rest of Europe it's mostly a matter of personal preference.

>> No.11407388

>I guess they like osteoporosis and dehydration.


>> No.11407481

>In Europe they
water is usually brought for the table in a big jug(either with glasses, or for the glasses already on the table)
other non alcy drinks are served in their own glass

memespeak for it makes my mouth feel dry

>> No.11407595

This is the only thing that annoys me. Its even more annoying when its sung to me
Stupid roastie gf

>> No.11407603

Ich kenne nur Deutschland. Ich spreche als ein drei jahre alt.

>> No.11407608
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>> No.11407612

Hey German anon how did you find out /ck/ or 4chan

>> No.11407621
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>> No.11407710

I'm not German. I took German in college. That says I can speak it at the level of a 3 year old.

>> No.11407726

I don't like when the waiters cum on my shoes

>> No.11407768

>Being this self entitled

>> No.11408267

I miss the time before mobile phones
Worked in clubs for a long time,
People used to have fun..
Now they just take pictures trying to impress the internet.
That s pathetic..

>> No.11408278

Me in back

>> No.11408436


>> No.11408452

>my baby is allowed to cry and disrupt your dining experience because I’m too inept to make proper life decisions and failed as a parent

You are the problem.

>> No.11408454

that is fun
a different kind of fun, but they wouldn't do it if they didn't have fun

>> No.11408463

People who drink out of a straw piss me the fuck off

>> No.11408468

Not my idea of fun.
When I was young and clubbing it was fun.no social media,nobody to impress.just pulling girls..
That was fun

>> No.11408469

i know this is probably a joke, but dude you have serious problems with anxiety and self confidence.

>> No.11408475
File: 84 KB, 530x558, 1489460352986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing that really bothers me is when I go to a basically empty restaurant and the stupid jack ass waiting my table seats the next group right next to us. I get why they do it logistically but if the restaurant is empty for fuck sake move seat them elsewhere.

And for that matter if you're some cock gobbler that goes into an empty restaurant and gets to choose where to sit and you CHOOSE to sit next to me go fuck yourself. Same goes for the movies. I don't care that I have the optimal seats do not sit directly in front of behind me if the theater is empty dipshit.

>> No.11408489

Unless someone is being extremely disruptive/obnoxious/abusive,I don't care what other patrons do. Kids are part of society just like you and me -- and kids are loud by nature. That doesn't negate the fact they have every right to be in most establishments and that's how it should be. I do take offence when a member of the staff addresses me too informally "Hun", "Love" and the likes make my blood boil.

>> No.11408491

t. unhealthy brainlet

>> No.11408580
File: 61 KB, 758x637, Richard-Attenborough-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moms breastfeeding

love this one cuz tits

but when I order chili and Sea Bass and I get
Chilean Sea Bass
back to the kitchen it goes

>> No.11408583
File: 4 KB, 125x122, 1522381397963s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


first time I've seen this
I love $Chan

>> No.11408604

>Babies literally cry to demand shit cuz they're babbies
>You failed as a parent
It's alright seeing that you'll never be one

>> No.11408626

Birthday song annoy me a little bit
Little kids aren't too much a bother
Instathots are a bit more contemptuous but its still fine
The worst are these autist sitting alone and silently judging people in a social space

>> No.11408694


I hate everything about eating out. The prices, the cleanliness, the people talking, the annoying waitress. Other than a few select childhood memories I dislike going out to restaurants. fuck off

>> No.11409087

I see you visited Applebee's last night.

>> No.11409100

>Bodily fluids that can carry diseases are ok in a public place
And before anybody starts with "she wouldn't feed her kid that, then" the kid would have the diseases from birth, anyway.

>> No.11409120

How about not sitting rigt beside the bathroom if you dont like the smells, retard?

>> No.11409130

Well, not really. That would be "Ich spreche (Deutsch) wie ein Dreijähriger". German is hard though, I admit it.

>> No.11409134

Ouch. You need better friends.

>> No.11409145

You wont catch the diseases unless you jump her and start sucking the other titty

>> No.11409171

Drink base liquids

>> No.11409202

Kids are overrated. People who have them seem depressed and I don't need another thing making me depressed. If I wanted to take care of a kid, I'd adopted my 7 year old sister from my mom, but I like sleep and not having a headache a good portion of the day.

>> No.11409211

Though I also want 5 kids and that drive is the only thing preventing me from killing myself.

>> No.11409327

Christ, are people this afraid of germs?