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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11403270 No.11403270 [Reply] [Original]

>"Nothing found"

Let's right this wrong; what are you eating tonight, /deenz/?

>> No.11403284


>> No.11403296

Do French people think this is funny?

>> No.11403383

beenz and greenz

>> No.11403392

/r/ing the deenz vocaroo

>> No.11403398
File: 74 KB, 768x512, sardines-skinless-boneless-spanish-style-2018[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finally pinned down my favorite tin. it's got a tiny pickle mix (carrots, cucumbers) and olives and it's so good
though the not-skinless/boneless brislings with peppercorns is also really really good

>> No.11403399

I’m poor enough to give this meme a try

>> No.11403424

But, that's chocolate though.

>> No.11403429

I've personally found that I don't really like eating deenz straight out of the tin. It's not bad by itself, but I do feel that eating it straight just lacks something. However, mixing it with other foods does really boost the overall flavors quite a bit.

>> No.11403430


>> No.11403452

what a fucking masterpiece

>> No.11403483
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Out with the old, in with the new.

>> No.11403621

do eet

>> No.11403652


>> No.11403684

Do you guys just eat these from the can? I have a can somewhere in my pantry but I'm afraid to try it.

>> No.11403706

I like mine on a good bread, maybe a little sriracha or something depending on the sauce they come in

>> No.11403873

the ones i really love i eat straight from the can, usually large skinless/boneless fillets (like >>11403398). it's just like eating canned tuna at that point, really nice and mild. if they've got skin and bones i'll usually have them with saltine crackers. my dad, who got me started eating sardines, used them as a vessel for different hot sauces. usually he'd have some raw carrots and celery with them.

>> No.11403903


>> No.11403908

got a tin of kippered herring
what do i do with it

>> No.11403913

easiest way to start canned fish. Cracker, cream cheese, bit of fish

>> No.11403924

i ate sardines every day for 2 weeks and had the worst smelling shit ever

>> No.11404115

>how to tell someone is a disgusting neckbeard

>> No.11404389

What brand of deenz still has the heads on them? I'm a King Oscar kind of guy but wanna try eating the entire fish head and all.

>> No.11404536
File: 48 KB, 355x355, E4250B45-8E7D-40E5-8D37-03057E27B5B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


King Oscar has a wild caught whole bristling deen that’s THE best deenz you can find at the average grocery store

I can’t hate on Beach Cliff too much cuz that shit is still only $1 and was a great protein source when I was dirt poor, but holy shit I can never go back now

>> No.11404957
File: 37 KB, 474x374, Meatofthechampions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deenz are for fags , let me know when your balls drop and you move onto what a real man eats in pic related.

>> No.11404968


I like eating it on top of rice with some shredded veggies like carrots or radishes. Pretty tasty.

>> No.11405385

I highly doubt frenchies are the only people behind these threads. Like or not, the passion for /deenz/ knows no borders.

>> No.11405389

The OP pic is a French novelty gift. It's not a can of sardines, those are actually chocolate candies.

>> No.11405391

Why I'm eating Burger King of course.

>> No.11405393
File: 17 KB, 200x274, 1418556284379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh baby gimme tha deenz

>> No.11405395
File: 40 KB, 458x458, parmentier-sardines-huile-olive-135g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11405722

I ate King Oscar for a year straight and loved it and then suddenly one day I opened a tin and was disgusted by it. It changed like flipping a light switch. Still got 2 tins sitting on my counter that I haven't touched in months.

>> No.11405741

I'm currently going through that.

For some reason, I'm constantly worrying that there's some sort of parasite in my fish. It's irrational, but I don't know what to do.

>> No.11405756
File: 40 KB, 756x756, sardine-chocolat-lait-p-image-28248-grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11406286

this is not a chov thread, faggot

>> No.11406289

Best UK deenz brands?

Best sauce/oil combo?

>> No.11406315

>>11403684some people say they get better with age, have a go at it. Olive oil taste better than water packed

>> No.11406323

You need to be more tolerant. The time of pure sardine threads is over. Sardines need to make way for new and diverse canned fish varieties. There's no such thing as a sardine, anyway.

>> No.11406399

I want to know this too. Pretty sure there's no King Oscar stuff in the UK.

>> No.11406431
File: 96 KB, 1500x411, 71jczOZh+RL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been eating these lately because they are 1.99 a can but you only get 2 massive sardines that weigh like 6oz each

>> No.11407120

Should I get sardines in mustard sauce or sardines in Louisiana hot sauce?

>> No.11407145

Mustard for rice, hot sauce for saltines.

>> No.11407204

Cool! Thank you!

>> No.11407712
File: 108 KB, 306x415, deenz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11407722

Isn't 3rd Stage just the movie? Do they eat deenz? All I remember is how he gets cucked and drives out into the snow to go rescue his gold digger girlfriend.

>> No.11408077

Anyone tried the “Tiny Tots” brand?

Are they smaller or what?

>> No.11408089

i've never seen tiny tots in stores but it looks like it's made by king oscar. i don't see much difference between the tiny tots and king oscar's regular two layer brislings. not that there's anything wrong with that, king oscar sells really good, consistent sardines.

>> No.11408115


I am a fan of the wild caught bristlings.. on their website they show some in dijon and zesty tomato. I have never seen them in stores and amazon doesnt seem to have them. I guess they are the white buffalo

>> No.11408135

KO double layer and Tiny Tots are exactly the same, just with different packaging.

>> No.11408151

Yes the in nip cartoon about ricer cars the characters are all obsessed with eating little tinned fish in oil it's a major plot point and the main force driving the plot

>> No.11408162

>Made with chicken and pork
Truely patrician

>> No.11408178

I remember them eating at family restaurants (though unlike HNI I don't think the food was the focus), drinking bottles water and convenience store snacks, and a couple characters work at a tofu shop and a fast food place... It would make since that they ate deenz out on the road, except that might make their hands a little slick if they got a little oil on themselves.

>ricer cars
Sounds like a pretty legit idea for battlebots.

>> No.11408284

oh shit I remember these. didnt saw any in twenty years

>> No.11408314

They could use chopsticks but I don't remember them ever actually to be shown eating sardines out the tin

>> No.11408323

These kept me alive during an extreme poorfag year during college. Dump an entire can on rice and beans, with some broccoli or spinach. This was dinner, for breakfast it was a potato and an egg. I sometimes had an orange or apple for lunch.

>> No.11408644


Had some with my linguini.

>> No.11408666

meme or not as a poor fag I found a cheap source of protien that isnt the same beans and rice

>> No.11408708
File: 1.07 MB, 2560x1920, 20181030_235857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's right this wrong; what are you eating tonight, /deenz/?
I came here because I saw this on the front page. I don't even know what board this is, but I see good eats on the front page, and I have to share....

Roland Fillets of anchovies with capers.

Outstanding late night snack.

>> No.11408719

Leftover chicken parm, spaghetti, caesar salad, and bread, with red wine. I'm getting fat.

>> No.11408735

your keyboard is from 1987

>> No.11408751
File: 1.32 MB, 2560x1920, 20181003 GDM on desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your keyboard is from 1987
Ibm KB 9930. Late 90s ps2 keyboard.

Every time I post a photo of my desk, I swear to god its always the same type of response. My main monitor is from 2001. I am not planning on eating either one however.

>> No.11408759

I want to stab you with that 1987 pencil in your pencil

>> No.11408783

>I want to stab you with that 1987 pencil in your pencil
I have never been to /ck/ in my 8+ years of visiting 4chan. I will certainly come back. I figured that only a few boards acted this angry...but I am pleasantly surprised. This is much more entertaining than /vr/...

That pencil however may be from the 80s. I took it from my father-in-laws stockpile when he died early this year.

>> No.11408787

Eat Sardines.

>> No.11408795
File: 1.16 MB, 2560x1440, 20181030_211713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /deenz/

A friend of mine heard about my deenz obsession and brought me back these two bigass can from the Mexican market. I've had them for a long time now but they still don't expire for another year.

My problem is that I have no idea what to do with them. I usually eat deenz out of single-serving cans with a well-balanced breakfast, but these contain nearly a pound of deenz each.

Are there any neat pies or casseroles I can make with them? Please help me, /deenz/. Taco Bell sauce packet is for size comparison.

>> No.11408829

Put them on your budget brand frozen pizzas

>> No.11408878
File: 32 KB, 340x340, 51NNBROL1cL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm living in Asia where smoked canned fish doesn't exist, but I found a little import shop that has Riga Gold sprats and I've been eating my weight in them since.

>> No.11408919
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, a pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchovies go on pizza. There are a million other things to do with deenz.

>> No.11409045

what do deenz have to do with French people?

>> No.11409190

As a /deenz/ lover, would I like anchovies on a pizza? Arent they extremely salty and fishy unlike the humble deen?

>> No.11409216

They are very salty, but you eat them as an ingredient as part of something else and not as the star of the show like deenz (with pizza you just take a little bit of anchovy with each bite, almost like a garnish). I'd argue that deenz are fishier than anchovies, though.

>> No.11409242


Should I just go anchovy and cheese or are there toppings that compliment anchovys well?

>> No.11409251

I'm partial to black olives and fresh tomato slices (kind of a riff on puttanesca), but that can be a little bit of a salt bomb for some people with their first time having anchovies. I'd definitely recommend getting some other toppings as well, though; anchovies go with pretty much anything, though pineapple and anchovies is also kind of a big step for a virgin.

>> No.11409295

I accidentally bought some deenz soaked in soi oil what do

>> No.11409309

wrap a ruber band round your nuts like a tourquinet to keep the soy gas from sublimating into your nutsuck

>> No.11409334

What's the best brand to buy for 'ted 'at?

>> No.11409354

Brad is that you?

>> No.11409355

I actually reported all the ba shill waifu threads posted today.

>> No.11410638
File: 18 KB, 374x452, 1540336865089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol but anchovies suck and deenz have dat brotein yo

>> No.11410767
File: 191 KB, 816x612, [snowniggering intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashed rutabaga and ham hocks with mustard.

>> No.11410784

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.11410830

>Sardines en Chocolat au Lait

>> No.11411200

If I make an anchovy pizza at home should i rinse the brine of them before baking?

>> No.11411266

there's literally no risk of that mate. everything gets cooked well in the canning process anyway

>> No.11411271

kinda based maybe?

>> No.11411462

anything in extra virgin olive oil is god tier

>> No.11411835

STFU these threads are wholesome

>> No.11411849
File: 104 KB, 600x400, fisherman-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make fisherman's eggs

>> No.11411856
File: 14 KB, 201x251, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11412115


It is funny how civil these threads are.. we are a certain class of degenerates.

>> No.11412139

kek fucking cocksuckers

>> No.11413424

>tfw Norwegian
nation's first commercial film was for king Oscar deenz in 1909 or so
>half the city's population worked in the deenz industry some 100 years ago
>have canning museum dedicated to king Oscar shit in town
>they sell all sorts of /deenz/ merch, mousepads, t-shirts, you name it
>jalapeño and hot sauce deenz are their "rare deenz"
>can only get 3-4 types of King Oscar deenz in literally any store
>Americans regularly post tons of varieties that aren't available here
Why is life so bizarre and unfair

>> No.11414741

what even is the fucking point