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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 791 KB, 1415x2097, FoodStoresthennow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11398405 No.11398405 [Reply] [Original]

Why does all fast food look the same?

>> No.11398419

why are your threads all the same?

>> No.11398420

>restaurants all serve the exact same products in the exact same manner

hmm, wonder

>> No.11398422

Why do you make the same threads over and over?

>> No.11398423

>buildings still look like the construction site
Probably because it's cheap.

>> No.11398428

They look similar because they're all following the same business model of franchising out a minimally expensive and highly standardized food service operation.

>> No.11398430

whats funny is they paid big money to remodel all these places like anyone that eats fast food on the reg really cares what these places look like. wow it went from a box to a box with nice lines in it

>> No.11398431

>tfw it took awhile but soviet architecture won

>> No.11398432

Architectural trends. It's as good as asking why all Gothic cathedrals look the same, or why all Tudor farmhouses look the same, why all European towns look the same. We're currently in the midst of modern/contempo architecture. If you don't like it, well, it'll pass eventually. But it'll probably move on to something even more abstract.
It's not like your before's looked any different. If you had any eyes, you'd notice the McDonald's, BK and Wendy's pretty much all have identical architectural styles. And the after has variation too, the Taco Bell and Wendy's follow the same style but McDonald's and BK are clearly going for something a little different, even if it is as blocky.

>> No.11398440
File: 1.23 MB, 500x281, 1449370884031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this appeals the the millennial

>> No.11398442

proof? i've never made this thread before. i made this picture over 4 years ago

>> No.11398451

and you've been posting it ever since. You think we wouldn't notice? you have to go back dude

>> No.11398452

Because the same generic architect makes it easier to draw in stupid parents who feed their children cheap garbage because they're too lazy to actually make food and milliennials because they think "modern art" equals a blank canvas with a dick drawn on it.

>> No.11398456

prove it

>> No.11398459
File: 1.66 MB, 1029x857, maccas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forgetti

>> No.11398470
File: 274 KB, 1508x626, Tucson McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11398478
File: 262 KB, 1490x808, McD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been to this location in 10+ years

>> No.11398485

at least they kept the dinosaur, but thats probably just a painful reminder

>> No.11398501

At least it's the same dinosaur I drove past every sunday of my childhood

>> No.11398507

im surprised the "playplace" letters didnt turn into some arial san-serif letters

>> No.11398535

>implying that fast food franchises were ever a light in the dark within the world of architecture

>> No.11398570

You went to McDonald’s every Sunday?

>> No.11398581

>drove by

>> No.11398584

it was pretty engrained that a family went out to mcdonalds at least once a week for dinner back like 10 or more years ago, it was a legit community meetup center

>> No.11398591

This sounds like a fly over thing.

>> No.11398604


>> No.11398632

It's what feminine homosexuals say to actual men from other places than commiefornia.

>> No.11398650

Did they replace his legs

>> No.11398668
File: 2.12 MB, 1745x1728, 1523572818174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We want the Starbucks and Chipotle audience"
>"We need to be hip with millennials by having less character"

On a side note I think this could be the premise of a Kelly comic. I can imagine Lady Liberty crying at the "new and improved" McDonald's already.

>> No.11398845
File: 59 KB, 800x450, hyde_park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u bois need to nig ya games up

>> No.11398848
File: 258 KB, 1600x1000, McDonalds_2011_08_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11398857

thats just what modern architecture looks like. Look at any apartment building from the last 15 years, its all the same patterns

>> No.11398861

>by having less character
yeah, because 80s fast food architecture has so much character and doesn't just look trashy and outdated now

>> No.11398877

a taco bell that looked like a spanish missionary looked a hell of a lot cooler than a box with fake metal panels on it

>> No.11398882

>soul vs souless

>> No.11398894

>muh nostalgia

>> No.11398929

A parent company owns them all

>> No.11399683

Nobody I know went out for family dinner at McDonalds.

>> No.11399707

see demolition man

>> No.11399714

These threads are so fucking retarded. Who even cares about what the outside of a fast food place looks like? I literally tune them out when I drive by because why does it even matter unless you're 5 and and your parents are poor?

>> No.11399723

Aside from Taco Bell, the originals were similar as well.

>> No.11401037

It's almost like there's an optimal design for this sort of thing

>> No.11401128

Keep the plastic dinosaur and trash the tree, who needs shadow and nature.

>> No.11402116

fuck trees

>> No.11402240

All the restaurants on the left besides Taco Bell are architecturally similar as well

>> No.11402514

exactly what i was gonna say

>> No.11402543

Because fastfood is for adults not children

>> No.11402577

I eat fast food maybe twice a month, and I definitely don't care. I just want clean. The BK building does look kinda neat.

>> No.11402655

is that a fucking captcha

>> No.11402819
File: 49 KB, 971x546, Dmx4MA0UYAER5Ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11402832

>implying anyone from an adult board cares about a fucking vidya meme from the retards over at /pol//T_D

>> No.11402850


>> No.11402880

Those look different

>> No.11402935


Starting about 15 years ago fast food chains that wanted to have a presence in some affluent areas were required to use neutral matching colors that blended with the area, as well as a more subdued architectural design. Although this was not as corpor-antiseptic as today's locations are, people seen it as different and thought "Wow, that looks so nice!"

the past few years we have seen a sterilization of design ranging from software to automobiles and building design. It's far cheaper and easier to use 90 degree angles and gradients of gray and white vs. anything that might have character or require an above average skill to build in under three months.

We have reached peak fast food. The only place left to go is down.

>> No.11402983

>They will be in prisons and not realize it.
>We will mock them to their faces.
>The places they eat will be decorated with bars.
>All so that those that were once human can blindly embrace their own degradation.

>> No.11403303

You got BTFO the last time you posted this. Stop trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.11403594
File: 51 KB, 720x811, 1528256944895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adult board
>10 threads about ramen and pizza

>> No.11403613

Pizza Hut used to have an actual hut.

Those were the days...